Get binary data from registry key - powershell

I am trying to get the data from each registry entry into a variable in Powershell. I have a For statement that allows me to parse through the names, with another For statement under it that parses through the properties. Where I am stumped is how to get the actual binary value for the property? I don't see, or am overlooking something.
For the Names, I use Key[$i]. For the properties, I use $Key[$i].Property[$count]. How do I get the binary value for $Key[$i].Property[$count]? Thanks

You could simply use the GetValue() method.

I usually use Get-ItemProperty to get registry values -
$key_path = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Font Management'
(Get-ItemProperty -Path $key_path)."Active Languages"


PowerShell: using #{Add=''} sometimes work and sometimes it does not

When an object can have multiple values on an object like, I use most of the time:
-Object #{Add=''} or -Object #{Remove=''}. But I notice that this not works all the time, than you need to set all the values because other wise it replaces the existing values.
For example, when I use:
Set-Mailbox "Contoso Executives" -GrantSendOnBehalfTo #{Add='',''}
The #{Add=''} is working. But when I use:
Set-RetentionPolicy "MRM Policy" -RetentionPolicyTagLinks #{Add='tag1','tag2'}
I get the following error:
Cannot convert value "System.Collections.Hashtable" to type
Why does this happens? RetentionPolicyTagLinks can have multiple values in the same way as GrantSendOnBehalfTo can have.
Your issue is within the format of your RetentionPolicyTagLinks parameter.
Try the documentation below to help you with storing it in a variable first:

Powershell - Hashtable in Foreach statement

I'm looking to get an idea of how to go about this.
In a for each loop. Do you need to define the variables before using them in a hash table for TITLE,DEPARTMENT,MANANGER,OFFICE
Currently, this does not set anything for the users in the foreach statement.
Foreach ($userdata in $datafile) {
$SetADUserdetails = #{
Title = $userdata.title
Set-ADUser #SetADUserdetails # Need to add Domain Controller Parameter
This is how the datafile looks like.
I'm sure if I set the variable first and then match the variable to hash table keys, it going to work.
Please let me know your thought. I'm fair new to PowerShell. I tried searching the internet for the correct method. No luck. just want to double-check before I define variables.
Yes, variables are rendered at runtime. When you define the hashtable the key will have the variable assigned at the time the hashtable was defined, or the last value that was set for that key with =.
In your code example, the keys of $SetADUserdetails have no value because the $userdata Properties have no value. Make sure that $datafile has the correct entries you are expecting and confirm each iteration of $userdata has some value. Either $datafile is incorrect or you are referencing each column by the wrong column name.

Import-Excel only data without header in string - PowerShell

I have installed Import-Excel Module for PowerShell by dfinke which has a great functionality but I'm facing some troubles with the headers.
I would like to insert only the text into a string array, but instead, it comes with the header even when -NoHeader is declared. According to the documentation it's not its function not insert the header in the variable but I'm looking for a way to do it. So far I came with a newbie solution of $xlsxArray | Format-Table -HideHeaders | Out-File C:\temp\info.txt and then remove the spaces with .Trim() so the file doesn't get written #{P1=ContentofTheCell}.
Is there a better way to accomplish it?
Thank you so far.
You didn't give enough detail about the desired output, but I'll try to give guidance.
Import-Excel will return objects. Normally the column headers become the property names on the objects. When you use -NoHeader, the property names are simply named P1, P2 etc... An object's properties must have names. If you want the data from those properties you may have to process differently. You can access the properties like any other object collection:
$ExcelData = Import-Excel "C:\Temp\Some.xlsx"
The PropertyName would be the column header from the file. So let's say I had a colum named Balance in that file, then the example would something like:
$ExcelData = Import-Excel "C:\Temp\Some.xlsx"
Note: these are pretty simple examples. Obviously things can get more complex.

Powershell - changing value of returned SQL data variable fails

In Powershell, I am doing a SQL query for a single row of data. Lets say $data for example.
The response from the query a System.Data.DataSet type. Within it, there is a tables property that has the data I need.
ServerName : Server15
SamAccount : Admin-Server15
LastPWDReset : 1/15/2019 12:00:00 AM
LastPWDResetAttempt :
I don't intend to write this data back out of anything. Instead, I want to display it, and convert the empty "LastPWDResetAttemp" to "NONE" where it is blank.
I thought it would be done like this:
$data.Tables.lastPWDResetAttempt = "None"
but that gives me an error The property 'lastPWDResetAttempt' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set.
I can't help but think I am missing some conversion from "Dataset" to "String".
I've tried to-string but in doing so, I ended up with just a string of data and not the headings. Nothing I could update, or easily use to build my eventual table.
My work around:
$webdata = "" | select ServerName,SamAccount,LastPWDReset,LastPWDResetAttempt
$webdata.ServerName = $data.tables.servername
$webdata.SamAccount = $data.tables.samaccount
$webdata.LastPWDReset = $data.tables.LastPWDReset
$webdata.LastPWDResetAttempt = $data.tables.LastPWDResetAttempt
$webdata.LastPWDResetAttempt = "Never"
works. I just can't believe there isn't an easier way, nor do I understand why I can view a list of the data, just to not then be able to set it.
I think it is because Tables is an array and does not have the property LastPWDResetAttempt.
You can try the following instead:
$data.Tables[0].Rows[0].LastPWDResetAttempt = "None"
Also I think your workaround, though it may contain more lines of code, is actually a better solution though.

Powershell enumerate properties of properties

I have a commandlet that gathers information from a device register:
PS C:\windows\system32> Get-PSDevice serverA
HostName: ServerA
Criticality: Normal
IsVirtual: True
Some of these have an array of 'sub properties' inside, for example:
Cluster : #{Url=; VCenterUrl=; ClusterId=62; VCenterId=2; Name=Vcenter 1 ABC Prod;
DataCenterUrl=; DataCenter=; IsValidated=True; IsExceptionCluster=False; SupportsProdWorkloads=False; SupportsNonProdWorkloads=False; SupportsSqlWorkloads=False;
I can get whatever property within the aray I want using something like:
(Get-PSDevice ServerA)
I'm trying to determine a way to enumerate all of the sub properties using a foreach type statement to populate a value.
What would be the best way to achieve this?
Every object in PowerShell has a hidden .PSObject property which tells you things about the object. One of its properties is a .Properties property (as PetSerAl points out, it's not a property but in fact a MemberSet, though you access it with property semantics).
(Get-PSDevice ServerA).cluster.PSObject.Properties
That would return [PSProperty] objects that show you the information about the properties (the name, value, type, whether it's gettable and settable, etc.).