Mongodb, get full object from a reference - mongodb

Does exist anything permitting us to access a full object from a reference with Mongodb ?
For example, I have a User and a Type collection. A user has a Type, stored with a reference to the Type object.
Is it possible to access the full User object with the Type, without lazyloading it ?
Thanks for all

Yes; if you're happy making use of mongoose, then you can use its populate() function:
Populated paths are no longer set to their original _id , their value is replaced with the mongoose document returned from the database by performing a separate query before returning the results.
So for your User, when performing a query to derive said user, something like this would set up the Type instance:
User.findOne({ username: 'Fred Bloggs' }).populate('type')
.exec(function (err, user) {

MongoDB does not do joins. It's not possible to get the information to embed the full Type object in the User document without more than one operation (I guess you have to "lazyload" it, in your terminology). The Mongoose populate() function just handles doing the extra queries and replacing the id with the document for you - it does multiple queries just like any other client doing the same operation would have to. You should think carefully about what types of queries you are doing to determine if it might be a good idea to denormalize the Type object into User documents.


NoSQL/MongoDB: When do I need _id in nested objects?

I don't understand the purpose of the _id field when it refers to a simple nested object, eg it is not used as a root entity in a dedicated collection.
Let's say, we have a simple value-object like Money({currency: String, amount: Number }). Obviously, you are never going to store such a value object by itself in a dedicated collection. It will rather be attached to a Transaction or a Product, which will have their own collection.
But you still might query for specific currencies or amounts that are higher/lower than a given value. And you might programmatically (not on DB level) set the value of a transaction to the same as of a purchased product.
Would you need an _id in this case? What are the cases, where a nested object needs an _id?
Assuming the _id you are asking about is an ObjectId, the only purpose of such field is to uniquely identify an object. Either a document in a collection or a subdocument in an array.
From the description of your money case it doesn't seem necessary to have such _id field for your value object. A valid use case might be an array of otherwise non-unique/non-identifiable subdocuments e.g. log entries, encrypted data, etc.
ODMs might add such field by default to have a unified way to address subdocuments regardless of application needs.

Firestore: get an Observable doc from another field which is not the Id

I want to get a single Observable from a collection, but I want to get it from a different field that is not the id. It is possible?
I do not want to do a query and limit to 1. I need to get a Single Observable not an array Observable.
this.afs.doc<Credit>('credits/uid/'+ uid).valueChanges();
Invalid document reference. Document references must have an even number of segments, but credits/uid/d1Zt8sozYqb6H27lhoJgF1Gx2Cc2 has 3
I am not sure if I understand correctly, but I guess that you want to get document with particular uid field value, not using document id.
This particular error is related with common feature of Firestore, that every document has to be in collection not in document. So path values for documents, (nested as well) are always checked, if the segments (devided by /) number is even ex. collection1/doc1/collection2/doc2/collection3/doc3
As results in your code we have 3 segments (like credits/uid/<uid_value>) so this is the error.
I am not very familiar with angularFire2 itself, but I have done it in JS. The approach is normally to query collection and than use method on the results, which in classic JS returns Query object on which the same methods can be used as on CollectionReference (which extends 'Query' btw - reference 1).
Combining this approach with those references: querying and collection I propose following solution:
this.afs.collection('credits', ref => ref.where('uid', '==', <uid_value>)).valueChanges()
If uid_value will be unique you should get your doc.
Unfortunately I do not have any playground to test the solution so please let me know how it works - or if there will be any additional errors.
I hope it will help! Good Luck!

Find the collection name from document._id in meteor (mongodb)

From the looks of the syntax for handling mongodb related things in meteor it seems that you always need to know the collection's name to update, insert, remove or anything to the document.
What I am wondering is if it's possible to get the collection's name from the _id field of a document in meteor.
Meaning if you have a document with the _id equal to TNTco3bHzoSFMXKJT. Now knowing the _id of the document you want to find which collection the document is located in. Is this possible through meteor's implementation of mongodb or vanilla mongodb?
As taken from the official docs:
idGeneration String
The method of generating the _id fields of new documents in this collection. Possible values:
'STRING': random strings
'MONGO': random Meteor.Collection.ObjectID values
The default id generation technique is 'STRING'.
Your best option would be to insert records within a pseudo transaction where the second step is to take the id and collection name to feed it into a reference collection. Then, you can do your lookups from that.
It would be pretty costly, though to construct your find's but might be a pattern worthwhile exploring if you are building an app where your users will be creating arbitrary data patterns.
You could accomplish this by doing a findOne on all of the collections:
var collectionById = function(id) {
return _.find(_.keys(this), function(name) {
if (this[name] instanceof Meteor.Collection) {
if (this[name].findOne(id)) {
return true;
I tested this on both the client and the server and it seemed to work when run in the global context.

Mongoid: retrieving documents whose _id exists in another collection

I am trying to fetch the documents from a collection based on the existence of a reference to these documents in another collection.
Let's say I have two collections Users and Courses and the models look like this:
User: {_id, name}
Course: {_id, name, user_id}
Note: this just a hypothetical example and not actual use case. So let's assume that duplicates are fine in the name field of Course. Let's thin Course as CourseRegistrations.
Here, I am maintaining a reference to User in the Course with the user_id holding the _Id of User. And note that its stored as a string.
Now I want to retrieve all users who are registered to a particular set of courses.
I know that it can be done with two queries. That is first run a query and get the users_id field from the Course collection for the set of courses. Then query the User collection by using $in and the user ids retrieved in the previous query. But this may not be good if the number of documents are in tens of thousands or more.
Is there a better way to do this in just one query?
What you are saying is a typical sql join. But thats not possible in mongodb. As you suggested already you can do that in 2 different queries.
There is one more way to handle it. Its not exactly a solution, but the valid workaround in NonSql databases. That is to store most frequently accessed fields inside the same collection.
You can store the some of the user collection fields, inside the course collection as embedded field.
Course : {
_id : 'xx',
name: 'yy'
fname : 'r',
lname :'v',
pic: 's'
This is a good approach if the subset of fields you intend to retrieve from user collection is less. You might be wondering the redundant user data stored in course collection, but that's exactly what makes mongodb powerful. Its a one time insert but your queries will be lot faster.

Confusion regarding Mongo db Schema. How to make it better?

I am using mongoose with node.js for this.
My current Schema is this:
var linkSchema = new Schema({
text: String,
tags: array,
body: String,
user: String
My use-case is this: There are a list of users and each user has a list of links associated with it. Users and links are different Schemas of course. Thus, how does one get that sort of one to one relationship done using mongo-db.
Should I make a User Schema and embed linkSchema in it? Or the other way around?
Another doubt regarding that. Tags would always be an array of strings which I can use to browse through links later. Should it be an array data type or is there a better way to represent it?
If it's 1:1 then nest one document inside the other. Which way around depends on the queries, but you could easily do both if you need to.
For tags, you can index an array field and use that for searching/filtering documents and from the information you've given that sounds reasonable IMHO.
If you had a fixed set of tags it would make sense to represent those as a nested object with named fields perhaps, depending on queries. Don't forget you not only can create nested documents in Mongo but you can also search on sub-fields and even use entire nested documents as searchable/indexable fields. For instance, you could have a username like this;
email: ""
as a string, and you could also do;
email: {
user: "joe",
domain: ""
you could index email in both cases and use either for matching. In the latter case though you could also search on domain or user only without resorting to RegEx style queries. You could also store both variants, so there's lots of flexibile options in Mongo.
Going back to tags, I think your array of strings is a fine model given what you've described, but if you were doing more complex bulk aggregation, it wouldn't be crazy to store a document for every tag with the same document contents, since that's essentially what you'd have to do for every query during aggregation.