Kademlia XOR metric properties purposes - distance

In the Kademlia paper by Petar Maymounkov and David Mazières, it is said that the XOR distance is a valid non-Euclidian metric with limited explanations as to why each of the properties of a valid metric are necessary or interesting, namely:
d(x,x) = 0
d(x,y) > 0, if x != y
forall x,y : d(x,y) = d(y,x) -- symmetry
d(x,z) <= d(x,y) + d(y,z) -- triangle inequality
Why is it important for a metric to have these properties in general? Why is each of these properties necessary in the context of routing queries in the Kademlia Distributed Hash Table implementation?
In addition, the paper mentions that unidirectionality (for a given x, and a distance l, there exist only a single y for which d(x,y) = l) guarantees that all queries will converge along the same path. Why is that so?

I can only speak for Kademlia, maybe someone else can provide a more general answer. In the meantime...
d(x,x) = 0
d(x,y) > 0, if x != y
These two points together effectively mean that the closest point to x is x itself; every other point is further away. (This may seem intuitive, but other aspects of the XOR metric aren't.)
In the context of Kademlia, this is important since a lookup for node with ID x will yield that node as the closest. It would be awkward if that were not the case, since a search converging towards x might not find node x.
forall x,y : d(x,y) = d(y,x)
The structure of the Kademlia routing table is such that nodes maintain detailed knowledge of the address space closest to them, and exponentially decreasing knowledge of more distant address space. In short, a node tries to keep all the k closest contacts it hears about.
The symmetry is useful since it means that each of these closest contacts will be maintaining detailed knowledge of a similar part of the address space, rather than a remote part.
If we didn't have this property, it might be helpful to think of the search as more like the hands of a clock moving in one direction round a clockface. The node at 1 o'clock (Node1) is close to Node2 at 2 o'clock (30°), but Node2 is far from Node1 (330°). So imagine we're looking for the two closest to 3 o'clock (i.e. Node1 and Node2). If the search reaches Node2, it won't know about Node1 since it's far away. The whole lookup and topology would have to change.
d(x,z) <= d(x,y) + d(y,z)
If this weren't the case, it would be impossible for a node to know which contacts from its routing table to return during a lookup. It would know the k closest to the target, but there would be no guarantee that one of the other more distant contacts wouldn't yield a shorter overall path.
Because of this property and unidirectionality, different searches starting from vastly separated points will tend to converge down the same path.
The unidirectionality means that no two nodes can have the same distance from a given point. If that weren't the case, then the target point could be encircled by a bunch of nodes all the same distance from it. Then various different searches would be free pick any of those to pass through. However, unidirectionality guarantees that exactly one of this bunch will be the closest, and any search which chooses between this group will always select the same one.

I've been bashing my head on this for quite some time: how can the XOR - as in the number of differing bits, a proper Hamming distance - be the basis of a total order?
Well it can't, such a metric on its own is not enough for a comparable relationship, all it can do is dump nodes in circles around a point.
Then I read the paper more closely and noticed that it says "the XOR as an integer value" and it dawned on me: the crux is not the "XOR metric", but the length of the common prefix of the ID (of which XOR is a derivation mechanism.)
Take two nodes with the same Hamming distance from "self" and the length of their prefix common to "self": the one with shortest common prefix is the furthest node.
The paper uses "XOR distance metric" but it really should read "ID prefix length total ordering"

I think this may explain it a wee bit, let me know http://metaquestions.me/2014/08/01/shortest-distance-between-two-points-is-not-always-a-straight-line/
Basically each hop if it were only one bit at a time in a fully populated network (extreme) then would have twice the knowledge of the previous hop. As you converge the knowledge is greater until you get to the closest nodes whose knowledge is ultimate in the network.


Consistent hashing, why are Vnodes a thing?

My understanding of consistent hashing is that you take a key space, hash the key and then mod by say 360, and place the values in a ring. Then you equally space nodes on that ring. You pick the node to handle this key by looking clockwise from where your hashed key landed.
Then in many explanation they go onto describe Vnodes. In the riak docs which refers to the dynamo paper they say:
The basic consistent hashing algorithm presents some challenges. First, the random position assignment of each node on the ring leads to non-uniform data and load distribution.
Then they go on to propose Vnodes as a way to ensure uniform distribution of the input key space around the ring. The gist as I understand is that Vnodes divide up the ranges many more times than you have machines. So say you have 10 machines you might have 100 Vnodes and an individual machines Vnodes would be scattered randomly around the ring.
Now my question is why is this extra Vnode step required. Hash functions are supposed to provide a uniform distribution of their output so it would seem this is unneeed. According to this answer even the modulo of a hash function is still uniformly distributed.
Imo, the missing piece of key information with most explanations of consistent hashing is that they don't detail the part about "multiple hash functions."
For whatever reason, most "consistent hashing for dummies" articles gloss over the implementation detail that makes the virtual nodes work with random distribution.
Before talking about how it does work, let me clarify the above with an example of how it does not work.
How it does not work
A naive implementation of vnodes looks like this:
This is naive because you'll notice that, for example, the green vnode always precedes the blue vnode. This means that if the green vnode goes offline then it will be replaced solely by the blue vnode, which defeats the entire purpose of moving from single-token nodes to distributed virtual nodes.
The article quickly mentions that practically, Vnodes are randomly distributed across the cluster. It then shows a separate picture indicating this but without explaining the mechanics of how this is achieved.
How it does work
Random distribution of vnodes is achieved via the use of multiple, unique hash functions. These multiple functions are where the random distribution comes from.
This makes the implementation look something roughly like this:
A) Ring Formation
You have a ring consisting of n physical nodes via physical_nodes = ['', '', '', '']; (think of this as B/R/P/G in the prior picture's left-side)
You decide to distribute each physical node into k "virtual slices," i.e. a single physical node is sliced into k pieces
In this example, we use k = 4, but in practice we use should use k ≈ log2(num_items) to obtain reasonably balanced loads for storing a total of num_items in the entire datastore
This means that num_virtual_nodes == n * k; (this corresponds to the 16 pieces in the prior picture's right-side)
Assign a unique hashing algo for each k via hash_funcs = [md5, sha, crc, etc]
(You can also use a single function that is recursively called k times)
Divy up the ring by the following:
virtual_physical_map = {}
virtual_node_ids = []
for hash_func in hash_funcs:
for physical_node in physical_nodes:
virtual_hash = hash_func(physical_node)
virtual_physical_map[virtual_hash] = physical_node
You now have a ring composed of n * k virtual nodes, which are randomly distributed across the n physical nodes.
B) Partition Request Flow
A partition-request is made with a provided key_tuple to key off of
The key_tuple is hashed to get key_hash
Find the next clock-wise node via virtual_node = binary_search(key_hash, virtual_node_ids)
Lookup the real node via physical_id = virtual_physical_map[virtual_node]
Page 6 of this Stanford Lecture was very helpful to me in understanding this.
The net effect is that the distribution of vnodes across the ring looks like this:
First, the random position assignment of each node on the ring leads to non-uniform data and load distribution.
Good hash functions provide uniform distribution, but the input also had to be sufficiently large in number for them to appear spread out. The keys are, but the servers aren't. So a million keys that are hashed and modulo'd by 360 will be evenly distributed around the ring, but if you only use say 3 servers S1 through S3 to hold the key-value pairs, there is no guarantee that they might be hashed (with the same hash function used for the keys) uniformly on the ring at positions 0, 120 and 240. S1 might hash at 10, S2 at 12 and S3 at 50. So S2 will hold very less KV pairs compared to the other two. By having virtual servers, you increase the chances of them being hashed uniformly around the ring.
The other benefit is the even re-distribution of keys when a server is added or removed as mentioned in the doc.

Find "complemented" bit vectors clusters

I have a huge list of bit vectors (BV) that I want to group in clusters.
The idea behind this clusters is to be able to choose later BVs from each cluster and combine them for generate a BV with (almost) all-ones (which must be maximized).
For example, imagine the 1 means an app is Up and 0 is down in node X in a specific moment in time. We want to find the min list of nodes for having the app Up:
App BV for node X in cluster 1: 1 0 0 1 0 0
App BV for node Y in cluster 2: 0 1 1 0 1 0
Combined BV for App (X+Y): 1 1 1 1 1 0
I have been checking the different cluster algorithms but I did found one that takes into account this "complemental" behavior because in this case each column of the BV is not referred to a feature (only means up or down in an specific timeframe).
Regarding other algorithms like k-means or hierarchical clustering, I do not have clear if I can include in the clustering algorithm this consideration for the later grouping.
Finally, I am using the hamming distance to determine the intra-cluster and the inter-cluster distances given that it seems to be the most appropiated metric for binary data but results show me that clusters are not closely grouped and separated among them so I wonder if I am applying the most suitable group/approximation method or even if I should filter the input data previously grouping.
Any clue or idea regarding grouping/clustering method or filtering data is welcomed.
This does not at all sound like a clustering problem.
None of these algorithms will help you.
Instead, I would rather call this a match making algorithm. But I'd assume it is at least NP-hard (it resembles set cover) to find the true optimum, so you'll need to come up with a fast approximation. Best something specific to your use case.
Also you haven't specified (you wrote + but that likely isn't what you want) how to combine two 1s. Is it xor or or? Nor if it is possible to combine more than two, and what the cost is when doing so. A strategy would be to find the nearest neighbor of the inverse bitvector for each and always combine the best pair.

Finding Conditional Moments in a Markov Process

This question combines math and programming. I will first describe the general problem and then give an example that is (hopefully) simpler to understand.
General Question: Consider a Markov-chain process of N-states with transition matrix Π. Each state is associated with a value x_n (n in {1,…,n}). Our goal is to find the unconditional average of the first two moments (mean and var) along T-period paths conditional on (i) the path starts in a subset of states, N_0, (ii) it ends in a subset of states, N_T, and (iii) it is not going through a subset of states, N_not, in any of the periods between 1 to T-1. By saying we are interested in the unconditional average of these two moments, I basically mean what would be the average of these two moments in the stationary distribution. To be more concrete, let me illustrate the goal of the exercise in a simple case.
Simple Example: Consider a 3-state Markov-chain process with transition matrix Π, and let the three state be denoted by A, B, and C. Each of these states are associated with some value (x_A, x_B, and x_C), respectively. We are interested in what happens along paths that satisfy the following condition. The path starts at point A, after 3 periods are in either points B or C, and between periods 1 to 3 never go again through point A. Denote this condition by (#). So, for example, a path which we are interested in would be {A,B,B,C} with the associated values {x_A, x_B, x_B, x_C}. We are interested in the average and standard deviation along such paths. In particular, we would like to find the unconditional average of these first two moments in paths that satisfy (#).
Let me now propose a solution based on simulating the process. Since both T and N are quite large, this solution is too slow for my purpose.
Simulation Solution: Starting from some initial point simulate the process for a very long time period, and drop the first τ periods. Extract all paths along the simulation that satisfy condition (#) and compute the mean and std along each of these paths. Finally, simply take the average across these paths.
I’m hoping there is a better and more efficient way to achieve the goal. Since I want the solution to be accurate and the size of T and N the simulation takes a long time.
I would love to hear your thoughts and if you know of efficient methods to achieve this goal. Please let me know if something is not clear and I'll try to clarify it.
Thank you!!!
I think I know how to do this if N_0 consists of one state, let's call that state A.
The long run probability of being in A is pi(A) and can be obtained by solving pi = pi*P, with P the transition matrix.
The other thing you need to calculate is the probability of those transient paths. You probably need to introduce a modified P, where all states i in the set N_not are absorbing (i.e. P[i,i]=1 and P[i,j]=0 for j is not i). Then starting from a vector p(0) which has a 1 in the element corresponding to state A and 0 otherwise, you can keep calculating p(n) = p(n-1)*P to get the probabilities of your transient paths.
Multiply the result of that by pi(A) to get the unconditional probability.
You can probably do something like this as well when N_0 is a set, but I don't know how you should select p(0) in that case.

How to use Morton Order(z order curve) in range search?

How to use Morton Order in range search?
From the wiki, In the paragraph "Use with one-dimensional data structures for range searching",
it says
"the range being queried (x = 2, ..., 3, y = 2, ..., 6) is indicated
by the dotted rectangle. Its highest Z-value (MAX) is 45. In this
example, the value F = 19 is encountered when searching a data
structure in increasing Z-value direction. ......BIGMIN (36 in the
example).....only search in the interval between BIGMIN and MAX...."
My questions are:
1) why the F is 19? Why the F should not be 16?
2) How to get the BIGMIN?
3) Are there any web blogs demonstrate how to do the range search?
EDIT: The AWS Database Blog now has a detailed introduction to this subject.
This blog post does a reasonable job of illustrating the process.
When searching the rectangular space x=[2,3], y=[2,6]:
The minimum Z Value (12) is found by interleaving the bits of the lowest x and y values: 2 and 2, respectively.
The maximum Z value (45) is found by interleaving the bits of the highest x and y values: 3 and 6, respectively.
Having found the min and max Z values (12 and 45), we now have a linear range that we can iterate across that is guaranteed to contain all of the entries inside of our rectangular space. The data within the linear range is going to be a superset of the data we actually care about: the data in the rectangular space. If we simply iterate across the entire range, we are going to find all of the data we care about and then some. You can test each value you visit to see if it's relevant or not.
An obvious optimization is to try to minimize the amount of superfluous data that you must traverse. This is largely a function of the number of 'seams' that you cross in the data -- places where the 'Z' curve has to make large jumps to continue its path (e.g. from Z value 31 to 32 below).
This can be mitigated by employing the BIGMIN and LITMAX functions to identify these seams and navigate back to the rectangle. To minimize the amount of irrelevant data we evaluate, we can:
Keep a count of the number of consecutive pieces of junk data we've visited.
Decide on a maximum allowable value (maxConsecutiveJunkData) for this count. The blog post linked at the top uses 3 for this value.
If we encounter maxConsecutiveJunkData pieces of irrelevant data in a row, we initiate BIGMIN and LITMAX. Importantly, at the point at which we've decided to use them, we're now somewhere within our linear search space (Z values 12 to 45) but outside the rectangular search space. In the Wikipedia article, they appear to have chosen a maxConsecutiveJunkData value of 4; they started at Z=12 and walked until they were 4 values outside of the rectangle (beyond 15) before deciding that it was now time to use BIGMIN. Because maxConsecutiveJunkData is left to your tastes, BIGMIN can be used on any value in the linear range (Z values 12 to 45). Somewhat confusingly, the article only shows the area from 19 on as crosshatched because that is the subrange of the search that will be optimized out when we use BIGMIN with a maxConsecutiveJunkData of 4.
When we realize that we've wandered outside of the rectangle too far, we can conclude that the rectangle in non-contiguous. BIGMIN and LITMAX are used to identify the nature of the split. BIGMIN is designed to, given any value in the linear search space (e.g. 19), find the next smallest value that will be back inside the half of the split rectangle with larger Z values (i.e. jumping us from 19 to 36). LITMAX is similar, helping us to find the largest value that will be inside the half of the split rectangle with smaller Z values. The implementations of BIGMIN and LITMAX are explained in depth in the zdivide function explanation in the linked blog post.
It appears that the quoted example in the Wikipedia article has not been edited to clarify the context and assumptions. The approach used in that example is applicable to linear data structures that only allow sequential (forward and backward) seeking; that is, it is assumed that one cannot randomly seek to a storage cell in constant time using its morton index alone.
With that constraint, one's strategy begins with a full range that is the mininum morton index (16) and the maximum morton index (45). To make optimizations, one tries to find and eliminate large swaths of subranges that are outside the query rectangle. The hatched area in the diagram refers to what would have been accessed (sequentially) if such optimization (eliminating subranges) had not been applied.
After discussing the main optimization strategy for linear sequential data structures, it goes on to talk about other data structures with better seeking capability.

rapidminer: cluster performance operators..what does different value mean?

I have to check performance of various clustering algos using different performance operators in rapidminer. For that I want to know the following things:
what does cluster number index value shows which is output of cluster count performance operator?
what does small and large value of avg within cluster distance and avg. within centroid distance mean in terms of good and bad clustering?
I also want to check other indexes value like Dunn index,Jaccard index, Fowlkes–Mallows for various clustering algos. but rapidminer don't have any operator for this, what to do for that. I don't have experience with R.
I have copied part of the answer I gave on the Rapid-I forum
The cluster number index is the count of clusters - pointless you might say but when used with DBSCAN, it can be quite interesting http://rapidminernotes.blogspot.co.uk/2010/12/counting-clusters.html
The avg within cluster and centroid distances are hard to interpret - one thing to search for is "elbow criterion" in this context. As the number of clusters varies, note how the validity measure changes and look for an "elbow" that marks the point where the natural progression of the measure dominates the structure.
R has many validity measures and it's worth investing some time because you can always call the R process from RapidMiner which makes it easier to work out what is going on.