how to set CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile IPN - paypal

Step 1.
request with SetExpressCheckout
if get success then redirect to paypal
Step 2. curl request with method DoExpressCheckoutPayment With notify url
( getting response only one time )
step 3 if get success response then curl request with method CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
is my process flow right to create an intent payment and make a recurring profile ?
and my problem is that i not getting any IPN response when, payment automatically after 1 day.
How to fix this.

Login in to
Create an Business (merchant account) account and login to with your
Business (merchant account) and password and click on profile then click **Instant Payment Notification preferences and set your ipn url


Getting Transaction details on Enhanced recurring payment service

My application comprises of a subscription service. I have implemented the section using Paypal standard. What i did to make a recurring a recurring profile is to do a SetExpressChekout call initially and then with the response token, i redirect the browser to Paypal and there he could login to Paypal and accept the terms and condition for the payment and then the browser will be redirect back to the url i specified as the return url with token as the query string. With this token i make a doexpresscheckout api call and then convert the transaction to a recurring profile, the profile id, transaction id will be stored in database for refund transaction, recurring profile cancellation etc. And also this profile id is needed in IPN which logs further recurring payment transaction in my database successfully. Everything works fine in this environment.
Now my customer needs to have credit card transaction along with Paypal transaction. For that he has sign up for enhanced recurring payment. I have created a subscription button with item name amount currency success and cancel url and generated the html for the hosted buton and pasted it in my form. On clicking the button the browser gets redirected to paypal and i could pay with both paypal and credit card. Once the payment is completed and i am redirecting back to success url. but my success url query sting only contains auth parameter. I am getting no idea on how to use this parameter to get the details of the recurring payment like profile id and transaction id to log to my database. If it is received only via IPN how could i know whether the profile id belongs to which user.
Thanks and regards
With Website Payments Standard you can set the custom parameter to contain specific data about the user.
For example;
<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="hashedStringofUserID">
This data will subsequently be returned in the IPN POST payload's custom key.

How am I supposed to capture a payment 1 day after its authorization if the PayPal token expires after 3 hours?

I'm using the express checkout API through the ActiveMerchant gem in a Ruby on Rails app. The whole authorize and capture flow works just fine when is done within 3 hours. But after that my token expires and I lose the transaction. Even if the authorize and capture documentation says that the authorization is valid for 3 days (at least according to
So, how can I capture the transaction after the token has expired?
You shouldn't have to be passing your token. You should be following the flow below.
Make your SetExpressCheckout API call and set payment action to authorization (A)
Get token back
Redirect buyer over to PayPal with to token to login and agree to payment
Buyer gets redirected back to your site with token and payer id returned
You can then execute your GetExpressCheckoutDetails API call using the token.(this step is optional)
Then you perform the DoExpressCheckoutPayment API where you pass over the token and set the payment action to authorization (A)
Then then completes the Express Checkout authorization.
Now you would go back a day or two later and perform your DoCapture API where you send over the transaction id that was returned from your DoExpressCheckoutPayment API earlier. You don't send over the token again here. Once you complete the DoCapture, the funds should then show in your account.

Use paypal Express checkout in minimum steps using nvp in

I want to use paypal express checkout in my application in minimum steps
click on paypal button-> verify account on paypal-> back with token to my application ->
confirm the payment->successful msg ->credited into my account(user not redirect to paypal) only get success message on application
currently paypal confirm the payment of user in paypal site but i want it to my application
and user only once redirect to paypal site for account verification rest all process done in to my backhand side of application
I guess that's the way Paypal works.And where is a call to getExpressCheckoutDetails.
If you want paypal shipping details on your webpage you need to make call to this method.
It will return you shipping detail and then create a button for say "Pay" and call doExpressCheckout method of PaypalAPI to complete your transaction :D
You can try this as a starting point: (SSL is expired or invalid so you'll have to add security exception, but it works)

Paypal shipment details

I am using PayPal Adaptive payments (chained payments).
If I set:
1. CREATE payment
2. In the SetPaymentOptions -> Requires shipping address selection = true
3. When I redirect user for the[PA KEY] user after authentication is not shown any prompt for shipping address
Accordingly to the
when using CREATE I should do: CREATE – Use this option to set up the payment instructions with SetPaymentOptions and then execute the payment at a later time with the ExecutePayment.
But as soon as I try to run ExecutePayment I get the following information:
This payment request must be authorized by the sender
How can I set additional payment options then?
The ExecutePayment call would only be used if you're utilizing delayed chained payments. Otherwise, the payment still happens as soon as the buyer logs in and approves it, so there is no need for ExecutePayment. Calling it at that point results in the error you're getting, that the paykey was already used.
Did the sender actually authorize the payment?
The flow should be like:
Call Pay API operation with actionType as CREATE
If paymentExecStatus=CREATED and ack=SUCCESS, obtain payKey (here, keep detailLevel=ReturnAll in RequestEnvelope field of your Pay API request)
Redirect user to Paypal
If user approves payment, you will be redirected to your returnURL sent as a part of Pay API request
Verify approval status using PaymentDetails API operation
Later you can execute the payment thus setup in step 4 using ExecutePayment API operation. Send the same payKey you obtained in step 2.
You have got error code 550001 since the user approval seems to be not yet done successfully. It may be due to:
The application did not redirect user/sender to Paypal for authorization
The user did not enter correct login details
There were not sufficient funds available

Page Protection

I've had a difficult time working with PayPal express checkout... Basically I'm looking to protect a PAGE, not a download or anything. The user pays and they can access that page one time. And have to pay each time they want to access the page.
Does anyone have a simple PHP solution to protect my page until the person pays through PayPal? Or even a pre-written example of the PayPal code for Digital Goods for Express Checkout?
Thanks in advance.
PayPal doesn't have much to do with this -- it's all about the logic you place on your 'return page' (the page the buyer returns to after they have completed payment).
For a simple Express Checkout integration you would:
1. Call the SetExpressCheckout API
3. Retrieve the token as returned in the SetExpressCheckout response.
4. Redirect the buyer to
5. When the buyer agrees to the payment and is returned back to your RETURNURL, call the GetExpressCheckoutDetails API and supply the token to retrieve the PayerID (alternatively; the token is also appended in the GET array for your RETURNURL)
6. Call DoExpressCheckoutPayment to finalize the payment.
7. Now that the payment is complete, do whatever logic you have to to ensure the transaction is completed and provide the buyer access to the content you wish him/her to see (could be the RETURNURL page itself, or a completely different page).
Sample (NVP) API calls would look similar to the following:
SetExpressCheckout Request
SetExpressCheckout Response
GetExpressCheckoutDetails Request
GetExpressCheckoutDetails Response
DoExpressCheckoutPayment Request
DoExpressCheckoutPayment Response
See also
As well as > API Reference.
Note: I'm using "useraction=commit" in the redirect URL to PayPal because that will change the 'Continue' button on the PayPal 'Review Your Payment' to a 'Pay now' button. Thus implying the buyer will be immediately charged as soon as he clicks on that button. It's just handy.