What is ExistentialMetatype in Swift - swift

This wonders me a little bit. In Swift try the following:
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
println(self.superclass) //Outputs "(ExistentialMetatype)"
This gives the output on console to be ExistentialMetatype
Going deep into the Swift's NSObject framework it declares this superclass as a read-only computed property of type AnyClass
var superclass: AnyClass! { get }
But nowhere is there a mention of this word ExistentialMetatype. I don't know why but it reminds of Objective-C's runtime (probably its the word Metatype in it). Does anyone know anything about it?

Currently, types (instances of metatypes) get printed as unhelpful things like (Metatype) or (ExistentialMetatype). AnyClass is AnyObject.Type, a metatype. So if you try to print an AnyClass you will get this unhelpful description.
However, classes in Objective-C are objects with nice descriptions. Swift allows casting of class types into objects so they can be used in the Objective-C way. If you cast it into AnyObject first, you will see the name of the class:
println(self.superclass as AnyObject!)

If I recall correctly, what is going on is that AnyClass is a specially crafted protocol type - the protocol type that every "reference type" (class) automagically conforms to
Protocol types are sometimes called "existential types" by your friendly compiler engineers (for instance http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Existential_type)
In this case, you're looking at the type object that represents such an existential type, the "metatype" as you say. Hence 'ExistentialMetatype'!


Swift 5: How to make a Set containing Class Types (for NSXPCInterface)

In Apple documentation of NSXPCInterface.setClasses(_:for:argumentIndex:ofReply:), for Swift, the first parameter is described as:
An NSSet containing Class objects —for example, [MyObject class].
Hmmm, it looks as though someone neglected to update this from Objective-C to Swift. For Swift I presume it should be something like
A Set containing Class Types
(Someone please correct my wording.) But how do you make a Set containing Class Types? The compiler will not allow me to declare a Set whose member types are not do not conform to Hashable. This makes sense because hashes are needed to maintain uniqueness among members. But Class Types in Swift do not seem to be hashable. Try this in any Swift file, or a playground…
class Foo {}
let mySet: Set<AnyHashable>
The compiler complains:
Argument type 'Foo.Type' does not conform to expected type 'Hashable'
Or, more broadly, does anyone know how to use NSXPCInterface.setClasses(_:for:argumentIndex:ofReply:) in Swift 5?
The classes you pass need to be #objc classes (and subclasses of NSObject). You'll put them into an NSSet, and then cast that to Set:
let classSet = NSSet(object: Foo.self) as! Set<AnyHashable>
This is almost certainly a bug in NSXPCInterface (it needs some kind of "refine for Swift" or possibly a shim), and I suggest opening a defect at bugreport.apple.com.
As of Swift v5.6 (perhaps earlier), you can create the set without casting:
let classSet = NSSet().adding(Foo.self)
This is because adding() is declared like this:
open func adding(_ anObject: Any) -> Set<AnyHashable>

Workaround to bridge a *generic* protocol to Objective-C?

Let's say that we have the following Objective-C API:
- (id)foo:(Protocol *)proto;
Which is imported into Swift as:
func foo(_ proto: Protocol) -> Any
Yep, it's one of those things that gives us a proxy object. These tend to be annoying to use in Swift, so let's say we want to make a wrapper around this thing to make it a bit friendlier. First we define a couple of Objective-C-compatible protocols:
#objc protocol Super {}
#objc protocol Sub: Super {}
Now, we define a function that takes a protocol conforming to Super and passes it along to foo(), and then we call it with Sub as the parameter to see if it works:
func bar<P: Super>(proto: P.Type) {
let proxy = foo(proto)
// do whatever with the proxy
bar(proto: Sub.self)
Well, this doesn't compile. The error message given is:
error: cannot convert value of type 'P.Type' to expected argument type 'Protocol'
Here's some stuff that does (mostly) compile:
func bar<P: Super>(proto: P.Type) {
// when called with 'Sub.self' as 'proto':
print(type(of: proto)) // Sub.Protocol
print(type(of: Sub.self)) // Sub.Protocol
print(proto == Sub.self) // true
let proxy1 = foo(Sub.self) // compiles, runs, works
let proxy2 = foo(proto) // error: cannot convert value of type 'P.Type' to expected argument type 'Protocol'
Okay, it's the same as Sub.self in almost every way except that I can't pass it to something requiring an Objective-C protocol. Hmm.
The problem is that, although the fact that Sub conforms to Super means that it must be an Objective-C protocol, the compiler isn't realizing this. Can we work around that and get it bridged manually? Well, let's take a look at Protocol's interface, to see if there's anything that we can...
OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)
#interface Protocol : NSObject
Oh. Hrm.
Well, the fact that Protocol is a full-fledged NSObject subclass suggests that this is all probably the work of my bestest favoritest feature, the magical Swift<->Objective-C bridge that performs non-trivial conversions on things without it being obvious what is going on. Well, this gives me an idea, at least; I should be able to manually invoke the bridge by casting to AnyObject and hopefully get at the Protocol object that way maybe by as!ing it or something. Does it work?
print(Sub.self as AnyObject) // <Protocol: 0x012345678>
Well, that's promising. And when I try it on my generic parameter?
print(proto as AnyObject) // Terminated due to signal: SEGMENTATION FAULT (11)
Oh, come on.
I suspect this is probably a bug in the compiler, and I plan to test a few things to determine whether that's the case, but since the Swift sources take a geologic age to compile, I figured I'd post this here while I'm waiting. Anyone have any insight and/or workarounds on what is going on here?
I know it's not pretty and "Swifty", exactly, but getting the Objective-C Protocol as appropriate for passing into foo can be achieved using NSProtocolFromString as follows:
let proxy2 = foo(NSProtocolFromString(String(reflecting: proto))!)
where String(reflecting:) is a useful way to get the fully qualified type name suitable for resolving via NSProtocolFromString.
I'd say the crash you encountered is a bug.
Okay, after investigating this a bit more, I've determined that it is indeed a compiler bug, and have filed a report on it: SR-8129. What appears to be happening is that the Swift compiler falsely assumes that proto will always be a metatype of a concrete class type, so it performs the bridging by emitting a call to swift_getObjCClassFromMetadata, which crashes when it encounters the protocol metatype. When Sub.self is explicitly cast to AnyObject, the compiler emits Swift._bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC<A>(A) -> Swift.AnyObject instead, which appears to dynamically determine the type of the object and bridge it accordingly.
With this in mind, the workaround becomes apparent: cast proto to Any first, to destroy the type information associated with the generic and force the compiler to emit Swift._bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC<A>(A) -> Swift.AnyObject. And indeed, this appears to work:
func bar<P: Super>(proto: P.Type) {
foo(proto as Any as AnyObject as! Protocol)
Not the prettiest thing out there, but probably preferable to looking up the protocol via string manipulation.

In swift, why can't I instantiate a protocol when it has an initialiser?

I understand that generally I cannot instantiate a protocol.
But if I include an initialiser in the protocol then surely the compiler knows that when the protocol is used by a struct or class later, it will have an init which it can use?
My code is as below and line:
protocol Solution {
var answer: String { get }
protocol Problem {
var pose: String { get }
protocol SolvableProblem: Problem {
func solve() -> Solution?
protocol ProblemGenerator {
func next() -> SolvableProblem
protocol Puzzle {
var problem: Problem { get }
var solution: Solution { get }
init(problem: Problem, solution: Solution)
protocol PuzzleGenerator {
func next() -> Puzzle
protocol FindBySolvePuzzleGenerator: PuzzleGenerator {
var problemGenerator: ProblemGenerator { get }
extension FindBySolvePuzzleGenerator {
func next() -> Puzzle {
while true {
let problem = problemGenerator.next()
if let solution = problem.solve() {
return Puzzle(problem: problem, solution: solution)
The line:
return Puzzle(problem: problem, solution: solution)
gives error: Protocol type 'Puzzle' cannot be instantiated
Imagine protocols are adjectives. Movable says you can move it, Red says it has color = "red"... but they don't say what it is. You need a noun. A Red, Movable Car. You can instantiate a Car, even when low on details. You cannot instantiate a Red.
But if I include an initialiser in the protocol then surely the compiler knows that when the protocol is used by a struct or class later, it will have an init which it can use?
Protocols must be adopted by classes, and there might be a dozen different classes that all adopt your Puzzle protocol. The compiler has no idea which of those classes to instantiate.
Protocols give us the power to compose interfaces without the complexity of multiple inheritance. In a multiple inheritance language like C++, you have to deal with the fact that a single class D might inherit from two other classes, B and C, and those two classes might happen to have methods or instance variables with the same name. If they both have a methodA(), and B::methodA() and C::methodA() are different, which one do you use when someone call's D's inherited methodA()? Worse, what if B and C are both derived from a common base class A? Protocols avoid a lot of that by not being directly instantiable, while still providing the interface polymorphism that makes multiple inheritance attractive.
I understand that I can't do it - I just want to understand why the
compiler can't do it?
Because protocols in Swift represent abstraction mechanism. When it comes to abstraction, you could think about it as a template, we don't have to care about the details of how it behaves or what's its properties; Thus it makes no sense to be able to create an object from it.
As a real world example, consider that I just said "Table" (as an abstracted level), I would be pretty sure that you would understand what I am talking about! nevertheless we are not mentioning details about it (such as its material or how many legs it has...); At some point if I said "create a table for me" (instantiate an object) you have the ask me about specs! and that's why the complier won't let you create object directly from a protocol. That's the point of making things to be abstracted.
Also, checking: Why can't an object of abstract class be created? might be helpful.
Unfortunately swift does not allow that even with such "hack"
You would need to use a class that confirms to that protocol as an object you refer to.
When you instantiate an object, the Operating System has to know how to allocate and deal with that kind of object in the memory: Is it a reference type (Classes)? Strong, weak or unowned reference? Or is it a value type (Structs, Strings, Int, etc)?
Reference types are stored in the Heap, while value types live in the Stack. Here is a thorough explanation of the difference between the two.
Only Reference and Value types (objects) can be instantiated. So, only the objects that conform to that protocol can then be instantiated, not the protocol itself. A protocol is not an object, it is a general description or schema of a certain behavior of objects.
As to Initialization, here what the Apple docs say:
Initialization is the process of preparing an instance of a class,
structure, or enumeration for use. This process involves setting an
initial value for each stored property on that instance and performing
any other setup or initialization that is required before the new
instance is ready for use.

Swift dynamic type checking for structs?

I'm confused about dynamic type checking in Swift.
Specifically, I have a weirdo case where I want to, essentially, write (or find) a function:
func isInstanceOf(obj: Any, type: Any.Type) -> Bool
In Objective-C, this is isKindOfClass, but that won't work because Any.Type includes Swift structs, which are not classes (much less NSObject subclasses).
I can't use Swift is here, because that requires a hardcoded type.
I can't use obj.dynamicType == type because that would ignore subclasses.
The Swift book seems to suggest that this information is lost, and not available for structs at all:
Classes have additional capabilities that structures do not:
Type casting enables you to check and interpret the type of a class instance at runtime.
(On the Type Casting chapter, it says "Type casting in Swift is implemented with the is and as operators", so it seems to be a broader definition of "type casting" than in other languages.)
However, it can't be true that is/as don't work with structures, since you can put Strings and Ints into an [Any], and pull them out later, and use is String or is Int to figure out what they were. The Type Casting chapter of the Swift Book does exactly this!
Is there something that's as powerful as isKindOfClass but for any Swift instances? This information still must exist at runtime, right?
Actually you can use is operator.
Use the type check operator (is) to check whether an instance is of a certain subclass type. The type check operator returns true if the instance is of that subclass type and false if it is not.
Since struct can't be subclassed, is is guaranteed to be consistent when applied to instance of struct because it will check on it static type, and for classes it will query the dynamic type in runtime.
func `is`<T>(instance: Any, of kind: T.Type) -> Bool{
return instance is T;
This work for both, struct and class.
As already stated, is/as should work fine with structs. Other corner cases can usually be done with generic functions, something like:
let thing: Any = "hi" as Any
func item<T: Any>(_ item: Any, isType: T.Type) -> Bool {
return (item as? T) != nil
print(item(thing, isType: String.self)) // prints "true"
No idea if this fits your specific use case.
More generally, keep in mind that Swift (currently) requires knowing the type of everything at compile time. If you can't define the specific type that will be passed into a function or set as a variable, neither will the compiler.

Metatype of Metatype

In Swift we are able to write following construction:
class SomeClass {}
let metaMetatype: SomeClass.Type.Type = SomeClass.Type.self
Here metaMetatype does not conform to type AnyObject (SomeClass.Type does). Construction can be even longer, as long as we wish:
let uberMetatype: SomeClass.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type = SomeClass.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.Type.self
Are this constructions have any sense? If SomeClass.Type.Type not an object, what is this, and why we able to declare it?
If SomeClass.Type.Type not an object, what is this and why we able to declare it?
I will try to dissect what you're asking.
SomeClass.Type.Type is a Metatype of a Metatype. Metatypes exist in Swift because Swift has types that are not classes. This is most similar to the Metaclass concept in Objective-C.
Lexicon.rst in the Swift Open Source Repo has a pretty good explanation:
The type of a value representing a type. Greg Parker has a good
explanation of Objective-C's "metaclasses" because Swift has types
that are not classes, a more general term is used.
We also sometimes refer to a value representing a type as a "metatype
object" or just "metatype", usually within low-level contexts like IRGen
and LLDB. This is technically incorrect (it's just a "type object"), but
the malapropism happened early in the project and has stuck around.
Why are we able to declare a type of a type of a type... and so on? Because it's a feature of the language called type metadata:
type metadata
The runtime representation of a type, and everything you can do with it.
Like a Class in Objective-C, but for any type.
Note that you can't do something like NSObject().class in Swift because class is a reserved keyword for the creation of a class. This is how you would get the type (or class in this case) of an NSObject in Swift:
let nsObj = NSObject()
nsObj.classForCoder // NSObject.Type
nsObj.classForKeyedArchiver // NSObject.Type
nsObj.dynamicType // NSObject.Type
Note that nsObj and nsObj.self are identical and represent the instance of that NSObject.
I don't see where in the Swift module or open source repo where types allow for .Type, but I'm still looking. It might have to do with the inheritance from SwiftObject, the Objective-C object all Swift classes inherit from (at least on Mac).
Type of a class is also represented in memory (it has for example their own methods). It's represented by singleton representing the Type. (It's not an instance of this type - that's something different). If you call self on a Type like this SomeClass.self you will take singleton instance representing the SomeClass Type.
For more info check this answer