Cookie error when using CGI::Session - perl

It's my first experiment with CGI::Sessions and I'm getting an error message in my logs that I don't know how to fix. It looks like the problem is on line 28 of my code, the $cookie variable in not imported:
[Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] Variable "$cookie" is not imported at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line 28.
5028 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] \t(Did you mean &cookie instead?)
5029 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] Variable "$cookie" is not imported at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line 29.
5030 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] \t(Did you mean &cookie instead?)
5031 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] Global symbol "$cookie" requires explicit package name at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line 28.
5032 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] Global symbol "$cookie" requires explicit package name at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line 29.
5033 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] Bareword "username" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line 34.
5034 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] Bareword "password" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line 35.
5035 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] Execution of /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ aborted due to compilation errors.
5036 [Mon Aug 18 21:42:32 2014] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers:
Here's my code:
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
2 use strict;
4 use CGI::Session;
5 use CGI qw(:standard);
7 my %names = map { $_ => 1 } param;
8 my $open = "1234";
10 sub windowLayout() {
11 header,
12 start_html("Input Form"),
13 start_form,
14 "Please enter your username:",
15 textfield(-name=>'username',
16 -maxlength=>20),p,
17 "Please enter your password:",
18 password_field(-name=>'password',
19 -maxlength=>20),p,
20 submit,hr
21 }
23 if ($names{username} and $names{password}) {
25 my $cgi = new CGI;
26 my $session = new CGI::Session(undef, $cgi, {Directory=>'/tmp'});
28 $cookie = $cgi->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id);
29 print $cgi->header(-cookie=>$cookie);
31 my $username = param("username");
32 my $password = param("password");
34 $session->param(username, $username);
35 $session->param(password, $password);
37 if ($password ne $open) {
38 print
39 windowLayout(),
40 end_form,
41 p({-style=>'Color: red;'},
42 "Sorry wrong password!");
43 print end_html;
44 } else {
45 print
46 redirect("");
47 }
48 }else {
49 print
50 windowLayout(),
51 end_html;
52 }

As you're using strict in your code (which is, of course, a great habit to get in to), you'll need to declare all of your variables with my (or something equivalent). You don't do that for $cookie.
So change:
$cookie = $cgi->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id);
my $cookie = $cgi->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id);
For future reference, if you get a Perl error message that you don't understand, you can get more detail about the problem by adding use diagnostics to you code (but remember to remove it again once the problem is fixed).
You also have a couple of other errors. The strings 'username' and 'password' need to be quoted string on lines 34 and 35.


Flask app running on Apache server/CentosOS 8 unable to connect to Mongo DB Atlas

I have developed a python flask app that uses the ArcGIS API for JavaScript to display geospatial data and query feature services from an ArcGIS Online account. Results from these queries are saved to a MongoDB Atlas cluster.
The flask app is deployed to an Apache server running Centos8 using mod_wsgi. It is currently working on a Heroku/gunicorn deployment.
Below is the code for the code for the Flask app:
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from data.database import global_init
from data.database import Query
from data.update import update
from whitenoise import WhiteNoise
app = Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = WhiteNoise(app.wsgi_app)
my_static_folders = (
for static in my_static_folders:
#app.route("/query", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def query():
if request.method == 'POST':
feature = request.json
feature_name = feature['name']
feature_region = feature['region']
feature_query = Query.objects(name=feature_name, region=feature_region)
if feature_query:
response = feature_query[0].export()
response = ''
return response
def home():
return render_template("index.html")
if __name__ == "__main__":
files = ['./static/css/styles.css', './static/js/app.js'],
Below is the file:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import site
sys.path.insert(0, '/var/www/')
from app import app as application
The issue arise when the app tries connecting to the MongoDB Atlas cluster to query/retrieve data. When a polygon is clicked on the map, the connection to the cluster is refused and the following error is logged in the error.log:
[Thu Oct 21 20:19:46.800129 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430689:tid 139930235827968] [client] , referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471649 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] [2021-10-21 20:20:14,470] ERROR in app: Exception on /query [POST], referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471711 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] Traceback (most recent call last):, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471715 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 2447, in wsgi_app, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471718 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] response = self.full_dispatch_request(), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471721 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 1952, in full_dispatch_request, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471724 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] rv = self.handle_user_exception(e), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471727 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 1821, in handle_user_exception, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471729 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471732 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 39, in reraise, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471751 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] raise value, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471757 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 1950, in full_dispatch_request, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471760 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] rv = self.dispatch_request(), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471762 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 1936, in dispatch_request, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471765 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471768 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 51, in query, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471770 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] feature_query = Query.objects(name=feature_name, region=feature_region), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471773 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 37, in __get__, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471776 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] queryset = queryset_class(owner, owner._get_collection()), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471778 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 214, in _get_collection, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471786 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] if cls._meta.get("auto_create_index", True) and db.client.is_primary:, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471788 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 1031, in is_primary, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471791 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] return self._server_property('is_writable'), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471793 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 856, in _server_property, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471796 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] writable_server_selector), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471798 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 243, in select_server, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471800 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] address)), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471803 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 200, in select_servers, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471805 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] selector, server_timeout, address), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471808 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] File "/var/www/", line 217, in _select_servers_loop, referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471810 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] (self._error_message(selector), timeout, self.description)), referer:
[Thu Oct 21 20:20:14.471814 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 1430925:tid 139930051188480] [client] pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: localhost:27017: [Errno 111] Connection refused, Timeout: 30s, Topology Description: <TopologyDescription id: 6171cb5aa3baaebd849f82b2, topology_type: Single, servers: [<ServerDescription ('localhost', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None, error=AutoReconnect('localhost:27017: [Errno 111] Connection refused',)>]>, referer:
The connection to the MongoDB Atlas cluser seems to be refused when tries to perform a query. Below is the code used to establish a conncetion with the database instance in
import mongoengine
from mongoengine import connect
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Connects to remote Atlas database
def global_init():
DB_URI = os.getenv('DB_URI')
connect(alias='laumap', host=DB_URI)
Adding the server's IP address to Atlas's 'IP Access List'
While I had listed as IP Address (which should theoretically allow all addresses to my understanding), I added the IP address of the server to the list. This still did not work.
Adding pymongo kwargs to MongoEngine connect()
A similar problem was posted on a flask app with Atlas depolyed on python anywhere. They suggested adding the following kwargs when connecting to a database:
connect(alias='laumap', host=DB_URI, connect=False, maxPoolSize=1)
This also did not seem to work.
Adding HTTP Method Overrides
This was done as per the official Flask documentation:
class HTTPMethodOverrideMiddleware(object):
allowed_methods = frozenset([
bodyless_methods = frozenset(['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE'])
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
method = environ.get('HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE', '').upper()
if method in self.allowed_methods:
environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = method
if method in self.bodyless_methods:
environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0'
return, start_response)
app = Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = HTTPMethodOverrideMiddleware(app.wsgi_app)
I don't have any experience setting HTTP headers in a Flask, so I'm unsure if the above is configured correctly. But as it is currently, it did not change the logged errors.
Testing the .env DB_URI variable in a python interactive session
Just as a sanity check, I made sure that the DB_URI was correctly formed in my .env file. Below is the code used in the python interactive shell on the server:
>>> import mongoengine
>>> from dotenv import load_dotenv
>>> load_dotenv()
>>> import os
>>> DB_URI = os.getenv('DB_URI')
>>> mongoengine.connect(alias='laumap', host=DB_URI)
MongoClient(host=['', 'lau-shard-00-', ''],
document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True, retrywrites=True, w='majority',
authsource='admin', replicaset='atlas-xvjuv5-shard-0', ssl=True,
Checking SE Linux Boolean values
As per this stack overflow post, I tried setting the following values to true:
httpd_can_network_connect --> off
httpd_can_network_connect_db --> off
Why is my flask app not able to properly connect to my MongoDB Atlas cluster when it is able to locally, on my Heroku deployment and when I run flask run on the Apache/CentOS 8 server?
Is there some security settings in CentOS 8 that need to properly configured or is there something in the Flask app or wsgi script that may need to be changed?
From the error message (last line) you can see it is not attempting to connect to atlas, it's attempting to connect to localhost (the default if you don't specify a host). So the error will be with the connection string.
Looking at the code, are you 100% sure the DB_URI environment variable is set correctly? Maybe add some logging to confirm.

ModCluster not working with wildfly 9

Wildfly not working with mod cluster below is the error_log
[Wed Jan 25 16:53:55.860419 2017] [core:error] [pid 4980:tid 1088] [client] AH00135: Invalid method in request bela\x19\x84\x04
[Wed Jan 25 16:54:11.387227 2017] [core:error] [pid 4980:tid 1088] [client] AH00135: Invalid method in request bela\x19\x84\x04
[Wed Jan 25 16:54:24.664313 2017] [core:error] [pid 4980:tid 1088] [client] AH00135: Invalid method in request bela\x19\x84\x04
[Wed Jan 25 16:54:43.907621 2017] [core:error] [pid 4980:tid 1088] [client] AH00135: Invalid method in request bela\x19\x84\x04
[Wed Jan 25 16:54:59.417380 2017] [core:error] [pid 4980:tid 1088] [client] AH00135: Invalid method in request bela\x19\x84\x04
[Wed Jan 25 16:55:16.458689 2017] [core:error] [pid 4980:tid 1088] [client] AH00135: Invalid method in request bela\x19\x84\x04
I am using TCP instaed of upd and server advertise is off on mod_cluster side

Page cannot be charged because of mongodb errors Symfony 2

After i made a clear cache i refreshed my page, but this time the browser looks like he doesn't find nothing or he is somewhere blocked, because it shows up near the address that he is searching or loading a page but it stays like that for long long time even hours i can tell.I checked error log and i found this error but i'm newbie i didn't understadn how to solve them:
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP Fatal error: Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Hydrator\\HydratorFactory::getHydratorFor(): Failed opening required 'C:/wamp/www/Symfony/app/cache/dev/doctrine/odm/mongodb/Hydrators\\dcBundleDocumentCategoryHydrator.php' (include_path='.;C:\\php\\pear') in C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\doctrine\\mongodb-odm\\lib\\Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Hydrator\\HydratorFactory.php on line 152, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 1. {main}() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\web\\app_dev.php:0, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 2. Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel->handle() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\web\\app_dev.php:25, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 3. Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\bootstrap.php.cache:411, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 4. Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel->handle() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\bootstrap.php.cache:1101, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 5. Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel->handleRaw() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\bootstrap.php.cache:975, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 6. call_user_func_array() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\bootstrap.php.cache:1001, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 7. bul\\CrsBundle\\Controller\\CrssController->AllAction() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\bootstrap.php.cache:1001, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/gps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 8. Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Controller\\Controller->render() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\src\\bul\\CrsBundle\\Controller\\CrsController.php:38, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 9. Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle\\TwigEngine->renderResponse() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\symfony\\symfony\\src\\Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Controller\\Controller.php:106, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 10. Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle\\Debug\\TimedTwigEngine->render() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\symfony\\symfony\\src\\Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle\\TwigEngine.php:108, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/groups/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 11. Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle\\TwigEngine->render() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\symfony\\symfony\\src\\Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle\\Debug\\TimedTwigEngine.php:52, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 12. Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\TwigEngine->render() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\symfony\\symfony\\src\\Symfony\\Bundle\\TwigBundle\\TwigEngine.php:79, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 13. Twig_Template->render() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\symfony\\symfony\\src\\Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\TwigEngine.php:53, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 14. Twig_Template->display() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\classes.php:6039, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 15. Twig_Template->displayWithErrorHandling() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\classes.php:6032, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 16. __TwigTemplate_a9e184d390123fbf02da00b3fedfe39c->doDisplay() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\classes.php:6051, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 17. Twig_Template->display() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\twig\\a9\\e1\\84d390123fbf02da00b3fedfe39c.php:25, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 18. Twig_Template->displayWithErrorHandling() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\classes.php:6032, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 19. __TwigTemplate_d7c51e8360cebc4fc46062c39aca8151->doDisplay() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\classes.php:6051, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 20. Twig_Template->displayBlock() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\twig\\d7\\c5\\1e8360cebc4fc46062c39aca8151.php:120, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 21. call_user_func() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\classes.php:5999, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 22. __TwigTemplate_a9e184d390123fbf02da00b3fedfe39c->block_body() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\classes.php:5999, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 23. Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Cursor->current() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\app\\cache\\dev\\classes.php:60, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 24. Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\UnitOfWork->getOrCreateDocument() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\doctrine\\mongodb-odm\\lib\\Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Cursor.php:118, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 25. Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Hydrator\\HydratorFactory->hydrate() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\doctrine\\mongodb-odm\\lib\\Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\UnitOfWork.php:2540, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
[Wed Aug 07 12:08:34.948850 2013] [:error] [pid 7800:tid 1016] [client ::1:56347] PHP 26. Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Hydrator\\HydratorFactory->getHydratorFor() C:\\wamp\\www\\Symfony\\vendor\\doctrine\\mongodb-odm\\lib\\Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Hydrator\\HydratorFactory.php:419, referer: http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/grps/
Problem solved:I remove the Cache manually and I restart my pc again.It works now
Your error says:
Failed opening required 'C:/wamp/www/Symfony/app/cache/dev/doctrine/odm/mongodb/Hydrators\dcBundleDocumentCategoryHydrator.php' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear')
Do you have that file?

Move Values In Perl Array

I am having difficulty placing array columns in a format that is consistent. I have the following output:
I would like the columns to display:
Currently the columns in bold are not in that order (the rest are correct). Each line isn't consistent with that format. The line sometimes has ap22 first, sometimes has sm22 first, and sometimes has none or all three modules. The number before the module relates to the module. How can I move the data into a consistent format?
Note that the 2nd date, mod_was_http.c, mod_sm22.cpp, and ApacheModule.cpp in each line will be removed in the final array.
Here is my code so far:
# This program parses a error log for necessary information and outputs in CSV format.
# chunks of your input to ignore, see below...
my %ignorables = map { $_ => 1 } qw([notice mpmstats: rdy bsy rd wr ka log dns cls bsy: in);
# 3-arg open is safer than 2, lexical my $fh better than a global FH glob
open my $error_fh, '<', 'iset_error_log';
sub findLines {
# Iterates over the lines in the file, putting each into $_
while (<$error_fh>) {
# Select only those fields that have the word 'notice'
if (/\[notice/) {
# Place those lines with the word 'rdy' on the next line
if (/\brdy\b/){
push #result,"$item\n";
else {
# Split the line into fields, separated by spaces, skip the %ignorables
my #line = grep { not defined $ignorables{$_} } split /\s+/;
# More cleanup
s/|^\[|notice|[]]//g for #line; # remove unnecessary elements from the array
# Output the line.
#line = join(",", #line);
s/,,/,/g for #line;
map $item.=$_, #line;
my #array = &findLines;
foreach $line (#array){
print $line; #This is where I would like to organize the lines if possible.
My input file looks like this:
[Mon Jun 25 07:51:17 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 990 bsy 10 rd 0 wr 7 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 3
[Mon Jun 25 07:51:17 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 2 in mod_sm22.cpp, 5 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 08:08:17 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 974 bsy 26 rd 1 wr 24 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 1
[Mon Jun 25 08:08:17 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_sm22.cpp, 23 in mod_was_ap22_http.c, 1 in ApacheModule.cpp Mon,Jun,25,14:38:29,2012,962,38,0,36,0,0,0,2,Mon,Jun,25,14:38:29,2012,3,mod_sm22.cpp,33,mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 21:54:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 0 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 1
[Mon Jun 25 21:55:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 0 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 1
[Mon Jun 25 21:59:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
[Mon Jun 25 21:59:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 22:00:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
[Mon Jun 25 22:00:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 22:03:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 998 bsy 2 rd 0 wr 2 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
[Mon Jun 25 22:03:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 2 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 22:08:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 998 bsy 2 rd 0 wr 2 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
[Mon Jun 25 22:08:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 2 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 22:21:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
[Mon Jun 25 22:21:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 22:22:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
[Mon Jun 25 22:22:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 22:31:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 0 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 1
[Mon Jun 25 22:32:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
[Mon Jun 25 22:32:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 23:06:43 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
[Mon Jun 25 23:06:43 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
You probably want to reorder the columns while you still have the split, before you use join to turn them back into a line of text.
You just need to do a swap.
# 0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,15
# DayOfWeek,Month,Day,Time,Year,Rdy,Bsy,Rd,Wr,Ka,Log,Dns,Cls,AP22,SM22,ApacheModule
# Sometimes the last 2 fields are missing and 13 comes before 14 and 15 in the
# input, so fix that.
if (#line < 16) {
push #line, '', ''; # or whatever you want for blanks
#line = #line[0..12,14,15,13]; # rearrange the array
Also, your regular expression s/,,/,/g is going to break this if you use blank strings ('') as your empty fields. The short lines missing the last fields will go back to being short missing the correct 13 and 14 fields.
Based upon the kinds of questions being asked here and previously, I highly recommend you get a copy of Modern Perl (available for download or purchase) or Learning Perl to get a better grasp of the language as a whole. I have recently read much of the former and enjoyed it and gained most of my initial Perl knowledge from an earlier edition of the latter.

sphinx inconsistent result

have some weird problems with sphinx.
Here's the query log:
[Mon Jan 31 05:43:21.362 2011] 0.158 sec [any/0/ext 511 (0,2000)] [_file] superman
[Mon Jan 31 05:43:51.739 2011] 0.143 sec [any/0/ext 952 (0,2000)] [_file] superman
[Mon Jan 31 05:44:22.042 2011] 0.003 sec [any/0/ext 952 (0,2000)] [_file] superman
[Mon Jan 31 05:44:52.313 2011] 0.003 sec [any/0/ext 952 (0,2000)] [_file] superman
[Mon Jan 31 05:45:22.553 2011] 0.003 sec [any/0/ext 952 (0,2000)] [_file] superman
If you see, the result returned is 511 for the first time, then 952 (the correct result) for the rest. I've tried searching with different result and all seems to be the same.
Some observation:
1) If there's less than 511, the result returned is always correct. It's only when the result is > 511 and less than the max that it is wrong.
2) If there are more result than the max, the returned result will be max (correct).
3) The rest of the results are usually correct, up until the sphinx db re-indexed. Then we'll get 511 again.
Tried it on different sphinx installation, getting the same result.
my client code:
$cl->setServer("localhost", 3312);
$cl->SetLimits(0, 2000, 2000);
call_user_func_array(array($cl, 'setSortMode'), array(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '#id DESC'));
$result = $cl->query('superman', '_file');
index download_file
source = file
path = /disk1/data/sphinx/file
morphology = stem_en
min_word_len = 3
min_prefix_len = 0
min_infix_len = 3
max_matches = 100000
port = 3312
log = /var/log/searchd/searchd.log
query_log = /var/log/searchd/query.log
pid_file = /var/log/searchd/
max_iops = 40
mem_limit = 128M