Gaussian Mixture Model 1D data - matlab

I have modeled my 1D data (1000*1 matrix) into 3 Gaussians, using,3)
How can I plot something Like this?
It shows the probability of a given point belonging to each class.

Write a function plotGaussian, which takes the mean, the variance, and a range of values. The function should generate the points to plot, and call the plot function. Then do hold on, and call plotGaussian 3 times.


MATLAB: polyval function for N greater than 1

I am trying trying to graph the polynomial fit of a 2D dataset in Matlab.
This is what I tried:
rawTable = readtable('Test_data.xlsx','Sheet','Sheet1');
x = rawTable.A;
y = rawTable.B;
c = polyfit(x,y,2);
y_fitted = polyval(c,x);
hold on
rawTable.A and rawTable.A are randomly generated numbers. (i.e. the x dataset cannot be represented in the following form : x=0:0.1:100)
The result:
second-order polynomial
But the result I expect looks like this (generated in Excel):
enter image description here
How can I graph the second-order polynomial fit in MATLAB?
I sense some confusion regarding what the output of each of those Matlab function mean. So I'll clarify. And I think we need some details as well. So expect some verbosity. A quick answer, however, is available at the end.
c = polyfit(x,y,2) gives the coefficient vectors of the polynomial fit. You can get the fit information such as error estimate following the documentation.
Name this polynomial as P. P in Matlab is actually the function P=#(x)c(1)*x.^2+c(2)*x+c(3).
Suppose you have a single point X, then polyval(c,X) outputs the value of P(X). And if x is a vector, polyval(c,x) is a vector corresponding to [P(x(1)), P(x(2)),...].
Now that does not represent what the fit is. Just as a quick hack to see something visually, you can try plot(sort(x),polyval(c,sort(x)),'r','LineWidth',2), ie. you can first sort your data and try plotting on those x-values.
However, it is only a hack because a) your data set may be so irregularly spaced that the spline doesn't represent function or b) evaluating on the whole of your data set is unnecessary and inefficient.
The robust and 'standard' way to plot a 2D function of known analytical form in Matlab is as follows:
Define some evenly-spaced x-values over the interval you want to plot the function. For example, x=1:0.1:10. For example, x=linspace(0,1,100).
Evaluate the function on these x-values
Put the above two components into plot(). plot() can either plot the function as sampled points, or connect the points with automatic spline, which is the default.
(For step 1, quadrature is ambiguous but specific enough of a term to describe this process if you wish to communicate with a single word.)
So, instead of using the x in your original data set, you should do something like:

Fitting gaussians to close peaks in MATLAB

I have a data set that has two peaks close together. I'd like to fit these peaks with gaussians so that I come up with a new data set that replicates the original one. To this end, I am using MATLAB's "findpeaks" function, and using the heights and widths of the peaks in order to come up with the appropriate number of gaussians, and then add those gaussians together. However, because the peaks are so close together, the result looks like the following (with the original data set in blue and the replicated one in red):
Is there a better method to replicate the data with gaussian peaks?
Gaussian function are defined by two variable, mean and variance. The two peak would give you the means of the two gaussians and by the look of the figure the same variance for them both (If some data has gone through a Gaussian process the variance would be the same, I can not think of a physical process where that would not be the case, unless it is just an arbitrary plot). So you only have to find one variable. As for the peaks that would just be the normalization so that the area under the curve sums up to 1. A gaussian sums up to 1 by default, if the sum under the plot you are trying to fit is 2 you do not need to do anything, otherwise scale accordingly.
My guess is something like this (pseudo code):
f = 0.5*gauss(-3,var)+0.5*gauss(3,var)
If you know more about the process that created the plot, then you can actually do better.

Matlab: contourf, repeated data points: median instead of average

I use contourf function for plotting a 2D filled contour.
I get warning that some of the data points for Z are repeated and average values will be used in that case.
Can I somehow force Matlab to use the median values instead?
Thank you.
File: MyData.csv

Matlab: Generalizing a regressor vector

I´m trying to generalize a regressor vector in my NARX-model function.
The regressor vector looks like this:
[-y(i-1) -w(i)*y(i-1) u(i-1) w(i)*u(i-1) u(i-2) w(i)*u(i-2)]
I want to be able to tell my function how many y- and u-values it should consider. So for example if I want to have a regressor vector with 2 y-values and 1 u-value it should generate this:
[-y(i-1) -w(i)*y(i-1) -y(i-2) -w(i)*y(i-2) u(i-1) w(i)*u(i-1)]
And so on for any amount of y- and u-values back in time.
Any help is much obliged!

Sampling internediate points from x-y discrete mapping itself in Matlab

I have plotted a piece-wise defined continuous linear function comprising of several oblique straight lines joined end-to-end:-
oo=[1.23 2.31 1.34 5.69 7] % edit
I now wish to sample points from this plot itself, say i want the y corresponding to x=0.89. How to achieve that using Matlab? Is there a special function in-built in Matlab?
Yes, there's a built-in function for that: interp1:
vq = interp1(x,v,xq) returns interpolated values of a 1-D function at specific query points using linear interpolation. Vector x contains the sample points, and v contains the corresponding values, v(x). Vector xq contains the coordinates of the query points.
See the linked documentation for further options. For example, you can specify the interpolation method (default is linear), or whether you want to extrapolate (i.e. allow for xq values to lie outside the original x range).