Disable a Button - swift

I want to disable a button (UIButton) on iOS after it is clicked. I am new to developing for iOS but I think the equivalent code on objective - C is this:
button.enabled = NO;
But I couldn't do that on swift.

The boolean value for NO in Swift is false.
button.isEnabled = false
should do it.
Here is the Swift documentation for UIControl's isEnabled property.

If you want the button to stay static without the "pressed" appearance:
// Swift 2
editButton.userInteractionEnabled = false
// Swift 3
editButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
1) Your IBOutlet is --> #IBOutlet weak var editButton: UIButton!
2) Code above goes in viewWillAppear

The way I do this is as follows:
#IBAction func pressButton(sender: AnyObject) {
var disableMyButton = sender as? UIButton
disableMyButton.enabled = false
The IBAction is connected to your button in the storyboard.
If you have your button setup as an Outlet:
#IBOutlet weak var myButton: UIButton!
Then you can access the enabled properties by using the . notation on the button name:
myButton.enabled = false

Disable a button on Swift 3:
yourButton.isEnabled = false

For those who Googled "disable a button" but may have more nuanced use cases:
Disable with visual effect: As others have said, this will prevent the button from being pressed and the system will automatically make it look disabled:
yourButton.isEnabled = false
Disable without visual effect: Are you using a button in a case where it should look normal but not behave likes button by reacting to touches? Try this!
yourButton.userInteractionEnabled = false
Hide without disabling: This approach hides the button without disabling it (invisible but can still be tapped):
yourButton.alpha = 0.0
Remove: This will remove the view entirely:
Tap something behind a button: Have two buttons stacked and you want the top button to temporarily act like it's not there? If you won't need the top button again, remove it. If you will need it again, try condensing its height or width to 0!

Swift 5 / SwiftUI
Nowadays it's done like this.
Button(action: action) {

You can enable/disable a button using isEnabled or isUserInteractionEnabled property.
The difference between two is :
isEnabled is a property of UIControl (super class of UIButton) and it has visual effects (i.e. grayed out) of enable/disable
isUserInteractionEnabled is a property of UIView (super class of UIControl) and has no visual effect although but achieves the purpose
Usage :
myButton.isEnabled = false // Recommended approach
myButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false // Alternative approach

Let's say in Swift 4 you have a button set up for a segue as an IBAction like this #IBAction func nextLevel(_ sender: UIButton) {}
and you have other actions occurring within your app (i.e. a timer, gamePlay, etc.). Rather than disabling the segue button, you might want to give your user the option to use that segue while the other actions are still occurring and WITHOUT CRASHING THE APP. Here's how:
var appMode = 0
#IBAction func mySegue(_ sender: UIButton) {
if appMode == 1 { // avoid crash if button pressed during other app actions and/or conditions
let conflictingAction = sender as UIButton
conflictingAction.isEnabled = false
Please note that you will likely have other conditions within if appMode == 0 and/or if appMode == 1 that will still occur and NOT conflict with the mySegue button. Thus, AVOIDING A CRASH.

The button can be Disabled in Swift 4 by the code
#IBAction func yourButtonMethodname(sender: UIButon) {
yourButton.isEnabled = false

in order for this to work:
yourButton.isEnabled = false
you need to create an outlet in addition to your UI button.

Building on other answers here. I wanted to disable button for a few seconds to prevent double taps. Swift 5 version, xcode 13.4.1 likes this and has no warnings or errors.
#IBAction func saveComponent(_ sender: Any) {
let myButton = sender as? UIButton
myButton?.isEnabled = false
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(2000))
myButton?.isEnabled = true


I want to Switch UIView by Clicking UISegmented Control but my Code is not working

i want to Switch UIView by clicking Segmented Control but this Code is not working.
#IBOutlet weak var flightTypeSegCont: UISegmentedControl!
#IBAction func flightType(_ sender: UISegmentedControl) {
if(flightTypeSegCont.selectedSegmentIndex == 0)
self.direcrCard.isHidden = false
self.ViaCardView.isHidden = true
self.direcrCard.isHidden = true
self.ViaCardView.isHidden = false
Did you check if the function is getting called in XCode debugger? If not, connect IBAction from storyboard / xib to your function - valuechanged callout of UISegmentedControl.
If it is being called but views are not hidden as you want, check if they are having parent/child relationship. To check this in more details, go to XCode->View Debugging->Capture View hierarchy option to see the runtime UIView layout.

How to create toggle button that only toggles once

I want to create a button that, when pressed, toggles to a different format and stays that way, not allowing the user to toggle it back. For example, I am trying to create a button that says "Special 1" then when it is clicked by the user, it toggles to say "USED". When the word "USED" pops up on the UIButton, it stays that way and the user cannot change it back. Please help me out I can't figure this out. I am also open to other ideas to execute this other then a UIButton, for example maybe a UITableView??
What you can do is create a boolean (true or false) variable in your ViewController, and whenever the button is tapped you set this variable so that the tap function associated with the button can be manipulated.
1.) Make an action connection from your ViewController to your code this can be done by clicking the dual view button (the two circles in the top right corner) then holding control and drag your button into your code. :
For more information on connecting views to your code: https://codewithchris.com/9-hooking-it-all-up-swift-iboutlet-properties/
Skip to 6 min for the actual connection.
2.) Now we can just make our boolean variable, and make a basic if statement:
var didClick:Bool = false
#IBAction func touchButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
if !didClick { // If didClick is false
didClick = true // Set it to true
sender.setTitle("USED", for: .normal)
Note: The sender should be set to UIButton NOT Any
Should look like this:
_ sender: UIButton
If you are using a storyboard you can write this inside the IBAction function:
#IBAction func buttonName(_ sender: UIButton) {
sender.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
// Do whatever you need to do after...
sender's type could be UIButton or Any depending on how you made the connection from the storyboard.

Can I change outlets using an array, instead of hard coding everything?

I have an app where a user can select a number of different buttons onscreen. When a user selects a button, it turns green and the text will be used in a later view. I am trying to make everything nice and swift by minimising the amount of code I am writing.
Every button is connected to the same action and their identity is determined by their tag. What I have done is created 2 arrays to track the card name and their on/off state. When a card is pressed the cardPressed function is called, this decides whether to turn the card green or white currently (it will do more later).
What I want to do is to perform the colour change in one line of code, instead of
cardOne.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
I want to do this [#1]
cardList[cardNumber].backgroundColor = UIColor.green
so that my outlet changes depending on the selection made. I would normally just have a massive switch statement that would read like so
switch cardList[cardNumber] {
case 0:
cardOne.backgroundColor = UIColor.green
case 1:
cardTwo.backgroundColor = UIColor.green
case 2:
cardThree.backgroundColor = UIColor.green
case So on so forth:
Obviously when I try to do [#1] I get an error because it is a string, not an outlet connection. What I would like to know, is there anyway to trick xcode into recognising it as an outlet, or better yet have a way to change the outlets I am acting upon in one line of code?
Hopefully I haven't rambled too much and you can understand my thought process! I have included all of the relevant code below, obviously it won't compile. If you have any ideas they would be appreciated, or if I'm being too optimistic and this isnt possible, just let me know :) for now I will be using a big switch statement! (maybe this is useful to me in the future!)
private let cardList = ["cardOne","cardTwo","cardThree"]
private var cardState = [false, false, false]
//Card functions
private func selectCard(cardNumber: Int){
cardState[cardNumber] = true
cardList[cardNumber].backgroundColor = UIColor.green
private func deselectCard(cardNumber: Int){
cardState[cardNumber] = false
//cardOne.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
//Decide which function to perform, based on the card information recieved
private func cardPressed(cardNumber: Int){
let selectedCardName = cardList[cardNumber]
let selectedCardState = cardState[cardNumber]
switch selectedCardState {
case true:
deselectCard(cardNumber: cardNumber)
case false:
selectCard(cardNumber: cardNumber)
//UI Connections
//Card button actions
#IBAction func buttonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
//Determine which button has been pressed
//let cardName = sender.currentTitle!
let cardSelection = sender.tag - 1
cardPressed(cardNumber: cardSelection)
//Card button outlets
#IBOutlet weak var cardOne: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var cardTwo: UIButton!
The solution lies in the wonderful world of object-oriented programming. Instead of using parallel arrays, you can create your own data type to group this data and behavior together.
If you created your own UIButton subclass, you could keep track of whether the button is selected with your own custom property, and make visual modifications as needed.
class CardButton: UIButton {
var isChosen: Bool = false {
didSet { backgroundColor = isChosen ? UIColor.green : UIColor.white }
If you set the buttons in the storyboard to be your new CardButton type, you can use their isChosen property in code.
Your buttonPressed function could look like this instead:
#IBAction func buttonPressed(_ sender: CardButton) {
sender.isChosen = !sender.isChosen
This would allow you to remove the majority of your existing code, since the data is stored inside each of your buttons.

Trying to make UiButton change a var in swift

I am making an app in Swift and I want to make a button change a var. I have a button in each corner and name it them side it is on and i want it to change the number of swipedirection. When i try it never changes it
#IBAction func right(_ sender: UIButton) {
swipedirection = 1
The easiest way is to use the tag property of UIButton. Let's assume you set this property (in IB but you can also do it in code) to be 0 for left and 1 for right. All you need to do in code is this:
var swipeDirection:Int = -1 // set this way to declare that nothings has been tapped
#IBAction func buttonClicked(_ sender:UIButton) {
swipeDirection = sender.tag
Note that you set both buttons to this. The easiest way (if you use IB) is to code the IBAction first, then command-drag from code into IB next.

Hide button function if statement issue - Swift

I have a function to hide a slider if another button is pressed. I currently have:
#IBOutlet weak var sliderHide: UISlider!
#IBAction func sliderHide(sender: UISlider) {
if (buttonPlay.selected) {
sliderHide.hidden = false
else if (!buttonPlay.selected) {
sliderHide.hidden = true
The build is running but the slider only hides if itself is selected. It does nothing if the button is selected.
Use == not = when comparing,= is an assignment operator.
Moreover, if buttonImage is not a variable representing the control state of a button, but the button itself you want to do:
if buttonImage.selected == false {
However, you should use an #IBAction for the button if you want to run a function when it is pressed.
Please consider using an #IBAction for this kind of thing unless your button is programmatically created. You can read more about it here:
I think you want
add an Outlet to the slider like the picture and then wherever you play the sound, make the sliderYouMightHide.hidden = false and wherever the sound stops make the sliderYouMightHide.hidden = true. You might also want to make it hidden in viewDidLoad