rxjs zip is not lazy? - system.reactive

I 've removed the boilerplate to get to the point
// a.js
// My observables from stream and event
this.a = Rx.Node.fromStream(this.aStream());
this.itemSource = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(ee, 'addItem');
// Zip 'em
this.itemcombo = Rx.Observable.zip(this.a, this.itemSource, function (s1, s2) {
return {item: s2, a: s1.toString()};
// Streams the lowercase alphabet
rb.prototype.aStream = function aStream() {
var rs = Readable();
var c = 97;
rs._read = function () {
if (c > 'z'.charCodeAt(0)) {
return rs;
// b.js (requires the module exported above)
rb.enqueue('a'); // The method simply does an ee.emit('addItem', ...) in the module to trigger the itemSource observable
What I expected to see:
{item: 'a', a: 'a'} printed in the console
What happened:
Hit! was printed 24 times before {item: 'a', a: 'a'}. This means that zip took all the values from aStream, buffered them and then did what it was supposed to do.
How do I get the same functionality zip offers but lazily? My goal is to use an infinite stream/observable and zip it with a finite (async) one.
See/Edit it via runnable: RX Zip test Edit 2 Code updated based on answer -> no output now.

zip is indeed lazy. It just subscribes to a and b and does its work whenever either produces a new value.
Your problem is that fromStream is emitting all of its values synchronously as soon as zip subscribes to it. This is happening because your custom Readable is constantly saying "There is more data available!"
Make your Readable asynchronous and you'll get the desired behavior.
Try something like this (untested)
var rs = Readable();
var subscription = null;
rs._read = function () {
if (!subscription) {
// produce the values once per second
subscription = Rx.Observable
97, // start value
function (c) { return c > 'z'.charCodeAt(0); }, // end condition
function (c) { return c + 1; }, // step function
function (c) { return String.fromCharCode(c); }, // result selector
function () { return 1000; }) // 1000ms between values
function (s) {
function (error) { rs.push(null); },
function () { rs.push(null); });


how to put verification in pageobject model in protractor

I have a code (credit to #kishanpatel) Traverse-through-each-row-for-a-column-text which will verify whether the value is added in grid or not. i want to put this in my page object. i was thinking to add the elements into page object and the if condition in a different helper file similar to selenium but i am not sure is that the right appraoch. see the details below.
if I call the mo.helper in spec.ts, it says gridcheck.ispresent() is not a function. How to handle this scenario?
it('verify the grid that master obligation is added', function () {
var testvar = "'test_protractor'";
var row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + testvar + ")]"));
if (row_check.isPresent()) {
row_check.getText().then(function (msg) {
if (row_check.isPresent()) {
console.log("Grid contains========== " + msg);
i have the below method in mo.ts(page object page):
this.grid = function (value) {
// var testvar = "'test_protractor'";
var row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + value + ")]"));
return require('./mohelper.ts')
var mohelper = function () {
this.gridvaluepresent = function () {
var gridcheck = mo.grid();
if(gridcheck.isPresent()) {
gridcheck.getText().then(function (msg) {
if (gridcheck.isPresent()) {
console.log("Grid contains========== " + msg);
module.exports = new mohelper();
it('go to corresponding module and verify whether the master obligation is added ', function () {
Couple of things here to be considered -
1) Most of the protractor's api methods are asynchronous i.e. they return promises you have to resolve/reject them to perform actions.
isPresent() also returns a promise, you need to resolve it-
var row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + value + ")]"));
row_check.isPresent().then(function(present) {
if(present) { // it returns a boolean value
row_check.getText().then(function (msg) {
console.log("Grid contains========== " + msg);
2) Since you are using TypeScript , use its syntax rather than conventional js-
let row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + value + ")]")); // Block scoped variable using 'let'
row_check.isPresent().then((present) => { // notice the thick arrow
if(present) {
row_check.getText().then((msg) => {
console.log("Grid contains========== " + msg);
3) Maintain Page Objects efficiently and readable-
All the helper methods, elements etc. for a single page should go in a single page object. Write them in separate classes, typescript uses the concept of classes and transpiles them to global functions.
import {ElementFinder, element} from 'protractor';
export class MoHelper {
public row_check: ElementFinder; // its of element finder type
gridValueCheck(value : string) {
row_check = element(by.xpath("//div[contains(text()," + value + ")]")); // please use Css selectors instead of Xpath!
row_check.isPresent().then((present) => {
if(present) {
row_check.getText().then((msg) => {
return msg; // here you are returning the msg of the row from your page!
Your spec.ts should validate that row msg!
import {MoHelper} from './moHelper.ts'
let mo: MoHelper = new MoHelper();
it('go to corresponding module and verify whether the master obligation is added ', () => {
browser.sleep(10000); // please refrain from using sleeps instead use Expected Conditions
expect(mo.gridValueCheck("test_protractor")).toEqual("Your Expected Message");
Please find the links for your reference to understand the above in more detail-
Getting started with typescript
Using page objects in protractor/style guide
Expected Conditions

Promise working without resolving it in protractor

The below is my page object code
this.getRowBasedOnName = function (name) {
return this.tableRows.filter(function (elem, index) {
return elem.element(by.className('ng-binding')).getText().then(function (text) {
return text.toUpperCase().substring(0, 1) === name.toUpperCase().substring(0, 1);
the above function is called in the same page object in another function, which is
this.clickAllProductInProgramTypeBasedOnName = function (name) {
this.getRowBasedOnName(name).then(function (requiredRow) {
but the above code throws an error in the console as requiredRow.all is not a function
but when i do the following :
this.clickAllProductInProgramTypeBasedOnName = function (name) {
var row = this.getRowBasedOnName(name)
this works fine and clicks the required element.
But this.getRowBasedOnName() function returns a promise, which should and can be used after resolving it uisng then function. How come it is able to work by just assigning it to a variable?
When you resolve the result of getRowBasedOnName(), which is an ElementArrayFinder, you get a regular array of elements which does not have an all() method.
You don't need to resolve the result of getRowBasedOnName() at all - let it be an ElementArrayFinder which you can chain with all() as in your second sample:
var row = this.getRowBasedOnName(name);
In other words, requiredRow is not an ElementArrayFinder, but row is.

Counting length of repetition in macro

I'm trying to implement a macro to allow MATLAB-esque matrix creation. I've got a basic working macro but I still have a long way to go.
I want to be able to enforce the right structure (same number of elements in each row) but I'm not sure how to do this within the macro. I think I want to enforce that each internal repetition has the same length - is this something I can do?
Here is my code so far:
pub struct Matrix<T> {
pub cols: usize,
pub rows: usize,
pub data: Vec<T>
macro_rules! mat {
( $($( $x:expr ),*);* ) => {
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let mut rows = 0;
rows += 1;
Matrix { cols : vec.len()/rows, rows: rows, data: vec}
It works but as you can see isn't very safe. It has no restrictions on the structure.
I want to do a lot more with this macro but I think this is a good start!
Here is some playground code for a crappy implementation I worked out. If anyone has any better suggestions please let me know! Otherwise I'll close this myself.
macro_rules! count {
() => (0usize);
( $x:tt $($xs:tt)* ) => (1usize + count!($($xs)*));
macro_rules! mat {
( $( $x:expr ),* ) => { {
let vec = vec![$($x),*];
Matrix { cols : vec.len(), rows: 1, data: vec }
} };
( $( $x0:expr ),* ; $($( $x:expr ),*);* ) => { {
let mut _assert_width0 = [(); count!($($x0)*)];
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let rows = 1usize;
let cols = count!($($x0)*);
$( vec.push($x0); )*
let rows = rows + 1usize;
let _assert_width = [(); count!($($x)*)];
_assert_width0 = _assert_width;
$( vec.push($x); )*
Matrix { cols : cols, rows: rows, data: vec }
} }
The count! macro expands to a constant expression that represents the number of arguments it got as input. It's just a helper for the mat! macro. If you need to count a lot of items and the compiler can't cope with it, see the Counting chapter in The Little Book of Rust Macros, which has more complex macros for counting.
My version of the macro uses dummy variables and assignments to verify that the width of all rows are the same. First off, I changed the macro's pattern to handle the first row separately from the subsequent rows. The first variable, _assert_width0, is initialized with an array of units ((), which makes the array take no memory), with the size of the array being the number of items in the first row. Then, _assert_width is also initialized with an array of units, with the size of the array being the number of items in each subsequent row. Then, _assert_width is assigned to _assert_width0. The magic here is that this line will raise a compiler error if the width of a row doesn't match the width of the first row, since the types of the array won't match (you might have e.g. [(); 3] and [(); 4]). The error isn't super clear if you don't know what's going on in the macro, though:
<anon>:38:24: 38:37 error: mismatched types:
expected `[(); 3]`,
found `[(); 4]`
(expected an array with a fixed size of 3 elements,
found one with 4 elements) [E0308]
<anon>:38 _assert_width0 = _assert_width;
<anon>:47:13: 47:44 note: in this expansion of mat! (defined in <anon>)
<anon>:38:24: 38:37 help: see the detailed explanation for E0308
First, to quickly address the title of your question: see the Counting chapter in The Little Book of Rust Macros. To summarise: there is no direct way, you need to write a macro that expands to something you can count in regular code.
Now, to address your actual question: hoo boy.
It's not so much counting that you want, it's to fail at compile time if the sub-sequences have different lengths.
First of all, there's no clean way to trigger a compilation failure from a macro. You can trigger some other pre-existing error, but you can't control the actual error message.
Secondly, there's no easy way to do "variable" comparisons in macros at all. You can sometimes compare against a fixed token sequence, but you're not doing that here.
So it's doubly not-really-doable.
The simplest thing to do is check the lengths during construction at runtime, and return an error or panic if they don't match.
Is it actually impossible? I don't believe so. If you're willing to accept inscrutable error messages and a massive jump in complexity, you can check for length equality between two token sequences like so:
macro_rules! tts_equal_len {
(($_lhs:tt $($lhs_tail:tt)*), ($_rhs:tt $($rhs_tail:tt)*)) => {
tts_equal_len!(($($lhs_tail)*), ($($rhs_tail)*))
(($($_lhs_tail:tt)+), ()) => { do_something_bad!() };
((), ($($_rhs_tail:tt)+)) => { do_something_bad!() };
((), ()) => { do_something_good!() };
macro_rules! do_something_bad { () => { { println!("kaboom!") } } }
macro_rules! do_something_good { () => { { println!("no kaboom!") } } }
fn main() {
tts_equal_len!((,,,), (,,,));
tts_equal_len!((,,,), (,,));
tts_equal_len!((,), (,,));
Again, the real problem is finding some way to fail at compile time such that the user will understand why compilation failed.
Update: there's a new way of doing things
As of the day on which this was written, the feature of rust which enables the following (count) to be done, in still unstable and is available in nightly builds.
You can check out the github issues and test cases for further understanding of what's given below
To enable this feature, you need to add the line #![feature(macro_metavar_expr)] to the top of the crate's root module (usually main.rs or lib.rs), and also set your repo to use nightly builds, which is easily done by creating a file rust-toolchain.toml in the root directory (alongside Cargo.toml) and add the folllowing lines to it:
channel = "nightly"
Now, instead of providing a solution to you specific problem, I'd like to share a generic solution I created to better illustrate most situations.
I highly recommend studying the code AND the comments, by pasting the following two code blocks in a file (main.rs).
The macro_rules
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct SumLen {
sum: i32,
len: u32
/// currently one `i32` type is available
/// # Examples
/// The output of the following:
/// ```ignore
/// sumnarr!(i32 => 5 ; 6, 7, 8)
/// ```
/// will be `[(5, 1), (21, 3)]`
macro_rules! sumnarr {
( $type:ty => $( $( $x: expr ),* );* ) => {
// `${count(x,0)}` will give you "length" (number of iterations)
// in `$( )*` loop that you are IMMEDIATELY OUTSIDE OF (e.g.: the `$( )*` loop below)
// `${count(x,1)}` will give you TOTAL number of iterations that the `$( )*` loop
// INSIDE of the IMMEDIATE `$( )*` loop will make. i.e. it is similar to converting
// [ [i1,i2], [i1,i2,i3] ] TO [ i1,i2,i3,i4,i5 ] i.e. flatten the nested iteration.
// In case of `[ [i1,i2], [i1,i2,i3] ]`, `${count(x,0)}` is 2 and `${count(x,1)}` is 5
let mut arr: [SumLen; ${count(x,0)}] = [SumLen{ sum:0, len:0}; ${count(x,0)}];
// `${index()}` refers to the iteration number within the `$( )*` loop
arr[${index()}] = {
let mut sum = 0;
//let mut len = 0;
// THe following will give us length is the loop it is IMMEDIATELY OUTSIDE OF
// (the one just below)
let len = ${count(x,0)};
sum += $x;
// If you were NOT using `$x` somewhere else inside `$( )*`,
// then you should use `${ignore(x)};` to inform the compiler
//You could use the below method, where `${length()}` will give you
//"length" or "number of iterations" in current loop that you are in
// OR
// you could go with my method of `${count(x,0)}` which is explained above
//len = ${length()};
SumLen {
The #[test] (unit test)
fn sumnarr_macro() {
let (a, b, c, d, e) = (4, 5, 6, 9, 10);
let sum_lens = [
SumLen {
sum: a + e,
len: 2
SumLen {
sum: b + c + d,
len: 3
assert_eq!(sum_lens, sumnarr!(i32 => a,e;b,c,d));
I hope this helps

Callback functions that reference each other? Nested if statements? Need guidance

first time long time here.
I just started programming in javascript recently, I'm running into a question of design.
I have some working code that:
1. Waits for specific input from the serial port,
2. When input is found it moves to the next function.
3. The next function sends a command(s) over the serial port and then waits for input again.
Now I have 9 functions defined as stepone() steptwo() etc.... There has to be a better way to do this. Each function is the same except with different variables for input and output desired.
However, I do not want the program to skip steps. It needs to wait for the correct serial input before sending the next command.
I've tried using callback functions referencing each other, it just seems...wrong?
Also, it doesn't work. It doesn't wait for the right input before sending commands.
var waitforinput = function(input, regex, callback)
if (regex.search != -1)
var sendcommand = function(command,callback)
if (callback)
var connect = function()
var int = setInterval(function()
waitforinput(input, "Please choose:", function()
sendcommand("1", function()
waitforinput(input, "You choosed", function()
sendcommand("saveenv 1");
I ended up using switch() with cases and keeping track of a variable called step:
step = 1;
case 1:
if (inputbuffer.search('Please choose') !== -1)
if (!waitdisplaystarted)
waitdisplaystarted = true;
waitint = setInterval(showwait,1000);
window.$("#status").html("Step 1: Choosing boot option.");
step = 2;
case 2:
if (inputbuffer.search('You choosed 1') !== -1)
SELF.sendserialcommand('setenv bootargs "board=ALFA console=ttyATH0,115200 rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 noinitrd"\r');
setTimeout(function(){SELF.sendserialcommand('saveenv\r');}, 50);
window.$("#status").html("Step 2: Transferring new kernel.");
setTimeout(function(){SELF.sendserialcommand('tftp 0x80600000 kernel.bin\r');}, 2000);
step = 3;
case 3:
if (inputbuffer.search('Bytes transferred = ' + 878938) !== -1)
window.$("#status").html("Step 3: Erasing old kernel.");
SELF.sendserialcommand('erase 0x9f650000 +0x190000\r');
step = 'finished';

How to supress the very next event of stream A whenever stream B fires

I want to stop stream A for exactly one notification whenever stream B fires. Both streams will stay online and won't ever complete.
A: o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o
B: --o-----o--------o-------
R: o-----o-----o--o-----o--o
A: o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o
B: -oo----oo-------oo-------
R: o-----o-----o--o-----o--o
Here's a version of my SkipWhen operator I did for a similar question (the difference is that, in the original, multiple "B's" would skip multiple "A's"):
public static IObservable<TSource> SkipWhen<TSource, TOther>(this IObservable<TSource> source,
IObservable<TOther> other)
return Observable.Create<TSource>(observer =>
object lockObject = new object();
bool shouldSkip = false;
var otherSubscription = new MutableDisposable();
var sourceSubscription = new MutableDisposable();
otherSubscription.Disposable = other.Subscribe(
x => { lock(lockObject) { shouldSkip = true; } });
sourceSubscription.Disposable = source.Where(_ =>
if (shouldSkip)
shouldSkip = false;
return false;
return true;
return new CompositeDisposable(
sourceSubscription, otherSubscription);
If the current implementation becomes a bottleneck, consider changing the lock implementation to use a ReaderWriterLockSlim.
This solution will work when the observable is hot (and without refCount):
.takeUntil(streamB): make stream A complete upon stream B producing a value.
.skip(1): make stream A skip one value upon starting (or as a result of .repeat()).
.repeat(): make stream A repeat (reconnect) indefinitely.
.merge(streamA.take(1)): offset the effect of .skip(1) at the beginning of the stream.
Example of making A stream skip every 5 seconds:
var streamA,
streamA = Rx.Observable
.map(function (x) {
return 'A:' + x;
streamB = Rx.Observable
You can also use this sandbox http://jsbin.com/gijorid/4/edit?js,console to execute BACTION() in the console log at the time of running the code to manually push a value to streamB (which is helpful for analysing the code).