Scala distributed execution of function objects - scala

Given the following function objects,
val f : Int => Double = (i:Int) => i + 0.1
val g1 : Double => Double = (x:Double) => x*10
val g2 : Double => Double = (x:Double) => x/10
val h : (Double,Double) => Double = (x:Double,y:Double) => x+y
and for instance 3 remote servers or nodes (IP, IP 2 and IP 3), how to distribute the execution of this program,
val fx = f(1)
val g1x = g1( fx )
val g2x = g2( fx )
val res = h ( g1x, g2x )
so that
fx is computed in IP 1,
g1x is computed in IP 2,
g2x is computed in IP 3,
res is computed in IP 1
May Scala Akka or Apache Spark provide a simple approach to this ?
RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Finagle as suggested by #pkinsky may be a feasible choice.
Consider load-balancing policies as a mechanism for selecting a node for execution, at least any free available node policy.

I can speak for Apache Spark. It can do what you are looking for with the code below. But it's not designed for this kind of parallel computation. It is designed for parallel computation where you also have a large amount of parallel data distributed on many machines. So the solution looks a bit silly, as we distribute a single integer across a single machine for example (for f(1)).
Also, Spark is designed to run the same computation on all the data. So running g1() and g2() in parallel goes a bit against the design. (It's possible, but not elegant, as you see.)
// Distribute the input (1) across 1 machine.
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(1), numSlices = 1)
// Run f() on the input, collect the results and take the first (and only) result.
val fx =
// The next stage's input will be (1, fx), (2, fx) distributed across 2 machines.
val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(Seq((1, fx), (2, fx)), numSlices = 2)
// Run g1() on one machine, g2() on the other.
val gxs = {
case (1, x) => g1(x)
case (2, x) => g2(x)
val g1x = gxs(0)
val g2x = gxs(1)
// Same deal for h() as for f(). The input is (g1x, g2x), distributed to 1 machine.
val rdd3 = sc.parallelize(Seq((g1x, g2x)), numSlices = 1)
val res = { case (g1x, g2x) => h(g1x, g2x) }.collect.head
You can see that Spark code is based around the concept of RDDs. An RDD is like an array, except it's partitioned across multiple machines. sc.parallelize() creates such a parallel collection from a local collection. For example rdd2 in the above code will be created from the local collection Seq((1, fx), (2, fx)) and split across two machines. One machine will have Seq((1, fx)), the other will have Seq((2, fx)).
Next we do a transformation on the RDD. map is a common transformation that creates a new RDD of the same length by applying a function to each element. (Same as Scala's map.) The map we run on rdd2 will replace (1, x) with g1(x) and (2, x) with g2(x). So on one machine it will cause g1() to run, while on the other g2() will run.
Transformations run lazily, only when you want to access the results. The methods that access the results are called actions. The most straightforward example is collect, which downloads the contents of the entire RDD from the cluster to the local machine. (It is exactly the opposite of sc.parallelize().)
You can try and see all this if you download Spark, start bin/spark-shell, and copy your function definitions and the above code into the shell.


Distributed process updating a global/single variable in Spark

I'm in trouble trying to process a vast amount of data on a cluster.
The code:
val (sumZ, batchSize) = data.rdd.repartition(4)
.treeAggregate(0L, 0L))(
seqOp = (c, v) => {
// c: (z, count), v
val step = this.update(c, v)
(step._1, c._2 + 1)
combOp = (c1, c2) => {
// c: (z, count)
(c1._1 + c2._1, c1._2 + c2._2)
val finalZ = sumZ / 4
As you can see in the code, my current approach is to process this data partitioned into 4 chunks (x0, x1, x2, x3) making all the process independent. Each process generates an output (z0, z1, z2, z3), and the final value of z is an average of these 4 results.
This approach is working but the precision (and the computing time) is affected by the number of partitions.
My question is if there is a way of generating a "global" z that will be updated from every process (partition).
TL;DR There is not. Spark doesn't have shared memory with synchronized access so no true global access can exist.
The only form of "shared" writable variable in Spark is Accumulator. It allows write only access with commutative and associative function.
Since its implementation is equivalent to reduce / aggregate:
Each partition has its own copy which is updated locally.
After task is completed partial results are send to the driver and combined with "global" instance.
it won't resolve your problem.

Spark migrate sql window function to RDD for better performance

A function should be executed for multiple columns in a data frame
def handleBias(df: DataFrame, colName: String, target: String = target) = {
val w1 = Window.partitionBy(colName)
val w2 = Window.partitionBy(colName, target)
df.withColumn("cnt_group", count("*").over(w2))
.withColumn("pre2_" + colName, mean(target).over(w1))
.withColumn("pre_" + colName, coalesce(min(col("cnt_group") / col("cnt_foo_eq_1")).over(w1), lit(0D)))
This can be written nicely as shown above in spark-SQL and a for loop. However this is causing a lot of shuffles (spark apply function to columns in parallel).
A minimal example:
val df = Seq(
(0, "A", "B", "C", "D"),
(1, "A", "B", "C", "D"),
(0, "d", "a", "jkl", "d"),
(0, "d", "g", "C", "D"),
(1, "A", "d", "t", "k"),
(1, "d", "c", "C", "D"),
(1, "c", "B", "C", "D")
).toDF("TARGET", "col1", "col2", "col3TooMany", "col4")
val columnsToDrop = Seq("col3TooMany")
val columnsToCode = Seq("col1", "col2")
val target = "TARGET"
val targetCounts = df.filter(df(target) === 1).groupBy(target)
val newDF = df.join(broadcast(targetCounts), Seq(target), "left")
val result = (columnsToDrop ++ columnsToCode).toSet.foldLeft(newDF) {
(currentDF, colName) => handleBias(currentDF, colName)
result.drop(columnsToDrop: _*).show
How can I formulate this more efficient using RDD API? aggregateByKeyshould be a good idea but is still not very clear to me how to apply it here to substitute the window functions.
(provides a bit more context / bigger example
Initially, I started with Spark dynamic DAG is a lot slower and different from hard coded DAG which is shown below. The good thing is, each column seems to run independent /parallel. The downside is that the joins (even for a small dataset of 300 MB) get "too big" and lead to an unresponsive spark.
handleBiasOriginal("col1", df)
.join(handleBiasOriginal("col2", df), df.columns)
.join(handleBiasOriginal("col3TooMany", df), df.columns)
.drop(columnsToDrop: _*).show
def handleBiasOriginal(col: String, df: DataFrame, target: String = target): DataFrame = {
val pre1_1 = df
.filter(df(target) === 1)
.groupBy(col, target)
.agg((count("*") / df.filter(df(target) === 1).count).alias("pre_" + col))
val pre2_1 = df
.agg(mean(target).alias("pre2_" + col))
.join(pre1_1, Seq(col), "left")
.join(pre2_1, Seq(col), "left")
This image is with spark 2.1.0, the images from Spark dynamic DAG is a lot slower and different from hard coded DAG are with 2.0.2
The DAG will be a bit simpler when caching is applied
handleBiasOriginal("col1", df). ...
What other possibilities than window functions do you see to optimize the SQL?
At best it would be great if the SQL was generated dynamically.
The main point here is to avoid unnecessary shuffles. Right now your code shuffles twice for each column you want to include and the resulting data layout cannot be reused between columns.
For simplicity I assume that target is always binary ({0, 1}) and all remaining columns you use are of StringType. Furthermore I assume that the cardinality of the columns is low enough for the results to be grouped and handled locally. You can adjust these methods to handle other cases but it requires more work.
Reshape data from wide to long:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val exploded = explode(array(
(columnsToDrop ++ columnsToCode).map(c =>
struct(lit(c).alias("k"), col(c).alias("v"))): _*
val long =, $"TARGET")
aggregateByKey, reshape and collect:
import org.apache.spark.util.StatCounter
val lookup =[((String, String), Int)].rdd
// You can use prefix partitioner (one that depends only on _._1)
// to avoid reshuffling for groupByKey
.aggregateByKey(StatCounter())(_ merge _, _ merge _)
.map { case ((c, v), s) => (c, (v, s)) }
You can use lookup to get statistics for individual columns and levels. For example:
org.apache.spark.util.StatCounter =
(count: 3, mean: 0.666667, stdev: 0.471405, max: 1.000000, min: 0.000000)
Gives you data for col1, level A. Based on the binary TARGET assumption this information is complete (you get count / fractions for both classes).
You can use lookup like this to generate SQL expressions or pass it to udf and apply it on individual columns.
DataFrame API
Convert data to long as for RDD API.
Compute aggregates based on levels:
val stats = long
.groupBy($"level.k", $"level.v")
.agg(mean($"TARGET"), sum($"TARGET"))
Depending on your preferences you can reshape this to enable efficient joins or convert to a local collection and similarly to the RDD solution.
Using aggregateByKey
A simple explanation on aggregateByKey can be found here. Basically you use two functions: One which works inside a partition and one which works between partitions.
You would need to do something like aggregate by the first column and build a data structure internally with a map for every element of the second column to aggregate and collect data there (of course you could do two aggregateByKey if you want).
This will not solve the case of doing multiple runs on the code for each column you want to work with (you can do use aggregate as opposed to aggregateByKey to work on all data and put it in a map but that will probably give you even worse performance). The result would then be one line per key, if you want to move back to the original records (as window function does) you would actually need to either join this value with the original RDD or save all values internally and flatmap
I do not believe this would provide you with any real performance improvement. You would be doing a lot of work to reimplement things that are done for you in SQL and while doing so you would be losing most of the advantages of SQL (catalyst optimization, tungsten memory management, whole stage code generation etc.)
Improving the SQL
What I would do instead is attempt to improve the SQL itself.
For example, the result of the column in the window function appears to be the same for all values. Do you really need a window function? You can instead do a groupBy instead of a window function (and if you really need this per record you can try to join the results. This might provide better performance as it would not necessarily mean shuffling everything twice on every step).

Get all possible combinations of 3 values from n possible elements

I'm trying to get the list of all the possible combinations of 3 elements from a list of 30 items. I tried to use the following code, but it fails throwing an OutOfMemoryError. Is there any alternative approach which is more efficient than this?
val items = sqlContext.table(SOURCE_DB + "." + SOURCE_TABLE).
val items.take(1) // Compute cache before join
val itemCombinations =$"item_id".alias("id_A")).
join($"item_id".alias("id_B")), $"id_A".lt($"id_B")).
join($"item_id".alias("id_C")), $"id_B".lt($"id_C"))
The approach seems OK but might generate quite some overhead at the query execution level. Give that n is a fairly small number, we could do it using the Scala implementation directly:
val localItems = items.collect
val combinations = localItems.combinations(3)
The result is an iterator that can be consumed one element at the time, without significant memory overhead.
Spark Version (edit)
Given the desire to make a Spark version of this, it could be possible to avoid the query planner (assuming that the issue is there), by dropping to RDD level. This is basically the same expression as the join in the question:
val items = sqlContext.table(SOURCE_DB + "." + SOURCE_TABLE).select("item_id").rdd
val combinations = items.cartesian(items).filter{case(x,y) => x<y}.cartesian(items).filter{case ((x,y),z) => y<z}
Running an equivalent code in my local machine:
val data = List.fill(1000)(scala.util.Random.nextInt(999))
val rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val combinations = rdd.cartesian(rdd).filter{case(x,y) => x<y}.cartesian(rdd).filter{case ((x,y),z) => y<z}
// res5: Long = 165623528

Spark program performance - GC & Task Deserialization & Concurrent execution

I have a cluster of 4 machines, 1 master and three workers, each with 128G memory and 64 cores. I'm using Spark 1.5.0 in stand alone mode. My program reads data from Oracle tables using JDBC, then does ETL, manipulating data, and does machine learning tasks like k-means.
I have a DataFrame (myDF.cache()) which is join results with two other DataFrames, and cached. The DataFrame contains 27 million rows and the size of data is around 1.5G. I need to filter the data and calculate 24 histogram as follows:
val h1 = myDF.filter("pmod(idx, 24) = 0").select("col1").histogram(arrBucket)
val h2 = myDF.filter("pmod(idx, 24) = 1").select("col1").histogram(arrBucket)
// ......
val h24 = myDF.filter("pmod(idx, 24) = 23").select("col1").histogram(arrBucket)
Since my DataFrame is cached, I expect the filter, select, and histogram is very fast. However, the actual time is about 7 seconds for each calculation, which is not acceptable. From UI, it show the GC time takes 5 seconds and Task Deserialization Time 4 seconds. I've tried different JVM parameters but cannot improve further. Right now I'm using
-Xms25G -Xmx25G -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 \
-XX:ParallelGCThreads=32 \
-XX:ConcGCThreads=8 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=70
What puzzles me is that the size of data is nothing compared with available memory. Why does GC kick in every time filter/select/histogram running? Is there any way to reduce the GC time and Task Deserialization Time?
I have to do parallel computing for h[1-24], instead of sequential. I tried Future, something like:
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, blocking}
val f1 = Future{myDF.filter("pmod(idx, 24) = 1").count}
val f2 = Future{myDF.filter("pmod(idx, 24) = 2").count}
val f3 = Future{myDF.filter("pmod(idx, 24) = 3").count}
val future = for {c1 <- f1; c2 <- f2; c3 <- f3} yield {
c1 + c2 + c3
val summ = Await.result(future, 180 second)
The problem is that here Future only means jobs are submitted to the scheduler near-simultaneously, not that they end up being scheduled and run simultaneously. Future used here doesn't improve performance at all.
How to make the 24 computation jobs run simultaneously?
A couple of things you can try:
Don't compute pmod(idx, 24) all over again. Instead you can simply compute it once:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{pmod, lit}
val myDfWithBuckets = myDF.withColumn("bucket", pmod($"idx", lit(24)))
Use SQLContext.cacheTable instead of cache. It stores table using compressed columnar storage which can be used to access only required columns and as stated in the Spark SQL and DataFrame Guide "will automatically tune compression to minimize memory usage and GC pressure".
If you can, cache only the columns you actually need instead of projecting each time.
It is not clear for me what is the source of a histogram method (do you convert to RDD[Double] and use DoubleRDDFunctions.histogram?) and what is the argument but if you want to compute all histograms at the same time you can try to groupBy bucket and apply histogram once for example using histogram_numeric UDF:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.callUDF
val n: Int = ???
.agg(callUDF("histogram_numeric", $"col1", lit(n)))
If you use predefined ranges you can obtain a similar effect using custom UDF.
how to extract values computed by histogram_numeric? First lets create a small helper
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
def extractBuckets(xs: Seq[Row]): Seq[(Double, Double)] = => (x.getDouble(0), x.getDouble(1)))
now we can map using pattern matching as follows:
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
val histogramsRDD: RDD[(Int, Seq[(Double, Double)])] ={
case Row(k: Int, hs: Seq[Row #unchecked]) => (k, extractBuckets(hs)) }

Joining process with broadcast variable ends up endless spilling

I am joining two RDDs from text files in standalone mode. One has 400 million (9 GB) rows, and the other has 4 million (110 KB).
3-grams doc1 3-grams doc2
ion - 100772C111 ion - 200772C222
on - 100772C111 gon - 200772C222
n - 100772C111 n - 200772C222
... - .... ... - ....
ion - 3332145654 on - 58898874
mju - 3332145654 mju - 58898874
... - .... ... - ....
In each file, doc numbers (doc1 or doc2) appear one under the other. And as a result of join I would like to get a number of common 3-grams between the docs.e.g.
(100772C111-200772C222,2) --> There two common 3-grams which are 'ion' and ' n'
The server on which I run my code has 128 GB RAM and 24 cores. I set my IntelliJ configurations - VM options part with -Xmx64G
Here is my code for this:
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("abdulhay").setMaster("local[4]").set("spark.shuffle.spill", "true")
.set("spark.shuffle.memoryFraction", "0.6").set("", "0.4")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val emp = sc.textFile("\\doc1.txt").map(line => (line.split("\t")(3),line.split("\t")(1))).distinct()
val emp_new = sc.textFile("\\doc2.txt").map(line => (line.split("\t")(3),line.split("\t")(1))).distinct()
val emp_newBC = sc.broadcast(emp_new.groupByKey.collectAsMap)
val joined = emp.mapPartitions(iter => for {
(k, v1) <- iter
v2 <- emp_newBC.value.getOrElse(k, Iterable())
} yield (s"$v1-$v2", 1))
val olsun = joined.reduceByKey((a,b) => a+b) => x._1 + "\t" + x._2).saveAsTextFile("...\\out.txt")
So as seen, during join process using broadcast variable my key values change. So it seems I need to repartition the joined values? And it is highly expensive. As a result, i ended up too much spilling issue, and it never ended. I think 128 GB memory must be sufficient. As far as I understood, when broadcast variable is used shuffling is being decreased significantly? So what is wrong with my application?
Thanks in advance.
I have also tried spark's join function as below:
var joinRDD = emp.join(emp_new);
val kkk = => (line._2,1)).reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
again ending up too much spilling.
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("abdulhay").setMaster("local[12]").set("spark.shuffle.spill", "true")
.set("spark.shuffle.memoryFraction", "0.4").set("", "0.6")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val emp = sc.textFile("S:\\Staff_files\\Mehmet\\Projects\\SPARK - scala\\wos14.txt").map{line => val s = line.split("\t"); (s(5),s(0))}//.distinct()
val emp_new = sc.textFile("S:\\Staff_files\\Mehmet\\Projects\\SPARK - scala\\fwo_word.txt").map{line => val s = line.split("\t"); (s(3),s(1))}//.distinct()
val cog = emp_new.cogroup(emp)
val skk = cog.flatMap {
case (key: String, (l1: Iterable[String], l2: Iterable[String])) =>
(l1.toSeq ++ l2.toSeq).combinations(2).map { case Seq(x, y) => if (x < y) ((x, y),1) else ((y, x),1) }.toList
val com = skk.countByKey()
I would not use broadcast variables. When you say:
val emp_newBC = sc.broadcast(emp_new.groupByKey.collectAsMap)
Spark is first moving the ENTIRE dataset into the master node, a huge bottleneck and prone to produce memory errors on the master node. Then this piece of memory is shuffled back to ALL nodes (lots of network overhead), bound to produce memory issues there too.
Instead, join the RDDs themselves using join (see description here)
Figure out also if you have too few keys. For joining Spark basically needs to load the entire key into memory, and if your keys are too few that might still be too big a partition for any given executor.
A separate note: reduceByKey will repartition anyway.
EDIT: ---------------------
Ok, given the clarifications, and assuming that the number of 3-grams per doc# is not too big, this is what I would do:
Key both files by 3-gram to get (3-gram, doc#) tuples.
cogroup both RDDs, that gets you the 3gram key and 2 lists of doc#
Process those in a single scala function, output a set of all unique permutations of (doc-pairs).
then do coutByKey or countByKeyAprox to get a count of the number of distinct 3-grams for each doc pair.
Note: you can skip the .distinct() calls with this one. Also, you should not split every line twice. Change line => (line.split("\t")(3),line.split("\t")(1))) for line => { val s = line.split("\t"); (s(3),s(1)))
You also seem to be tuning your memory badly. For instance, using .set("spark.shuffle.memoryFraction", "0.4").set("", "0.6") leaves basically no memory for task execution (since they add up to 1.0). I should have seen that sooner but was focused on the problem itself.
Check the tunning guides here and here.
Also, if you are running it on a single machine, you might try with a single, huge executor (or even ditch Spark completely), as you don't need overhead of a distributed processing platform (and distributed hardware failure tolerance, etc).