Storing appended elements to localStorage - append

I'm a teacher and creating a page to organize my lesson plans. There should be the ability to add new lessons (li) and new weeks (ul). The lessons are sortable between each of the weeks. Each newly added item will then be saved to localStorage.
So far, I'm able to create the lessons and new weeks. The sortable function works. The save function works... except that it will not save any of the new weeks (ul). When I refresh, the new lessons (li) are still on the page, but the new weeks (ul) are gone.
$("#saveAll").click(function(e) {
var listContents = [];
localStorage.setItem('todoList', JSON.stringify(listContents));
$("#clearAll").click(function(e) {
function loadToDo() {
if (localStorage.getItem('todoList')){
var listContents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todoList'));
this.innerHTML = listContents [i];
I created a fiddle here.
You can click the "Add New Week" button and then click the "Create Lesson" button and drag the new lesson into one of the weeks. After clicking "Save All", only the first week is saved.
I can't seem to figure out what's missing.

It's saving correctly, but since the page only has one <ul> element initially, that is the only one that gets populated in loadToDo(). (listContents has more than one element, but $("ul").each(...) only iterates over one element.)
There is a quick band-aid you can use to resolve this. Refactor your #new-week-but click handler into a named function:
function addNewWeek() {
var x = '<ul class="sortable weeklist"></ul>';
$(x).appendTo('.term').sortable({connectWith: '.sortable'});
Then add this block after you fetch the array from storage but before you enumerate the <ul> elements:
var i;
for (i = 2; i < listContents.length; ++i) {
This will add the required number of <ul> elements before attempting to populate them.
I chose to initialize i to two because this creates two fewer than the number of elements in listContents. We need to subtract one because there is a <ul> in .term when the page loads, and another because the <ul id="new-lesson-list"> contents also get saved in listContents. (Consider filtering that element out in your #saveAll click handler.)
(Note that this requires merging all of your $(document).ready() functions into one big function so that addNewWeek() is visible to the rest of your code.)
Suggestions to improve code maintainability:
Give each editable <ul> a CSS class so that they can be distinguished from other random <ul> elements on the page. Filter for this class when saving data so that the "template" <ul> doesn't get saved, too.
Remove the one default editable <ul> from the page. Instead, in your loadToDo() function, add an else block to the if block and call addNewWeek() from the else block. Also, call it if listContents.length == 0. This will prevent duplicating the element in the HTML source (duplication is bad!) and having to account for it in your load logic.
If you implement both of these then you can initialize i to 0 instead of 2 in my sample code, which is a lot less weird-looking (and less likely to trip up future maintainers).


Store connected select element binding stops working - Is this a bug? or my code?

Select element bound to a state object loses update binding.
I am doing some exploration with lit-html and various routing/store combinations and have come across this strange behaviour. I have used the create-lit-app stackblitz.
I have a menu which is populated from an array on the store.state object. These links update a currentPage attribute on the store.
The navigation is self listens to the store and sets an [active] attribute if it matchs the store's currentPage.
Click events update the store. This is all working fine.
In another element (hello-world) I have a select box. The select box is populated by the same array on the store.state object. The [selected] attribute is set if the option matches the currentPage attribute. This also works fine.
I also put a couple of p tags which display the currentPage for sanity... or insanity... not yet sure.
Now, when I go back to using the menu the state changes and the menu [active] is working, as are the p tag updates in the other (hello-world) element. The select element however does not update. I can use the select to update the state but the binding down to the select seems to have stopped working all together.
I have tried super.update() and this.update() after googling similar issues but still no cheese. I am wondering if it is a function of an ugly anti-pattern on my part or if this might be an RC bug.
class HelloWorld extends LitElement {
constructor() {
store.subscribe(() => super.update());
_updatePage(e) {
store.update(s => s.currentPage =;
render() {
return html`
<p class="app-intro">
Current page: ${store.state.currentPage}
<select #change=${(e) => this._updatePage(e)}>
${ => {
return html`<option ?selected=${}>${}</option>`
<p class="app-intro">
Current page: ${store.state.currentPage}
I want to be able to update the state from anywhere in the app and have all subscribers updated.
My suggestion is to set properties on your element when the store updates, that way your element is not tightly coupled to the store's structure.
Otherwise, you can use this.requestUpdate() to trigger an update. update() is just a lifecycle callback which is called by LitElement internally.

Protractor - get specific element in a list

I have a list of pages in a table and need to click on the next page.
So, if the browser is currently on page 1, I need to click on page 2.
I am currently getting the elements by "td", going through a for loop (or mapping function) to try and find the current page, and then trying to find the next page. I keep getting memory issues or timeouts the way I'm currently trying to solve it.
Mapping function (memory issues) gist:
For loop (timeout) gist:
The for loop also looks like it has the potential issue of not necessarily resolving the pages in the correct order.
Note: I can't change the html.
Assuming your current page is has the span, something like this should work...
var clickNextPage = function() {
$('td span').getText().then(function(pageNum) {
element(by.cssContainingText('td a', pageNum + 1)).click();
This function should click the href based on the page number you pass in.
var visitPage = function (pageNumber) {
$('a[href="' + pageNumber + '"']).click();
it('should visit page three', function () {

knockout.js - help dealing with UI state changes when polling for updates

I'm having a problem losing UI state changes after my observables change and was hoping for some suggestions.
First off, I'm polling my server for updates. Those messages are in my view model and the <ul> renders perfectly:
When my user clicks the "reply" or "assign to" buttons, I'm displaying a little form to perform those actions:
My problem at this point was that when my next polling call returned, the list re-binds and I lose the state of where the form should be open at. I went through adding view model properties for "currentQuestionID" so I could use a visible: binding and redisplay the form after binding.
Once that was complete, the form displays properly on the "current item" after rebinding but the form values are lost. That is to say, it rebinds, rebuilds the form elements, shows them, but any user input disappears (which of course makes sense since the HTML was just regenerated).
I attempted to follow the same pattern (using a value: binding to set the value and an event: {change: responseChanged} binding to update an observable with the values). The HTML fragment looks like this:
<form action="#" class="tb-reply-form" data-bind="visible: $root.showMenu($data, 'reply')">
<textarea id="tb-response" data-bind="value: $root.currentResponse, event: {keyup: $root.responseChanged}"></textarea>
<input type="button" id="tb-submitResponse" data-bind="click: $root.submitResponse, clickBubble: false" value="Send" />
<form action="#" class="tb-assign-form" data-bind="visible: $root.showMenu($data, 'assign')">
<select id="tb-assign" class="tb-assign" data-bind="value: $root.currentAssignee, options: $root.mediators, optionsText: 'full_name', optionsValue: 'access_token', optionsCaption: 'Select one...', event: {change: $root.assigneeChanged}">
<input type="button" id="tb-submitAssignment" data-bind="click: $root.submitAssignment, clickBubble: false" value="Assign"/>
Now, I end up with what seems like an infinite loop where setting the value causes change to happen, which in turn causes value... etc.
I thought "screw it" just move it out of the foreach... By moving the form outside of each <li> in the foreach: binding and doing a little DOM manipulation to move the form into the "current item", I figured I wouldn't lose user inputs.
It works up until the first poll return & rebind. Since the HTML is regenerated for the <ul>, the DOM no longer has my form and my attempt to grab it and do the .appendTo(container) does nothing. I suppose here, I might be able to copy the element into the active item instead of moving it?
So, this all seems like I'm missing something basic because someone has to have put a form into a foreach loop in knockout!
Does anybody have a strategy for maintaining form state inside a bound item in knockout?
Or, possibly, is there a way to make knockout NOT bind anything that's already bound and only generate "new" elements.
Finally, should I just scrap knockout for this and manually generate for "new items" myself when each polling call returns.
Just one last bit of info; if I set my polling interval to something like 30 seconds, all the bits "work" in that it submits, saves, rebinds, etc. I just need the form and it's contents to live through the rebinding.
Thanks a ton for any help!
Well, I figured it out on my own. And it's embarrassing.
Here is a partial bit of my VM code:
function TalkbackViewModel( id ) {
var self = this;
talkback.state.currentTalkbackId = "";
talkback.state.currentAction = "";
talkback.state.currentResponse = "";
talkback.state.currentAssignee = "";
self.talkbackQueue = ko.observableArray([]);
self.completeQueue = ko.observableArray([]);
self.mediators = ko.observableArray([]);
self.currentTalkbackId = ko.observable(talkback.state.currentTalkbackId);
self.currentAction = ko.observable(talkback.state.currentAction);
self.currentResponse = ko.observable(talkback.state.currentResponse);
self.currentAssignee = ko.observable(talkback.state.currentAssignee);
self.showActionForm = function(data, action) {
return ko.computed(function() {
var sameAction = (self.currentAction() == action);
var sameItem = (self.currentTalkbackId() == data.talkback_id());
return (sameAction && sameItem);
}, this);
self.replyToggle = function(model, event) {
// we're switching from one item to another. clear input values.
if (self.currentTalkbackId() != model.talkback_id() || self.currentAction() != "reply") {
My first mistake was trying to treat the textarea & dropdown the same. I noticed the dropdown was saving value & reloading but stupidly tried to keep the code the same as the textarea and caused my own issue.
First off, I went back to the using the $root view model properties for currentAssignee and currentResponse to store the values off and rebind using value: bindings on those controls.
Next, I needed to remove the event handlers:
event: { change: xxxChanged }
because they don't make sense (two way binding!!!!). The drop down value changes and updates automatically by using the value: binding.
The textarea ONLY updated on blur, causing me to think I needed onkeyup,onkeydown, etc. I got rid of those handlers because they were 1) wrong, 2) screwing up the value: binding creating an infinite loop.
I only needed this on the textarea to get up-to-date value updates to my viewmodel property:
valueUpdate: 'input'
At this point everything saves off & rebinds and I didn't lose my values but my caret position was incorrect in the textarea. I added a little code to handle that:
var item = element.find(".tb-assign");
var oldValue = item.val();
Some browsers behave OK if you just do item.focus().val(item.val()); but i needed to actually cause the value to "change" in my case to get the caret at the end so I saved the value, cleared it, then restored it. I did this in the event handler for when the event data is returned to the browser:
$(window).on("talkback.retrieved", function(event, talkback_queue, complete_queue) {
var open_mappings = ko.mapping.fromJS(talkback_queue);
if (talkback_queue) self.queueLength(talkback_queue.length);
var completed_mappings = ko.mapping.fromJS(complete_queue);
if (self.currentTalkbackId()) {
var element = $("li[talkbackId='" + self.currentTalkbackId() + "']");
if (talkback.state.currentAction == "assign") {
var item = element.find(".tb-assign");
var oldValue = item.val();
} else {
var item = element.find(".tb-response");
var oldValue = item.val();
So, my final issue is that if I used my observables in my method "clearing" the values when a new "current item" is selected (replyToggle & assignToggle), they don't seem to work.
I cannot get the values to clear. I had to do some hack-fu and added the line below that to just work around it for now:

Meteor: Elements from CollectionA re-rendering when I insert to CollectionB

I'm attempting to fade-in new elements in a reactive {{#each}} of the comments posted by users.
I have a code sample at of a very simple comments section (textarea and new comment insert code not included, but it's very boilerplate.). Included is a snippet of CSS where I give .comment.fresh { opacity: 0; }, and then in my script, I have:
Template.individual_comment.postedago_str = function() {
var id = this._id;
Meteor.defer(function() {
$('#commentid_'+id+'.fresh').animate({'opacity':'1'}, function() {
return new Date(this.time).toString();
Which seems like a terrible place to execute an animation. My thinking is that each time a new comment is rendered, it will need to call all my Template.individual_comment.* functions, so that's why my animation defers from one of those. However, Meteor is calling Template.individual_comment.postedago_str() each time a different collection (Likes) is inserted to. This means I click the Like button, and my whole list of comments flashes white and fades back in (very annoying!).
I read the Meteor documentation and tried to figure out how to better slice up my templates so only chunks will update, and I added id="" attributes everywhere that seemed reasonable.. still this bug. Anyone know what's going on?
As a workaround, you could wrap an {{if}} block around the fresh class on individual comments, that would check the comment's creation time and only add the fresh class in the first place if the comment is actually recent. Something like:
<div class="comment{{#if isActuallyFresh}} fresh{{/if}}" id="commentid_{{_id}}">
And then define the isActuallyFresh function:
Template.individual_comment.isActuallyFresh = function() {
if ((new Date().getTime() - this.time) < 300000) // less than 5 minutes old
return true;
return false;

Not-in-the-same-line radiobutton values

I'm building a "buffet menu list" form which has a lot of options for the "menu" radiobutton.
However I noted that all those values are "inline" just like in this example:
I'd like to know in first instance how could I add a line break on every value, and then, how could I simulate groups by adding some sort of < p> < /p> between specific option values (logical grouping).
Thanks in advance!
There are two solutions I can think of.
Look at the examples here for some inspiration:
1. Adding custom field to grid
First, create a form with no mark-up:
$form = $this->add('Form',null,null,array('form_empty'));
Next, add Grid into a form like this:
$grid = $form->add('Grid'); // or MVCGrid if you are using models
Add a column for selection:
->setTemplate('<input type=radio name=selection value="<?$id?>"/>');
Finally - make sure the column 'selection' is first (or last)
Finally you need to manually look into the POST data, because it's not a real form column.
$this->js()->univ()->successMessage('Selection is '+((int)$_POST['selection']))
You must remember that accessing POST directly exposes you to injection attack and you must validate it properly. Grid also MUST be inside the form, however you can place submit button anywhere else on your page. You can also use "Form_Plain", see "" for an example.
2. Using JavaScript and hidden field
In this example you can add a bunch of Radio button elements and tie them to a form. I've also using "Lister" here instead of "Grid", of course you can mix-and-match those approaches.
$form = $this->add('Form');
$selection = $form->addField('line','selection');
// can be placed anywhere.
$menu = $this->add('MVCLister',null,null,array('view/menu'));
// produces $('#menu_id').find('input[type=radio]').click(function(){
// $('#selection_id').val( $(this).val() );
// }
Your view/menu.html template file could look like this:
<div class="menu-container">
<div><input type="radio" name="anything" value="<?$id?>"> <?$name?> </div>
EDIT: code which worked for Fernando
->setTemplate('<input type=\'radio\' name=\'selection\' value="<?$value?>"/> <?$value?>');
->successMessage('Hoy: <b>'.$_POST['selection'].'</b>')->execute();