Defining explicit conversion for custom types in Swift - swift

What is currently the best/preferred way to define explicit conversions in Swift? Of the top of my head I can think of two:
Creating custom initializers for the destination type via an extension, like this:
extension String {
init(_ myType: MyType) {
self = "Some Value"
This way, you could just use String(m) where m is of type MyType to convert m to a string.
Defining toType-Methods in the source type, like this:
class MyType {
func toString() -> String {
return "Some Value"
This is comparable to Swift's String.toInt(), which returns an Int?. But if this was the definitive way to go I would expect there to be protocols for the basic types for this, like an inversion of the already existing *LiteralConvertible protocols.
Sub-question: None of the two methods allow something like this to compile: let s: MyString = myTypeInstance (as String) (part in parentheses optional), but if I understand right, the as operator is only for downcasting within type hierarchies, is that correct?

The pattern used in swift is the initializer. So for instance when converting an Int to UInt, we have to write:
var i: Int = 10
var u: UInt = UInt(i)
I would stick with that pattern.
As for the subquestion, the documentation states that:
Type casting is a way to check the type of an instance, and/or to treat that instance as if it is a different superclass or subclass from somewhere else in its own class hierarchy.
You can also use type casting to check whether a type conforms to a protocol
so no, the as keyword can`t be used to transform a value of a certain type to another type.
That can be tested in a simple way:
var i: Int = 10
var u: UInt = i as UInt
That generates an error:
'Int' is not convertible to 'UInt'
More about Type Casting


what is the difference between creating type of the class and creating instance of the class [duplicate]

How are they different? I get a bit confused because they seem to be similar concepts.
How does understanding them help with optimizing compilation time?
From Swift's own documentation:
Type Safety
Swift is a type-safe language. A type safe language encourages you to be clear about the types of values your code can work with. If part of your code expects a String, you can’t pass it an Int by mistake.
var welcomeMessage: String
welcomeMessage = 22 // this would create an error because you
//already specified that it's going to be a String
Type Inference
If you don’t specify the type of value you need, Swift uses type inference to work out the appropriate type. Type inference enables a compiler to deduce the type of a particular expression automatically when it compiles your code, simply by examining the values you provide.
var meaningOfLife = 42 // meaningOfLife is inferred to be of type Int
meaningOfLife = 55 // it Works, because 55 is an Int
Type Safety & Type Inference together
var meaningOfLife = 42 // 'Type inference' happened here, we didn't specify that this an Int, the compiler itself found out.
meaningOfLife = 55 // it Works, because 55 is an Int
meaningOfLife = "SomeString" // Because of 'Type Safety' ability you will get an
//error message: 'cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'Int''
Tricky example for protocols with associated types:
Imagine the following protocol
protocol Identifiable {
associatedtype ID
var id: ID { get set }
You would adopt it like this:
struct Person: Identifiable {
typealias ID = String
var id: String
However you can also adopt it like this:
struct Website: Identifiable {
var id: URL
You can remove the typealias. The compiler will still infer the type.
For more see Generics - Associated Types
Thanks to Swift’s type inference, you don’t actually need to declare a
concrete Item of Int as part of the definition of IntStack. Because
IntStack conforms to all of the requirements of the Container
protocol, Swift can infer the appropriate Item to use, simply by
looking at the type of the append(_:) method’s item parameter and the
return type of the subscript. Indeed, if you delete the typealias Item
= Int line from the code above, everything still works, because it’s clear what type should be used for Item.
Type-safety and Generics
Suppose you have the following code:
struct Helper<T: Numeric> {
func adder(_ num1: T, _ num2: T) -> T {
return num1 + num2
var num: T
T can be anything that's numeric e.g. Int, Double, Int64, etc.
However as soon as you type let h = Helper(num: 10) the compiler will assume that T is an Int. It won't accept Double, Int64, for its adder func anymore. It will only accept Int.
This is again because of type-inference and type-safety.
type-inference: because it has to infer that that the generic is of type Int.
type-safety: because once the T is set to be of type Int, it will no longer accept Int64, Double...
As you can see in the screenshot the signature is now changed to only accept a parameter of type Int
Pro tip to optimize compiler performance:
The less type inference your code has to do the faster it compiles. Hence it's recommended to avoid collection literals. And the longer a collection gets, the slower its type inference becomes...
not bad
let names = ["John", "Ali", "Jane", " Taika"]
let names : [String] = ["John", "Ali", "Jane", " Taika"]
For more see this answer.
Also see Why is Swift compile time so slow?
The solution helped his compilation time go down from 10/15 seconds to a single second.

Can you Strict Generic types or give one parameter more than one type ?

For example i want to specify a type that might be Integer or String and use it as special type in func i tried typealias
but it wont solve the case because typealiases can't have or arguments as its only uses & therefore consider the case below.
typealias alis = StringProtocol & Numeric
func foo <T: alis> (vee: T) -> T{
// do something
return vee
i want this func to accept a parameter type of either ( Int or String ) not anything else (<T>),
as you can see i tried with typealias and i have no compile error.
however trying to use the function will lead to these errors.
foo(vee: 1) //Argument type 'Int' does not conform to expected type 'StringProtocol'
foo(vee: "v") //Argument type 'String' does not conform to expected type 'Numeric'
is this achievable with swift ? if so how.
Let's suppose that you could use a OR operator to combine protocols, what would you be able to do with something of type (Int | String)?
Not everything you can do to an Int can be done on (Int | String), because it might be a string underlyingly. Similarly, not everything you can do to an String can be done on (Int | String), because it might be a Int underlyingly.
Now you might say "Ah. I know that Int and String both have a description property. I should be able to access description on a variable of type (Int | String)."
Well, in that case, you can just create such a protocol yourself and only have Int and String conform to it:
protocol IntOrString {
var description: String { get }
extension Int : IntOrString {}
extension String : IntOrString {}
(Note that description is already defined in CustomStringConvertible. For the sake of argument, imagine that does not exist.)

what is T.Type in swift

Can anyone tell me what is T.Type when I use JSONDecoder().decode()?
I think it is type to decode data what I encoded.
So many example use above method like this:
JSONEncoder().decode([People].self, from: data)
If I check that method's definition I can see T.Type.
I know the generics but what is T.Type?
What's the difference between just T and T.Type?
when we declare some variables, we allocated their types like this
var someValue: Int
, not var someValue: Int.self
What is the T.Type exactly and Type.self?
T.Type is used in parameters and constraints to mean "the type of the thing itself, not an instance of the thing".
For example:
class Example {
static var staticVar: String { return "Foo" }
var instanceVar: String { return "Bar" }
func printVar(from example: Example) {
print(example.instanceVar) // "Bar"
print(example.staticVar) // Doesn't compile, _Instances_ of Example don't have the property "staticVar"
func printVar(from example: Example.Type) {
print(example.instanceVar) // Doesn't compile, the _Type_ Example doesn't have the property "instanceVar"
print(example.staticVar) // prints "Foo"
You get a reference to a Type's .Type (the Type object itself) at runtime by calling TheType.self. The syntax TheType.Type is used in type declarations and type signatures only to indicate to the compiler the instance vs. type distinction. You can't actually get a reference to, for example, Int's type at runtime or in your function implementations by calling Int.Type. You would call Int.self
In the example code var someValue: Int, the specific notation identifier: Type (in this case, someValue: Int) means that someValue will be an instance of Int. If you wanted someValue to be a reference to the actual type Int, you would write var someValue: Int.Type = Int.self Remember that the .Type notation is only used when declaring types and type signatures to the compiler, and the .self property is used in actual code to retrieve a reference to the type object itself at execution time.
The reason why JSONDecoder().decode requires a parameter of T.Type (where T conforms to Decodable) is because any type conforming to Decodable has an initializer init(from decoder: Decoder). The decode method will need to call this init method on a type that conforms to Decodable, not on an instance of a type that conforms to Decodable. For example:
var someString: String = ""
someString.init(describing: 5) // Not possible, doesn't compile. Can't call an initializer on an _instance_ of String
var someStringType: String.Type = String.self
someStringType.init(describing: 5) // Iniitializes a String instance "5"

In Swift, how to cast to protocol with associated type?

In the following code, I want to test if x is a SpecialController. If it is, I want to get the currentValue as a SpecialValue. How do you do this? If not with a cast, then some other technique.
The last line there won't compile. There error is: Protocol "SpecialController" can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
protocol SpecialController {
associatedtype SpecialValueType : SpecialValue
var currentValue: SpecialValueType? { get }
var x: AnyObject = ...
if let sc = x as? SpecialController { // does not compile
Unfortunately, Swift doesn't currently support the use of protocols with associated types as actual types. This however is technically possible for the compiler to do; and it may well be implemented in a future version of the language.
A simple solution in your case is to define a 'shadow protocol' that SpecialController derives from, and allows you to access currentValue through a protocol requirement that type erases it:
// This assumes SpecialValue doesn't have associated types – if it does, you can
// repeat the same logic by adding TypeErasedSpecialValue, and then using that.
protocol SpecialValue {
// ...
protocol TypeErasedSpecialController {
var typeErasedCurrentValue: SpecialValue? { get }
protocol SpecialController : TypeErasedSpecialController {
associatedtype SpecialValueType : SpecialValue
var currentValue: SpecialValueType? { get }
extension SpecialController {
var typeErasedCurrentValue: SpecialValue? { return currentValue }
extension String : SpecialValue {}
struct S : SpecialController {
var currentValue: String?
var x: Any = S(currentValue: "Hello World!")
if let sc = x as? TypeErasedSpecialController {
print(sc.typeErasedCurrentValue as Any) // Optional("Hello World!")
[Edited to fix: : SpecialValue, not = SpecialValue]
This is not possible. SpecialValueController is an "incomplete type" conceptually so the compiler cannot know. SpecialValueType, although it is constrained by SpecialValue, it is not known until it is determined by any adopting class. So it is a really placeholder with inadequate information. as?-ness cannot be checked.
You could have a base class that adopts SpecialController with a concrete type for SpecialValueController, and have multiple child classes that inherit from the adopting class, if you're still seeking a degree of polymorphism.
This doesn't work because SpecialController isn't a single type. You can think of associated types as a kind of generics. A SpecialController with its SpecialValueType being an Int is a completely different type from a SpecialController with its SpecialValueType being an String, just like how Optional<Int> is a completely different type from Optional<String>.
Because of this, it doesn't make any sense to cast to SpecialValueType, because that would gloss over the associated type, and allow you to use (for example) a SpecialController with its SpecialValueType being an Int where a SpecialController with its SpecialValueType being a String is expected.
As compiler suggests, the only way SpecialController can be used is as a generic constraint. You can have a function that's generic over T, with the constraint that T must be a SpecialController. The domain of T now spans all the various concrete types of SpecialController, such as one with an Int associated type, and one with a String. For each possible associated type, there's a distinct SpecialController, and by extension, a distinct T.
To draw out the Optional<T> analogy further. Imagine if what you're trying to do was possible. It would be much like this:
func funcThatExpectsIntOptional(_: Int?) {}
let x: Optional<String> = "An optional string"
// Without its generic type parameter, this is an incomplete type. suppose this were valid
let y = x as! Optional
funcThatExpectsIntOptional(y) // boom.

Swift implicit type conversion between C typedefs

I need to use a third party C library whose source I cannot modify and which makes heavy use of implicit type casting and typedefs to set values for its structs. They are all ints underneath and this is the preferred way of interacting with this library. I've previously used it in Objective C code without issue so now I am mostly porting some of my old code, but it feels like I am constantly hitting a brick wall with Swift.
tl;dr: how can I assign a different typedef value to a C struct member in Swift while automatically handling the type conversions (all typedefs are ints underneath)?
For example, consider the following definitions:
struct library_struct {
int member;
typedef enum library_consts {
} library_consts;
In C or Objective C it would be absolutely acceptable to perform the following:
library_struct a;
However, attempting to do the same thing in Swift
var a: library_struct = library_struct()
results in an error:
Cannot assign a value of type 'library_consts' to a value of type 'Int32'
I tried several approaches:
Cast using Int32(). This leads to a Cannot find an initializer for type 'Int32' that accepts and argument list of type (library_consts) error.
Use LIBRARY_DEFINED_VALUE.rawValue. This won't work, because rawValue will return an UInt32, so I'm going to get the following error: Cannot assign a value of type 'UInt32' to a value of type 'Int32'
The only alternative is to cast again the value returned by rawValue to an Int32 like this: Int32(LIBRARY_DEFINED_VALUE.rawValue)
This works, but it feels wrong to make a double cast and it doesn't solve more complicated situations such as assigning a value of a different type (but still an int underneath) to a struct member such as the following:
enum library_consts
typedef int lib_bool_t;
typedef struct another_struct {
lib_bool_t aFlag;
var b: another_struct = another_struct()
a.aFlag = LIB_FALSE
This will error out with "Cannot assign a value of type 'library_consts' to a value of type 'lib_bool_t'"
I am afraid that there is no easier solution if you cannot change the
C interface. Using the "Generated Interface" view in Xcode 7 you can
see that
enum library_consts
typedef int lib_bool_t;
are mapped to Swift as
struct library_consts : RawRepresentable {
init(_ rawValue: UInt32)
init(rawValue: UInt32)
var rawValue: UInt32
typealias lib_bool_t = Int32
(the C int type is Int32 in Swift).
Swift does no implicit type conversions, which means that you have
to convert the types explicitly. In the second case it would be
var b: another_struct = another_struct()
b.aFlag = lib_bool_t(LIB_FALSE.rawValue)