Inline::java STUDY configuration - perl

The Inline docs aren't too helpful in learning how to use the STUDY config,
can anyone clarify the syntax involved in calling a simple void method that prints a method, say, Hello() ?
Also, in terms of the external java file, is there a specific directory i need to put it in, or does it go in the same directory of the perl script?

Let's start with the file /home/foo/java_src/, which contains:
public class Hello {
public Hello() {}
public void instance_hello() { System.out.println("hello world"); }
public static void static_hello() { System.out.println("HELLO WORLD"); }
Tackling your second question first, the first argument after use Inline Java ... can be a filename, and so you can put your source file anywhere and refer to it by its file name in your perl code:
use Inline Java => '/home/foo/java_src/';
$obj = Hello->new();
$obj->instance_hello(); # "hello world"
Hello->static_hello(); # "HELLO WORLD"
Note that you don't need STUDY so far. The Hello class is defined in source code that is read directly by the Inline::Java module, so the module automatically creates and populates the Hello namespace in Perl.
STUDY is for classes that aren't parsed directly by Inline::Java. So let's say instead that our Hello class has been compiled into a jar file called /home/foo/jars/hello.jar. Now to use the Hello class you would need to (1) include hello.jar in your CLASSPATH and (2) use STUDY to tell Inline::Java to create the Hello namespace:
use Inline Java => 'STUDY',
CLASSPATH => '/home/foo/jars/hello.jar',
STUDY => ['Hello'];
$obj = Hello->new;
Hello->static_hello; # "HELLO WORLD"
$obj->instance_hello; # "hello world"
We include the first argument STUDY to signal to the Inline::Java that we're not passing any source code directly to the module. We could have also passed valid source code or a valid source code filename.
use Inline Java => 'public class Nothing() { }',
CLASSPATH => '/home/foo/jars/hello.jar',
STUDY => ['Hello'];


Using PowerShell Parser for console application

My larger PowerShell/console application requires OOP, etc. for easier development.
I know about parsers such as NDesk.Options and CommandLineParser but I want something to simulate cmdlet parsing as close as possible. E.g. Support parsing for:
MyProject.exe do-thing ("computer1", "computer2") -p "parameter"
MyProject.exe do-thing -cn ("computer1", "computer2") -p "parameter" -verbose
Is it possible to use System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser or a another tool to simulate PowerShell parsing? Are there any examples and pitfalls to watch out for?
Sure, you could use Parser.ParseInput() to parse the args and then extract the individual elements from the resulting CommandAst:
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Token[] tokens;
ParseError[] errors;
Ast topAst = Parser.ParseInput(String.Join(" ", args), out tokens, out errors);
// Find the CommandAst object
CommandAst parsedCommand = topAst.Find(ast => ast is CommandAst, true);
// Grab the command name
string commandName = ((StringConstantExpressionAst)parsedCommand.CommandElements[0]).Value;
// Grab the remaining command arguments from CommandAst.CommandElements
I'd would probably store the arguments in a Dictionary<string,string[]>

swig perl wrapper is not generating for class member functions

I have simple c++ class as below
class example
int member;
void display(){
std::cout<<"Hello from example class"<<std::endl;
//my example.i file is
%module example
#include "example.h"
%include "example.h"
after this I am running
pkgs/swig/2.0.8/bin/swig -c++ -perl5 example.i
but I don't see a wrapper defined for my display function in .pm module thus generated.
any working sample will be of great help.
even though I don't see a special wrapper for display method, I see something like below generated and it worked when i was trying to access it from perl
*display = *examplec::example_display;
my code to access the c++ class objects
use example;
$myObj =new example::example();
$myObj->{member} = 1000;
print $myObj->{member};
print "\n";
print "\nFinished";

Is this joining coffeescript classes over files a valid aproach?

I want to join (use) classe in Coffescript files, and i found some usefull ideas here (sry for not including all links), since none fitted my needs (at least not as i like) I tried to find an own solution, this will work fine, but is there something I have overseen?
following "base" and "base class" are not OO words, I just did not find better names
I have a base (class) file TechDraw
class TechDraw
constructor: ->
$(window).load () =>
... do somthing
wave_to_me: ->
say 'I wave' # say is a basic func, I always use for debugging (console.log)
#TechDraw = new TechDraw
this works fine
Now I want to expand/extend my class with "sub classes/modules" in other files; ie. I have a TechDrawLine, and a TechDrawCalc, ans so on
What I did, was building a coffee file for each of them like:
class TechDrawConnector
constructor: (p)->
wave: (msg) ->
say 'yes its me, the connector:',msg
`window.TechDrawConnector = function(p) { return new TechDrawConnector(p) };`
# the last instead of a simple new like
# #TechDrawConnector = new TechDrawConnector
and my base(ic) class/module I extendet like this:
class TechDraw
constructor: ->
$(window).load () =>
Since I am a newbee in coffeescript (yes javascript also) my solution feels to simple ...
Have I overseen somthing? The Polution of the global namespace is not so bad I think
You cant create an "extension" that way.
If you define the same class in the same namespace a second time the first class will simply be overwritten and become in accessible. This will mostly be dependent on the order of loading of the compiled JavaScript files.
However you could either later add an method to the prototype of the class
class A
constructor: ->
A::foo = -> #do something
However this is no good style and can certainly be very confusing some time and lead to brittle errors.
Better would be to use a form of dependency injection
class A
constructor: (#closure) ->
$(window).load () => #closure()
new A () ->

Extending a class in another file

I have some TypeScript code that is being generated by a tool. I'd like to extend this class in another file. As of, what's the best way to go about this?
I thought maybe I could staple my additional functions onto the prototype, but this is giving various errors (which change depending what mood the compiler is in).
For example:
Foo.ts (generated by a tool)
module MyModule {
export class Dog { }
module MyModule {
function bark(): string {return 'woof';}
Dog.prototype.bark = bark;
You cannot split a class definition between multiple files in TypeScript. However typescript understands how JavaScript works and will let you write idomatic JavaScript classes just fine:
module MyModule {
export function Dog(){};
module MyModule {
function bark(): string {return 'woof';}
Dog.prototype.bark = bark;
Try it online
One way around this is to use inheritance:
class BigDog extends Dog{
I have encountered your problem as well before, but I had some deeper problems. You can see from basarat's example, that simple functions can be added as an extension to the prototype, but when it comes to static functions, or other static values you might want to extend your (presumably third party) class, then the TSC will warn you, that there is no such method defined on the class statically.
My workaround was the following little hack:
module MyModule {
export function Dog(){};
// in the other file
if (typeof MyModule !== 'undefined'){
Cast<any>(MyModule.Dog).Create = ()=>{return new Dog();};
// where Cast is a hack, for TS to forcefully cast types :)
Cast<T>(element:any):T{ return element; }
This should cast MyModule.Dog, to an any object, therefore allowing attachment of any kinds of properties, functions.

Namespacing in coffeescript

Is there any intrinsic support for namespacing in coffeescript?
Adequate namespacing seems like something coffeescript could really help with although I don't seem to be able to find anything to suggest that there is support for this.
I prefer using this pattern for "namespacing". It isn't really a namespace but an object tree, but it does the job:
Somewhere in the startup of the app, you define the namespaces globally (replace window with exports or global based on your environment.
window.App =
Models: {}
Collections: {}
Views: {}
Then, when you want to declare classes, you can do so:
class App.Models.MyModel
# The class is namespaced in App.Models
And when you want to reference it:
myModel = new App.Models.MyModel()
If you don't like the global way of defining namespaces, you can do so before your class:
window.App.Models ?= {} # Create the "namespace" if Models does not already exist.
class App.Models.MyModel
A way to make it simple to reference the class both in it's own "namespace" (the closed function) and the global namespace is to assign it immediately. Example:
# Define namespace unless it already exists
window.Test or= {}
# Create a class in the namespace and locally
window.Test.MyClass = class MyClass
constructor: (#a) ->
# Alerts 3
alert new Test.MyClass(1).a + new MyClass(2).a
As you see, now you can refer to it as MyClass within the file, but if you need it outside it's available as Test.MyClass. If you only want it in the Test namespace you can simplify it even more:
window.Test or= {}
# Create only in the namespace
class window.Test.MyClass
constructor: (#a) ->
Here's my personal implementation :
How to use in the browser :
namespace Foo:SubPackage1:SubPackage2:
class Bar extends Baz
How to use in CommonJS environment :
require './path/to/this/file' # once
namespace Foo:SubPackage1:SubPackage2:
class Bar extends Baz
From the section about namespacing on the wiki:
# Code:
namespace = (target, name, block) ->
[target, name, block] = [(if typeof exports isnt 'undefined' then exports else window), arguments...] if arguments.length < 3
top = target
target = target[item] or= {} for item in name.split '.'
block target, top
# Usage:
namespace 'Hello.World', (exports) ->
# `exports` is where you attach namespace members
exports.hi = -> console.log 'Hi World!'
namespace 'Say.Hello', (exports, top) ->
# `top` is a reference to the main namespace
exports.fn = -> top.Hello.World.hi()
Say.Hello.fn() # prints 'Hi World!'
You must really check out CoffeeToaster:
It comes with a packaging system that when enabled will use your folder's hierarchy as namespaces declarations to your classes if you want so, then you can extends classes from multiple files, do imports and son, such as like:
#<< another/package/myclass
class SomeClass extends another.package.MyClass
The build configuration is extremely minimalist and simple, made to be obvious:
toast 'src_folder'
# => VENDORS (optional)
# vendors: ['vendors/x.js', 'vendors/y.js', ... ]
# => OPTIONS (optional, default values listed)
# bare: false
# packaging: true
# expose: ''
# minify: false
# => HTTPFOLDER (optional), RELEASE / DEBUG (required)
httpfolder: 'js'
release: 'www/js/app.js'
debug: 'www/js/app-debug.js'
There's also a debug option that compile files individually for ease the debugging processes and another useful features.
Hope it helps.
Note that it is possible to write:
class MyObject.MyClass
constructor: () ->
myfunction: () ->
if you declared an object/ns MyObject.
And while we're at it, here's my implementation of a jquery-ns-function:
(function($) {
$.namespace = function(namespace, initVal) {
var nsParts = namespace.split("."),
nsPart = nsParts.shift(),
parent = window[nsPart] = window[nsPart] || {},
myGlobal = parent;
while(nsPart = nsParts.shift()) {
parent = parent[nsPart] = parent[nsPart] || {};
return myGlobal;
I Strongly suggest using or similar battle tested module loaders.
Especially if you want to load stuff asynchronously.
Rolling your own namespacing/module scheme is really hard if you disregard
the simply, easy and naive approaches
As I'm also busy to learn the best way of structuring the files and use coffeescript in combination with backbone and cake, I have created a small project on github to keep it as a reference for myself, maybe it will help you too around cake and some basic things. All .js (with cake compiled files) are in www folder so that you can open them in your browser and all source files (except for cake configuration) are in src folder. In this example, all .coffee files are compiled and combined in one output .js file which is then included in html.
Based on some of the answers here on StackOverflow I have created small file (in src folder) that exposes "namespaces" to the rest of the code.