MongoDb gets slow when large amount of data already installed? - mongodb

I am a new user of mongodb, I m currently doing a stress test, 100thousands data per 5s are inserting with 10 threads and we have already stored x00million of data. The db is getting gravely slow. Although when I restart the computer it get faster for a while, it drops down again after a short period of time. why is that? Can I do something to avoid?

Please share more information. What queries do you have? Please don't take this as a complete answer because this is just a suggestion. I can not add comments unfortunately. You may try this;


When's the time to create dedicated collections in MongoDB to avoid difficult queries?

I am asking a question that I assume does not have a simple black and white question but the principal of which I'm asking is clear.
Sample situation:
Lets say I have a collection of 1 million books, and I consistently want to always pull the top 100 rated.
Let's assume that I need to perform an aggregate function every time I perform this query which makes it a little expensive.
It is reasonable, that instead of running the query for every request (100-1000 a second), I would create a dedicated collection that only stores the top 100 books that gets updated every minute or so, thus instead of running a difficult query a 100 times every second, I only run it once a minute, and instead pull from a small collection of books that only holds the 100 books and that requires no query (just get everything).
That is the principal I am questioning.
Should I create a dedicated collection for EVERY query that is often
Should I do it only for complicated ones?
How do I gauge which is complicated enough and which is simple enough
to leave as is?
Is there any guidelines for best practice in those types of
Is there a point where if a query runs so often and the data doesn't
change very often that I should keep the data in the server's memory
for direct access? Even if it's a lot of data? How much is too much?
Is there a way in MongoDB to cache results?
If so, how can I tell it to fetch the cached result, and when to regenerate the cache?
Thank you all.
Before getting to collection specifics, one does have to differentiate between "real-time data" vis-a-vis data which does not require immediate and real-time presenting of information. The rules for "real-time" systems are obviously much different.
Now to your example starting from the end. The cache of query results. The answer is not only for MongoDB. Data architects often use Redis, or memcached (or other cache systems) to hold all types of information. This though, obviously, is a function of how much memory is available to your system and the DB. You do not want to cripple the DB by giving your cache too much of available memory, and you do not want your cache to be useless by giving it too little.
In the book case, of 100 top ones, since it is certainly not a real time endeavor, it would make sense to cache the query and feed that cache out to requests. You could update the cache based upon a cron job or based upon an update flag (which you create to inform your program that the 100 have been updated) and then the system will run an $aggregate in the background.
Now to the first few points:
Should I create a dedicated collection for EVERY query that is often used?
Yes and no. It depends on the amount of data which has to be searched to $aggregate your response. And again, it also depends upon your memory limitations and btw let me add the whole server setup in terms of speed, cores and memory. MHO - cache is much better, as it avoids reading from the data all the time.
Should I do it only for complicated ones?
How do I gauge which is complicated enough and which is simple enough to leave as is?
I dont think anyone can really black and white answer to that question for your system. Is a complicated query just an $aggregate? Or is it $unwind and then a whole slew of $group etc. options following? this is really up to the dataset and how much information must actually be read and sifted and manipulated. It will effect your IO and, yes, again, the memory.
Is there a point where if a query runs so often and the data doesn't change very often that I should keep the data in the server's memory for direct access? Even if it's a lot of data? How much is too much?
See answers above this is directly connected to your other questions.
Is there any guidelines for best practice in those types of situations?
The best you can do here is to time the procedures in your code, monitor memory usage and limits, look at the IO, study actual reads and writes on the collections.
Hope this helps.
Use a cache to store objects. For example in Redis use Redis Lists
Redis Lists are simply lists of strings, sorted by insertion order
Then set expiry to either a timeout or a specific time
Now whenever you have a miss in Redis, run the query in MongoDB and re-populate your cache. Also since cache resids in memory therefore your fetches will be extremely fast as compared to dedicated collections in MongoDB.
In addition to that, you don't have to keep have a dedicated machine, just deploy it within your application machine.

I would like to cache new data in Redis, before insert them directly on Postgres

I am dealing with a great number of inserts per second int a Postgres DB (and a lot of read too).
A few days ago I heard about Redis and start to think about send all these INSERTS for Redis first, to avoid a lot of open/insert/close things in Postgres every second.
Than, after some short period, i could group those data from Redis, in a INSERT SQL structure and run them together in Postgres, with only one connection opened.
The system stores GPS data and an Online Map read them, in real time.
Any suggestions for that scenario? Thanks !!
I do not know how important it is in your case to have the data available for your users almost real time. But from the listed above, I do not see anything that can not be solved by configuration/replication for Postgresql.
You have A lot of writes to your database; before going for a different technology, Postgresql is tested in big battles and I am sure you can get more by configuring it to handle more writes if it is optimized. link
You have a lot of read to your database; A Master-Slave replication can let all your read traffic be targeted to those DB salves and you can scale horizontally as much as you need.

Using find() with arguments that will result in not finding anything results in the RAM never getting "dropped"

I'm currently setting up a mongodb and so far I have a DB with 25million objects, and some index. When I try use find() with 4 arguments and I know that one of the arguments are "wrong" or that the result of the query will be nothing found, then what happens is that mongodb takes all my RAM (8gb) and the time to get the "nothing found" varies a lot.
BUT the biggest problem is that once it's done it never lets go of the RAM and I need to restart mongodb to get back the RAM.
I've tried many other tests, such as adding huge amounts of objects (1million+), use the find() for something that I know exist and other operations and they work fine.
Also want to know that this works fine if I have a smaller DB like 1million objects.
I will keep on doing test on this, but if anyone have anything they know right away that could help that would be great.
EDIT: Tested some more with 1m DB. The first failed found took about 4sec and took some RAM, the proceding fails took only 0.6sec and didn't seem to affect the RAM. Does mongodb store the DB in RAM when trying to find a document and with very huge DB it can't get all in the cache?
Btw. on the 25mil it first took about 60sec to not find it, but the 2nd try took 174sec and after that find it had taken all the 8gb on RAM.

MongoDB - anonymizing 600k records

I am trying to anonymize a large data set of about 600k records (removing sensitive information like email, etc.) so that it can be used for some performance tests.
I am using Scala (Casbah) with Mongo. The actual script is pretty simple and straightforward. When I run the script, the entire process starts off pretty fast - parsing 1000 records every 2-3 seconds, but it slows down tremendously and starts crawling very slowly.
I know this is pretty vague without too much details, but any idea why this is happening, and any hints on how I could speed this up?
It turned out to be an issue with the driver and not with Mongo. When I tried the same inserts using the mongo shell, it was through without breaking a sweat.
So, I tried both approaches. Inserting into existing collection and dumping the results in a new collection. The first approach was faster for me. Of course, one should never assume this to be always true and must benchmark before choosing the first approach over the second. In both case, Mongo was very very fast (meaning - it was not taking hours to get this done). There was a problem with the Java interface I was using to connect with Mongo, which was more of a stupid mistake on my part.

Can CouchDB handle 15 million records daily?

I'm relatively new to NoSQL databases and I have to evaluate different NoSQL-Solutions for a monitoring tool.
The situation is the following:
One datum is just about 100 Bytes big, but there are really a lot of them. During a day we get about 15 million records... So I'm currently testing with 900 million records (about 15GB as SQL-Insert Script)
My question is: Does Couchdb fit my needs? I need to do range querys (on the date the records were created) and sum up some of the columns acoording to groups definied by "secondary indexes" stored in the datum.)
I know that MapReduce is probably the best solution to calculate that, but is the JavaScript of CouchDB able to do this in an acceptable time?
I already tried MongoDB but it's really poor MapReduce made a crappy job... I also read about HBase and Cassandra. But maybee CouchDB is also a good possibility
I hope I gave you all the needed information... Thank you for your help!
Frankly, at this time, unless you have very good hardware, Apache CouchDB may run into problems. Map/reduce will probably be fine. CouchDB's incremental map/reduce is ideal for your requirements.
As a developer, you will love it! Unfortunately as a sysadmin, you may notice more disk usage and i/o than expected.
I suggest to try it. Being HTTP and Javascript, it's easy to do a feasibility test. Just remember, the initial view build will take a long time (let's assume for argument it takes longer than every other competing database). But that time will never be spent again. Map/reduce runs only once per document (actually per document update).