How to Update Date and Time of Raspberry Pi With out Internet - raspberry-pi

I have connect my Raspberry Pi to LAN but there is no internet available. Is there any method to update raspberry pi date time by using a PC (windows 7) in LAN? I want to get computer date and time to my Raspberry Pi when it is booting.

Remember that Raspberry Pi does not have real time clock. So even you are connected to internet have to set the time every time you power on or restart.
This is how it works:
Type sudo raspi-config in the Raspberry Pi command line
Internationalization options
Change Time Zone
Select geographical area
Select city or region
Reboot your pi
Next thing you can set time using this command
sudo date -s "Mon Aug 12 20:14:11 UTC 2014"
More about data and time
man date
When Pi is connected to computer should have to manually set data and time

Thanks for the replies.
What I did was,
1. I install meinberg ntp software application on windows 7 pc. (softros ntp server is also possible.) 2. change raspberry pi ntp.conf file (for auto update date and time)
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
3. If you want to make sure that date and time update at startup run this python script in rpi,
import os
client = ntplib.NTPClient()
response = client.request('', version=4)
print "===================================="
print "Offset : "+str(response.offset)
print "Version : "+str(response.version)
print "Date Time : "+str(ctime(response.tx_time))
print "Leap : "+str(ntplib.leap_to_text(response.leap))
print "Root Delay : "+str(response.root_delay)
print "Ref Id : "+str(ntplib.ref_id_to_text(response.ref_id))
os.system("sudo date -s '"+str(ctime(response.tx_time))+"'")
print "===================================="
os.system("sudo date")
print "NTP Server Down Date Time NOT Set At The Startup"
I found more info in raspberry pi forum.

You will need to configure your Win7 PC as a Time Server, and then configure the RasPi to connect to it for NTP services.
Configure Win7 as authoritative time server.
Configure RasPi time server lookup.


Can't guess default raspberry password

I've been trying to establish ssh connection with my raspberry by adding config files (wpa_supplicant.conf, ssh) to boot section of sd card with raspberry OS. I've done everything right and usually after these steps I could easily connect to my raspberry.
But, now I can't do this.
Whenever I try to log into raspberry using 'pi' as login and 'raspberry' as password, it says that this is incorrect password. I tried reinstalling OS on sd card; however, it didn't help.
I don't have any other opportunities other than connecting to raspberry wirelessly.
I have Raspberry Pi 4B and Raspberry OS 64-bit
It seems that you are using the latest release of raspbian. Developers have made a huge step forward to the security and there is no more default user pi and password raspberry, no need of the wpa_supplicant.conf & ssh files (but they are still work).
For headless setup you can press settings button in the last version of Raspberry Pi Imager and configure User, Wi-Fi, SSH and so on.
Scroll down to the Headless setup chapter
I created a guide with images to do this here:
As per the official raspberry blog at the default username password will no longer be allowed for headless login.
Basically there are two methods
Use the updated raspberry pi imager too from here
manually add userconf file in the boot directory with username:encrypted-password as a single line. to generate encrypted-password string use echo 'mypassword' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin tested on win 10

Setup Raspberry Pi3 as NTP server (not using external NTP server)

I've searched around, but I cannot find an answer.
Can I use my Raspberry Pi as an NTP server (independently).
I want to synchronize 4 devices on a LAN for logging. They will be on a LAN with no WAN access... one is a Cisco Switch, one is the Pi and the other two are conversion boxes I want to log things on (they will be NTP client).
I just need them all to sysnc to 1 clock source (the Pi) is there a way to do this? All the answers I find are either to setup the Pi with a GPS module (which I can't do here) or sync it to external NTP servers for cascading the clock down (which I can't do here)... can I use NTP just to send out the Pi's system time ?
You could but best with a time source.
You would need to edit the code for a NTP server, as there isn't much cause to do this.
Best idea is to use a GPS hat on the RPi
DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far...
On your Raspberry Pi, run the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ntp
sudo ufw allow ntp # if your firewall is enabled
sudo ufw allow 123
sudo sed --in-place --expression "\$aserver" /etc/ntp.conf
sudo systemctl start ntpd
On your Cisco switch, run the following commands:
NOTE - If you are using Cisco IOS, do not forget to force the NTP synchronization using clock read-calendar.
configure terminal
ntp server <the IPv4 address of your Raspberry Pi>
clock read-calendar
PS - If you want to shut everything down...
On your Raspberry Pi, run the following commands:
sudo ufw delete allow ntp
sudo ufw delete allow 123
sudo systemctl stop ntpd
sudo sed -i "/server" /etc/ntp.conf
On your Cisco switch, run the following commands:
configure terminal
no ntp server <the IPv4 address of your Raspberry Pi>

Raspberry pi interfacing with windows PC

Hello Friends,
I have a raspberry pi powered with Raspbian OS. I want to create a device which will perform some action like "open calculator ,open notepad,etc" on windows pc by commanding from a raspberry pi. So my problem is how to establish communication between raspberry pi and another windows pc ?
If i use VNC and SSH service, can i invoke other programs remotely on pc ?
You could use netcat, also known as nc which is included in most Linux distros and is available for Windows.
All you would do on the Windows box is get your IP address with:
Then you would start listening on some random port, say 5000 because that has no security restrictions and pass whatever arrives on that port to CMD.EXE for execution:
nc -l -p 5000 -e CMD.EXE
Then, on your Raspberry Pi, you would just do:
Now you can type Windows commands in your Rasperry Pi terminal for execution on the Windows box:
There is a "cheatsheet" here and I am using the technique in the section entitled "Backdoor Shells".
Note that this is a big security hole, but if it is just for yourself playing around on a private network, it is nice and simple.

Raspberry Pi VNC fail connection

I face a problem that I can ping to correct IP address, it have no loss. And also I use nmap ping the pi address, and I get it correctly. Then I using VNC viewer to try access to pi, but it always show up "The connection was refused by the host computer"
Did u all have any idea ?
Your problem indicates that your Raspberry Pi was reached by the connection attempt, but that no service was running on the relevant port and hence the connection was refused. I think, this is because the VNC service is not running on your Raspberry Pi.
Update 1
Raspbian now comes with the server by default thanks to a partnership with RealVNC, it just needs to be enabled.
You must enable VNC Server on your Raspberry Pi using terminal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server
or you can also enable VNC Server on the command line using the sudo raspi-config command.
Advanced Options->VNC:Yes
Now you can connect to the VNC Server using a application such as VNC Viewer.
I have been having this issue with my Raspberry Pi Zero W even though it worked perfectly beforehand. This page should help.
I ran vncserver in a ssh window after verifying the interface settings in raspi-config.
It started the VNC Server and gave me the VNC Server catchphrase and the IP address with Port Number as shown in the photo linked below.
vncserver output
After running that command I was able to get the VNC Viewer on my windows machine to connect to the pi.
I then ran sudo systemctl enable vncserver-x11-serviced.service in the ssh window so that it would start automatically on subsequent reboots.
I've had this same problem but found a different reason. I found three ways to get around this error message.
Plug a mouse or keyboard into the Raspberry Pi zero, waking up the screen and the VNC connection.
Wait about 5 - 10 minutes which is the amount of time for the screen saver to kick in which seems to wake up VNC connection. but don't wait to long other wise run this command to get things going via ssh "systemctl start vncserver-x11-serviced.service".
I am hoping the new update they just published will fix this problem. I don't see this as much with the Raspi B3+ as with the Zero H.
The last was plug in both monitor and mouse and that for sure fixes the VNC issues but defeats the headless connection. It seems that running headless and the screen/saver are somehow related but just not smart enough to figure it out.
For people using newer version of Raspberry, VNC option is found under:
Config>Interface Options
pinging to any service will only tells us that whether the server is currently listening on that port or not. It will not tell you the possible result to connection request asked by client.
It seems that, you have installed VNC server but not started it properly. Use this command to start it...
# vncserver start
Also recheck the port number is correct or not.
With the Rasp Pi 4 - had connecting fail after rebooting both the server and client (both Rasp Pi 4s).
Took a while to realize that I have two clients: One named "VNC Client", the other "VNC Viewer for Google Chrome".
The former works, the latter doesn't.

Raspberry pi 2 .start wifi on boot

i have just bought a raspberry pi 2 . i manged to set up a headless setup by setting up an ip in the commandline.txt file and then connect to it via putty.
In the /etc/network/interfaces i set up a static ip for the wifi connection along with the connection name and password. and the wifi works fine...
But the problem is the raspberry pi wont connect to wifi unless i connect the ethernet cable and make one ssh connection using putty..
If i boot using wifi only the green light will not turn up and i am not sure if the raspberry is booting or no...but when the ethernet is connected the gren light starts blinking and i can make an ssh connection.
can anyone help me with this.
I've dealt with a lot of pi wifi issues.
Adding "auto wlan0" to /etc/network/interfaces helped, but there were still instances where it didn't start up. I have the edimax ew-7811un usb wifi adapter. Can't remember where I took this script from to give credit.
I have cron running this script ( every five minutes:
keepalive_host='ip to ping here'
ping -q -c1 $keepalive_host >> /dev/null
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
ifdown wlan0
rmmod 8192cu
modprobe 8192cu
ifup wlan0
You could repurpose the script and have something like this in crontab
#reboot /bin/sleep 30 ; /path/to/
Which should wait 30 seconds after boot, try to ping the server you specify, if it can: do nothing, if it can't: bring the wifi connection down and then try to bring it back up. I don't think the lines with 8192cu in them are necessary for your purposes unless that driver is also used by your wifi adapter.