Criteria Morphia MongoDB - mongodb

I have a collection like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "53f34ef8ec10d6fa97dcc34b"
"editions": [
"number": 1,
"number": 2,
I want filter results of my query by some number.
I tried
query.filter("editions.number =", paramNumber)
However I just received all collection, when I pass paramNumber equals 2. What I want is receive the following result:
"_id": {
"$oid": "53f34ef8ec10d6fa97dcc34b"
"editions": [
"number": 2,
What am I doing wrong?

You can't receive partial arrays like that. You'll get back with the full document/object or just the fields you've specified in a projection.


How can I filter records with multiple $in condition (some are optional $in) with arrays of string? Mongoose/MongoDB

You can see my Mongodb Records at last... I am now trying to implement search functionality,
I mad checkbox filtration for my project and below I listed those arrays after I clicked multiple checkboxes (see 1, 2 and 3).
I tried in aggregate with multiple match queries with $in, but it doesn't worked. Below arrays are used to check the records.
for example:
["Restaurant", "Mall"] need to check with "commercialType" in records, at the same time ["AC Rooms", "3 Phase Electricity"] need to check with "" in records.. so all matching records must display if records exist with those filtrations.
I tried with multiple $in queries like this, but it gives empty records.
"$match": {
"commercialType": {
"$in": ["Restaurant", "Hotel"]
"": {
"$in": ['AC Rooms']
... other match filters
1. Below Array is used to find commercialType (field in doc)
'Office space',
2. Below Array is used to find landType (field in doc)
'Bare land',
'Beachfront land',
'Coconut land'
3. Below Array is used to find "" (field in doc)
'AC Rooms',
'3 Phase Electricity',
'Hot Water'
"_id": {
"$oid": "6343b68edf5e889a575c8502"
"propertyType": "House",
"propertyFeatures": [
"id": 1,
"name": "AC Rooms",
"value": true
"_id": {
"$oid": "6343b68edf5e889a575c8502"
"propertyType": "Land",
"landType": "Bare land",
"propertyFeatures": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Wider Road",
"value": true
"_id": {
"$oid": "6343b68edf5e889a575c8502"
"propertyType": "Commercial",
"commercialType": "Restaurant",
"propertyFeatures": [
"id": 1,
"name": "3 Phase Electricity",
"value": true
You are probably missing $or operator, so your example pipeline becomes
{"$match": {
"$or": [
"commercialType": {
"$in": ["Restaurant", "Hotel"]
"": {
"$in": ['AC Rooms']
MongoDB docs:

MongoDB use array field's element to $set a new field of the document

In the database, I have documents like the following
Ticket {
"eventHistory": [
"event": "CREATED",
"timestamp": "aa-bb-cccc"
"event": "ASSIGNED",
"timestamp": "ii-jj-kkkk"
"event": "CLOSED",
"timestamp": "xx-yy-zzzz"
I would like to add a closedAt field to the relevant Tickets, getting the value from the eventHistory array's last element. The resultant document would look like the following
Ticket {
"eventHistory": [
"event": "CREATED",
"timestamp": "aa-bb-cccc"
"event": "ASSIGNED",
"timestamp": "ii-jj-kkkk"
"event": "CLOSED",
"timestamp": "xx-yy-zzzz"
"closedAt": "xx-yy-zzzz"
The following pipeline allows me to use the entire object that's present as the eventHistory array's last element.
"$set": {
"closedAt": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
But I want to use only the timestamp field; not the entire object.
Please help me adjust (and/or improve) the pipeline.
One option to fix your query is:
$set: {
"Ticket.closedAt": {
$last: "$Ticket.eventHistory.timestamp"
See how it works on the playground example
But note that you assume that last item is a closing one. Is this necessarily the case? Otherwise you can validate it.

Move data from inside nested array

I have inserted multiple documents in my Mongo database incorrectly. I have accidentally nested the data inside another data object:
"_id": "5cdfda8ddc5cf00031fd3949",
"payload": {
"timestamp": "2019-05-18T10:12:29.896Z",
"data": {
"data": {
"name": 10,
"age": 10,
"__v": 0
I would like the document to not have the extra data object. So I would like it to look like this:
"_id": "5cdfda8ddc5cf00031fd3949",
"payload": {
"timestamp": "2019-05-18T10:12:29.896Z",
"data": {
"name": 10,
"age": 10,
"__v": 0
Is there a way in Mongo for me to update all the documents that have 2 data objects to just have one like shown above?
Alas, you cannot do this with one database request. You have to loop over all documents programmatically, set the new data and update them in the database.
You could use the aggregation framework, which won't let you update in place, but you could use the $out operator to write the results to a new collection, if that's an option.
$project: {
__v : 1,
"payload.timestamp" : 1,
"" : "$"
"$out": "newCollection"
Or if you have a mixture of docs with correct format and docs with incorrect format, you can use the $cond operator to determine the correct output:
$project: {
__v : 1,
"payload.timestamp" : 1,
"" : {
$cond: [
{ $ne : [ "$", undefined]},
"$out": "newCollection"

MongoDb aggregation project onto collection

I've a problem with a huge MongoDb aggregation pipeline. I've many constraint and I've simplified the problem a lot. Hence, don't discuss the goal for this query.
I've a mongo aggregation that gives something similar to this:
"content": {
"processes": [
"id": "101a",
"title": "delivery"
"id": "101b",
"title": "feedback"
To this intermediate result I'm forced to apply a project operation in order to obtain something similar to this:
"titles": [
"id": "101a",
"value": "delivery"
"id": "101b",
"value": "feedback"
enter code here
But applying this projections:
"": "$",
"results.titles.value": "$content.processes.title"
I obtain this:
"titles": {
"id": ["101a", "101b"]
"value": ["delivery", "feedback"]
Collection are created but not in the proper position.
Is it possible to exploit some operator inside the project operation in order to tell mongo to create an array in a parent position?
Something like this:
"results.titles.$[x].value" : "$content.processes.value"
You can use the dot notation to project entire array:
$project: {
"results.titles": "$content.processes"
and if you need to rename title to value then you have to apply $map operator:
$project: {
"results.titles": {
$map: {
input: "$content.processes",
as: "process",
in: {
id: "$$",
value: "$$process.title"

How to perform AND operation in Mongodb for a query on nested array of objects

I have the following records:
Record 1:
"status": "active",
"users": [
"name": "foo",
"status": "a"
"name": "foo",
"status": "b"
Record 2:
"status": "active",
"users": [
"name": "bar",
"status": "a"
"name": "foo",
"status": "b"
Now, I wish to return only those records in which the is "foo" and the user.status is "a" - That is I need to get Record 1 back since it satisfies my requirements.
How do I do the AND operation on the array within the record to achieve this?
I tried the following query:
"$and": [
"": "foo"
"users.status": "a"
but I get both the records - I need only the first record (since in the users array, it has an entry where the name is "foo" AND the status is "a").
Any clues?
Ok, I found the answer out here
The solution would be to have a query as follows:
"users": {
"$elemMatch": {
"name": "foo",
"status": "a"
That did the trick!
Instead of individual field values you can also use whole objects in find queries. Try:
db.collection.find( {
users: {
This should return all documents where the users array includes an object (or is an object) which looks as described. But note that this doesn't work when the object has additional fields.