hide database location from title bar in microsoft office access 2013 - office-2013

In microsoft office access 2013, the full path of file location appears in the title bar, how to force access 2013 to show only the file name like the access 2010?

I found the solution out on my own:
you can set it manually by clicking on File-> Options -> Current Database, then set the application title.
and you can update the access application using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access via C# code as follow:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao.Property p = AccessApplication.CurrentDb().CreateProperty("AppTitle", 10, accessWorkFile.DisplayName);
AccessApplication.CurrentDb().Properties["AppTitle"].Value = accessWorkFile.DisplayName;


Track Microsoft Teams userid for who opened the tab (created by bot)

I have a Microsoft teams bot that creates tab in channel on certain requests.
I want to track who is the user in channel who opens the tab.
Is there a way to do so?
Any help is appreciated. TIA!
You can try to Get Context for your Tab. It return the User Object ID, Login Hint, User Principle Name of the user who is accessing the Tab
Here is the Method which you can call:
You can also retrieve the information listed above using the Microsoft Teams JavaScript client SDK by calling
microsoftTeams.getContext(function(context) { /* ... */ }).

Embed google apps in Microsoft Teams Tab getting error called "refuse to connect"

I have built an MS Teams application for the goggle classroom. When I embed that application in the MS Teams tab, I was able to get a login popup for login credentials. And then I was able to get the auth token from google for my account. And When I try to redirect to the google classroom page by creating a tab URL with the help MS Teams SDK javascript, it doesn't work.
function setGoogleClassRoom() {
// This API tells Microsoft Teams to enable the 'Save' button. Since Microsoft Teams always assumes
// an initial invalid state, without this call the 'Save' button will never be enabled.
microsoftTeams.settings.registerOnSaveHandler(function (saveEvent) {
// Let the Microsoft Teams platform know what you want to load based on
// what the user configured on this page
contentUrl: createTabUrl(), // Mandatory parameter
entityId: createTabUrl(), // Mandatory parameter
suggestedDisplayName: "Google Classroom",
websiteUrl: "https://classroom.google.com"
function createTabUrl() {
return `https://classroom.google.com`;
Any help would be appreciated.
Error Screenshot:

Using Box with JWT (Server Authentication)

I using Box API JWT Server Authentication:
IAccessTokenCache accessTokenCache = new InMemoryLRUAccessTokenCache(100);
Reader reader = new FileReader("D:\\config.json");
BoxConfig boxConfig = BoxConfig.readFrom(reader);
BoxAPIConnection api = BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection.getAppUserConnection(USER_ID,boxConfig);
but the Box exception:
{"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"This app is not authorized by the enterprise admin"}
#kendomen is correct. Here's some more detail:
Go to api.box.com. Then select Admin Console.
Now this is where it gets funky. Click on the Security step.
Then the fine print.
This gives the tool bar that should have been displayed three steps ago. Click Apps.
Then click on Authorize New App.
This puts up a pop-up where you enter the app key. This is referred to as the "ClientID" in the json file you may have downloaded from Box.com.
The admin of Box has to go to Admin Console -> Enterprise Settings -> Apps and authorize your app.

SharePoint online can't find SPSite, SPWeb, SPFolder

I'm using InfoPath 2012, VIsual studio 2012 and SharePoint online.
I'm creating form in infopath that can save files to the SP library, i found this article http://www.bizsupportonline.net/blog/2010/upload-document-sharepoint-infopath-form.htm , I made all like in this article, but I can't connetc to the SPSite, SPWeb, SPFolder.
This is the code that makes errors:
// Add the file to a document library
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("https://contoso.sharepoint.com/Blog/Shared%20Documents"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPFolder docLib = web.Folders["Documents"];
docLib.Files.Add(fileName, data);
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
Mayby someone have any ideas?
I already download the dll library, but it is not help
You cannot run code behind in an InfoPath form on SharePoint online. You shouldn't use InfoPath at all in SharePoint Online.
Check this: https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/56617/can-i-use-infopath-code-behind-in-sharepoint-online

IdentityServer3 Login page add Application Name via IdentityServerOptions?

In identityServer3 using the default embedded login page I have set the SiteName to a custom value just fine.
I would like to have the default login page display the name of the client application that routed them to the login page... Is that possible or will I need to role my own page?
var options = new IdentityServerOptions
SiteName = "My Authenitcation Services",
SigningCertificate = SigningCertificate,
Factory = factory
To show a custom application name and such you need to override the partial view. IdentityServer3 Sample: EmbeddedAssetsViewService shows how to do this exactly.
In your identityServer Application add a templates folder in the site.
Copy their _login.html file and put inside this folder.
In your IdentityServerOptions set the SiteName = "What Ever you want",
The build and run your client application that pulls up the login page.
You should be good to go...
Finding the sample code example can be a bit difficult...
Where to download the sample code: [ link ]
Here is the sample code location in the samples download: