Cannot list Ad Accounts in facebook app - facebook

I'm developing a pure-html/js web application (actually I'm using AngularJS; with "pure" I mean: I'm not using any server side technology) which uses a Facebook-Connect button like this:
<fb:login-button max_rows="1" size="xlarge" scope="email,public_profile,ads_management" show_faces="false" auto_logout_link="false"></fb:login-button>
Such button asks for permission: ads_management and basic user data. I'm testing ad-management functionality.
However, I ask two queries to facebook inside a controller:
$scope.fetchData = function() {
FB.api('/me', function(response){
$scope.fetchAccounts = function() {
FB.api('/me/adaccounts', function(response){
$scope.fetchAccountData = function(account_id) {
For narrow-purposes I just printed the contents of a controller. Assume such controller exists, requires the person is logged in Facebook, and the user is currently logged in.
My Issues are:
The Login button does not update the page when I login. This is because no onlogin= was put. Question: How can I assign such attribute in an Angular way? (i.e. the handler coming from the scope).
$scope.fetchData is successfully executed. However, $scope.fetchAccounts is not. I'm asking this because I included the ads_management permission in the button. Question: What am I missing? (error: code: 10
message: "(#10) You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action"
type: "OAuthException"). Edit - Additional notes: I deauthorized the application in my account, and reauthorized it: It never asks me the ads_management permission in the popup dialog.

The first question, no idea. The second question, your app is not whitelisted for Ads API usage. Look into the Ads APi documentation on how to request access.


Facebook login error if a add pages_user_* in scope

I'm using FB js sdk.
In the function FB.login, if I add one of this permission (pages_user_locale, pages_user_gender, pages_user_timezone) I have this error.
If I remove them, the fb login work fine.
Example of code:
FB.login((loginResponse) => {
}, { scope: "public_profile,email,pages_messaging,pages_messaging_phone_number,pages_show_list,pages_manage_metadata,instagram_basic,instagram_manage_messages,pages_read_engagement,business_management,catalog_management,pages_user_locale,pages_user_gender,pages_user_timezone", return_scopes: true });
I found the mistake.
This permission shouldn't request these page permissions using FB Login.
As long as they are approved at app and page level, I should be able to use it.

Why do I get this warning message on my facebook login page?

I'm trying the Facebook login API for the first time on a web app deployed locally.
I init the API with the snippet in their documentation and have a button on my HTML page
<button type="button" onclick="fbLogin()">
Where fbLogin() is
function fbLogin() {
FB.login(function(response) {
// handle the response
if (response.status === 'connected') {
// Logged into your app and Facebook.
} else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') {
// The person is logged into Facebook, but not your app.
} else {
// The person is not logged into Facebook, so we're not sure if
// they are logged into this app or not.
}, {scope: 'public_profile,email,user_friends'}); // TODO: If the user doens't provide the email address prompt it for email. Also, don't ask for friend list when its a simple logout maybe? Specify why it's needed first. If it doesn't provide the friends access, re-prompt the request, explaining him it can have a more social experience if he accepts (can see when its friends win and congratulate with them, (we can also prom him to invite some friends))
When I try to log in the message
"You are using a display type of 'popup' in a large browser window or tab. For a better user experience, show this dialog with our JavaScript SDK without specifying an explicit display type. The SDK will choose the best display type for each environment. Alternatively, set height and width on your call to properly size this dialog if you have special requirements precluding you from using the SDK. This message is only visible to developers of your application."
shows up.
As you can see though, I am not specifying any specific display type; so I really don't know what to do with this message.
Other Google entries didn't have a solution for this problem.
What action do I need to take in order to remove it?

PhoneGap; FB Connect Plugin (Android OS): Re-Authorizing FB App every post

I created an Android App with PhoneGap:Build and the FB Connect Plugin. The app works fine and the FB Plugin, too. Just one tiny thing isn't working yet. I won't to post something after submiting a button which works, too. At the first time the user has to login and grant permissions to the FB App and them the post is published. That's the way it should be. And the next time the user submits the post should be published without the whole permission thing but this isn't working!? FB shows a message like "You already granted permission ... to the app." and the user has to push the Ok-button before the post is published???
Because I still haven't found an answer for my question, maybe I just do something wrong in my FB Javascript call? Here is the current code:
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
var data = {
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', data, function(response) {
// Callback
if (!response || response.error) {
} else {
}, {scope: 'publish_stream'});
Well, to better understanding here a picture of the screen that apears every post:
I think the solution to this problem is to not include the login request every time you want to post something. You can check login status, and/or permissions, without performing a login. Then, if the user is not logged in, do the login first, and come back to the new post action.

How to show the Extended Permission Dialog in FB using new Graph API?

I used the old rest api for showing the Permission Dialog in Facebook before.
Now, with the new graph API, what can I do? (I'm in IFrame Apps).
I know that I can cheat and popup the permission in a seperate window:
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.session) {
if (response.perms) {
// user is logged in and granted some permissions.
// perms is a comma separated list of granted permissions
} else {
// user is logged in, but did not grant any permissions
} else {
// user is not logged in
}, {perms:'offline_access'});
like that.. call the FB.login again (let say I want people to click on a different button and trigger the extended permisison dialog)
However,it looks ugly,and it doesn't look like a dialog.
Is there a way to generate the dialog? I try to figure out whether FB.ui can help but there is only little information about that.
In addition, I don't think the 'response' callback ever execute. Neither I click "Don't allow" or "allow", won't trigger any call back. any idea?
hihih..anyone can help me?
Finally. find out the solution from another website.
first. after FB.init( ... ); do that:
{ 'permissions.request' : { size : {width: 575, height: 300},
url: 'connect/uiserver.php',
transform : FB.UIServer.genericTransform }
} );
Then, whenever you need to call the permssion dialog, do that:
FB.ui({method: "permissions.request", "perms": 'email,offline_access'},
It took me so long to figure out by looking at the FB object and find out there is UIServer with permissions.request then from that, I keep searching and find this solution. and FB.ui talks nothing about it.. and FB.provide is not documented. THANKS facebook.
You don't need to use javascript or any SDK for this although it would make it easier. You need only to redirect the user to a url like this:
You should always redirect the user to the top window either with javascript or the link. = <login_url> or Login
If you are using the PHP SDK or the C# SDK you could have the sdk generate the url for you, but the process is the same.
Also, not that the redirect_uri has to be on the same domain as your iFrame application's url. This will cause Facebook to redirect your user outside of Facebook to your website, you then should redirect the user back to the app inside of facebook. For example:
User clicks login
user goes to Facebook login page
User clicks allow
Facebook redirects the user to
Your app redirects the user to
One of the answers suggests a hack in which you call FB.provide() and then FB.ui() to pop up the extended permissions dialog. That solution doesn't work for me, but there is a documented solution now that does. Just call FB.login() to get the permissions you need.
if (response.authResponse) {
} else {
},{scope: 'email'});
Even better, you can ask for extended permissions with the login button.

How to specify Extended Permissions in the JS SDK Auth request

UPDATED TO BE MORE CLEAR (hopefully :)):
Related to this page, specifically the SSO section:
You've got the option Facebook says to use either that facebook connect button (whatever connect means nowdays with Facebook is a grey fog to me now) or just roll your own image as a button and on click call FB.Login().
So I tried the facebook button route which lead me to a complete brick wall. I mean I can get it working, auth, login, all that but I have no clue how to pass extended permissions through this entire process with the button:
window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
FB.init({ appId: facebookApplicationID, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true });
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.sessionChange', function (response) { of code
Ok, how do I attach extended permissions to this call? Of course you can do it easily if using Login() but why doesn't facebook show any examples or state whether the perms parameter exists in terms of placing it somewhere in this process of using that button!
related links:
I don't even know why they have that button in here when it looks to me like most everyone is just simply calling Login() inside the Init. I assume then calling Login() still manages the SSO in terms of cookie, etc.?
Is anyone using this button or are you just going with FB.Login() ?
I'm running this in an iframe on our own hosted website...not embedding code into the facebook site itself (which I believe is called canvas right?).
RTFM. Yes, I mean friendly.
Right below the Single Sign-on section is the Account Registration Data section and I've copy-pasted this from there.
<fb:login-button perms="email,user_birthday"></fb:login-button>
Not exactly sure what you are trying to accomplish here. If you want to get information about your user or take actions on their behalf on Facebook, you need the user to tell Facebook it's okay to do so (this only needs to happen once) which is why you need to you call FB.login as described here:
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.session) {
if (response.perms) {
// user is logged in and granted some permissions.
// perms is a comma separated list of granted permissions
} else {
// user is logged in, but did not grant any permissions
} else {
// user is not logged in
}, {perms:'read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access'});
They need to enter in their password to prove it's really them to authorize your app. If you need extended permissions, the second parameter in FB.login allows you to do this.
If the user is already logged in to Facebook (for example in another tab) then there's no need to log in and the login screen should be skipped. If the user is both logged in an has already authorized your app then there's no need to call FB.login.
You check check the user's login status (and permissions) with FB.getLoginStatus: before deciding whether or not to call FB.login.