Sudden high email bounce rates when using new email template - email

We have been using iContact for Salesforce to send our company's mass emails for a couple years. We typically have low bounce rates (1-2%) and are consistently sending large numbers of emails (30,000 - 40,000 total sends per month, spread across 10-20 different emails).
Earlier this year, we launched a new product (The Outcomes Survey), and I created a new HTML email template for it with unique branding for the new product. Every time we send an email with this new template, the bounce rates are in excess of 15% (even though it's sent to the same group of contacts we send our typical emails to, and comes from the same email address).
When I pull a bounce report, most of the diagnostic codes are: "spam-related (554 rejected due to spam content)"
I have run the email template itself through several online spam tests, and it comes out clean. As far as I am able to tell, there's nothing in inherently wrong with the email. You can see a sample email here.
When we send emails using our original company branding and template, our bounce rates are low. Any email sent with The Outcomes Survey branding, bounce rates jump up again.
I'm stumped!

I was able to solve the problem by recreating the email from another template that has worked in the past. So, I guess there was some code in the original HTML email template that was causing problems, although I wish I knew what it was!


How do I automatically copy confidential Gmail emails with time limits

I recently received an email through Gmail which I happened to forward on to another account of mine luckily...
When trying to find the original email, I searched and searched, and couldn't understand why it wasn't there?!
Turns out Gmail recently introduced Confidential emails, I'm sure this is useful for some people, but this is an absolute nightmare for me. Anything with importance enough to send confidentially, is critically important and must be kept.
For those of you who also have no idea what this is like I didn't; you can set a time limit for the email, or withdraw it at any time, and gmail will unassign the recipient from being able to read it,although it still persists on the server
Does anyone know how I can set an automatic rule in Gmail to specifically make a copy of only emails with this new "confidential" tag? Or at least emails that are time limited / can be withdrawn?
I know there are rules to copy all incoming mail, this is not what I want as it would fill my inbox twice as fast (already many GB)

Emails very delayed getting from mandrill to gmail

For the past 4 months we have been seeing large delays when sending emails through mandrill to gmail addresses. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes but other times it can be up to an hour. When i check the mandrill outbound section shortly after the email is sent it shows the email was delivered, but it usually takes a while before it actually shows up in my inbox. We are using this service for welcome emails and password resets so waiting long periods of time isn't acceptable.
It has been very hard to find any information on this issue. Has anyone seen this issue? Any recommendations on what i could do to fix it?
I had similar issues with delays on emails sent via Mandrill to gmail.
To fix the issue I viewed the "Sending Domains" page under "Settings" in Mandrill. I discovered the DKIM and SPF DNS records were either missing or not valid. Mandrill will provide you with new values by clicking on the "View... settings" link. After updating these settings we no longer experience the delay.
I've run into this issue a number of times. Our DNS settings were all good (DKIM and SPF confirmed my Mandrill) and after some investigation (looking at the headers of the delayed emails) the delay appeared to be entirely on Mandrill's side (once it was handed off to Gmail or Yahoo the delivery occurred within a second). When I contact Mandrill support they explained why we were seeing these delays:
In looking over the logs for your account we are seeing intermittent
delays for some of your recipients. Generally, the speed of delivery
in most cases depends largely on the receiving domain, and how quickly
they will receive and process emails. Most of the major email
providers limit how much email they'll receive in a certain period of
time, and will restrict delivery—Mandrill's sending servers are
designed to queue and back off sending if this occurs. In these cases,
the receiving mail server or ISP will return a specific kind of SMTP
response telling Mandrill's servers to 'back off' and 'try again
later,' which ultimately results in the message lingering on our mail
servers longer than expected (and since the message isn't passed off
to the receiving server at that point, and we're only getting a 'try
again' response, you won't see that information in the message headers
of the final email you receive. You'll only see that the email stayed
on our servers for a longer time period which can be confusing).
Additionally, even though we may hand the messages off to ISPs for
delivery almost immediately, it's still up to that ISP, like Gmail or
Yahoo, to actually to process that email and place it in the inbox.
Each receiving server is different though, so it may take a different
amount of time for Yahoo to process the mail than Gmail, for example.
In many cases, things like the time of day and overall email traffic
to that recipient server can affect how quickly they're able to
receive and process email.
All that said, the delays you're seeing generally aren't expected, and
while we see that messages are ultimately delivering, we are detecting
factors on our end where we may need to make some changes to help
mitigate further delays. Our delivery team is continuing to monitor
traffic to major ISPs and will make necessary adjustments as needed.
We still periodically see these delays, though they've improved is so the delays are rarely longer than 10 minutes or so, but it still can cause issues with things like password resets or confirmations that are time-sensitive. Bottom line: Mandrill is awesome for bulk mailing, but if you need instantaneous delivery you may want to rely on a different or self-hosted service.
I also had gmail showing emails sent through mandrill around 10 minutes later. And that is unacceptable to register confirmations and password resets.
I had configured my DKIM and SPF dns records and mandrill reported all green in this records.
But mail delivery to gmail was always delayed with no aparent reason.
After a while I decided do test/use my own email server to do this, instead of mandrill. Now there are no delays in gmail. I'm happy :)
After this I think I will only use mandrill for massive email delivery / marketing, where delays are not important. Time will tell.
Would like to hear other people about this subject.
In > Settings > Domains > Sending domains, verify these 3 points:
DKIM is valid,
SPF is valid,
domain is verified.
My experience has been that the Google SMTP servers are causing the delay (not Mandrill). Verify this by looking at the original email headers (in gmail, with email opened, in the top right More > Show Original) and pasting the email header into the google Message header analyzer will show you the path your email took and how long it was delayed at each server. This report will also tell you if you DKIM / SPF is invalid.
Why the delay is occurring is still a mystery to me. I suspect however that because the domain I am using to send is new, perhaps the gmail spam filters are grey listing the emails until enough users have opened emails and not clicked the spam button? I don't know.

Google Drive Daily Email Limit?

We have a few Google Forms as part of my work. I am using the Form Emailer script so that, when someone fills out the quiz, that person and also a person here in our office will receive an e-mail displaying a summary of their responses.
We just had a meeting and so many more people are filling them out right now. My question is, what is the daily e-mail limit when sending in this way, a custom form script?
Keeping in mind that two e-mails are being sent with each form completion, one to our person and one to the person that filled it out.
I tried to research this but I am getting conflicting information--some sites list the limit using Gmail, for example, but I don't think this is the same thing?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
The limit will depend on the account type that is sending the emails. Since you are sending a message to a respondent (1) and a monitor (1), each of your mails will count as 2 recipients.
Your daily limit will be 100 or 1500 per day.
A script can test your remaining limit by calling MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota().
Ref Quota Limits tab.

How to avoid marked as spam by Gmail on sending mass email?

I created event registration web sites (you can imagine something like, which allow users to subscribe for event updates. When subscribed, we send mass emails (with the same content) to those users.
It was ok before, but recently I noticed that GMail always put the email into Spam folder.
As any texts would always go to Spam folder, I suspect that my domain was blacklisted by Gmail.
1) Is there a way to request google to put my domain into the whitelist?
2) Let's say it can't and I decide to register for new domain.
Is there a way to avoid the mass email to be marked as spam by Gmail? (may be something like what Facebook email notification do?)
Yes, don't send mass email :-) If you really want to avoid being considered a spammer, send out emails with less recipients, and don't swamp the mail server with them. Let's say, for example, you have thirty recipients for a given update. You can send out emails with one recipient every minute for a half hour.
Now the numbers may be different (and will of course depend on the success of your site) but the basic theory will stand up for quite a while.
As to how to get yourself whitelisted in GMail, that's really up to the recipient. They can usually do it by simply adding your email address to their contact list.
Keep in mind whitelisting there refers to individual GMail accounts, GMail itself does not whitelist IP addresses.
It does blacklist them if you misbehave but that generally means you get delivery rejects when trying to send. The fact that your messages are going in to the mail system and being delivered to spam folders indicates that this is an account-based thing, not a global GMail blacklisting of your IP/domain.
In any case, the place to report problems for GMail delivery problems is here.
As a school, we send out mass emails to our parents about events and issues. There's no way we have the time to spend sending out one email per minute. What we did was sign up with AOL as a business account, and we are allowed to do "bulk mailings" until they get multiple complaints. However, gmail clients usually have to list us as a valid sender or else those emails end up in spam folders. Works the same for clients using college alumni accounts from edu addresses. Gmail is the only one who regularly gives us this problem for our recipients on their email servers. We let parents know at orientation that they will have to specifically admit our emails via some setting on gmail.

Obtain user activity data in emails after I programmatically mail out emails

If I were to build a newsletter emailing system, I will need to be able to generate reports on how many emails bounced, flagged as spam, unsubscribed, read vs. unread, click through rates etc....
So how do you keep track of user activity after the email has been sent? Am I right in assuming that you CAN NOT embed javascript code into emails to monitor user activity? How else do I gather data for my reports?
Once you send the e-mail, it's free like a baby bird kicked out of the nest. The writers of e-mail clients go to great lengths to make sure that they block any feature that will give you that kind of feedback you're asking for. While there are legitimate uses for this sort of information, spammers use such information to verify and clean their e-mail lists.
Many ISPs also block bounces because they give spammers information.
The best you can do is try to give your readers an incentive to click through back to your site. Then, you can gather information not available to a sender of e-mail.
You can easily track click-through rates by including a tracking query string bit in the URLs and route them through your site.
So a link might be:
As for read vs. unread you can get an idea for that by including a small transparent image from your site that includes a tracking URL However this is not foolproof since emails can be read offline and most modern email clients do not display images without a user action to display images in the email.
For bounced, you'll have to track those by reading from a mailbox for the From email.
Can't think of way to track emails flagged as spam except to send it to several mailboxes that use some of the common spam filtering products and check the results. However, this isn't likely to be accurate because most can and are customized/trained by individual users.
If you want to do click tracking you'll have to replace all links from your message with links
that point back to your tracking script.
To do efficient tracking that you can actually use later for segmenting your list and better targeting you would have to track the subscriber's id and message and/or campaign id.
Some email marketing systems even track the link position in the message so you know exactly if the recipient clicked on the same link that was at the top of the message or in the middle and in the system that I have built I even track if they clicked a link in the html part of the message or the text part.
The tracker script would record all this information then redirect to the actual link.
Bounce tracking is done by processing the bounce messages that your server will receive or generate when a message cannot be delivered. I recommend using VERP:
Open tracking is done by including the image with tracking code in the url. This would normally point to a script on your site that would record the subscriber id and message and/or campaign id then output the binary date for a transparent 1x1 px wide gif.
You can also track messages that are flagged as spam by some users of some ISPs like hotmail, yahoo, aol, and a few others. they offer feedback loops so every time someone clicks that "Spam" button in their webmail application they will send you a message that you can parse and determine the subscriber that actually flagged the message as spam. VERP also helps with this because the feedback loop messages don't always include the actual email address of the subscriber so you need another way to identify them. This page on wikipedia has a list of feedback ISPS that offer feedback loops :