This is the result of my query :
id : 1 ,
name : "Richard" ,
last_name : "stallman",
sex : "Mr"
But I need something like this :
id : 1 ,
details : "Mr Richard - stallman"
How can I fix it?
You can use aggregation for this:
db.COLLECTION.aggregate([{$project: {id: "$id", details: {$concat: ["$sex", " ", "$name", " ", "$last_name"]} }}])
See the documentation at and .
I am assuming you are querying a database?
You would have to query for the data, store it in variables, and then generate your new data.
$details=row['sex']." ".row['firstname']." - ".rpw['lastname'];
i have database like
"profile" : {
"firstName" : "dh",
"lastName" : "french",
"roles" : [
i want to find whose roles is applicant
so i try this query
var data = Meteor.users.find({
"profile.roles": { $in: ["applicant"] }
but i always get 0 length data
so,which query is righ
In this case, you don't need to use $in operator. Take is easy:
"profile.roles": "applicant"
I have two collections, user_logs and users, user_logs documents have user_id field so I need some data from user_logs but in the same query I want to check if some other field from user related to the current user_log is empty. How should I do this?
A query can only access one collection at a time. Mongodb doesn't support joins.
They that's why they recommend that you embed the referenced data inside the document.
If the logs documents for each user isn't too big, then you can change the embed that info inside the user collection.
Giving you something like this.
Embedded User Collection:
user_id : "uid1",
logs : [
{ message : "Error: System shutdown", date : "2014-11-11" },
{ message : "Error: System shutdown", date : "2014-11-13" }
However, if you want to keep your current structure then you're going to have to perform two queries to find related info between the users and user_logs collections.
{ _id : "ul1", log : "code 1", user_id : "u1" },
{ _id : "ul2", log : "code 2", user_id : "u1" }
{ _id : "u1", name : "bob", user_logs_id : "ul1" },
{ _id : "u2", name : "smith", user_logs_id : "ul2" }
var userId = db.user_logs.findOne({}).user_id;
db.users.findOne({ _id : userId })
{ "_id" : "u1", "name" : "bob", "user_logs_id" : "ul1" }
I have a very simple document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5347ff73e4b0e4fcbbb7886b"),
"userName" : "ztolley",
"firstName" : "Zac",
"lastName" : "Tolley"
"data" : {
"temperature" : [
"celsius" : 22,
"timestamp" : 1212140000
I want to find a way to write a query that searches for userName = 'ztolley' and only returns back the last 10 temperature readings. I've been able to say just return the data field but I couldn't find a way to say just return data.temperature (there are many different data properties).
When I tried
db.user.find({userName:'ztolley'},{data: {temperature: {$slice: -10}}})
I got unsupported projection.
I'd try using the Aggregation framework .
Using your schema this should work:
db.user.aggregate([{$match:{"userName":"ztolley"}},{$unwind:"$data.temperature"},{$sort:{"data.temperature.timestamp":-1}},{$limit:10}, {$project:{"data.temperature":1, _id:0}}])
It returns the temperature readings for that user, in reverse sorted order by timestamp, limited to 10.
It looks you write wrong projection, try it with dot '.' notation:
db.user.find( { userName:'ztolley' },{ 'data.temperature': { $slice: -10 } } );
I use from Mongodb and my database schema like this:
firstName: 'vahid',
lastName: 'kh',
age: 12
I want find all records that firstname + lastname likes 'vahid kh'. In SQL, this would be:
Select * from table where firstName + lastName like '%vahid kh%'
Seems this is available only in 2.4, which was released today.
>{ "firstName" : "Bob", "lastName" : "Smith", Age : 12 });
> db.temp.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5148a2a00477cddcdece1b34"), "firstName" : "Bob", "lastName" : "Smith", "Age" : 12 }
> db.temp.aggregate({ $project : { "name" : { $concat : [ "$firstName", " ", "$lastName" ] } } });
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5148a2a00477cddcdece1b34"),
"name" : "Bob Smith"
"ok" : 1
You can use $regex, this way you can use partial matches.
Something like that:
db.collection.find( { field: /acme.*corp/i } )
Here is somewhat similar question with answer in php: MongoRegex and search multiple rows in collection
Docs about mongoregex are here:
I just read your comment with query in sql. Simple solution could be to make field fullname and search it with $regex, it is kind of db denormalization, where you store somewhat redundant data.
Or even easier, this should do the job too:
db.collection.find( { firstName: /*vahid/i, lastName: /kh*/i } )
To search against a combination of two or more fields, you need to use the aggregation framework. It lets you sort by the combinations of fields, and you don't need to store (denormalize) any extra fields:
$match: {
// Optional criteria to select only some documents to process, such as...
deleted: null
$addFields: {
// Need to prefix fields with '$'
fullName: { $concat: [ "$firstName", "$lastName" ] },
$search: { fullName: /.*vakid kh.*/ },
the $addFields aggregation pipeline stage creates dynamic, on-the-fly fields
$concat creates the fullName field by concatenating the first and last name
$search does a regular expression search, which is the MongoDB equivalent to the SQL LIKE operator.
I have code in expressjs code aggregate is bit slow then find so I have use conditional based and use regular express to find true results, I am sharing with you nodejs code I hope it useful for you or my other code lover friends.
var q = ucfirst( req.params['q'] );
var qSplit = q.split(" ");
var db = mongojs(CONNECTION_STRING, ['tags_helper','users']);
var query = { "status" : 1, isAdmin : { $exists : false } };
if( qSplit.length > 1 )
query["firstName"] = new RegExp(qSplit[0],"i");
query["lastName"] = new RegExp(qSplit[1],"i");
qSplit[0] = new RegExp(qSplit[0],"i");
qSplit[1] = new RegExp(qSplit[0],"i");
//query.push( { $or : [ {"firstName": new RegExp(q,"i")},{"lastName": new RegExp(q,"i")} ] } );
query["$or"] = [ {"firstName": new RegExp(q,"i")},{"lastName": new RegExp(q,"i")} ];
db.users.find( query,{_id : 1,firstName:1,lastName:1,image:1,profileName:1}).limit(10,function (err, users) {
//TODO your further code ..
Have a happy coding day.
Whats the best way to concatenate results in MongoDB? In particular the PHP driver? Do I need to use mapReduce?
In mySQL I would do something like this: SELECT CONCAT(fname,' ',lname) as name FROM users but I can't seem to find a simple way to do this in mongo.
In the PHP Driver
I recommend doing this in your application. Use PHP's concatenation features to add a "fullname" attribute/key to the user object/array. I'd stay away from map/reduce/finalize unless you need to do some database-side processing or selecting before returning the results. (And, before that, maybe look into where queries as well -
In the Shell
If this is a one-off query and you're doing it in the shell, there are two different (but related) ways to go about this.
Which one you use depends widely on if only want the concat-ed name or if you want the rest of the document to go with it. For instance, if you only want the name, you can do something like this:
> db.show_concat.find().forEach( function (o) { print(o.fname + ' ' + o.lname); } )
john smith
jane doe
Otherwise, if you want the other fields, you can do:
> db.show_concat.find().forEach( function (o) { o.full_name = o.fname + ' ' + o.lname; printjson(o); } )
"_id" : ObjectId("4cd6dabb5391d08d405bb0bb"),
"fname" : "john",
"lname" : "smith",
"full_name" : "john smith"
"_id" : ObjectId("4cd6daee5391d08d405bb0bc"),
"fname" : "jane",
"lname" : "doe",
"full_name" : "jane doe"
You can use aggregate, $project and $concat :
It would be something like this :
{ $project: { full_name: { $concat: [ "$fname", " - ", "$lname" ] } } }