Perl implementation of the GNU Coreutils [closed] - perl

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to learn Perl and thought that the most of GNU Coreutils seems to be doing stuff which are well suited for the language. Is there any Perl implementation of it (at least the basic functionality) which I could look at for comparison?
In my experience, looking at code is the second best way to learn a language (after writing code). I'm interested both in quick-and-dirty implementations and clean code which covers edge cases as well.
For example, cat could be implemented as
alias cat='perl -Tpe "" --'
although there are some edge cases where it doesn't behave the same. And of course it ignores all flags.

This has already been done years ago:


Which is a faster parser for XML? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to parse a simple file, and I want to know between:
which one is faster?
XML::LibXML is the fastest, see the benchmarks at Ways to Rome.
It may or may not matter for a "simple file" (which I assume would mean that it's not too big).
There's also XML::Fast which seems to be a pretty serious contender. XML::Simple can use XML::LibXML under the hood, but I'm still seeing it as the major CPU drain in my CalDAV testing right now.
It's worth giving it a try if speed is a major consideration for you.

easy classes/objects creation with Perl? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know it is possible to create classes/objects in Perl using the bless function and modules. Is there any CPAN module that would make this easier, preferably with automatic getter/setter generation?
Moose is a godsend. There are some notes in Moose - a guide to the new revolution by Ricardo Signes which are good, as well as the manual.

Is there a CoffeeScript equivalent to the ruby koans? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I found several JavaScript testing frameworks with a quick Google search: Jasmine, jsUnity, JSpec, YUI Test, JsUnit, QUnit
I'm sure that this is by no means an exhaustive list.
Has anyone written CoffeeScript koans in one of these frameworks, similar to the EdgeCase ruby koans?
I really enjoyed going through them and going through the python-koans. Each exercise significantly improved my language comfort level, and I'm really hoping that similar exercises exist for CoffeeScript.
Did you try Googling "CoffeeScript Koans"? :)
(They're powered by Jasmine.)

Well written Perl Open Source to learn from? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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is there any well written perl open source out there (not using any kinda of framework) that i could use as sample for learning and good pratice of the perl...
I've searched around and found many things for PHP, but nothing in perl that uses no framework.
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried browsing CPAN? You can find code there doing pretty much anything, and many distributions post links to their github repositories, so you can follow along in the development process.
CPAN Ratings has reviews and rankings of a large number of releases, which helps you differentiate between good releases and bad ones, but being able to make this determination for yourself would be best, which you get through learning and experience.

Any good introductions and resources for gettext? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking into frameworks for translation, and have been considering gettext. Because it's supposedly quite good, and lots of projects use it. Now I read part of the official manual, but it sucked. I kind of have an idea how it works now, but I have no idea where to get started.
In particular my project spans C++, Lua and Javascript, so I'd love to be able to unify the i18n with a single tool, but I'm also not having luck finding gettext good support for Lua or Javascript, are they supported, has anybody used gettext with these?
How about this tutorial? Another example is at O'Reilly.