Determine the date format by locale with clj-time - date
I have been searching for this for quite a while now through Google and I couldn't find an ultimate solution with clj-time. I want to format a date automatically by the locale, like in this example or here. How would I do this using clj-time?
Thanks & Cheers
Use with-locale (
(require '[clj-time.core :as time] '[clj-time.format :as fmt])
(import '[java.util Locale])
(def custom-formatter (fmt/formatters :rfc822))
(def ja-formatter (fmt/with-locale custom-formatter (Locale. "ja")))
(fmt/unparse ja-formatter (time/date-time 2010 10 3))
> "日, 03 10 2010 00:00:00 +0000"
Example of usage of joda-time DateTimeFormat:
(require '[clj-time.core :as time] '[clj-time.format :as fmt])
(import '[java.util Locale])
(import '[org.joda.time.format DateTimeFormat])
(def custom-formatter (DateTimeFormat/longDate))
(def ja-formatter (fmt/with-locale custom-formatter (Locale. "ja")))
(fmt/unparse ja-formatter (time/date-time 2010 10 3))
(def us-formatter (fmt/with-locale custom-formatter (Locale. "us")))
(fmt/unparse us-formatter (time/date-time 2010 10 3))
"October 3, 2010"
emacs 28.1 'parse-time-weekdays' - weekdays configuration doesn't working
Before Emacs 28.1 (Linux) I used: (eval-after-load 'parse-time '(progn (setq parse-time-weekdays (nconc parse-time-weekdays '(("so" . 0) ("mo" . 1) ("di" . 2) ("mi" . 3) ("do" . 4) ("fr" . 5) ("sa" . 6))))) which gives german weekdays when entering org-mode dates, like <2022-08-21 So>, now I'am getting <2022-08-21 Sun> (Org mode version 9.5.4). Why?
How to loop through dates in Racket?
I want to loop through dates from the current date to some stop date, like the following example in Python: import datetime def count_dates(stop_date): step = while step >= stop_date: yield step step = step - datetime.timedelta(days=1) def main(): for step in count_dates(, 1, 1)): print(step.isoformat()) I don't see any date calculation functions in Racket, however. How can this be done?
If you want to use racket/date, you can accomplish your goal with find-seconds, seconds->date, current-seconds, and a simple arithmetic: #lang racket (require racket/date racket/generator) (define 1day (* 60 60 24)) (define (count-dates year month day) (define target (find-seconds 0 0 0 day month year)) (in-generator (let loop ([current (current-seconds)]) (when (>= current target) (yield (seconds->date current)) (loop (- current 1day)))))) (date-display-format 'iso-8601) (for ([dt (count-dates 2019 2 1)]) (displayln (date->string dt))) This outputs: 2019-02-11 2019-02-10 2019-02-09 2019-02-08 2019-02-07 2019-02-06 2019-02-05 2019-02-04 2019-02-03 2019-02-02 2019-02-01 That is, from today (Feb 11, 2019) to Feb 1, 2019. You can also use gregor or srfi-19 which are alternative date libraries that have a notion of time duration/difference.
Here is how you can do it using the date arithmetic provided by gregor. Specifically the +days and -days functions are helpful here: #lang racket (require gregor racket/generator) ;; Date -> [Sequenceof Date] (define (count-dates stop-date) (in-generator (let loop ([step (today)]) (when (date>=? step stop-date) (yield step) (loop (-days step 1)))))) (for ([step (count-dates (date 2018 1 1))]) (displayln (date->iso8601 step))) And if you need something more general than "some number of days", there's also functions like +date-period and -date-period.
How can I update a chartist chart with new data in ClojureScript?
I am new to ClojureScript and I am trying to update a chart with new data. I am using Chartist and Reagent. Rendering the chart for the first time works fine, but if I change the data for the chartist function, the chart isn't rendered again. I have already tried different things with atoms and tried to use the update function from chartist. Here is the link to the chartist update api Here is my code so far: (ns example.core (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl] [reagent.core :as reagent] [cljsjs.chartist] )) (defonce conn (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl")) (defonce results(reagent/atom [1 1 6 15 25] )) (defonce timespan (reagent/atom ["Mar-2012" "Jun-2012" "Nov-2012" "Oct-2013" "Nov-2014"])) (def global-state (reagent/atom 0)) (defn show-chart [resultsInChart timespaneInChart] (let [chart-data {:labels timespaneInChart :series [resultsInChart]} options {:width "700px" :height "380px"}] (js/Chartist.Line. ".ct-chart" (clj->js chart-data) (clj->js options)))) (defn chart-component [] (let [some global-state] (reagent/create-class {:component-did-mount #(show-chart #results #timespan) :component-did-update #(show-chart #results #timespan) :display-name "chart-component" :reagent-render (fn [] [:div {:class "ct-chart ct-perfect-fourth"}])}))) (defn home-page [] [:div [:div [:p [:button {:on-click #(reset! results [1 1 6 15 5] )} "Change last Value to 5"] ] ] ] ) (defn run [] (reagent/render [chart-component](.getElementById js/document "myChart")) (reagent/render [home-page](.getElementById js/document "app")) ) Would be great if somebody could help. Update: I fixed it with adding figwheel to my project, somehow this solved the problem and the chart gets updated. I also used the update function of Chartist under component-did-update in the end. Here is a link to figwheel
Charting the value of Datomic facts over time
Since Datomic stores assertions and retractions of facts, is it possible to use this built-in storage to chart changes to a value over time, e.g. a price history?
Yes. The command you want is datomic.api/history. Called with a database value, it returns a special db featuring all datom additions and retractions. (ns datomic-history-demo.core (:require [datomic.api :as d :refer [db q]])) (defn demonstrate [] (let [db-uri '"datomic:mem://fnord"] (d/delete-database db-uri) (d/create-database db-uri) (let [conn (d/connect db-uri)] (d/transact conn [{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db] :db/ident :demo/amount :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one :db/doc "An interesting quantity." :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}]) (let [tempid (dbg (d/tempid :db.part/user)) tx-data #(d/transact conn [{:db/id tempid :db/doc "initial value" :demo/amount 5}]) id (dbg (d/resolve-tempid (:db-after tx-data) (:tempids tx-data) tempid))] #(d/transact conn [{:db/id id :db/doc "subsequent value" :demo/amount 17}]) #(d/transact conn [{:db/id id :db/doc "final value" :demo/amount 23}]) (let [special-history-db (d/history (db conn))] (->> (q '[:find ?instant ?e ?amount ?operation :where [?e :demo/amount ?amount ?tx ?operation] [?tx :db/txInstant ?instant]] special-history-db) (sort-by first))))))) (demonstrate) (comment ;; evaluates to ([#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.054-00:00" 17592186045418 5 true] [#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.058-00:00" 17592186045418 5 false] [#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.058-00:00" 17592186045418 17 true] [#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.062-00:00" 17592186045418 23 true] [#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.062-00:00" 17592186045418 17 false])
Best way to read (MATLAB) structures from a text file in Clojure / Incanter
I exported my matlab structs to text files so that I can read them in clojure. I have a text file like: name Ali age 33 friends-ages 30 31 25 47 know I can read this file, but what's the clojure way to convert it into something like: (def person1 {:name "Ali" :age 33 :friends-ages [30 31 25 47]}) or lets make it easier: name Ali age 33 to: (def person1 {:name "Ali" :age 33})
Assuming each file has a single record, (defn parse [f] (let [[_ name _ age _ & friends] (.split (slurp f) "\n")] {:name name :age age :friends (map read-string friends)})) (parse "../../../Desktop/t.txt") you get, {:name "Ali", :age "33", :friends-ages (30 31 25 47)}
I guess you would need to manually do this conversion from text file (which isn't in any standard serialization formats) to the required set format. If possible, I would suggest that you should extract the MATLAB data in JSON format and that would be easy to read in clojure using the json library.
Here's a solution for your easier problem: (ns example (:require [clojure.string :as str])) (def input "name\nAli\nage\n33\n") ; you'd get this by reading the file (defn process [data] (->> (str/split data #"\n") (partition 2) (map (fn [[k v]] [(keyword k) (try (Integer/valueOf v) (catch NumberFormatException _ v))])) (into {}))) (prn (process input)) The full problem requires better specification of the format: how do you know that the list of ages is done?
I ended up writing an .m file to export my .mat files to text, then imported them by something like the following: (use '[clojure.string :only (split join)]) (defn kv [[k v]] [(keyword k) v]) (let [a (split (slurp ( fileName)) #"\n")] (def testNeuron (into {} (map kv (partition 2 a))))) Thanks to the answers by Hamza and Jouni. The actual code is more like this: (def dataPath "/home/ali/Dropbox/Projects/Neurojure/") (def testFileName "dae062.c1.cylinder.DID.txt") (defn kv [[k v]] [(keyword k) (if (< 0 (count (re-seq #"\d\d\d\dSpikes|\d\d\d\dOcodes|\d\d\d\dOSpikes" k))) (into [] (map (fn [x] (Integer/valueOf x)) (split v #","))) (try (Integer/valueOf v) (catch NumberFormatException _ v)))]) (let [a (split (slurp ( (str dataPath testFileName))) #"\n")] (def testNeuron (into {} (map kv (partition 2 a))))) and the converted data file looks like this: ConvertDate 18-Nov-2011 Name /bgc/data/dae/062/dae062.mat frameperiod 83.2500000037253 Spike2Version 1.27 unstored 167 rfstr cm=rf-3.10,9.61:0.00x0.00,-135deg pe20 -2.0,-3.0 fx=0.00,fy=0.00cm=rf-3.10,9.61:0.00x0.00,-135deg pe20 -2.0,-3.0 fx=0.00,fy=0.00 rf -3.1,9.61,0,0,-135,20,-2,-3,0,0 trange 47371169.75,100193717.5 psych 1 rc 0 Options expname cylinder.dxXIdD Start 94745610.75 End 100193717.5 Area MT Ex perimenter Ali Trial=>0001Start 47377343 Trial=>0001TrialStart 47377343 Trial=>0001End 47397224.25 Trial=>0001dur 19881.2500000075 Trial=>0001uStim 0 Trial=>0001op 40980 Trial=>0001Trial 1860 Trial=>0001id 15897 Trial=>0001Startev 47377149.5 Trial=>0001serdelay -46.25 Trial=>0001bstimes 47377195.75 Trial=>0001delay 147.25 Trial=>0001TrueEnd 47397224.25 Trial=>0001CorLoop 0 Trial=>0001dx 0 Trial=>0001Spikes -1402,-1232,1577,1931,2165,2222,2478,2773,2903,3229,3745,3820,4071,4588,4920,5141,5752,6440,6490,6664,6770,7042,7958,8081,8307,8622,8732,9021,9082,9343,9619,9695,9877,10357,10668,10943,11105,11364,11720,12272,12499,12762,12907,13621,14121,14351,14542,14588,15104,15420,15501,16331,16596,16843,17476,17698,17996,18169,18401,18532,18706,19029,19081,19418,19603,19750,20222 Trial=>0001count 65 Trial=>0001OptionCode +do+aa+sq+72+se+fc+fb+ap+wt+cf+ws+ts+sw+bw+cs+2a+bm+gm+x2+sp+da+ao+cS+C3+CF Trial=>0001me 0 Trial=>0001OSpikes -1976,-1802,-1423,-1360,-1268,-1248,-1140,-244,-220,-164,632,681,730,760,779,786,867,879,924,1062,1161,1252,1268,1431,1533,1632,1946,2210,2235,2273,2285,2296,2305,2496,2532,2541,2732,2787,2806,2822,2840,3095,3292,3431,3598,3614,3837,4100,4482,4504,4515,4651,4768,4794,4936,5020,5160,5184,5300,5314,5710,5764,6431,6453,6471,6553,6561,6584,6791,7018,7124,7880,7905,7940,7968,8011,8315,8330,8352,8568,8666,8748,8756,8766,8797,8836,9038,9297,9328,9360,9471,9632,9639,9721,9939,10196,10363,10375,10387,10410,10931,10953,10969,10986,11038,11118,11135,11405,11692,12018,12163,12258,12492,12512,12525,12884,12899,12919,13156,13183,13638,13674,13842,13988,14110,14298,14310,14321,14606,14617,15124,15132,15150,15289,15341,15620,16293,16305,16342,16364,16441,16604,16692,16932,16997,17059,17086,17210,17368,17495,17626,17639,17651,17677,17718,18013,18247,18353,18553,18691,18722,18887,18941,19438,19774,19938,19959,19967,20004,20240,20306,20500,20623 Trial=>0002Start 47406914 Trial=>0002TrialStart 47406914 Trial=>0002End 47426795.25 Trial=>0002dur 19881.2499999925 ...