How to combine two sets of data - scala

I have a list of User objects, and each of those User objects looks like this:
case class User(username: String, firstName: String, lastName: String, batchId: Int, imageUrl: String)
I want to go through that List, pull out all the usernames, and send those usernames off to an API which will return a JSON list containing Twitter specific information (e.g. profile info and twitter profile image). I then want to take that list of returned objects and add the information in each of those to my original list of objects, matching by the username.
How can I do this in a functional way?

You do it pretty much as you said. I'll assume that you can figure out how to get in touch with the API and get JSON back, and the "how do I make it functional" part is the core of the question.
If you'll be querying in a batch, and you might not get back a username you requested, you can do something like the following.
val usernames =
val json = myGetJSONRoutine(usernames)
val parsed = makeMapFromJSON(json) // Returns Map[String, TwitterInfo]
val newUsers ={ x =>
parsed.get(x.username).map{ t =>
// Generate the updated user object here
x.copy(imageUrl = t.imageUrl)
}.getOrElse(x) // Fall back to pre-existing object
Anyway, the basic steps are: map out the usernames, get the JSON, parse it into a map from username to whatever new info you need, and then map through the user records updating them with new information. Then you stop using allUsers and start using newUsers.
That's really the whole trick: instead of updating existing records, you regenerate the list with new records based on the old ones (copy is built for this kind of updating).
If your user record needs to be different after you get twitter info (that is, the original objects do not just contain stubs for the data), then you also need to write a default mapper from the un-twitterified User to the UserWithTwitter class. Or your User could have a twittery field that is an Option[TwitterInfo], which you start off setting to None and then copy(twittery = Some(t)) if you actually found that info.
A full tutorial on using a web API to get JSON, and then to parse JSON, is outside the scope of one question. (But e.g. Play can do it.)


Gatling / Scala remove Vector from string value in POST request

I'm trying to send a POST request within a Gatling test.
2 values have to be sent, the first one is extracted from my page content, the second one is hardcoded.
My issue is that when i extract a value from my page content, i end up with a string submitted in my POST request but polluted with the "Vector()" wrapper.
Here is my scenario and how my variable is extracted:
val dossier = exec(http("Content creation - Extract vars")
.check(css("""input[name="form_token"]""", "value").findAll.saveAs("form_token_node"))
.exec(http("Content creation")
.formParam("form_token", "${form_build_id_node}")
.formParam("form_id", "node_dossier_form")
And here is how the data look like when they are sent in the POST request:
form_token: Vector(HciBSyvuZ14NIj9HHuebgHYc06gL62B0iKAQ-E-KhvA)
form_id: node_dossier_form
As you can the the form_token variable should not look like this at all, it's breaking the form submission for a unvalid reason.
So my question is, how do i get ride of the Vector() part of the string?
And the answer is use ${form_build_id_node(0)} instead of ${form_build_id_node} to access to the value. Thanks to sschaef.
Here the issue is at saving the attribute.
you have used .findAll.saveAs - Which will save as list taking all the occurrences
If you want to pass only the first occurrences, then it should be
instead of
if your going to use foreach or repeat to get more values then you can .findAll.saveAs list and create a logic to iterate the session attribute
${form_build_id_node(i)} in your scenario

Building user database model in Firebase

so I already finished all of the actual app for this. I just need to setup the backend. I figured Firebase was the best solution since Parse is no longer a thing. What I wanted was:
Users with profiles - These profiles can be viewed by added friends but only edited (written) to by the actual profile owner.
So I read through the Firebase Docs and still cannot really figure out how to do this. They only have 1 Swift application example that does not do anything similar and the one Obj C twitter one, will not even build. All of their docs still have println for Swift which just makes me think it is not updated frequently.
Does anyone have any good examples / tutorials of this? I keep trying to search for things but nothing is as similar enough to what I want. I am more looking on how to setup the db for each user and access it rather actually using Firebase in Swift.
As I wrote in my comment to your question, this answer is based on what we do in a real social app Impether using Swift + Firebase.
Data structure
Let's assume that you want to store the following information for a single user:
followers - number of people who follow a particular user
following - number of people who a particular user follows
avatar_url - url of their avatar
bio - some additional text
Since in Firebase everything is stored a JSON objects, you can store the above structure under node with path like users/$userId, where $userId is Firebase User UID which is created for each registered user if you use simple email/password Firebase authorization.
Firebase email/password authorization is described in their docs:
Notice that there are both Obj-C and Swift snippets. I find Firebase documentation really great as it helped me a lot when I was building our app.
For the purpose of this answer let's assume that we have user with username jack and Firebase User UID equal to jack_uid (in reality this will be a string generated by Firebase).
Then an example data for this user will be store under a path users/jack_uid and can look like this:
"email" : "",
"username" : "jack",
"name" : "Jack",
"followers" : 8,
"following" : 11,
"avatar_url" : "",
"bio" : "Blogger, YouTuber",
Firebase email/password authorization works really well, but let's be honest, if user wants to sign in into the app, it's a lot better for him to use his username than his email he gave while he registering his account.
In order to do that, we decided to store a mapping from usernames to user ids. The idea is that if user inputs his username and password in a login form, we use that mapping to retrieve his user id and then we try to sign him in using his user id and provided password.
The mapping can be stored for example under a path username_to_uid and looks like this:
"sample_username_1": "firebase_generated_userid_1",
"sample_username_2": "firebase_generated_userid_2",
"jack": "jack_uid",
"sample_username_123": "firebase_generated_userid_123"
Then creating a profile may looks like this and it's done as soon as registration of a new account was successful (this snippet is very close to the exact code we use in the production):
func createProfile(uid: String, email: String,
username: String, avatarUrl: String,
successBlock: () -> Void, errorBlock: () -> Void) {
//path to user data node
let userDataPath = "/users/\(uid)"
//path to user's username to uid mapping
let usernameToUidDataPath = "/username_to_uid/\(username)"
//you want to have JSON object representing user data
//and we do use our User Swift structures to do that
//but you can just create a raw JSON object here.
//name, avatarUrl, bio, followers and following are
//initialized with default values
let user = User(uid: uid, username: username, name: "",
avatarUrl: avatarUrl, bio: "",
followers: 0, following: 0)
//this produces a JSON object from User instance
var userData = user.serialize()
//we add email to JSON data, because we don't store
//it directly in our objects
userData["email"] = email
//we use fanoutObject to update both user data
//and username to uid mapping at the same time
//this is very convinient, because either both
//write are successful or in case of any error,
//nothing is written, so you avoid inconsistencies
//in you database. You can read more about that technique
var fanoutObject = [String:AnyObject]()
fanoutObject[userDataPath] = userData
fanoutObject[usernameToUidDataPath] = uid
let ref = Firebase(url: "")
ref.updateChildValues(fanoutObject, withCompletionBlock: {
err, snap in
if err == nil {
//call success call back if there were no errors
} else {
//handle error here
In addition to this you possibly want to store for each user a list of his followers and a separate list of users he follows. This can be done just by storing user ids at a path like followers/jack_uid, for example it can look like this:
"firebase_generated_userid_4": true,
"firebase_generated_userid_14": true
This is the way we store sets of values in our app. It very convenient, because it is really user to update it and check if some value is there.
In order to count the number of followers, we put this counter into user's data directly. This makes reading the counter very efficient. However, updating this counter requires using transactional writes and the idea is almost exactly the same as in my answer here: Upvote/Downvote system within Swift via Firebase
Read/write permissions
A part of your question is how to handle permissions to data you store. The good news is that Firebase is exceptionally good here. If you go to your Firebase dashboard there is a tab named Security&Rules and this is the place where you control permissions to your data.
What's great about Firebase rules is that they are declarative, which makes them very easy to use and maintain. However, writing rules in pure JSON is not the best idea since it's quite hard to control them when you want to combine some atomic rules into a bigger rule or your app simple grows and there are more and more different data you store in your Firebase database. Fortunately, Firebase team wrote Bolt, which is a language in which you can write all rules you need very easily.
First of all I recommend to read Firebase docs about Security, especially how does permission to a node influences permission for its children. Then, you can take a look at Bolt here:
For example, we use rules for managing users data similar to this:
//global helpers
isCurrentUser(userId) {
auth != null && auth.uid == userId;
isLogged() {
auth != null;
//custom types, you can extend them
//if you want to
type UserId extends String;
type Username extends String;
type AvatarUrl extends String;
type Email extends String;
type User {
avatar_url: AvatarUrl,
bio: String,
email: Email,
followers: Number,
following: Number,
name: String,
username: Username,
//user data rules
path /users/{$userId} is User {
write() { isCurrentUser($userId) }
read() { isLogged() }
//user's followers rules
//rules for users a particular
//user follows are similar
path /followers/{$userId} {
read() { isLogged() }
path /followers/{$userId}/{$followerId} is Boolean {
create() { isCurrentUser($followerId) && this == true }
delete() { isCurrentUser($followerId) }
//username to uid rules
path /username_to_uid {
read() { true }
path /username_to_uid/{$username} is UserId {
create() { isCurrentUser(this) }
The bottom line is that you write rules you want using Bolt, then you compile them into JSON using Bolt compiler and then you deploy them into your Firebase, using command line tools or by pasting them into dashboard, but command line is way more efficient. A nice additional feature is that you can test your rules by using tools in Simulator tab in your dashboard.
For me Firebase is a great tool for implementing a system you want. However, I recommend to start with simple features and learn how to use Firebase in the first place. Implementing social app with functionality like for example Instagram is quite a big challenge, especially if you want to do it right :) It's very tempting to put all functionality there very quickly and Firebase makes it relatively easy to do, but I recommend to be patient here.
In addition, take your time and invest in writing tools. For example, we have two separated Firebase databases, one for production and second for testing, which is really important if you want to write unit and UI tests efficiently.
Also, I recommend building permission rules from the beginning. Adding them later may be tempting, but also quite overwhelming.
Last but not least, follow Firebase blog. They post regularly and you can be up to date with their latest features and updates - this is how I learnt how to use concurrent writes using fanout technique.

Sharepoint URL to reference a lookup

I have two SharePoint lists used for Support case management. The first list contains Case Numbers and information about the case. The second list contains exhibits that support the case itself.
We have a convention that the Case Number is a String supplied by the worker, ex 20150205-001. When the exhibits are joined to the Case it is through a Lookup. I want the Exhibit ID, a String, to be of the form Case Number + _[A-Z] -- and be auto-assigned.
I want to use a Workflow (MS Sharepoint Designer 2013) to assign the Exhibit ID. The problem I face is that I cannot get the actual Case Number from the Lookup. The closest I have gotten so far is to get the ID (1, 2, etc) but not the actual String value represented.
Tried working with the following URL:
substituted ascii: $filter=Case/ID eq 20150205-001
without the filter I get all list items (understandably) but the filter does not work properly because the ID is not the actual lookup value.
This is a SPD 2013 limitation. You have to use a web service call from within Designer to get the specifics of a lookup column from SharePoint. You make a REST call ad then parse the JSON response for the specific data from the lookup column. It gives you access to all of the columns from the list item that you looked up:
Build {...} Dictionary (Output to Variable: requestHeader )
Call [%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]... HTTP web service with Variable: Request (ResponseContent to Variable: PoleIDData |ResponseHeaders to Variable: dictionary |ResponseStatusCode to Variable: responseCode )
Get d/Pole_x0020_ID from Variable: PoleIDData (Output to Variable: PoleID )
Set Name to Variable: PoleID
Your actual web service call will be formatted like this:
[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('List Name')/Items([%Current Item:ID%])/LookupColumnNameOnOtherList
Sorry for the formatting, I would post a screenshot but I cannot.
This article is good for showing you some of the other specifics about formatting your HTTP Request, especially the Request Headers which must be setup right.

Store tweets into Mongodb

Have a requirement to track certain URLs on Twitter.
1)Is it possible to specify partial URL pattern in Twitter Track parameter? e.g. if I want to search for all the URLs containing which will include, etc. Is this possible with Twitter Stream API?
2)What's the efficient way to store all the tweets into MongoDB? Tweets will be used for analytical purposes.
I am using Scala 2.10 and MongoDB
Update: Alright, after digging in understanding some Iteratee concepts, I have put together a quick test as follow
WS.url("" + term)
.sign(OAuthCalculator(Twitter.KEY, tokens))
.get(_ => printingIteratee)
def printingIteratee = Iteratee.foreach[Array[Byte]] { chunk =>
val json = Json.parse(new String(chunk))
val user = (json \ "user" \ "screen_name").as[String]
val content = (json \ "text").as[String]
println("user " + user)
println("content " + content)
Above Iteratee is for a test which is for side-effect and doesn't return anything.
I am trying to come up with an Iteratee which takes Array[Byte] and creates an object to store in MongoDB. Had a quick look at Iteratee.fold and few methods but still not quite sure how to create an Iteratee that takes Array[Byte] and produces an object (say case class Tweet) that can be stored to MongoDB. Any pointers in creating such Iteratee will be appreciated.
The documentation states:
URLs are considered words for the purposes of matches which means that the entire domain and path must be included in the track query for a Tweet containing an URL to match.
It also contains a table where they say: will match Someday I will visit but will not match There is no
As far as I can tell it's not possible to track a domain with all of it's sub domains.

Tastypie build_filters access tp request.user

Is there any way to access the user that initiated the request in build_filters override in tastypie.
I want to use the logged in user to give context to one of the filters for example filter contains the word Home and i want to use this as a lookup to the requesting users locations to find their home address.
If build filters took the request as an argument this would be easy as i could simply call
Is there anyway to force the user into the list of filters or alternatively enrich get parameters before they are passed to build_filters.
There still isn't a great method for this. I'm currently overriding obj_get_list like so, so that I can manually pass the bundle object to build_filters:
def obj_get_list(self, bundle, **kwargs):
filters = {}
if hasattr(bundle.request, 'GET'):
filters = bundle.request.GET.copy()
applicable_filters = self.build_filters(filters=filters, bundle=bundle)
objects = self.apply_filters(bundle.request, applicable_filters)
return self.authorized_read_list(objects, bundle)
except ValueError:
raise BadRequest("Invalid resource lookup data provided (mismatched type).")
There is currently an open pull request for this change:
I haven't found a way to do that. I generally 'cheat' by adding the code into apply_authorization_limits where the session is available.