text/html return from REST Service - rest

I am returning text/html(MediaType.TEXT_HTML) from REST web service which I want to show in browser.
Return string from web Service Method=<html>
<body background=\"WEB-INF\\DSCN0651.JPG\">
<h1>Hello World!!!</h1>Visit W3Schools.com!
<audio autoplay><source src=\"WEB-INF\\Coolest_Sms_All_Time.mp3\" type="audio/mpeg"</audio>
The problem I am facing is the background = DSCN0651.JPG is not rendered in browser
The audio autoplay is not working as I am not able to hear sound in browser.
Though I am only able to see Hello World!!! and link www.w3schools.com! in browser after REST call.
I checked the deployment area both image and mp3 are deployed fine under WEB-INF folder
I am using IE/chrome browser to make a call to my WebService get method.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

To link images or audio (or whatever resource), you need to give a relative URL which the client browser can understand, by asking the server for that resource. If you have a webpage like the above at URL http://example.com/foo/bar, the browser will try to look up http://example.com/foo/bar/WEB-INF\DSCN0651.JPG, but that's an invalid URL. I suggest you check that by trying out the real URL yourself, and by seeing with Developer tools what the browser does with your page.
That URL is invalid at least because it uses a backward slash \ instead of a forward slash /. That's wrong in URLs.
Actually, what you're showing uses \" and \\, but those should appear only when you embed them as a string in source code, to represent respectively " and \. You might want to inspect the output to ensure that's correct.
Moreover, that URL contains WEB-INF. I assume you're using a Java application server. However, the content of the WEB-INF folder is handled specially by Java application servers — in fact, resources there are not accessible to the public! So you should probably move them elsewhere and update the path (the right place depends on what you're exactly doing). Probably moving them up, outside of WEB-INF, and updating the URLs already works.


SAPUI5 load file in the workspace

I need to upload files in the Workspace:
I dont know which URL i should give as parameter to my file Uploader. Considering that i working with the SAP WebIDE personal Edition and my file are located in the following path:
What should i please set as Url here?
var oFileUploader2 = new sap.ui.commons.FileUploader({
name: "upload2",
uploadOnChange: false,
uploadUrl: "???"
I think you have misunderstood how the FileUploader works.
The "uploadUrl" parameter should be used to specify a path on the "web server" (e.g. application server, web container) on which your application is hosted. UI5 is a web user interface framework, it does not know how to handle (server-side) upload requests. This means that the server (backend) itself should have some implementation for handing the file upload.
After you select the file and trigger the upload, a POST HTTP request is made to the path specified in this "uploadUrl" parameter. If you have no web server to know to handle it, then it will invariably give back an error HTTP response.
Based on the title of your question, I understand that you would want to upload the file inside your workspace. IMO, this does not really make sense (as you are mixing in the design time environment with your run-time environment (i.e. your application should never depend on the IDE).
Nevertheless, you can try and import a file via the import menu (right click on package, import, from file system) and see what URL is the request triggered against (using the dev console). I looked around a little and roughly this is the request URL: http://localhost:[Web IDE Port]/xfer/import/[User Name]-OrionContent/[Project Name]. In the Slug header you would have the file name. You might not be able to make a POST request towards this URL directly (because of XSS / CSS limitations), so you might need to create a route mapping for it.

JSF external link

As this question, I'm trying to put a link to an external site.
The problem is that using:
Go to this site!
I think that this tag should not be controlled by JSF (not?) and generate a direct HTML, but anyway JSF modifies and produces a relative link (http://localhost/webapp/stackoverflow.com), as if it was an outcome. It also does even if the url is begins with www.. So, the question is:
I'm forced in JSF to put protocol, even with the <a> tag?
This is not specific to JSF. JSF is just a HTML code generator. You would have exactly the same problem when using plain HTML. All relative URLs in the HTML document are always relative to the base URL of the current request (as you see in browser address bar or have specified in HTML <base> tag).
You need to explicitly specify the scheme to make it an absolute URL instead.
Go to this site!

How to add RESTful type routes in Jekyll

The root of the site http://example.com correctly identifies index.html and renders it. In a similar manner, I want, http://example.com/foo to fetch foo.html present in the root of the directory. The site that uses this functionality is www.zachholman.com. I've seen his code in Github. But still I'm not able to find how it is done. Please help.
This feature is actually available in Jekyll. Just add the following line to your _config.yml:
permalink: pretty
This will enable links to posts and pages without .html extension, e.g.
/about/ instead of /about.html
/YYYY/MM/DD/my-first-post/ instead of YYYY-MM-DD-my-first-post.html
However, you lose the ability to customize permalinks... and the trailing slash is pretty ugly.
Edit: The trailing slash seems to be there by design
It's actually the server that needs adjusting, not jekyll. Be default, jekyll is going to produces files with .html extensions. There may be a way around that, but it's unlikely that you really want to do go that route. Instead, you need to let your web server know that you want those files served when a URL is called with the file's basename (and no extension).
If your site is served via an Apache web server you can enable the "MultiViews" option. In most cases, you can do that be creating an .htaccess file at your site root with the following line:
Options +MultiViews
With this option enabled, when Apache receives a request for:
It will serve the file:
Note that the Apache server must be setup to allow the option to be set in the htaccess file. If not, you would need to do it in the Apache config file itself. If your site is hosted on another web server, you'll need to look for an equivalent setting.

UIWebView - remote html loading local images

I'm trying to develop an application using UIWebView. The app is loading remote URL's, so in order to make it quick I want it to use the images included in the application bundle. I was wondering if there is a way to do it without forcing the application to manually replace the address of each image to point into local resources?
I doubt it, unfortunately. Browser security models in general (and this applies to browsers on the desktop as well of course) don't allow file:// scheme URLs to be used in the context of any other scheme (http://) page. If this was allowed, then arbitrary sites you browse to could load local files and possible access private user data, which would be Bad. Local images with the file:// scheme will only work in a page that is itself in the file:// domain.
I'm not sure how to tell you to accomplish this, but perhaps someone else has a clever idea.
You can use this:
Stop Images from loading in UIWebView
...which sounds horrendous, but is actually quite easy to do, and lets you replace requests for the remote URL with a hit to the local URL.
You'll have to convert the URLs manually, of course.

iPhone application cache and XMLHttpRequest

I have a WebApp that I've been try to make work offline. The WebApp is too big, even minified, to simply use the application cache (things download but I eventually get a window.applicationCache error). I'm trying to use XMLHttpRequest to get the larger scripts and main html and keep them in localStorage and just keep a small loader script in the application cache. The problem I'm seeing is that the XMLHttpRequest returns a network error when the loader script is being served locally. When the the cache is downloading no error is returned and it works fine. When I turn off the application cache the loader works fine, but of course then I need the network to get the loader.
I tried setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache") but that didn't help.
Anybody have a clue?
What does your network: section in your manifest look like?
I found that if I weren't allowing wildcard network traffic it wouldn't load with XMLHttpRequest. So changing it to:
did the trick for us.
I think I found a solution. It would probably work for others.
I split the loader into two separate HTML files: one that uses XMLHttpRequest to get all the required files and put them in localStorage (the loader) and another that simply reads the files from localStorage and writes them into the document (the booter) with appropriate wrappers (e.g. ). The booter has a manifest file to keep it in the application cache. The loader does not. The user first invokes the booter. If the booter finds files already in localStorage it does it's thing. Otherwise, it uses location.replace() to invoke the loader. The loader loads the files from the server using XMLHttpRequest and puts them in localStorage, and then re-invokes the booter using location.replace(). This seems to not cause an network error.
In order to run offline, the user must invoke the booter in the iPhone Safari browser (which invokes the loader, which re-ivokes the booter) which boots the WebApp. In Safari, the user must then add the WebApp (the booter link) to their Home Screen (using the "+" button at the bottom). When offline the user can get to the app from the Home Screen icon. It takes a few seconds to re-render, but it's fully functional after that. It's the same delay when online. Invoking the link from the iPhone Safari browser will not work offline, though it will work online.
The booter monitors the application cache's "updateready" event so that when online and the when iPhone detects a change in the booter's manifest file and downloads a new booter, it will swap the new cache (window.applicationCache.swapCache()) and invoke the loader using location.replace() again. I also add an alert() to let the user know something funky is going on. So changing the manifest file (I mean making some bytes different, not just tweaking the modify time) will cause clients to get new files when online.
Interestingly, I noticed that localStorage set up in Safari is not available to the same page served from invoking the Home Screen icon, even though the cookies transfer! So the first time the booter is invoked from the icon it will reload the files even though they were previously loaded in Safari. Also, I had to explicitly prevent the loader from being cached as it was not reloading from the server when the rest of the files were updated.
You are correct. Ultimately it was the network section in the manifest.
I thought the site where the application was loaded from was included automatically and you didn't need to mess with it, but it's not true. You need to put the site in the network section.