Finding the coordinates of a sub-image in an image in Matlab - matlab

I need to find the coordinates of a 3D sub-image location residing in a 3D image in Matlab. Can anyone help me?

The following code essentially scans through the large array A and compare each element against the first one in the small array B. If an equal is found, a part of A, of which the size is same as of B, is picked out and compared against B.
% reproduce your scenario
A = randi(100, [30, 20, 10]);
B = A(20:30, 1:18, 4:end);
% counter-case verification
% B(end)=200;
% speed up
lenA = numel(A);
[sa1,sa2,sa3] = size(A);
[sb1,sb2,sb3] = size(B);
% a cumbersome method
eqflag = 0;
counterA = 1;
while (counterA <= lenA)
if A(counterA) == B(1)
[subA1,subA2,subA3] = ind2sub([sa1,sa2,sa3],counterA);
if ( (subA1+sb1-1)<=sa1 ) && ( (subA2+sb2-1)<=sa2 ) ...
&& ( (subA3+sb3-1)<=sa3 ) && isequal( B, ...
A(subA1+(1:sb1)-1,subA2+(1:sb2)-1,subA3+(1:sb3)-1) )
eqflag = 1;
counterA = counterA + 1;
if eqflag
fprintf('found matching starting at A(%d, %d, %d).\n', ...
subA1, subA2, subA3);
fprintf('matching region A(%d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d).\n', ...
subA1, subA1+sb1-1, subA2, subA2+sb2-1, subA3, subA3+sb3-1);
fprintf('no matching found.\n');
clearvars sa* lenA counterA
% --------------
% a parallel way
[sa1,sa2,sa3] = size(A);
match_first = find(A==B(1));
[m1,m2,m3] = ind2sub([sa1,sa2,sa3],match_first);
region_first_ind = intersect( intersect(find(m1+sb1-1<=sa1), ...
find(m2+sb2-1<=sa2)),find(m3+sb3-1<=sa3)); % array size issue
region_first = num2cell( [m1(region_first_ind),m2(region_first_ind),...
m3(region_first_ind)], 2);
region = cellfun(#(v) [v;v+[sb1,sb2,sb3]-1], region_first, ...
'UniformOutput', false);
region_match = cellfun(#(v) isequal(A(v(1):v(2), v(3):v(4), v(5):v(6)),...
B), region, 'UniformOutput', false);
match = cell2mat(region([region_match{:}]));
if ~isempty(match)
fprintf('found matching starting at A(%d, %d, %d).\n', ...
match(1), match(3), match(5));
fprintf('matching region A(%d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d).\n', ...
match(1), match(2), match(3), match(4), match(5), match(6));
fprintf('no matching found.\n');


Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-7-by-7 and the size of the right side is 6-by-6 [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I am looking for a way to find same eigenvectors for 2 given matrices, this way I would make a joint diagonalisation. For this, I found out and tried to use qndiag (from ) from the following function :
function [D, B, infos] = qndiag(C, varargin)
% Joint diagonalization of matrices using the quasi-Newton method
% The algorithm is detailed in:
% P. Ablin, J.F. Cardoso and A. Gramfort. Beyond Pham’s algorithm
% for joint diagonalization. Proc. ESANN 2019.
% The function takes as input a set of matrices of size `(p, p)`, stored as
% a `(n, p, p)` array, `C`. It outputs a `(p, p)` array, `B`, such that the
% matrices `B * C(i,:,:) * B'` are as diagonal as possible.
% There are several optional parameters which can be provided in the
% varargin variable.
% Optional parameters:
% --------------------
% 'B0' Initial point for the algorithm.
% If absent, a whitener is used.
% 'weights' Weights for each matrix in the loss:
% L = sum(weights * KL(C, C')).
% No weighting (weights = 1) by default.
% 'maxiter' (int) Maximum number of iterations to perform.
% Default : 1000
% 'tol' (float) A positive scalar giving the tolerance at
% which the algorithm is considered to have converged.
% The algorithm stops when |gradient| < tol.
% Default : 1e-6
% lambda_min (float) A positive regularization scalar. Each
% eigenvalue of the Hessian approximation below
% lambda_min is set to lambda_min.
% max_ls_tries (int), Maximum number of line-search tries to
% perform.
% return_B_list (bool) Chooses whether or not to return the list
% of iterates.
% verbose (bool) Prints informations about the state of the
% algorithm if True.
% Returns
% -------
% D : Set of matrices jointly diagonalized
% B : Estimated joint diagonalizer matrix.
% infos : structure containing monitoring informations, containing the times,
% gradient norms and objective values.
% Example:
% --------
% [D, B] = qndiag(C, 'maxiter', 100, 'tol', 1e-5)
% Authors: Pierre Ablin <>
% Alexandre Gramfort <>
% License: MIT
% First tests
if nargin == 0,
error('No signal provided');
if length(size(C)) ~= 3,
error('Input C should be 3 dimensional');
if ~isa (C, 'double'),
fprintf ('Converting input data to double...');
X = double(X);
% Default parameters
C_mean = squeeze(mean(C, 1));
[p, d] = eigs(C_mean);
p = fliplr(p);
d = flip(diag(d));
B = p' ./ repmat(sqrt(d), 1, size(p, 1));
max_iter = 1000;
tol = 1e-6;
lambda_min = 1e-4;
max_ls_tries = 10;
return_B_list = false;
verbose = false;
weights = [];
% Read varargin
if mod(length(varargin), 2) == 1,
error('There should be an even number of optional parameters');
for i = 1:2:length(varargin)
param = lower(varargin{i});
value = varargin{i + 1};
switch param
case 'B0'
B0 = value;
case 'max_iter'
max_iter = value;
case 'tol'
tol = value;
case 'weights'
weights = value / mean(value(:));
case 'lambda_min'
lambda_min = value;
case 'max_ls_tries'
max_ls_tries = value;
case 'return_B_list'
return_B_list = value;
case 'verbose'
verbose = value;
error(['Parameter ''' param ''' unknown'])
[n_samples, n_features, ~] = size(C);
D = transform_set(B, C, false);
current_loss = NaN;
% Monitoring
if return_B_list
B_list = []
t_list = [];
gradient_list = [];
loss_list = [];
if verbose
print('Running quasi-Newton for joint diagonalization');
print('iter | obj | gradient');
for t=1:max_iter
if return_B_list
B_list(k) = B;
diagonals = zeros(n_samples, n_features);
for k=1:n_samples
diagonals(k, :) = diag(squeeze(D(k, :, :)));
% Gradient
if isempty(weights)
G = squeeze(mean(bsxfun(#rdivide, D, ...
reshape(diagonals, n_samples, n_features, 1)), ...
1)) - eye(n_features);
G = squeeze(mean(...
bsxfun(#times, ...
reshape(weights, n_samples, 1, 1), ...
bsxfun(#rdivide, D, ...
reshape(diagonals, n_samples, n_features, 1))), ...
1)) - eye(n_features);
g_norm = norm(G);
if g_norm < tol
% Hessian coefficients
if isempty(weights)
h = mean(bsxfun(#rdivide, ...
reshape(diagonals, n_samples, 1, n_features), ...
reshape(diagonals, n_samples, n_features, 1)), 1);
h = mean(bsxfun(#times, ...
reshape(weights, n_samples, 1, 1), ...
bsxfun(#rdivide, ...
reshape(diagonals, n_samples, 1, n_features), ...
reshape(diagonals, n_samples, n_features, 1))), ...
h = squeeze(h);
% Quasi-Newton's direction
dt = h .* h' - 1.;
dt(dt < lambda_min) = lambda_min; % Regularize
direction = -(G .* h' - G') ./ dt;
% Line search
[success, new_D, new_B, new_loss, direction] = ...
linesearch(D, B, direction, current_loss, max_ls_tries, weights);
D = new_D;
B = new_B;
current_loss = new_loss;
% Monitoring
gradient_list(t) = g_norm;
loss_list(t) = current_loss;
if verbose
print(sprintf('%d - %.2e - %.2e', t, current_loss, g_norm))
infos = struct();
infos.t_list = t_list;
infos.gradient_list = gradient_list;
infos.loss_list = loss_list;
if return_B_list
infos.B_list = B_list
function [op] = transform_set(M, D, diag_only)
[n, p, ~] = size(D);
if ~diag_only
op = zeros(n, p, p);
for k=1:length(D)
op(k, :, :) = M * squeeze(D(k, :, :)) * M';
op = zeros(n, p);
for k=1:length(D)
op(k, :) = sum(M .* (squeeze(D(k, :, :)) * M'), 1);
function [v] = slogdet(A)
v = log(abs(det(A)));
function [out] = loss(B, D, is_diag, weights)
[n, p, ~] = size(D);
if ~is_diag
diagonals = zeros(n, p);
for k=1:n
diagonals(k, :) = diag(squeeze(D(k, :, :)));
diagonals = D;
logdet = -slogdet(B);
if ~isempty(weights)
diagonals = bsxfun(#times, diagonals, reshape(weights, n, 1));
out = logdet + 0.5 * sum(log(diagonals(:))) / n;
function [success, new_D, new_B, new_loss, delta] = linesearch(D, B, direction, current_loss, n_ls_tries, weights)
[n, p, ~] = size(D);
step = 1.;
if current_loss == NaN
current_loss = loss(B, D, false);
success = false;
for n=1:n_ls_tries
M = eye(p) + step * direction;
new_D = transform_set(M, D, true);
new_B = M * B;
new_loss = loss(new_B, new_D, true, weights);
if new_loss < current_loss
success = true;
step = step / 2;
new_D = transform_set(M, D, false);
delta = step * direction;
I use it with the following script that you can test with downloading the 2 input matrices at the bottom of this post :
clc; clear
m=7 % dimension
n=2 % number of matrices
% Load spectro and WL+GCph+XC
FISH_GCsp = load('Fisher_GCsp_flat.txt');
FISH_XC = load('Fisher_XC_GCph_WL_flat.txt');
% Marginalizing over uncommon parameters between the two matrices
COV_GCsp_first = inv(FISH_GCsp);
COV_XC_first = inv(FISH_XC);
COV_GCsp = COV_GCsp_first(1:m,1:m);
COV_XC = COV_XC_first(1:m,1:m);
% Invert to get Fisher matrix
FISH_sp = inv(COV_GCsp);
FISH_xc = inv(COV_XC);
% Drawing a random set of commuting matrices
C(1,:,:) = FISH_sp
C(2,:,:) = FISH_xc
%[D, B] = qndiag(C, 'max_iter', 1e6, 'tol', 1e-6);
[D, B] = qndiag(C);
% Print diagonal matrices
But unfortunately, I get the following error :
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-7-by-7 and the size of the
right side is 6-by-6.
Error in qndiag>transform_set (line 224)
op(k, :, :) = M * squeeze(D(k, :, :)) * M';
Error in qndiag (line 128)
D = transform_set(B, C, false);
Error in compute_joint_diagonalization (line 32)
[D, B] = qndiag(C);
I don't understand the utility of function squeeze the most important : why the function eigs returns only 6 values and not 7 like in my data (the input matrices has 7x7 size).
What might be wrong with this issue of array dimension and how can I fix it ?
I put the 2 input files available here :
Matrix Fisher_GCsp_flat.txt
Matrix Fisher_XC_GCph_WL_flat.txt
You can test the above code that calls qndiag for these 2 matrices.
Update 1
To allow people interested to test quickly the code, I put a link of the archive:
You just have to untar and execute under Matlab the script compute_joint_diagonalization.m and you will see normally the above error (regarding the use of eigs and squeeze functions).
It should help you understand the origin of this issue.
Update 2
If I replace [p, d] = eigs(C_mean) by [p, d] = eigs(C_mean,7) , I get another error :
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 2).
Error in qndiag>transform_set (line 224)
op(k, :, :) = M * squeeze(D(k, :, :)) * M';
Error in qndiag (line 128)
D = transform_set(B, C, false);
Error in compute_joint_diagonalization (line 27)
[D, B] = qndiag(C);
However, the dimensions of the 2 matrices used are 7x7 and should be correctly processed with eigs(C_mean,7).
Update 3
The size of op, D, M and k are equal to (including after the error message) :
size(D) =
2 7 7
length(D) =
size(M) =
7 7
size(op) =
2 7 7
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 2).
Error in qndiag>transform_set (line 231)
op(k, :, :) = M * squeeze(D(k, :, :)) * M';
Error in qndiag (line 128)
D = transform_set(B, C, false);
Error in compute_joint_diagonalization (line 27)
[D, B] = qndiag(C);
Notice that k varies from 1 to length(D)=7.
Is there an issue which could appear with these dimensions ?
From the documentation for eigs:
d = eigs(A) returns a vector of the six largest magnitude eigenvalues of matrix A.
If you want all seven, you need to call d = eigs(A,7) or d = eig(A). For a small matrix (e.g. < 1000 x 1000) it's usually easier to just get all the eigenvalues with eig, rather than get a subset with eigs.
Edit: Responding to your "Update 3"
for k=1:length(D) should be replaced by for k=1:n. This needs to be changed on two lines. Judging from your error message they are lines 231 and 236.
L = length(X) returns the length of the largest array dimension in X, which in your case is 7, i.e. too high for the first dimension.

How to divide a 2D shape in patches of approx equal size in matlab?

I have a 2D matrix of zeros and ones, where the ones indicate a convex figure
I now want to divide this figure (that is the elements of value 1) in nonoverlapping patches of equally the same size, as in this figure
Do you have any suggestion? I could go for mat2cell and have just rectangles, and keep the rectangles with at least one value 1 in them, but I would prefer a more equal division.
For similar problems, I often use a method called 'orthogonal recursive bisection'.
An example of what it does with your circle is in the picture.
As the name suggests, the method divides subdomains into two smaller subdomains,
until the total number of subdomains is the desired value.
My implementation for your case is
function array = ORB(array,nparts)
% array = ORB(array,nparts)
% Divide the nonzeros of array into nparts equally large,
% approximately square parts.
% convert true/false array into 0/1:
ar = array; array = zeros(size(ar)); array(ar) = 1;
% initialize subdivision-admin
istart = 1; iend = nparts; values = 1;
last_value = max(values);
% Divide up the parts that need dividing up
while length(values) < nparts
new_istart = []; new_iend = []; new_values = [];
for i = 1:length(values)
if iend(i) > istart(i)
disp(sprintf('Current values %d should eventually be split into domains %d-%d',values(i),istart(i),iend(i)))
last_value = last_value + 1;
new_istart = [new_istart, istart(i), istart(i) + floor((iend(i)-istart(i)+1)/2)];
new_iend = [new_iend, istart(i) + floor((iend(i)-istart(i)+1)/2)-1, iend(i)];
new_values = [new_values, values(i), last_value];
n = length(new_values);
disp(sprintf('Current values %d should now be split into domains %d and %d, in ratio %d:%d\n', ...
values(i), new_values(n-1:n),new_iend(n-1:n)-new_istart(n-1:n)+1));
array = Split(array,new_values(n-1:n),new_iend(n-1:n)-new_istart(n-1:n)+1);
disp(sprintf('Domain %d is done\n',values(i)))
new_istart = [new_istart, istart(i)];
new_iend = [new_iend, iend(i)];
new_values = [new_values, values(i)];
iend = new_iend; istart = new_istart; values = new_values;
for i = 1:nparts
disp(sprintf('Part %d has %d points',i,length(find(array==i))))
close all
which needs the function Split:
function array = Split(array,parts,sizes)
% array = Split(array,parts,sizes)
% Change some of the values of array which are now equal to parts(1) into the value parts(2).
% At the end, the ratio
% length(find(array==parts(1))) : length(find(array==parts(2)))
% should be
% sizes(1) : sizes(2)
% Calculate sizes of each patch
[i,j] = find(array==parts(1));
npoints = size(i,1); sizes = npoints * sizes/(sizes(1)+sizes(2));
imin = min(i); imax = max(i); jmin = min(j); jmax = max(j);
nmin = 0; nmax = npoints;
if jmax-jmin>imax-imin
% divide domain in (j < jmid) and (jmid <= j)
while jmax > jmin + 1
jmid = (jmax + jmin)/2; n_this = size(find(j<jmid));
if n_this < sizes(1)
jmin = jmid; nmin = n_this;
jmax = jmid; nmax = n_this;
i = i(j>=jmid); j = j(j>=jmid);
% divide domain in (i < imid) and (imid <= i)
while imax > imin + 1
imid = (imax + imin)/2; n_this = size(find(i<imid));
if n_this < sizes(1)
imin = imid; nmin = n_this;
imax = imid; nmax = n_this;
j = j(i>=imid); i = i(i>=imid);
% Change the values in array
array(sub2ind(size(array),i,j)) = parts(2);

Exclude value by the calculation

I have an array A (I have written so as to make it similar to the matrix that I am using) :
%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is Matrix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
a = 3; b = 240; c = 10; d = 30; e = 1;
mtx1 = a.*rand(30,1) + a;
mtx2 = round((b-c).*rand(30,1));
mtx3 = round((d-e).*rand(30,1));
mtx4 = -9999.*ones(30,1);
A = [mtx1 mtx2 mtx3 mtx4];
for i = 10:12
for ii = 17 :19
A(i,:)= -9999;
A(ii,:)= 999;
I would calculate some statistical values, excluding from the calculation the values **-9999 and 999.
the statistical values must be calculated with respect to each column.
the columns represent respectively: the wind speed, direction, and
other parameters
I wrote a code but it is not correct
for i=1:ncc
B = A(:,i); %// Temp Vector
Oup=1; Odw=1; %// for Vector Control
while Oup>0 %// || Odw>0 % Oup>0 OR Odw>0 , Oup>0 && (AND) Odw>0
U = find(B<999 & B>-9999); % find for each column of the temp
Oup = length(U); % Calculates the length
B(U)=[]; % Delete values -9999 and 9999
% calculates parameters with the vector temp
if length(B)<nr
C(:,i)=B(:); %//reconstruction of the original matrix
would you have any suggestions?
If your data set is in A, and you want to operate on it with a function f, just use logical indexing, i.e.:
f(A( ~(A==999 & A==-9999) )) =...
Alternatively, use find and linear indexing:
ind = find( ~(A==999 & A==-9999) );
f(A(ind)) = ....

Last plot in subplot becomes over-sized

I am using subplot function of MATLAB. Surprisingly the last plot in each subplot set becomes over-sized. Can anybody help me to resolve this issue? I have experimented with the parameters a little, but no luck. I am not able to post the plot figure.
function plotFluxVariabilityByGene(cRxn,KeggID,geneName)
load iJO1366; % Load the model iJO1366
%Find 'Gene' associated reactions from 'model'
reactions = rxnNamesFromKeggID(model,KeggID);
nCheck = 0; % Initialize counter
% Determine initial subplot dimensions
[R C setSize] = subplotSize(numel(reactions));
for n = 1 : numel(reactions)
% Get the name of nth reaction
rxn = reactions{n};
% Define the array for control reaction fluxes
cRxnArray = getCrxnArray(model,cRxn);
% Initialize storage for lower and upper limit-values
L = []; U = []; Avg = [];
% Get the fluxVariability values
for i = 1 : numel(cRxnArray)
modelMod = changeRxnBounds(model,cRxn,cRxnArray(i),'b');
[L(i) U(i)] = fluxVariability(modelMod,100,'max',{rxn});
Avg(i) = (L(i) + U(i))/2;
%fprintf('mthfcFlux = %f; Li = %f; Ui = %f\n',array(i),L(i),U(i));
% adjust the subplot number
nCheck = nCheck + 1;
% Determine the range of n to be saved in one file
if nCheck == 1
start = n;
elseif nCheck == setSize;
stop = n;
plot(cRxnArray,L,'-r','LineWidth',1); hold on;
% Label X and Y axes
%xlabel([cRxn ' Flux']);
%ylabel(['fluxVariability ' char(rxn)]);
hold off;
% Adjust X and Y axes limits
%xmn = min(cRxnArray) - ((max(cRxnArray) - min(cRxnArray))*0.05);
%xmx = max(cRxnArray) + ((max(cRxnArray) - min(cRxnArray))*0.05);
%ymn = min([U L]) - ((max([U L]) - min([U L]))*0.05);
%ymx = max([U L]) + ((max([U L]) - min([U L]))*0.05);
%if xmn ~= xmx
% xlim([xmn xmx]);
%if ymn ~= ymx
% ylim([ymn ymx]);
% Print which reactions are done
fprintf('\n......done for %s',char(rxn));
% If 'setSize' subplots are done then save the set in a file
if nCheck == setSize
saveas(gcf,['TEST/' cRxn 'flux-Vs-' geneName '_fluxVariability' num2str(start) '-' num2str(stop) '.fig']);
saveas(gcf,['TEST/' cRxn 'flux-Vs-' geneName '_fluxVariability' num2str(start) '-' num2str(stop) '.eps']); close(gcf);
% Determine initial subplot dimensions
[R C setSize] = subplotSize(numel(reactions)-n);
% Return nCheck to zero;
nCheck = 0;
% If nCheck is not equal to 16 then there are subplot that is not saved
% inside the for loop. Let's save it here.
if nCheck ~= setSize
stop = n;
saveas(gcf,['TEST/' cRxn 'flux-Vs-' geneName '_fluxVariability' num2str(start) '-' num2str(stop) '.fig']);
saveas(gcf,['TEST/' cRxn 'flux-Vs-' geneName '_fluxVariability' num2str(start) '-' num2str(stop) '.eps']); close(gcf);
fprintf('\nAll done\n');
%# Other functions ##
function rxnNames = rxnNamesFromKeggID(model,KeggID)
% Find 'Gene' associated reactions from 'model'
associatedRxns = findRxnsFromGenes(model,KeggID);
% Extract the reaction details from the structure to a cell
rxnDetails = eval(sprintf('associatedRxns.%s',KeggID));
% Extract only the reaction names from the cell
rxnNames = rxnDetails(:,1);
function cRxnArray = getCrxnArray(model,cRxn)
% Define the solver
% Find solution for the model
sol = optimizeCbModel(model);
% Change the objective of the default model to 'cRxn'
tmpModel = changeObjective(model,cRxn);
% Find slution for the changed model. This gives the maximum and
% minimum possible flux through the reaction 'cRxn' when the model is
% still viable
%solMax = optimizeCbModel(tmpModel,'max');
solMin = optimizeCbModel(tmpModel,'min');
% Create an array of 20 euqally spaced flux values between 'solMin' and
% 'sol.x'
%array = linspace(solMin.f,solMax.f,10);
cRxnArray = linspace(solMin.f,sol.x(findRxnIDs(model,cRxn)),20);
function [R C setSize] = subplotSize(remainingPlots)
% Sets number of columns and rows to 3 if total subplot >= 9
if remainingPlots > 7
R = 3; C = 3; setSize = 9;
elseif remainingPlots < 7
R = 2; C = 3; setSize = 6;
elseif remainingPlots < 5
R = 2; C = 2; setSize = 4;
elseif remainingPlots < 4
R = 1; C = 3; setSize = 3;
elseif remainingPlots < 3
R = 1; C = 2; setSize = 2;
My subplot looks like this:
I suspect its because you are calling subplotSize a second time inside your loop. This could be changing your R and C variables.
I would advise to check the R and C variables at the subplot command on each loop.

Matlab debugging - beginner level

I am a total beginner in Matlab and trying to write some Machine Learning Algorithms in Matlab. I would really appreciate it if someone can help me in debugging this code.
function y = KNNpredict(trX,trY,K,X)
% trX is NxD, trY is Nx1, K is 1x1 and X is 1xD
% we return a single value 'y' which is the predicted class
% TODO: write this function
% int[] distance = new int[N];
distances = zeroes(N, 1);
examples = zeroes(K, D+2);
i = 0;
% for(every row in trX) { // taking ONE example
for row=1:N,
examples(row,:) = trX(row,:);
%sum = 0.0;
%for(every col in this example) { // taking every feature of this example
for col=1:D,
% diff = compute squared difference between these points - (trX[row][col]-X[col])^2
diff =(trX(row,col)-X(col))^2;
sum += diff;
end % for
distances(row) = sqrt(sum);
examples(i:D+1) = distances(row);
examples(i:D+2) = trY(row:1);
end % for
% sort the examples based on their distances thus calculated
sortrows(examples, D+1);
% for(int i = 0; i < K; K++) {
% These are the nearest neighbors
pos = 0;
neg = 0;
res = 0;
for row=1:K,
if(examples(row,D+2 == -1))
neg = neg + 1;
pos = pos + 1;
end % for
if(pos > neg)
y = 1;
y = -1;
Thanks so much
When working with matrices in MATLAB, it is usually better to avoid excessive loops and instead use vectorized operations whenever possible. This will usually produce faster and shorter code.
In your case, the k-nearest neighbors algorithm is simple enough and can be well vectorized. Consider the following implementation:
function y = KNNpredict(trX, trY, K, x)
%# euclidean distance between instance x and every training instance
dist = sqrt( sum( bsxfun(#minus, trX, x).^2 , 2) );
%# sorting indices from smaller to larger distances
[~,ord] = sort(dist, 'ascend');
%# get the labels of the K nearest neighbors
kTrY = trY( ord(1:min(K,end)) );
%# majority class vote
y = mode(kTrY);
Here is an example to test it using the Fisher-Iris dataset:
%# load dataset (data + labels)
load fisheriris
X = meas;
Y = grp2idx(species);
%# partition the data into training/testing
c = cvpartition(Y, 'holdout',1/3);
trX = X(,:);
trY = Y(;
tsX = X(c.test,:);
tsY = Y(c.test);
%# prediction
K = 10;
pred = zeros(c.TestSize,1);
for i=1:c.TestSize
pred(i) = KNNpredict(trX, trY, K, tsX(i,:));
%# validation
C = confusionmat(tsY, pred)
The confusion matrix of the kNN prediction with K=10:
C =
17 0 0
0 16 0
0 1 16