Using - How to disable JS files aggregation -

During development I'd like to have original (not aggregated) .js files loaded. documentation says:
All javascript within public is automatically aggregated with the exception of files in assets.
This is my file structure:
--- assets # Javascript/Css/Images (not aggregated)
--- controllers
--- config
--- services
--- views
How to disable aggregation for all .js files in public?

I am using the version 0.6.16. You can set the
in the config/env/.js file to disable aggregation of js and css files


Generate API and Data Model java files from Open API Generator

I want to generate API and data model java files for my spring boot project through Open Api Generator (not Swagger code generator).
This is the yaml file.
Note: yaml file has $ref in schema.
$ref: '#/components/schemas/NotifyMoiCreation'
I have tried to create through open api online generator but not able to create it. I am giving the yml file in the box but it is stuck at loading. Please help.
Getting this error on dev tool console if I upload the yaml file url.
Getting this error on dev tool console if I upload the yaml file from my local machine and also all the other dependency yaml files are present in the same folder along with provMnS.yaml:
Note : The main provMnS.yaml file has dependency on other yaml files.
$ref: 'comDefs.yaml#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse' etc...

Deploy Jekyll project without a webserver

I created a blog with Jekyll and now I need to deploy it and send it to a person that need to navigate it without a web server. So, I entered jekyll build from terminal and get the compiled project in _site. But now, if I open index.html it doesn't get the assets (CSS). In the head tag tag there's /css/main.css while I need css/main.css (no initial slash). I don't want to change manually the url, so I'm asking if there's a way to deploy a Jakyll project for showing in local without webserver.
This is possible only if you know where, in the file system, it will be deployed.
Examples :
For a deployment in /home/user/www, go in _config.yml and set baseurl: /home/user/www
For a deployment in C:/Users/Toto/www, go in _config.yml and set baseurl: /C:/Users/Toto/www
Deployment means copying generated files in the target folder, not copying the _site folder.
Do a jekyll build and send you files with deploy instructions.
This answer is for you, not the client.
As you client is certainly running windows, you just set your baseurl: /C:/_site, zip the _site folder and ask the client to unzip in C:/.
The client will just have to click on C:/_site/index.html to start the site in his default browser.
Change the assets directory to relative paths such as: assets/css/.
This will work on a server or locally.
Set a page variable to represent the nesting in your Yaml front matter. Then, append that variable to your assets.
layout: default
title: Nested Page
path: ../
layout: default
title: Root level page
path: ""
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ page.path }}assets/stylesheets/style.css">

Customizing buildbot webstatus

I'm trying customizing the webstatus templates for my buildbot 0.8.8 installation
According to the documentation:
Buildbot uses a templating system for the web interface. The source of these templates can be found in the status/web/templates/ directory in buildbot's library area. You can override these templates by creating alternate versions in a templates/ directory within the buildmaster's base directory.
Here what I did:
copied all html templates from my buildbot installation folder (/usr/lib64/.../status/web/templates) into the templates folder I found inside my buildmaster installation root folder (the templates was already there, and it contains a README file that seems to confirm what the documentation states)
modified the root.html templates
Unfortunately I cannot see any changes in the webstatus page.
Another test I did is to directly change the original template file in the buildbot installation path. The changes are now displayed. It seems like the buildmaster is not "seeing" the new template in the local configuration path.
I checked the file/dir permissions and I cannot spot any issue on that side.
Tried cleaning up the browser cache without luck as well.
Have I done something wrong?
As per source code, templates are retrieved from the WebStatus objects, i.e. ([1]) :
template ="builders.html")
This property is created in ([2]) :
self.templates = createJinjaEnv(revlink, self.changecommentlink,
self.repositories, self.projects, self.jinja_loaders)
The template lookup algorithm can be found in createJinjaEnv function, around ([3]) :
all_loaders = [jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'templates'))]
if jinja_loaders:
all_loaders.append(jinja2.PackageLoader('buildbot.status.web', 'templates'))
loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(all_loaders)
As per documentation [4], jinja will return the first existing file in specified list, so while trying to load your template, Jinja will lookup sequentially in :
jinja_loaders property, that can be defined in WebStatus constructor by jinja_loaders param in your master.cfg
files from python package
IMO the easiest option is the second.
Hope it helps

Custom Language Resource file not getting deployed to server

We have an MVC 4 application that has 4 resource files. The default one (Resource.resx), one for Chinese and German (Resource.zn-CH.resx and and then one for a custom language (Resource.en-PI.resx (English-Pirate)) for testing purposes.
Every setting for all of the resource files is exactly the same:
Build Action: Embedded Resource
Copy to Output Directory: Copy Always
Custom Tool: PublicResXFileCodeGenerator
Custom Tool Namespace: Resources
Whenever the application is built locally, in the bin folder we get the folders de-DE, en-PI and zh-CN which all include a dll named (ProjectName).resources.dll.
The problem is whenever this application is deployed to our DEV server the folder for en-PI is ignored and not copied and we have to manually copy that folder over for the en-PI language to work.
We have a build definition that will build the necessary projects to a certain folder and do other things and then copy them over to our DEV server. Everything works perfectly fine for the other 2 languages (de-DE and zh-CN) but the en-PI folder doesn't show up in the bin folder. Is there some setting somewhere that is causing this resource file not to be deployed because it is a custom language?
The way all of these resource files were added followed this example
Figured it out. Microsoft explains it here under the section Resource Naming Conventions. Because the language is a custom language and has a custom code it doesn't have a name that the common language runtime expects which is why it doesn't get deployed correctly.

Configuration and content management with automated deployment tools for ZF based app

I am trying to automate deployments of a particular project and a bit lost as to who to handle config file as well as user assets.
(Application is based on Zend Framework based btw).
Main application folder is structured as follows:
./config.ini <----- config file
That config file is where all the configs are stored.
So 'app' folder contains whole bunch of code in PHP and 'public' contains whole bunch of code in JavaScript, HTML/CSS and stuff like that(web accessible basically).
If I follow Capistrano's model, where each package is expanded into it's own folder that is then symlinked to, how do I handle that config.ini file?
What about all the user content that is uploaded into ./public folder?
The Capistrano approach to this is to have a structure like this on your remote server:
current/ (symlink to current release)
in the shared directory you include your config file and any user generated content (e.g. shared/files). Then on each deployment, once you've checked out the code you automatically create symlinks from the checkout into your relevant shared directories. E.g.:
releases/20101001101232/public/files -> shared/files
releases/20101001101232/application/configs/config.ini -> shared/config.ini
that way, when a user uploads a file to public/files it is actually being stored in shared/files.