scala, parameter type in structural refinement - scala

When I compile following code with Scala 2.11.1 and Akka 2.3.4, I get Error:
Error:(24, 35) Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement
def behavior(list: List[T], ele: T):Receive={
Error:(24, 35) Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to a type member of that refinement
def behavior(list: List[T], ele: T):Receive={
The code:
package exp
import{ActorSystem, Props, Actor}
trait myTrait[T <: myTrait[T]]{
def computeDistance(that: T): Double
class otherClass[T <: myTrait[T]](){
def func(data: List[T]):List[String]={
val system = ActorSystem()
system.actorOf(Props(new Actor{
case object START
case class Job(e1: T, e2: T)
def receive = {
case START =>
context become behavior(data.tail, data.head)
def behavior(list: List[T], ele: T):Receive={
case _ =>
sender ! Job(list.head, ele)
context become behavior(list.tail, ele)
object Test {
class myClass(val x:Double) extends myTrait[myClass]{
override def computeDistance(that: myClass): Double = this.x - that.x
def main(args: Array[String]){
val fc = new otherClass[myClass]()
The reason I define myTrait as myTrait[T <: myTrait[T]] is that I want subclass of myTrait can override computeDistance method with subclass argument. Follows this post.
otherClass provides a method func to produce some computation on a list of myClass instances. (Actually the above code is an abstraction of my need.)
Adding generic type on behavior can eliminate the above error, but it will cause new error.
def behavior[S](list: List[T], ele: S):Receive={
case _ =>
sender ! Job(list.head, ele)
context become behavior(list.tail, ele)
Then, in Job(list.head, ele), the ele of type S mismatches type T.
How to solve this problem?

Adding a type annotation to widen the type to plain Actor fixes the problem:
system.actorOf(Props(new Actor{
// ...
}: Actor))

class otherClass[T <: myTrait[T]](){
def func(data: List[T]):List[String]={
val system = ActorSystem()
class FooActor extends Actor {
case object START
case class Job(e1: T, e2: T)
def receive = {
case START =>
context become behavior(data.tail, data.head)
def behavior(list: List[T], ele: T):Receive={
case _ =>
sender ! Job(list.head, ele)
context become behavior(list.tail, ele)
system.actorOf(Props(new FooActor))
Just get ride of that structural actor creation by wrapping it as a new class

Add generic type for behavior method:
def behavior[T](map: HashMap[Int, List[T]], list: List[(T, Int)], ele: T):Receive={
case _ =>
you can't use the abstract type defined outside the structural type due to missing type information at runtime.
Check this answer, Using Scala structural types with abstract types.


Scala generic method - No ClassTag available for T - when using Collection

I want to leverage Scala reflection to implicitly pass a ClassTag.
There are plenty solutions on StackOverflow on how to accomplish this.
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
// animal input
trait AnimalInput {}
case class DogInput() extends AnimalInput
case class CatInput() extends AnimalInput
// animals
trait Animal[T <: AnimalInput] {
def getInput(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Class[T] = {
object Dog extends Animal[DogInput] {}
object Cat extends Animal[CatInput] {}
I can test that this is working well:
println(Dog.getInput) // Success: "DogInput"
println(Cat.getInput) // Success: "CatInput"
The problem is, the second I reference these objects in any collection, I run into trouble:
// Failure: "No ClassTag available for animal.T"
List(Dog, Cat).foreach(animal => println(animal.getInput))
I think I understand why this is happening but I'm not sure how to work around it.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Actually, I can't reproduce No ClassTag available for animal.T. Your code compiles and runs in Scala 2.13.9:
Maybe by failure you meant that for collection you don't receive classes DogInput, CatInput.
Actually, I managed to reproduce No ClassTag available for animal.T for type member T <: AnimalInput rather than type parameter:
This question is very close to recent question Trying to extract the TypeTag of a Sequence of classes that extend a trait with different generic type parameters
See the reasons there.
Either use a heterogeneous collection
object classPoly extends Poly1 {
implicit def cse[T <: AnimalInput : ClassTag, A](implicit
ev: A <:< Animal[T]
): Case.Aux[A, Class[T]] =
at(_ => classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]])
(Dog :: Cat :: HNil).map(classPoly).toList.foreach(println)
// class DogInput
// class CatInput
or use runtime reflection
trait Animal[T <: AnimalInput] {
def getInput: Class[T] = {
val classSymbol = runtimeMirror.classSymbol(this.getClass)
val animalSymbol = typeOf[Animal[_]].typeSymbol
val extendeeType = classSymbol.typeSignature.baseType(animalSymbol)
val extenderSymbol = extendeeType.typeArgs.head.typeSymbol.asClass
List(Dog, Cat).foreach(animal => println(animal.getInput))
// class DogInput
// class CatInput
The easiest is
trait Animal[T <: AnimalInput] {
def getInput: Class[T]
object Dog extends Animal[DogInput] {
val getInput = classOf[DogInput]
object Cat extends Animal[CatInput] {
val getInput = classOf[CatInput]
One more option is magnet pattern (1 2 3 4 5 6)
trait AnimalMagnet[T <: AnimalInput] {
def getInput: Class[T]
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def animalToMagnet[A, T <: AnimalInput : ClassTag](a: A)(implicit
ev: A <:< Animal[T]
): AnimalMagnet[T] = new AnimalMagnet[T] {
override def getInput: Class[T] = classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
List[AnimalMagnet[_]](Dog, Cat).foreach(animal => println(animal.getInput))
//class DogInput
//class CatInput
Also you can move ClassTag implicit from the method to the trait (and make the trait an abstract class)
abstract class Animal[T <: AnimalInput](implicit ct: ClassTag[T]) {
def getInput: Class[T] = ct.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
List(Dog, Cat).foreach(animal => println(animal.getInput))
// class DogInput
// class CatInput

Ensure that the type parameter for my trait is a Monad

I have written this code
trait Input[F[_]] {
def read: F[String]
def write(str: String) : F[Unit]
def getName : F[String] = for {
_ <- write("What is your name")
name <- read
} yield name
This code doesn't compile obviously because the compiler has no way of knowing that the type F supports flatmap. So I change my code to
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
trait Input[F[_] : Monad] {
def read: F[String]
def write(str: String) : F[Unit]
def getName : F[String] = for {
_ <- write("What is your name")
name <- read
} yield name
but now I get compile time error traits cannot have type parameters with context bounds.
So how can I specify constraints on my type parameter so that it always supports flatmap?
trait Input[F[_]: Monad] would create an implicit constructor parameter and traits can't have constructor parameters (until Scala 3). def testFunc[F[_]: Monad] would create an implicit parameter. For instance:
def testFunc[F[_]: Monad](arg: Int) = ???
class TestClass[F[_]: Monad] {}
Will work because it is translated to:
def testFunc[F[_]](arg: Int)(implicit ev: Monad[F]) = ???
class TestClass[F[_]](implicit val ev: Monad[F]) {}
I.e. [F[_]: Monad] is syntactic sugar for [F[_]] with implicit val ev: Monad[F]. And traits has no constructor to pass parameters until Scala 3.
For your case, if you really need to inside a trait to constraint F to a Monad for example, then:
trait Input[F[_]] {
val M: Monad[F]
def read: F[String]
def write(str: String) : F[Unit]
def getName : F[String] = M.flatMap(write("What is your name"))(_ => read)
I.e. you are saying to one who implements, that "you can implement Input, as soon as you have Monad[F]". Then you can use it like:
object Main extends App{
class IOInput extends Input[IO] {
override val M: Monad[IO] = Monad[IO]
override def read: IO[String] = IO("red")
override def write(str: String): IO[Unit] = IO(println(s"write: $str"))
val impl = new IOInput
P.S. But for me, it seems like something is wrong. You are kinda defining effects in trait Input and using them right in the same trait. Reads weird for me at least. Probably getName should be somewhere else.

How to use ClassTag in scala macros implemented for type

I wrote a macros, that reads class fields:
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
object ArrayLikeFields {
def extract[T]: Set[String] = macro extractImpl[T]
def extractImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Expr[Set[String]] = {
import c.universe._
val tree = weakTypeOf[T].decls
.collectFirst {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m
.map(y => y.paramLists.headOption.getOrElse(Seq.empty))
.map(s => q"${}")
c.Expr[Set[String]] {
I'm able to compile and run it for concrete type:
object Main extends App {
case class Person(name:String)
val res: Set[String] = ArrayLikeFields.extract[Person]
But i want use it with generic types like that:
object Lib {
implicit class SomeImplicit(s: String) {
def toOrgJson[T]: JSONObject = {
val arrayLikeFields: Set[String] = ArrayLikeFields.extract[T]
//some code, that uses fields, etc
Compilation error:
Error:(14, 65) type mismatch; found :
scala.collection.immutable.Set[Nothing] required: Set[String] Note:
Nothing <: String, but trait Set is invariant in type A. You may wish
to investigate a wildcard type such as _ <: String. (SLS 3.2.10)
val arrayLikeFields: Set[String] = ArrayLikeFields.extract[T]
I can't understund that. How can I solve my problem?
I read scala 2.10.2 calling a 'macro method' with generic type not work about materialisation, but i have no instance of class
Try approach with materializing a type class like in 1
object Main extends App {
case class Person(name:String)
val res: Set[String] = ArrayLikeFields.extract[Person] //Set(name)
import Lib._
"abc".toOrgJson[Person] // prints Set(name)
object Lib {
implicit class SomeImplicit(s: String) {
def toOrgJson[T: ArrayLikeFields.Extract]: JSONObject = {
val arrayLikeFields: Set[String] = ArrayLikeFields.extract[T]
//some code, that uses fields, etc
println(arrayLikeFields) //added
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
object ArrayLikeFields {
def extract[T](implicit extr: Extract[T]): Set[String] = extr()
trait Extract[T] {
def apply(): Set[String]
object Extract {
implicit def materializeExtract[T]: Extract[T] = macro materializeExtractImpl[T]
def materializeExtractImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Expr[Extract[T]] = {
import c.universe._
val tree = weakTypeOf[T].decls
.collectFirst {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m
.map(y => y.paramLists.headOption.getOrElse(Seq.empty))
.map(s => q"${}")
c.Expr[Extract[T]] {
q"""new ArrayLikeFields.Extract[${weakTypeOf[T]}] {
override def apply(): _root_.scala.collection.immutable.Set[] =
Actually, I don't think you need whitebox macros here, blackbox ones should be enough. So you can replace (c: whitebox.Context) with (c: blackbox.Context).
By the way, the same problem can be solved with Shapeless rather than macros (macros work in Shapeless under the hood)
object Main extends App {
case class Person(name:String)
val res: Set[String] = ArrayLikeFields.extract[Person] //Set(name)
object ArrayLikeFields {
def extract[T: Extract]: Set[String] = implicitly[Extract[T]].apply()
trait Extract[T] {
def apply(): Set[String]
object Extract {
def instance[T](strs: Set[String]): Extract[T] = () => strs
implicit def genericExtract[T, Repr <: HList](implicit
labelledGeneric: LabelledGeneric.Aux[T, Repr],
extract: Extract[Repr]
): Extract[T] = instance(extract())
implicit def hconsExtract[K <: Symbol, V, T <: HList](implicit
extract: Extract[T],
witness: Witness.Aux[K]
): Extract[FieldType[K, V] :: T] =
instance(extract() +
implicit val hnilExtract: Extract[HNil] = instance(Set())
The answer on the linked question, scala 2.10.2 calling a 'macro method' with generic type not work , also applies here.
You are trying to solve a run-time problem with a compile-time macro, which is not possible.
The called method toOrgJson[T] cannot know the concrete type that T represents at compile time, but only gets that information at run-time. Therefore, you will not be able to do any concrete operations on T (such as listing its fields) at compile-time, only at run-time.
You can implement an operation like ArrayLikeFields.extract[T] at run-time using Reflection, see e.g. Get field names list from case class
I don't have a very solid understanding of Macros, but it seems that the compiler does not understand that the return type of the macro function is Set[String].
The following trick worked for me in scala 2.12.7
def toOrgJson[T]: JSONObject = {
val arrayLikeFields: Set[String] = ArrayLikeFields.extract[T].map(identity[String])
//some code, that uses fields, etc
Actually to get a non empty Set T needs an upper bound such as T <: Person... and that is not what you wanted...
Leaving the answer here since the code does compile, and it might help someone in the direction of an answer

How to enforce a context bound on a wildcard in Scala?

I have an implicit helper set up like this:
trait Helper[T] {
def help(entry: T): Unit
object Helpers {
implicit object XHelper extends Helper[X] {
override def help(entry: X): Unit = {println("x")}
implicit object YHelper extends Helper[Y] {
override def help(entry: Y): Unit = {println("y")}
def help[T](entry: T)(implicit helper: Helper[T]): Unit = {
I would like to set up a collection of elements and run help on each of them. However, the following gives a compiler error because we can't guarantee all elements have matching Helpers:
val data = Seq[_](new X(), new Y())
data.foreach(entry =>
If we had a generic type T we could enforce the implicit constraint on it with [T: Helper], but that doesn't work on _. How can I enforce that each element of data has a matching Helper?
In Scala context bound like class A[T: Typeclass] is just syntactic sugar for class A[T](implicit ev: Typeclass[T]). Unlike T <: Base or T >: Super, context bound is not really a part of a type signature, so you can't have a signature like val b: Box[T: Typeclass].
If you want to run typeclass operations on elements of some container, you'd have to pack relevant typeclass instances together with the values in the container.
A possible implementation of this may look as follows:
import language.higherKinds
import language.implicitConversions
// Class that packs values with typeclass instances
class WithTC[T, TC[_]](t: T)(implicit tc: TC[T]) {
// Some helper methods to simplify executing typeclass operations
// You may just make `t` and `tc` public, if you wish.
def apply[U](op: (TC[T], T) => U) = op(tc, t)
def apply[U](op: T => TC[T] => U) = op(t)(tc)
object WithTC {
// Implicit conversion to automatically wrap values into `WithTC`
implicit def apply[T, TC[_]](t: T)(implicit tc: TC[T]): WithTC[T, TC] =
new WithTC(t)(tc)
Then you can make a sequence with existentially typed elements:
import Helpers._
val data: Seq[(T WithTC Helper) forSome { type T }] = Seq(new X(), new Y())
And execute typeclass operations on the sequence elements:
// The following lines produce equivalent results
data.foreach(_(_ help _))
data.foreach(_(t => implicit tc =>
data.foreach(_(t =>
It's not possible with type like Seq since it is only parametrized for one element type that is common for all its elements.
However, you can achieve this with Shapeless HLists and polymorphics functions (Poly):
class X
class Y
trait Helper[T] {
def help(entry: T): Unit
object Helpers {
implicit object XHelper extends Helper[X] {
override def help(entry: X): Unit = println("x")
implicit object YHelper extends Helper[Y] {
override def help(entry: Y): Unit = println("y")
import shapeless._
object helper extends Poly1 {
implicit def tCase[T: Helper]: Case.Aux[T, Unit] =
val hlist = new X :: new Y :: HNil
// Output:

scala, adding an implicit function to the Map class, fails with "structural refinement may not refer to an abstract"

import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def extendedMap[A,B](map: Map[A,B]) = new {
def updatedOption(key: A, valueOption: Option[B]) = valueOption match {
case Some(value) => map.updated(key, value)
case None => map - key
var kv = Map.empty[String, String]
kv.updatedOption("k1", Some("v1")
//removing the implicit keyword, and explicitly calling the conversion also fails:
extendedMap(kv).updatedOption("k1", Some("v1")
error compiler message:
Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement
def updatedOption(key: A, valueOption: Option[B]) = valueOption match {
how to solve it?
Since scala 2.10 you should not use implicit def for extension methods - use implicit class instead. See SIP-13. With implicit class you should not import language.implicitConversions:
implicit class ExtendedMap[A,B](map: Map[A,B]) {
def updatedOption(k: A, v: Option[B]) ={ map.updated(k, _) }.getOrElse(map - k)
Actually it should work with implicit def with explicit class declaration like this:
class ExtendedMap[A,B](map: Map[A,B]) {
def updatedOption(k: A, v: Option[B]) ={ map.updated(k, _) }.getOrElse(map - k)
implicit def toExtendedMap[A,B](map: Map[A,B]): ExtendedMap[A,B] =
new ExtendedMap[A, B](map)