Perl Expect Script Exiting Prematurely - perl

I have a Perl Expect script which handles file transfers. The script works fine except that it exits before the file transfer finishes. I don't want to rely on sleep() because the amount of time needed can vary.
Is there someway for expect to wait for my command to finish, before continuing?
my $exp = Expect->spawn("perl ./ $url")
or die "Cannot spawn program: $!\n";
#Enter credentials
#This only executes for a bit, before the program exits:

This was solved by simply using $exp->expect(undef); instead of $exp->soft_close();
I also took #Mark Setchell 's advice and now 'expect' specific prompts, this way I can easily do multiple 'sends' without fear of one executing before the prior one finishes.


A daemon to tail a log and fork multiple external (perl) script

I'm trying to write a program, actually a daemon, which stay in memory and perform something like tail -F on a rapidly updated log file. Then the program, when detect a new line on the file, have to launch another compiled perl script which will perform some operations on the log line and then send it with a post.
To clearly explain, I will refer to these two program as "prgTAIL" and "prgPROCESS". So, prgTAIL tail the log and launch prgPROCESS passing the new line to it.
Obviously the prgTAIL doesn't have to wait for the prgPROCESS to end the process, cause prgTAIL have to stay in memory and keep detecting new line on the log. Also, the rate of file update needs to launch multiple parallel prgPROCESS instance. For this reason I'm using two program: the first small and fast just pass the data to the second, which may be heavier cause it can be launched in multiple instances.
On the prgTAIL I used:
a pipe to tail the log file
a while loop to launch prgPROCESS on new log line
a fork(); to continue without waiting prgPROCESS ends
my $log_csv = "/log/csv.csv";
open (my $pipe, "-|", "tail", "-n0", "-F", $log_csv) or die "error";
while (<$pipe>) {
$line = $_ ;
my $pid = fork();
if (defined $pid && $pid == 0) {
exec("/bin/prgPROCESS ".$line) ; # I tried system() too.
exit 0;
The prgPROCESS operation are not so important; anyway.. it parses the $line passed as arguments, construct an XML and then post it via https.
So, this stuff actually run, but I think I messed up something with the process, cause when a reach a number of newline and prgPROCESS call around 550, prgTAIL keep running but it can't call prgPROCESS anymore, cause there are too many process. I get this error on the bash:
-bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
What's wrong? Any idea? Maybe the prgPROCESS processes don't end and stay stuck without make room for other process?
PS: I'm using a Mac OS X now, but this will run on Linux.
Your problem is this:
while () {
doesn't have any constraint condition, so it's just spinning as fast as it can. You're never actually reading from your pipe, you're just forking as fast as you can and spawning that new script.
You might be wanting:
while ( my $line = <$pipe> ) {
But really - it's arguable that you don't actually need to fork at all, because a read/process/read loop would probably do just fine - fork() and exec() is basically what system already does anyway.
You should also - if forking - clean up child processes. It doesn't matter too much for short running things, but things that sit in a loop will leave a lot of zombie processes. Either via setting $SIG{CHLD} or using waitpid.

Perl execute command, capture and display output

I need to execute a command from my Perl script, which is going to take a while (1-2 hours). I want to be able to see the output of the command, so that my script can check everything went OK, but as it takes such a long time, I'd like the user to see the commands output while it runs, too.
What I've tried:
backticks - Can only get output when command is finished
system - Can only get output when command is finished
open - Almost perfect - but the commands output is buffered, meaning users don't see an update for a long time. Internet is full of suggestions to set $| = 1 but apparently this only affects input buffering and doesn't work
Piping to tee - Similar results to open - 'tee' only seems to print later
Re-directing output and Using Proc::Background and File::Tail - Almost perfect again, but can't think of an elegant way to stop the print loop
Would love to have a suggestion!
Edit: I've accepted Barmars answer. I believe it works because uses a pseudo-terminal. Just to others looking at this question in future, this is how I've implemented it:
my $process = Expect->spawn($command, #params) or die "Cannot spawn $command: $!\n";
while ($process->expect(undef))
print $process->before();
Using should disable output buffering in the command.

Perl - output from external process directly to stdout (avoid buffering)

I have a Perl script that has to wrap a PHP script that produces a lot of output, and takes about half an hour to run.
At moment I'm shelling out with:
print `$command`;
This works in the sense that the PHP script is called, and it does it's job, but, there is no output rendered by Perl until the PHP script finishes half an hour later.
Is there a way I could shell out so that the output from PHP is printed by perl as soon as it receives it?
The problem is that Perl's not going to finish reading until the PHP script terminates, and only when it finishes reading will it write. The backticks operator blocks until the child process exits, and there's no magic to make a read/write loop implicitly.
So you need to write one. Try a piped open:
open my $fh, '-|', $command or die 'Unable to open';
while (<$fh>) {
close $fh;
This should then read each line as the PHP script writes it, and immediately output it. If the PHP script doesn't output in convenient lines and you want to do it with individual characters, you'll need to look into using read to get data from the file handle, and disable output buffering ($| = 1) on stdout for writing it.
See also
Are you really doing print `$command`?
If you are only running a command and not capturing any of its output, simply use system $command. It will write to stdout directly without passing through Perl.
You might want to investigate Capture::Tiny. IIRC something like this should work:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Capture::Tiny qw/tee/;
my ($stdout, $stderr, #result) = tee { system $command };
Actually, just using system might be good enough, YMMV.

Killing an application started using system() in Perl

I am trying to run an application inside a Perl script using system(). The application I'm running gets stuck sometimes (it enters some kind of infinite loop). Is there a way I can know if this application is stuck and kill it to continue with the Perl script?
I'm trying to do something like this:
start testapp.exe;
if(stuck with testapp.exe) {
kill testapp.exe;
Determining if "it is stuck in infinite loop" is called Halting Problem and is undecidable.
If you want to kill it, you will have to fork the application using fork and then kill it from the other fork, if it is going for too long.
You can determine if the proccess is going for too long by this
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
waitpid($pid, WNOHANG)>0 #waitpid returns 0 if it still running
at least, according to this manual page
I am not sure how well it works on various systems, you can try it out.
Not a direct answer, but I can recommend using forks module if you want to fork with ease, but it works only on UNIX systems (not windows).
OK, more helping code :) It works in UNIX, according to perlfork perldoc, it should work on Windows exactly the same way.
use warnings;
use strict;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
my $exited_cleanly; #to this variable I will save the info about exiting
my $pid = fork;
if (!$pid) {
system("anything_long.exe"); #your long program
} else {
sleep 10; #wait 10 seconds (can be longer)
my $result = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); #here will be the result
if ($result==0) { #system is still running
$exited_cleanly = 0; #I already know I had to kill it
kill('TERM', $pid); #kill it with TERM ("cleaner") first
sleep(1); #wait a bit if it ends
my $result_term = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
#did it end?
if ($result_term == 0) { #if it still didnt...
kill('KILL', $pid); #kill it with full force!
} else {
$exited_cleanly = 1; #it exited cleanly
#you can now say something to the user, for example
if (!$exited_cleanly) {...}
system("start testapp")
is short for
system("cmd", "/c", "start testapp")
Perl just knows about cmd; it doesn't know anything about start, much less about testapp. system is not the tool you want. That's the first problem.
The second problem is that you haven't defined what it means to be "stuck". If you want to monitor a program, it needs a heartbeat. A heartbeat is a periodic activity that can be externally examined. It can be writing to a pipe. It can be changing a file. Anything.
The monitoring program listens for this heartbeat, and presumes the program is dead if the heart stops beating, so to speak.
"Killing" is done using signals in unix, but it's done using TerminateProcess in Windows. The third problem is that Perl core does not give you access to that function.
The solution to the first and third problem is Win32::Process. It allows you to launch a process in the background, and it also allows you to terminate it.
Creating a heartbeat is up to you.
Here is one way you can handle the problem if you know that testapp should not take more than N seconds to do its thing, then you can use a timeout to kill the app by way of IPC::Run.
In the example below there is a timeout of 1 second which kills the sleep 10 command that takes too long (longer than the timeout of 1 second). If this doesn't do what you want, then you should provide more information about how you can detect that testapp.exe is "stuck".
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use IPC::Run qw( run timeout );
eval { # if (stuck with testapp.exe for more than N seconds)
#cmd = ('sleep', '10'); # this could be testapp.exe instead of sleep
run \#cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 1 ) or die "test"; # start testapp.exe
print "do stuff if cmd succeeds\n";
print "more stuff to do afterwards whether or not command fails or succeeds\n";
You can't determine that the application is stuck if you execute it like that, because the system statement won't return until the application terminates.
So, at least, you need to start the test application so it can run asynchronously from the Perl script that is to monitor it.
Having resolved that part of the problem, you have to establish a mechanism that will allow the monitoring Perl script to determine that the application is stuck. That is a non-trivial exercise, and likely system dependent, unless you adopt a simple expedient such as requiring the application to write a heart-beat indication somewhere, and the Perl script monitors for the heart-beat. For example (not necessarily a good example), the application could write the current time into a file identified by its PID, and the Perl script could monitor the file to see if the heart-beat is sufficiently recent. Of course, this assumes that the 'infinite loop' doesn't include code that writes to the heart-beat file.

Problem with piped filehandle in perl

I am trying to run (bioperl package) from another perl script that
gets a genbank as its argument.
This does not work (no output files are generated):
my $command = " -y -o /tmp $ARGV[0]";
open( my $command_out, "-|", $command );
close $command_out;
but this does
open( my $command_out, "-|", $command );
sleep 3; # why do I need to sleep?
close $command_out;
I thought that close is supposed to block until the command is done:
Closing any piped filehandle causes
the parent process to wait for the
child to finish...
I added this as last line:
say "ret=$ret, \$?=$?, \$!=$!";
and in both cases the printout is:
ret=, $?=13, $!=
(which means close failed in both cases, right?)
$? = 13 means your child process was terminated by a SIGPIPE signal. Your external program ( tried to write some output to a pipe to your perl program. But the perl program closed its end of the pipe so your OS sent a SIGPIPE to the external program.
By sleeping for 3 seconds, you are letting your program run for 3 seconds before the OS kills it, so this will let your program get something done. Note that pipes have a limited capacity, though, so if your parent perl script is not reading from the pipe and if the external program is writing a lot to standard output, the external program's write operations will eventually block and you may not really get 3 seconds of effort from your external program.
The workaround is to read the output from the external program, even if you are just going to throw it away.
open( my $command_out, "-|", $command );
my #ignore_me = <$command_out>;
close $command_out;
Update: If you really don't care about the command's output, you can avoid SIGPIPE issues by redirecting the output to /dev/null:
open my $command_out, "-|", "$command > /dev/null";
close $command_out; # succeeds, no SIGPIPE
Of course if you are going to go to that much trouble to ignore the output, you might as well just use system.
Additional info: As the OP says, closing a piped filehandle causes the parent to wait for the child to finish (by using waitpid or something similar). But before it starts waiting, it closes its end of the pipe. In this case, that end is the read end of the pipe that the child process is writing its standard output to. The next time the child tries to write something to standard output, the OS detects that the read end of that pipe is closed and sends a SIGPIPE to the child process, killing it and quickly letting the close statement in the parent finish.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do but system is probably better in this case...