Setting up deployments with Capistrano, Sidekiq and Monit - capistrano

My application uses Sidekiq to handle long (several minutes) running background tasks. Deployments are done with Capistrano 2 and all processes are monitored with Monit.
I have used capistrano-sidekiq to manage the sidekiq process during deployments but it has not worked perfectly. Some times during the deployment a new sidekiq process is started but the old one is not killed. I believe this happens because capistrano-sidekiq is not operating through Monit during the deployment.
Second problem is that because my background tasks can take several minutes to complete my deployment should allow two sidekiq processes to co-exisit. The old sidekiq process should be allowed to complete the tasks it is processing and a new sidekiq process should start taking new tasks into processing.
I have been thinking about something like this into my deploy script
When deployment starts:
I tell Monit to unmonitor the sidekiq process
I stop the current sidekiq process and give it 10 minutes to finish its tasks
After the code has been updated:
I start a new sidekiq process and tell Monit to start monitoring it.
I may need to move the sidekiq process pid file into the release directory if the pid file is not removed until the stopped sidekiq process has eventually been killed.
How does this sound? Any caveats spotted?
Found a good thread about this same issue.

Seems reasonable to me. The only possible issue is losing track of the old Sidekiq's PID but you should be able to use ps and grep for "stopping" to find old Sidekiqs.


Upgrade container for long running jobs in kubernetes

I have long running workers running in kubernetes - more than 5 hours. I want to update the container without interrupting the long running jobs. I want any newly started work off the queue to start with the new version of the release but I don't want to interrupt the currently running work.
BTW I'm not actually using Jobs, I'm using Deployments with workers that get work off a redis queue.
What is the best way to do to do a release without killing the long running work?
Have a huge timeout for SIGTERM
preStop hooks?
Another container in the pod that checks for the latest version and updates once work is done?

Airflow: what do `airflow webserver`, `airflow scheduler` and `airflow worker` exactly do?

I've been working with Airflow for a while now, which was set up by a colleague. Lately I run into several errors, which require me to more in dept know how to fix certain things within Airflow.
I do understand what the 3 processes are, I just don't understand the underlying things that happen when I run them. What exactly happens when I run one of the commands? Can I somewhere see afterwards that they are running? And if I run one of these commands, does this overwrite older webservers/schedulers/workers or add a new one?
Moreover, if I for example run airflow webserver, the screen shows some of the things that are happening. Can I simply get out of this by pressing CTRL + C? Because when I do this, it says things like Worker exiting and Shutting down: Master. Does this mean I'm shutting everything down? How else should I get out of the webserver screen then?
Each process does what they are built to do while they are running (webserver provides a UI, scheduler determines when things need to be run, and workers actually run the tasks).
I think your confusion is that you may be seeing them as commands that tell some sort of "Airflow service" to do something, but they are each standalone commands that start the processes to do stuff. ie. Starting from nothing, you run airflow scheduler: now you have a scheduler running. Run airflow webserver: now you have a webserver running. When you run airflow webserver, it is starting a python flask app. While that process is running, the webserver is running, if you kill command, is goes down.
All three have to be running for airflow as a whole to work (assuming you are using an executor that needs workers). You should only ever had one scheduler running, but if you were to run two processes of airflow webserver (ignoring port conflicts, you would then have two separate http servers running using the same metadata database. Workers are a little different in that you may want multiple worker processes running so you can execute more tasks concurrently. So if you create multiple airflow worker processes, you'll end up with multiple processes taking jobs from the queue, executing them, and updating the task instance with the status of the task.
When you run any of these commands you'll see the stdout and stderr output in console. If you are running them as a daemon or background process, you can check what processes are running on the server.
If you ctrl+c you are sending a signal to kill the process. Ideally for a production airflow cluster, you should have some supervisor monitoring the processes and ensuring that they are always running. Locally you can either run the commands in the foreground of separate shells, minimize them and just keep them running when you need them. Or run them in as a background daemon with the -D argument. ie airflow webserver -D.

Will celeryd restart drop currently running tasks?

If I have two worker processes doing long-time operations. If I use /etc/init.d/celeryd restart as in the official document to restart them when they are in the middle of processing tasks, what happens then? Will they wait till they finish the tasks before shutting down? If new tasks keep coming right now, are they lining up in the queue till any worker finishes restarting? Or will celery start a new worker before old ones are shut down and routing new tasks to it so that there won't be any time no workers are available?

Gracefully update running celery pod in Kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes cluster running Django, Celery, RabbitMq and Celery Beat. I have several periodic tasks spaced out throughout the day (so as to keep server load down). There are only a few hours when no tasks are running, and I want to limit my rolling-updates to those times, without having to track it manually. So I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to fire off a script or task of some sort that will monitor the Celery server, and trigger a rolling update once there's a window in which no tasks are actively running. There are two possible ways I thought of doing this, but I'm not sure which is best, nor how to implement either one.
Run a script (bash or otherwise) that checks up on the Celery server every few minutes, and initiates the rolling-update if the server is inactive
Increment the celery app name before each update (in the Beat run command, the Celery run command, and in the config file), create a new Celery pod, rolling-update the Beat pod, and then delete the old Celery 12 hours later (a reasonable time span for all running tasks to finish)
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Jobs in a queue is dropped unexpectedly in Gearman

I'm dealing with a very strange problem now.
Since I queue the jobs over 1,000 at once, Gearman doesn't work properly so far...
The problem is that, when I reserve the jobs in background mode, I could see the jobs were correctly queued from the monitoring page (gearman monitor),
but It is drained right after without delivering it to the worker. (within a few seconds)
After all, the jobs never be executed by the worker, just disappeared from the queue (job server).
So I tried rebooting the server entirely, and reinstall gearman as well as php library. (I'm using 1 CentOS, 1 Ubuntu with PHP gearman library, and version is 0.34 and 1.0.2)
But no luck yet... Job server just misbehaving as I explained in aobve.
What should I do for now?
Can I check the workers state, or see and monitor the whole process from queueing the jobs to the delivering to the worker?
When I tried gearmand with a option like: 'gearmand -vvvv' It never print anything on the screen while I register worker to the server, and run a job with client code (PHP)
Any comment will be appreciated.
For your information, I'm not considering persistent queue using MySQL or SQLite for now, because it sometimes occurs performance issue with slow execution.