store string in char array assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast - char-pointer

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
char c[8];
*c = "hello";
return 0;
I am learning pointers recently. above code gives me an error - assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast [enabled by default].
I read few post on SO about this error but was not able to fix my code.
i declared c as any array of 8 char, c has address of first element. so if i do *c = "hello", it will store one char in one byte and use as many consequent bytes as needed for other characters in "hello".
Please someone help me identify the issue and help me fix it.

i declared c as any array of 8 char, c has address of first element. - Yes
so if i do *c = "hello", it will store one char in one byte and use as many consequent bytes as needed for other characters in "hello". - No. Value of "hello" (pointer pointing to some static string "hello") will be assigned to *c(1byte). Value of "hello" is a pointer to string, not a string itself.
You need to use strcpy to copy an array of characters to another array of characters.
const char* hellostring = "hello";
char c[8];
*c = hellostring; //Cannot assign pointer to char
c[0] = hellostring; // Same as above
strcpy(c, hellostring); // OK

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
char c[8];//creating an array of char
*c stores the address of index 0 i.e. c[0].
Now, the next statement (*c = "hello";)
is trying to assign a string to a char.
actually if you'll read *c as "value at c"(with index 0),
it will be more clearer to you.
to store "hello" to c, simply declare the char c[8] to char *c[8];
i.e. you have to make array of pointers
*c = "hello";
return 0;
hope it'll help..:)


char *ptr ---> New to C

Declared char array (read-only):
Given a char pointer called ptr and the alpha array declared above, how would I make ptr point to the letter 'D'?
I think its ---> char *alpha[3]; because its pointing to the third index of the array.
Here you go
D is 3 index away from starting address of alpha that is A.
So your pointer should be initialized like this
char *ptr = alpha + 3;

declaring and passing char array of different sizes correctly

I like to define a method that receives a char array of variable size.
This is my current definition:
+(int) findStartIndex: (NSData*)buffer searchPattern: (char*) searchPattern;
And this is where I call it:
const char a[] = {'a','b','c'};
startIndex = [self findStartIndex:buffer searchPattern: a];
and like this
const char b[] = {'1','2'};
startIndex = [self findStartIndex:buffer searchPattern: b];
But I keep getting the compiler warning:
Sending 'const char[3]' to parameter of type 'char *' discards qualifiers
Sending 'const char[2]' to parameter of type 'char *' discards qualifiers
How to do this correctly?
Because the parameter you declared as char *, but const char [] is passed. It's a have a potential risk. you should the following changes. Do not have a warning when I tested.
+(int) findStartIndex: (NSData*)buffer searchPattern: (const char*) searchPattern
Qualifiers in C apply to the keyword on the left first, then fallback to the right next. const char arr[] is not a constant reference to a char array, it's always of type char. But, when you pass it to a method that takes a pointer to char, then you lose the const'ness of the type, and you get a warning. (Hooray for obscure C stuff!)

COnverting Char Array to Long int

How to convert Char array to long in obj c
unsigned char *composite[4];
composite[1]= minor;
i need to convert this to Long int..Anyone please help
If you are looking at converting what is essentially already a binary number then a simple type cast would suffice but you would need to reverse the indexes to get the same result as you would in Java: long value = *((long*)composite);
You might also consider this if you have many such scenarios:
union {
unsigned char asChars[4];
long asLong;
} value;
value.asChar[3] = 1;
value.asChar[2] = 9;
value.asChar[1] = 0;
value.asChar[0] = 10;
// Outputs 17367050
NSLog(#"Value as long %ld",value.asLong);

How to Assign a single value to whole NSMutableArray?

I have an mutable array of say 20 objects. And it has values like #"TRUE",#"FALSE",#"TRUE"...
Now I want to reset the all values of array to #"FALSE". Means array having all values as #"FALSE" (20 times).
I know how to add, insert at index... But I want to know that How can I set whole array value to #"FALSE" in a sing line ??? `without using loop and replace object at index... ?
For example : is it possible
thArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:20];
theArray = #"FALSE" ;
Can you use a C array? If so, you can use {0, 1} as C-equivalents of {FALSE, TRUE}, initializing a C array with:
unsigned short int cArray[20] = {0};
static unsigned short int cArray[20]; /* all values are zeroes, or FALSEs */
This might be more efficient, instead of using an array of static NSString * const elements like you're doing now. Testing whether two integers are equivalent is usually faster than testing lexicographical equivalence of two strings, where your program will have to compare each string character by character.
To reset the contents of the array, you can use the C function memset():
memset(cArray, 0, 20*sizeof(unsigned short int)); /* set all values of cArray to 0 */
If you need a dynamically-sized array, use a pointer with calloc() and reset it with memset() as previously described. Just remember to free() the pointer afterwards, so that you don't get a memory leak:
unsigned short int *cArray = NULL;
size_t cArrayLength = 20; /* can be passed in as a value from another method, etc. */
cArray = calloc(cArrayLength, sizeof(unsigned short int)); /* values are initialized to 0 */
if (cArray) {
/* use cArray... */
*(cArray + 8) = 1; /* e.g., set ninth element with the value of 1 */
/* we don't need cArray any longer, so we free it */
/* error */
If you must use Objective-C with NSString * or NSNumber * instances in an NSArray or NSMutableArray, there is no ready-made method for initialization and you'll need to use a loop or copy a pre-existing array, as described in Justin's answer. He is also correct that a method for creating and populating the array is a good idea, if you want to go in this direction.
If those were mutable strings inside the array you could do this in just one line:
[theArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(setString:) withObject:#"FALSE"];
Here's one way:
NSArray * initialized = ...array with fifty #"FALSE" values...;
NSMutableArray * a = [initialized mutableCopy];
... mutate a ...
[a setArray:initialized];
If you are actually dealing with bool values, C scalars will be faster (see Alex's answer).
Another alternative would be a CFMutableBitVector.
Finally, this would also be a good case for creating a function.
1) Either this
2) Or this
Otherwise without a loop there is no way.
only way i know is
for(int i = 0;i<[theArray count];i++)
{[theArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:#"FALSE"];}

What does the & symbol mean in Objective-C?

What does the & symbol mean in Objective-C? I am currently looking at data constucts and am getting really confused by it.
I have looked around the web for it but have not found an answer at all. I know this is possibly a basic Objective-C concept, but I just can't get my head around it.
For example:
int *pIntData = (int *)&incomingPacket[0];
What is the code doing with incoming packet here?
& is the C address-of unary operator. It returns the memory address of its operand.
In your example, it will return the address of the first element of the incomingPacket array, which is then cast to an int* (pointer to int)
Same thing it means in C.
int *pIntData = (int *)&incomingPacket[0];
Basically this says that the address of the beginning of incomingPacket (&incomingPacket[0]) is a pointer to an int (int *). The local variable pIntData is defined as a pointer to an int, and is set to that value.
*pIntData will equal to the first int at the beginning of incomingPacket.
pIntData[0] is the same thing.
pIntData[5] will be the 6th int into the incomingPacket.
Why do this? If you know the data you are being streamed is an array of ints, then this makes it easier to iterate through the ints.
This statement, If I am not mistaken, could also have been written as:
int *pIntData = (int *) incomingPacket;