Matlab process termination in slurm - matlab

I have two questions that to me seem related:
First, is it necessary to explicitly terminate Matlab in my sbatch command? I have looked through several online slurm tutorials, and in some cases the authors include an exit command:
And in some they don't:
Second, when creating a parallel pool in a job, I almost always get the following warning:
Warning: Found 4 pre-existing communicating job(s) created by pool that are
running, and 2 communicating job(s) that are pending or queued. You can use
'delete(myCluster.Jobs)' to remove all jobs created with profile local. To
create 'myCluster' use 'myCluster = parcluster('local')'
Why is this happening, and is there any way to avoid it happening to myself and to others because of me?

It depends on how you launch Matlab. Note that your two examples use distinct methods for running a matlab script; the first one uses the -r option
matlab -nodisplay -r "matrixmultiply, exit"
while the second one uses stdin redirection from a file
matlab < runjob.m
In the first solution, the Matlab process will be left running after the script is finished, that is why the exit command is needed there. In the second solution, the Matlab process is terminated as stdin closes when the end of the file is reached.
If you do not end the matlab process, Slurm will kill it when the maximum allocation time is reached, as defined by the --time option in you submission script or by the default cluster (or partition) value.
To avoid the warning you mention, make sure to systematically use matlabpool close at the end of your job. If you have several instances of Matlab running on the same node, and you have a shared home directory, you will probably get the warning anyhow, as I believe the information about open matlab pools is stored in a hidden folder in your home. Rebooting will probably not help, but finding those files and removing them will (be careful though and ask the system administrator).

to avoid your warning, you have to delete


Manually Stop Jupyter Kernel and Prevent from Restarting

I have created a Jupyter kernel A from which I launch another kernel B. I am doing this in order to audit the execution of kernel B. So when a user selects kernel A from the interface, kernel B is launched in the background which then executes the notebook code. strace is being used to audit the execution. After the audit phase, code, data, and provenance etc. of the program execution are recorded and stored for analysis later on.
After the notebook program ends, I intend to stop tracing the execution of kernel B. This does not happen unless I stop the execution of kernel B launched internally by kernel A. The only way I have been able to do this is using the kill command as such:
os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)
This does the job but with a side-effect: Jupyter restarts the kernel automatically which means kernel A and B are launched and start auditing the execution again. This causes certain race conditions and overwrites of some files which I want to avoid.
Possible Solution
To my mind, there are two things I can do to resolve this issue:
Exit the kernel B program gracefully so the auditing of the notebook code gets completed and stored. This does not happen with the kill command so would need some other solution
Avoid automatic restart of the kernel, with or without the kill command.
I have looked into different ways to achieve the above two but have not been successful yet. Any advice on achieving either of the above two solutions would be appreciated, or perhaps another way of solving the problem.
have you tried terminating kernel B instead of killing it
using 15 instead of 9
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
os.kill(os.getpid(), 15)
other values for kill are signal.SIGSTOP=23 , signal.SIGHUP=1
Other option could be to insert following code snippet on top of the code
import signal
import sys
def onSigExit():
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, onSigExit)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, onSigExit)
now you should be able to send
and it should exit gracefully and not restart

Slurm: Why use srun inside sbatch?

In a sbatch script, you can directly launch programs or scripts (for example an executable file myapp) but in many tutorials people use srun myapp instead.
Despite reading some documentation on the topic, I do not understand the difference and when to use each of those syntaxes.
I hope this question is precise enough (1st question on SO), thanks in advance for your answers.
The srun command is used to create job 'steps'.
First, it will bring better reporting of the resource usage ; the sstat command will provide real-time resource usage for processes that are started with srun, and each step (each call to srun) will be reported individually in the accounting.
Second, it can be used to setup many instances of a serial program (program that only use one CPU) into a single job, and micro-schedule those programs inside the job allocation.
Finally, for parallel jobs, srun will also play the important role of starting the parallel program and setup the parallel environment. It will start as many instances of the program as were requested with the --ntasks option on the CPUs that were allocated for the job. In the case of a MPI program, it will also handle the communication between the MPI library and Slurm.

How can one view the partial output of a job in PBS that has exceeded its walltime?

I'm new to using cluster computers to run experiments. I have a script running in python that should be regularly printing out information, but I find that when my job exceeds its walltime, I get no output at all except the notification that the job has been killed.
I've tried regularly flushing the buffer to no avail, and was wondering if there was something more basic that I'm missing.
I'm guessing you are having issues with a job cleanup script in the epilogue. You may want to ask the admins about it. You may also want to try a different approach.
If you were to redirect your output to a file in a shared filesystem you should be able to avoid data loss. This assumes you have a shared filesystem to work with and you aren't required to stage in and stage out all of your data.
If you reuse your submission script you can avoid clobbering the output of other jobs by including the $PBS_JOBID environment variable in the output filename. > $PBS_JOBID.out
On mobile so check qsub man page for a list of job environment variables.

Matlab/Simulink: run batch of simulations in parallel?

I have to run a series of simulations and save the results. Since by default Matlab only uses one core, I wonder if it is possible to open multiple worker tasks and assign different simulation runs to them?
You could run each simulation in a separate MATLAB instance and let the OS handle the process to core assignment.
One master MATLAB could synchronize each child instances checking for example if simulation results file are existing.
I aso have the same problem but I did not manage to really understand how to make it in MatLab. The documentation in matlab is too advanced to get to know how to make it.
Since I am working with Ubuntu I find a way to do the work calling the unix command from MatLab and using the parallel GNU command
So I mange to run my simulation in parallel with 4 cores.
unix('parallel --progress -j4 flow > /dev/null :::: Pool.txt','-echo')
you can find more info in the link
Shell, run four processes parallel
Details of the syntaxis can be found at
but breifly I can tell you
--progress shows a status of the progress
-j4 tells the amount or jobs in parallel you want to have
flow is the name of my simulator
/dev/null was just to avoid the screen run output of the simulator to show up
Pool.txt is a file I made with the required simulator input that is basically the path and the main simulator file.
echo I do not remember now what was it for :D

Solving system of equations in parallel

I'm trying to solve a system in parallel. I'm using the example from
and I get the error
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... Error using parpool (line 103)
Not enough input arguments.
Any suggestions?
This is likely because your local cluster job storage got corrupted somehow. Find local_cluster_jobs folder, delete it, and restart Matlab. On Windows it is probably located at the following path (could slightly differ depending on your Matlab version, though):