changing a record to a different area - tsql

I hope yo can point me in the right direction.
I have a SSRS report organized by Continent/Country/Customer and I need to change (force?) some of the customers to appear in a different region/country from the DB. ie:
I have a local NZ customer in the right Region/Country (australasia/New Zealand) but I want this one to show up in a different Region/Country namely (Asia/China) as this customer buys locally but exports all to China.
There are some others customers that needs to be manually organized, following the same criteria, of course.
any idea on how can I do this?
and will be the best option to do it through SQL-Server or SSRS?
Thanks in advance.

I would create a new table called something like AreaOverride with the following columns:
Then link to this in your query using a left outer join and replace the Continent and Country with the overridden values if they exist:
Select CustomerId,
Case when AreaOverride.Continent is not null then AreaOverride.Continent else Customer.Continent end as Continent,
Case when AreaOverride.Country is not null then AreaOverride.Country else Customer.Country end as Country
From Customer
Left outer join AreaOverride On AreaOverride.CustomerId = Customer.CustomerId
You might want to make this a view if you are going to use it in several reports or other places.
Then whenever you need to override a customer's details you simply add a row for them in this table and the values will be overridden in your reports.
Note that if you are dealing with a vendor database rather than your own you don't want to be messing with their database structure but you can still do this by creating a new database and put the AreaOverride table in it. Then you add the database name to your join. For example if your database was called MyStuff then your join looks like this:
Left outer join MyStuff.dbo.AreaOveride On ...


Do ampersands work for user input in reports?

I have a working query that goes something like this:
Base table ACCT, link to others (listagg/subqueries) and ensure matching year("rollyear") field. Then the final step is to say which year ACCT table is in.
FULL OUTER JOIN table TABLE2 on = and ACCT.rollyear= TABLE2.rollyear
FULL JOIN table TABLE7 on = and ACCT.rollyear= TABLE7.rollyear
where ACCT.rollyear = extract (year from sysdate) +1
I typically use the calendar year plus one. I've been playing with using ACCT.rollyear = &rollyear to get user input... The limitation/issue I have is getting that running using the "User Defined Reports" feature.
Am I using this feature correctly? Does that only work for SQL Queries and not reports? Ive seen videos/comments about Stored Procedures and using "Accept...." but my attempts to mimic give errors and I'm not sure I'm on the right track. Thanks for any advice.
Change your query to use a bind variable:
where ACCT.rollyear = :rollyear
Then in the 'Binds' section you will see a variable with that name:
When you run your query you'll then be prompted to supply the value:

data merging in Tableau

I have two sheets in excel. One has CBG (neighborhood) IDs as shown below.
The second sheet has state and county names and IDs as shown below.
Now the first 5 digits in the CBG ID are just the corresponding state and county IDs for that CBG.
I need to to join this data together in Tableau so that I would have the state and county on the CBG sheet for each CBG.
Basically I tried to blend the data and it didn't work. I also tried to perform a join calculation using the 5-digit code in the second sheet and the LEFT function to extract the 5-digits in the CBG code but it didn't seem to work either.
To fix it, just needed to fix the Join calculation on both sides of the join.
Also, it seems that both variables to be joined need to be the same data type.
The data that you analyze in Tableau is often made up of a collection of tables that are related by specific fields (that is, columns). Joining is a method for combining the related data on those common fields. The result of combining data using a join is a virtual table that is typically extended horizontally by adding columns of data.
When joining tables, the fields that you join on must have the same data type. If you change the data type after you join the tables, the join will break.
Please go through the below steps for joining tables:
In Tableau Desktop: on the start page, under Connect, click a connector to connect to your data. This step creates the first connection in the Tableau data source.
In web authoring: Select New Workbook and connect to your data. This step creates the first connection in the Tableau data source.
Select the file, database, or schema, and then double-click or drag a table to the canvas.
Double-click or drag another table to the canvas, and then click the join relationship to add join clauses and select your join type.
Add one or more join clauses by selecting a field from one of the available tables used in the data source, a join operator, and a field from the added table. Inspect the join clause to make sure it reflects how you want to connect the tables.
When you are finished, close the Join dialog.
Thank you.

Moving CiviCRM custom fields to different Contact type

I would like to take a set of custom fields in CiviCRM which are attached to one Contact type (Individual), and move them to be attached to another Contact type (Organization). The fields are similar, but they are not all identical.
What is the best way of handling this? Export the custom fields and clean up the CSV before importing into the newly created custom fields?
The most efficient way would be straight through SQL:
INSERT INTO civicrm_value_org_stuff
SELECT null as id, c.current_employer_id as entity_id, i.first_field as first_org_field, i.second_field as second_org_field ...
FROM civicrm_value_ind_stuff i
LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact c ON = i.entity_id
LEFT JOIN civicrm_value_org_stuff o ON c.current_employer_id = o.entity_id
WHERE is null AND c.current_employer_id is not null
You'll have to take care of situations where there's already information in the destination table, but otherwise this should work fine. The table names are obviously made up, but they'll begin with "civicrm_value..." and the field names should be clear from that.

TSQL - Deleting with Inner Joins and multiple conditions

My question is a variation on one already asked and answered (TSQL Delete Using Inner Joins) but I have a different level of complexity and I couldn't see a solution to it.
My requirement is to delete Special Prices which haven't been accessed in 90 days. Special Prices are keyed on Customer ID and Product ID and the products have to matched to a Customer Order Detail table which also contains a Customer ID and a Product ID. I want to write one function that will look at the Special Price table for each Customer, compare each Product for that Customer with the Customer Order Detail table and if the Maximum Order Date is more than 90 days earlier than today, delete it from the Special Price table.
I know I can use a CURSOR (slow but effective) but would prefer to have a single query like the one in the TSQL Delete Using Inner Joins example. Any ideas and/or is more information required?
I cannot dig more on the situation of your system but i think and if it is ok for you, check MERGE STATEMENT, it might be a help instead of using cursors. check this Link MERGE STATEMENT

Conditional objects in access report?

I have a table with 2 different sets of customers form 2 different company, marked by an A or B in the company column. I am creating a report for invoices, i need to change the company name and details depending on it being company a or company b. Is this even possible. If not does anyone know of a good solution, or another option.?
Sounds like you need a table called tblCompany, with an Identifier column (A, B, etc...) and all other info like Name, Address, etc... Then you would make a query that joins your first table to tblCompany, on the Identifier column. Your report would be based off that query, where you could pull in the Name from tblCompany, and all the other info from the first table.
Unless there's something I'm not understanding?