Could you please help me with the following issue: I have the following function handle:
r1 = #(lambda) b + lambda*(r - b); % r and b are vectors of return data
I want to find the optimal lambdas that set me a mean function to zero, for a given set of powers within that function. What I tried to do and didn't work, as it returns me an error for undefined operators for input arguments of type 'function_handle' is:
lambda0 = 0.3;
for a = 2:10 %power coefficient
S1(a) = fzero(mean((r - b)*r1.^(1/(a - 1))),lambda0);
Any suggestion as to how to go about this problem is highly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
fzero accepts a function handle as the first input. As you currently have it, you're trying to pass a statement as the first input. This statement can't even be properly evaluated because you are trying to perform numerical operations on a function handle (more on this in a bit).
You need to instead do something like this where we create a new function handle that evaluates the original function handle and performs the other operations you need.
S1(a) = fzero(#(lambda)mean((r - b)*r1(lambda).^(1/(a - 1))),lambda0);
Further Explanation
Performing operations on a function handle is not the same as performing them on the result.
So for example, if we had a function handle:
func = #(x)2*x;
If we evaluation this, by calling it with an input value for x
This works as we would expect. If now we really want the value (2*x)^2, we could try to write it the way that you wrote your statement in your question
func2 = func^2;
We will get an error!
Undefined operator '^' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'.
This does not work because MATLAB attempts to apply the ^ operation to the function handle itself and not the value of the evaluated function handle.
Instead, we would need to create a new function handle that essentially wraps the other one and performs any additional options:
func2 = #(x)func(x)^2;
Bringing it Full-Circle
So if we go back to your question, you defined your anonymous function r1 like this.
r1 = #(lambda) b + lambda*(r - b); % r and b are vectors of return data
This all looks great. You have one input argument and you reference r and b from the parent workspace.
Now when you call fzero you try to perform operations on this function handle in hopes of creating a new function handle.
mean((r - b)*r1.^(1/(a - 1)))
Like we just showed this will result in a very similar error
Undefined operator .^ for input arguments of type 'function_handle'
So we need to wrap this into a new function.
newfunc = #(lambda)mean((r - b)*r1(lambda).^(1 / (a - 1)));
Now we can safely pass this to fzero.
result = fzero(newfunc, lambda0);
I am trying to use this function in my m file but I get an error(mentioned in question). Everything seems correct and a, b and c are defined in my m file. Any thoughts?
Error in modal2 (line 8)
Output argument "am" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "C:\Users\Cena\Desktop\Thesis\My Codes\SMC\modal2.m>modal2".
function [r,am,bm,cm] = modal2(a,b,c)
% this function determines the modal representation 2(am,bm,cm)
%given a generic state-space representation (a,b,c)
%and the transformation r to the modal representation
%such that am=inv(r)*a*r, bm=inv(r)*b and cm=c*r
%transformation to complex-diagonal form:
%transformation to modal form 2:
i = find(imag(diag(an))');
index = i(1:2:length(i));
t = eye(length(an));
if isempty(index)
for i=index
t(i:i+1,i:i+1)=[j 1;-j 1];
%Modal transformation
The problem is likely in
if isempty(index)
The assignment to those variables is only being done if the conditional passes. If it doesn't , there is no assignment.
You need to modify your code to assign to those variables under all conditions if they are going to be output arguments.
The given task is to call a function from within another function, where both functions are handling matrices.
Now lets call this function 1 which is in its own file:
A = (1/dot(v,v))*(Ps'*Ps);
Function 1 is called with the command:
bpt = matok(P);
Now in another file in the same folder where function 1 is located (matok.m) we make another file containing function 2 that calls function 1:
bpt = matok(P);
What I wish B to do technically, is to return the result of the following (where D is a diagonal matrix):
IGNORE THIS LINE: B = (1/dot(v,v))*(Ps'*inv(D)*Ps*inv(D);
EDIT: this is the correct B = (1/dot(v,v))*(Ps*inv(D))'*Ps*inv(D);
But B should not "re-code" what has allready been written in function 1, the challenge/task is to call function 1 within function 2, and within function 2 we use the output of function 1 to end up with the result that B gives us. Also cause in the matrix world, AB is not equal to BA, then I can't simply multiply with inv(D) twice in the end. Now since Im not allowed to write B as is shown above, I was thinking of replacing (without altering function 1, doing the manipulation within function 2):
which in some way I imagine should be possible, but since Im new to Matlab have no idea how to do or where even to start. Any ideas on how to achieve the desired result?
A small detail I missed:
The transpose shouldn't be of Ps in this:
B = (1/dot(v,v))*(Ps'*inv(D))*Ps*inv(D);
But rather the transpose of Ps and inv(D):
B = (1/dot(v,v))*(Ps*inv(D))'*Ps*inv(D);
I found this solution, but it might not be as compressed as it could've been and it seems a bit unelegant in my eyes, maybe there is an even shorter way?:
C = pinv(Ps') * A
E = (Ps*inv(D))' * C
Since (A*B)' = B'*A', you probably just need to call
matok(inv(D) * Ps)
It looks like this has been asked many times, but none of the past posts seem to solve my question. All those had to do with matrix/vector while my code does not have any of these, just simple variables. It takes three variables as arguments. It works perfectly fine within the Matlab environment. I only got the error when I compiled it with mcc -m Normal.m and tried to run with the executable like this "./Normal 1 5 0.5". The complete error message is:
Error using /
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Normal (line 4)
It is complaining about line 4: N=2/dt, what is wrong with this?
Here is the code:
function val=Normal(l1,l2,dt)
for i=2:N
t= -1+(i-1)*dt;
But dt is not a scalar when passed into the standalone through the command ./Normal 1 5 0.5. It is a character array with 3 elements ('0', '.','5')!
When passing numerical arguments to a standalone, they are passed as strings. Thus, inside the function, you need to convert '0.5' into a double, and similarly for l1 and l2:
dt = str2num(dt);
l1 = str2num(l1);
l2 = str2num(l2);
Note that you can use isdeployed to determine at runtime if the function is a standalone:
if isdeployed, dt = str2num(dt); end
And you might need to display the result:
if isdeployed, disp(val); end
>> system('Normal 1 5 0.5');
>> Normal(1,5,0.5) % .m function for comparison
ans =
I have a function for cached evaluation. As one of the arguments, it takes a function handle. Under some circumstances, the function handle is unaccessible, and I don't quite understand why. The example below shows what got me stumped:
>> A.a = #plus; feval(#A.a, 1, 1)
ans =
>> clear A
>> A.a.a = #plus; feval(#A.a.a, 1, 1)
Error using feval
Undefined function 'A.a.a' for input arguments of type 'double'.
So, if I have a function handle stored as a structure member, I can pass it along fine if it's one level deep, but not if it's two levels deep. In my real use case, I have a structure D that holds many (117) instances of various classes, so I actually have stct.obj.meth, where stct is a structure, obj is a class instance/object, and meth is a method. Passing #stct.obj.meth fails, but if I assign A = stct.obj, then passing #A.meth succeeds.
Under what conditions can I pass a function handle as an argument, so that it's still accessible down the stack?
Edit: Although in the use case above, I could simply remove the # because #plus is already a function handle. However, consider the situation here:
>> type cltest.m
classdef cltest < handle
function C = mymeth(self, a, b)
C = a + b;
>> A.a = cltest();
>> feval(#A.a.mymeth, 1, 1)
Error using feval
Undefined function 'A.a.mymeth' for input arguments of type 'double'.
>> b = A.a;
>> feval(#b.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =
In this case, I need the # before A.a.mymeth...
Introducing classes was a big deal for MATLAB. So big, in fact, that they still do not work properly today. Your example shows that structure access and class method access conflict, because they had to overload the the meaning of dot '.' and didn't get it to work seamlessly. It all more or less works fine when you are calling class methods explicitly by their name on the MATLAB console, e.g. in your example >> A.a.mymeth(1,1). But when you have any type of indirection, it soon breaks.
You tried getting the function handle by >> #A.a.mymeth, which MATLAB cannot make sense of, probably because it gets confused by the mixed structure/class thing. Trying to work around using str2func doesn't work either. It works, again, only for explicit name access, as shown here. It breaks for your example, e.g. >> str2func('b.mymeth'). It does not even work inside the class. Try other indirections and watch them fail.
Additionally, MATLAB does not like giving you a class method's handles. There's no function for it. There's no way to get all function handles in one go, or even dynamically by a name string.
I see three options here. First, try changing your program, if possible. Do these functions need to sit in a classdef?
Second, follow your or nispio's workaround. They both create a temporary variable to hold a reference to the class instance in order to create a non-mixed access to its member methods. The problem is, they both require explicitly naming the function. You have to explicitly put this code for every function involved. No way to abstract that out.
Third, cheat by giving out your class' method handles from the inside. You can give them out in a structure.
classdef cltest < handle
function C = mymeth(self, a, b)
C = a + b;
function hs = funhandles(self)
hs = struct('mymeth', #self.mymeth, ...
'mymeth2', #self.mymeth2);
You can then access the handles by name, even dynamically.
>> A.a = cltest;
>> feval(A.a.funhandles.mymeth, 1, 1);
>> feval(A.a.funhandles.('mymeth'), 1, 1)
ans =
But be careful, by using this you can access Access=private methods from outside.
Try this:
It is a little kludgy, but it should work.
The way it works is by creating an Anonymous Function that takes a variable number of arguments, and dumps those arguments into the method A.a.mymeth(). So you are not actually passing a pointer to the function A.a.mymeth, you are passing a pointer to a function that calls A.a.mymeth.
An alternative way of achieving the same thing without using varargin would be:
This creates an anonymous function that accepts two arguments, and passes them along to A.a.mymeth.
<speculation> I think that it must be inherent in the way that the unary function handle operator # works. The Matlab parser probably looks at #token and decides whether token is a valid function. In the case of a.mymeth it is smart enough to decide that mymeth is a member of a, and then return the appropriate handle. However, when it sees A.a.mymeth it may discover that A is not a class, nor does A have a member named a.mymeth and therefore no valid function is found. This seems to be supported by the fact that this works:
A.a.a = #plus; feval(A.a.a,1,1)
and this doesn't:
A.a.a = #plus; feval(#A.a.a,1,1)
You can get around it by introducing a separate function that corrects what # operator is not doing:
function h=g(f)
x = functions(f);
if ~strcmp(x.type, 'anonymous')
h = evalin('caller', ['#(varargin)' x.function '(varargin{:})']);
h = f;
Now for your example:
>> feval(g(#A.a.mymeth), 1, 1)
ans =
>> feval(g(#b.mymeth), 1, 1)
ans =
I think this will have the smallest impact on your code. You can make it a bit more elegant but less robust and/or readable. The uplus method is not defined for function_handle class so you can create uplus.m in folder #function_handle somewhere in your path with this content:
function h=uplus(f)
x = functions(f);
if ~strcmp(x.type, 'anonymous')
h = evalin('caller', ['#(varargin)' x.function '(varargin{:})']);
h = f;
Now you just need to use +# instead of #. For your examples:
>> feval(+#A.a.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =
>> feval(+#b.mymeth, 1, 1)
ans =