Why is my new PostgreSQL database not empty? - postgresql

Whenever I create a new database from pgAdmin or using the command line (using CREATE DATABASE database_name), it's not empty.
It contains some tables that are part of a previous project I worked on.
I'm not yet very familiar with Psql so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

You probably have created objects in the database template1.
Quote from the manual:
By default, the new database will be created by cloning the standard system database template1. A different template can be specified by writing TEMPLATE name. In particular, by writing TEMPLATE template0, you can create a virgin database containing only the standard objects predefined by your version of PostgreSQL. This is useful if you wish to avoid copying any installation-local objects that might have been added to template1.
So, anything that is in the template1 database will be copied over to the new database when you run create database.
Connect to the template1 database and drop all objects you don't want.


What is the best way to backfill old database data to an existing Postgres database?

A new docker image was recently stood up to replace an existing postgres database. A dump was taken of the database before the old instance was shut down using the following command:
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -d *dbname* -U postgres > *dbname*.pgdump
We'd like to concatenate or append this data to the new database in order to "backfill" some older historical data. The database name and schema of the two databases is identical. What is the easiest, safest way to do this? Secondly, need postgres be shut down during the process?
If overlapping primary keys or unique columns have been assigned to the new data, then there will be no clean way to merge them without putting in some work to clean that up. Assuming that hasn't happened...
The current dump file will have create statements for all the objects that already exists. If you replay that file into the current database, you will get a bunch of errors for all those objects. If you don't have it all run in one transaction, then you could simply ignore those errors. But, you might also load data in the wrong order and get foreign key violations. Those errors will be mixed in with all the other ones about existing object, so might be easy to overlook.
So what I would do is stand up an empty database server, and replay your current dump into that. Then retake the pg_dump, but with either -a or --section=data. Then you should be able to load that dump into your new database. This has two advantages, it will not dump out CREATE statements which are not needed and throw errors which would need to be ignored, and it should dump the tables in an order which will not cause foreign key violations.

How to copy a database schema from database A to database B

I have created a Postgresql database A using liquibase changesets. Now, I'm creating an application that allows creating a new database B and copies the schema from database A in real-time including the liquibase changesets as the database can still be updated later. Note that at the time of the copied schema in database A could already be updated, making the base changesets outdated.
My main question would be:
How to copy PostgreSQL schema x from database a (dynamically generated at run-time) to b using liquibase? Database b could be on another server.
If it's not possible with liquibase, what other tools or approaches would make this possible?
Let me add more context:
We initialize a new database a schema using liquibase changeset.
We can add a new table and field to the database an at run-time. Or during the time when the application is running. For example, we add a new table people to the schema of database a, which is not originally in the changeset. This is done using liquibase classes too. So changeset is added to databasechangelog table.
Now, we create a new database b.
We want to import the schema of the database a to b, with people table.
I hope that is clear.
All schema changes must be run through your schema migration tool
The point of using a database schema migration tool such as Liquibase or Flyway is to have a “single source of truth” regarding the structure of your database tables. Your set of Liquibase changesets (or Flyway scripts) is supposed to be that single source of truth for your database.
If you are altering the structure of you database at runtime, such as adding a table named people, outside the scope of your migration tool, well, then you have violated the rules of the game. You will have defeated the purpose of using a schema migration tool. The intention of using a schema migration tool is that you make all schema changes through that tool.
If you need to add a table while running in production, you should be dropping the physical file for the Liquibase changeset (or Flyway script) into the file system of your database server environment, and then invoking Liquibase (or Flyway) to run a migration.
Perhaps you have been misunderstanding the sequence of events:
If you have built a database on server "A", that means you installed Postgres, created an empty database, then installed the collection of Liquibase changesets you have carefully built, then ran a Liquibase migration operation on that server.
When you go to create a database on server "B", you should be following the same steps: Install Postgres, create an empty database, installing the very same collection of Liquibase changesets, and then running a Liquibase migration operation.
Alternatively, if making a copy of server "A" to create server "B", that copy should include the exact same Liquibase changesets. So at the end of your copy process, the two databases+changesets are identical.
Here's how I solved this problem of mine using the Liquibase Java library:
1.) Export the changelog from the source database into a temporary file (XML).
Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(liquibaseOutFile.getAbsolutePath(), new FileSystemResourceAccessor(), sourceDatabase);
liquibase.generateChangeLog(catalogAndSchema, changeLogWriter, new PrintStream(liquibaseOutFile.getAbsolutePath()), null);
2.) Execute the temporary file to the new data source.
Liquibase targetLiquibase = new Liquibase(liquibaseOutFile.getAbsolutePath(), new FileSystemResourceAccessor(), targetDatabase);
Contexts context = new Contexts();
Here's the complete code: https://czetsuya-tech.blogspot.com/2019/12/generate-postgresql-schema-using-java.html

Dropped postgres tables recreated when database dropped and recreated [duplicate]

Whenever I create a new database from pgAdmin or using the command line (using CREATE DATABASE database_name), it's not empty.
It contains some tables that are part of a previous project I worked on.
I'm not yet very familiar with Psql so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
You probably have created objects in the database template1.
Quote from the manual:
By default, the new database will be created by cloning the standard system database template1. A different template can be specified by writing TEMPLATE name. In particular, by writing TEMPLATE template0, you can create a virgin database containing only the standard objects predefined by your version of PostgreSQL. This is useful if you wish to avoid copying any installation-local objects that might have been added to template1.
So, anything that is in the template1 database will be copied over to the new database when you run create database.
Connect to the template1 database and drop all objects you don't want.

How to run a SQL Script that builds my DB and schema in OrientDB?

I'm using OrientDB 2.0.2. I'm writing a SQL script that will create a new DB, construct the schema, and then populate the DB with static initial data. I know that the database will be automatically created if I simply start loading data, and that classes will automatically be created if I start inserting records, but I want to make sure that my classes have the right inheritance and Properties and Indexes before I begin my data load.
The SQL syntax is easy - I just need to know how to run the SQL script from the command line in order to instantiate the the DB, as if I were deploying a new instance of my DB at a new location, or for a new customer.
Assuming you installed OrientDB in the base directory ORIENTDB_HOME, then go to the $ORIENTDB_HOME/bin directory. In this directory, execute the OrientDB SQL Script with the simple command:
$ ./console.sh myscript.osql
> console.bat myscript.osql
mysql.osql is a simple text file, containing all SQL command (.oslq is a typical file extension for OrientDB SQL scripts).
See documentation for details how to create a new database. Example:
CREATE DATABASE plocal:/usr/local/orient/databases/demo/demo
CREATE DATABASE remote:localhost/trick root verySecretPassword

Can PostgreSQL be used with an on-disk database?

Currently, I have an application that uses Firebird in embedded mode to connect to a relatively simple database stored as a file on my hard drive. I want to switch to using PostgreSQL to do the same thing (Yes, I know it's overkill). I know that PostgreSQL cannot operate in embedded mode and that is fine - I can leave the server process running and that's OK with me.
I'm trying to figure out a connection string that will achieve this, but have been unsuccessful. I've tried variations on the following:
but nothing seems to work. PostgreSQL's directions don't include an example for this case. Is this even possible?
You can trick it. If you are running PostGRESQL on a UNIXlike system, then you should be able to create a RAMDISK and use that for the database storage. Here's a pretty good step by step guide for RAMdisks on Linux.
In general though, I would suggest using SQLITE for an SQL db in RAM type of application.
Postgres databases are not a single file. There will be one file for each table and each index in the data directory, inside a directory for the database. All files will be named with the object ID (OID) of db / table / index.
The JDBC urls point to the database name, not any specific file:
jdbc:postgresql:foodb (localhost is implied)
If by "disk that behaves like memory", you mean that the db only exists for the lifetime of your program, there's no reason why you can't create a db at program start and drop it at program exit. Note that this is just DDL to create the DB, not creating the data dir via the init-db program. You could connect to the default 'postgres' db, create your db then connect to it.
Firebird 2.1 onwards supports global temporary tables, which only exist for the duration of the database connection.