Weird hygiene in macros - macros

Suppose I have this macro definition in a module:
module Example
export #example_macro
macro example_macro(a)
local r = RemoteRef()
put!(r, $(esc(a)))
remotecall_fetch(2, (r) -> fetch(r), r)
And here is its expansion:
julia> include("Example.jl")
julia> using Example
julia> macroexpand(quote #example_macro a end)
quote # none, line 1:
begin # /.../Example.jl, line 7:
local #121#r = Example.RemoteRef() # line 8:
Example.put!(#121#r,a) # line 9:
Example.remotecall_fetch(2,(r) -> Example.fetch(r),#121#r)
Every single one of globally available functions (like put! or fetch) are prefixed with the name of the module. I understand that this is needed for the macro to be hygienic - if, say, fetch was redefined in the module in which #example_macro is called, and fetch was inserted into the expansion as is, it wouldn't work correctly.
However, this also requires Example module to be available not only in the main process, but also on the second worker (since remotecall_fetch needs to execute Example.fetch on it). I don't want it - after all, fetch is a basic function available on all workers by default.
So, is there a way to disable prefixing all identifiers with the name of the current module? I think this would mean turning the macro non-hygienic as it is impossible to decide where some identifier (like fetch) is defined on macro expansion phase, and that's fine for me.

Since this is a pretty profound question, I think that you should give the Julia devs themselves a chance to answer it by asking on julia-users.
Currently, you can completely circumvent macro hygiene by wrapping the whole quote block in your macro in an esc(...) (don't forget to take away the esc around a), but I would in general advise against it - then you are on your own.


Recursive macro Elixir

I am playing around with Elixir macros - specifically macros that call themselves which is something that I do often in Scheme. I have created a little test macro below however it just hangs iex - nothing is printed to console. Does anyone have any insight into why and what could be done to correct it?
defmodule RecMac do
defmacro test_rec(x) do
quote do
if(unquote(x) < 1) do
IO.puts("Where are we")
RecMac.test_rec(unquote(x) - 1)
OK, so it turns out you can define recursive macros where there is a structural difference to match on (eg lists). The following is working for me. And to confirm #Aleksei Matiushkin below, the above will not work and does indeed not work in scheme!
defmacro test_rec([h | t]) do
quote do
IO.inspect([unquote(h) | unquote(t)])
defmacro test_rec([]) do
quote do
IO.puts "Done"
I am very happy to have dug into this as I learned something about two languages!
TL;DR: this is impossible.
Macros in elixir are not what you expect them to be. When a compiler sees a macro, it calls it during a compilation time and injects the AST it returned in the place of where it was called. That said, recursive macros would always lead to the infinite loop at the compilation stage.
Put IO.puts("something") before quote do instruction and you’ll see it to be printed infinitely, once per subsequent call to expand the macro.
You can use #compile {:inline, test_rec: 1} to achieve the behaviour you are after. For better understanding macros, you probably should read Macros section in the Elixir Guide in general and this excerpt in particular:
Macros are harder to write than ordinary Elixir functions and it’s considered to be bad style to use them when they’re not necessary. So write macros responsibly.
Actually you can do kind of recursion, but point is to think what you are doing to avoid calling macro inside quote do [....] end. Your example with IO.puts would be something like this
defmodule RecMac do
defmacro test_rec(list) do
{:__block__, [], quote_value(list)}
defp quote_value([]), do: []
defp quote_value([h | t]) do
if h < 1 do
ast = quote do
[ast | quote_value(t)]
you will notice two things, I do use recursion in macro but outside quote using private function quote_value/1 and that function has logic that "stops" after it finds value lower than 1. All "quotes" are put into list and trick is to put this list into tuple {:__block__, [], put_quote_list_here}
Now note that this macro wont compile if list parameter of test_rec is not know upfront (during compile time), so you need to call macro test_rec(["a", "b", 0, 100, 200]) so compiler knows size and elements of that list.
BTW, I used body optimized recursion, but you can easily add accumulator and convert this into tail optimized recursion.

Language constructs vs Macros in elixir

I'm learning control structures from
and I noticed that it mentions
Chances are you’ve encountered if/2 before, and if you’ve used Ruby you’re familiar with unless/2. In Elixir they work much the same way but they are defined as macros, not language constructs. You can find their implementation in the Kernel module.
so what's the difference between a language construct and a macro in Elixir and when is it necessary to write a macro?
A macro is a way to program a programming language. Simply put, a macro is a way to generate program code, instead of writing it yourself all the time.
A language construct on the other hand (sometimes called "special form"), is something that is at the core of elixir itself. An oversimplification could be that the implementation of if is not done in Elixir, but in the language in which Elixir is implemented.
Suppose you want to use the mentioned unless.
Edit: unless is available in Elixir. But let's assume for the remainder that it is not.
In Elixir, there is no unless available in the language. José Valim did not implement it. But you can always write something that has the same semantics: a negated if.
We would like to have this, but we don't:
unless sun_shines() do
But we only have an if and a not, so we can write:
if not sun_shines() do
Secondly, a macro is a special kind of function, but its parameters are code, and the result of executing a macro is code as well. Assuming we have the unless macro, it takes in a condition (i.e., sun_shines()), and a body (i.e., open_umbrella()), and returns if not sun_shines(), do: open_umbrella(). So a macro is a function that works at the level of your "dead code" and generates "dead code".
You might think that this is just too stupid to write a macro for. That's true. But these types of problems happen more often than you think, and then a macro is a great solution to that problem. It's just a way to program your programming language.
An example implementation of the unless macro has been provided by Aleksei Matiushkin:
defmodule MyMacros do
defmacro unless(ast, do: block) do
quote do
if not unquote(ast) do
Here you can clearly see that you give it an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), and it will transform it to another AST (quote), and inject that in the place where you called the macro. Note that this all happens at compile time. Your program is not being executed at this point!
For example, suppose you have the above module available, and this is your program:
defmodule MyProgram do
def my_function(x) do
unless sun_shining() do
After compilation, and before execution, your program will look like this:
defmodule MyProgram do
def my_function(x) do
if not sun_shining() do
This phase is what we call macro expansion phase.
As an extra, here you can find two actual macros used in Elixir and ExUnit respectively.
Note: I keep adding more and more information to this answer. The answer actually deserves a whole book and Metaprogramming Elixir by Chris McCord is the best one.

Do IF and Compute in spss macros

I have the following spss syntax:
It works fine. However I'd like to repeat the same process for several variables. I tried to write a macro to achieve this but I keep getting error messages. This was my attempt:
define filldown (!positional !cmdend).
do if sysmis(!1).
compute !1 = lag (!1).
end if.
!filldown V5 age wt htm.
How do I write a macro that will work (I'm new to macros)?
#horace_vr's do repeat solution is definitely the right approach for this case.
The following is just to learn something about macros while you're at it.
First of all, you can use your present macro for each variable separately, but you need to use the original macro call (don't add "!"), so:
filldown V5.
filldown age.
But of course you can create a loop within the macro, like this:
define filldown (!positional !cmdend).
!do !vr !in (!1)
do if sysmis(!vr).
compute !vr = lag (!vr).
end if.
Now you can use the macro call once with the complete list:
filldown V5 age wt htm.
The macro is simply a text substitution function. It will literally replace your !1 with whatever argument you are providing when calling the macro (V5 age wt htm).
To keep things simple, I would recommend using a simple do repeat command, instead of a macro, which may be little uncomfortable to use if you are not familiar with them
do repeat varlist=V5 age wt htm.
if sysmis(varlist) varlist=lag(varlist).
end repeat.
P.S.: If you really want to use your macro, you need to call it for each variable separately.
Set Auto sum To lisp. Other variables cannot be quantified. A quantifier is a lisp command which shows the next sum of the program.
Fill ! V2 you need to call V before rv,
V2 is positional, that is command is read only after changes has been made.
Define filldown ! v5
do! rv! fill! V2

Macro call vs macro definition environment in Julia

I am trying to make sense out of a statement in the Julia's Metaprogramming documentation on macro hygiene. The documentation claims that
Julia’s macro expander solves these problems in the following way. First, variables within a macro result are classified as either local or global. A variable is considered local if it is assigned to (and not declared global), declared local, or used as a function argument name. Otherwise, it is considered global. Local variables are then renamed to be unique (using the gensym() function, which generates new symbols), and global variables are resolved within the macro definition environment. Therefore both of the above concerns are handled; the macro’s locals will not conflict with any user variables, and time and println will refer to the standard library definitions.
I wrote a small program to see whether global variables were indeed resolved in the macro definition environment. I wrote the following:
f(x) = x + 100
macro g() # According to Julia docs, ...
:(f(x) + 5) # ... f is global, x is local, right?
end # if so, f should refer to the f above?
(function main()
local x = 3
f(x) = x - 100 # f in the call environment subtracts 100
println(#g()) # So why does this do -92?
If I am to understand the Julia docs correctly, part of macro hygiene is to make sure whichever functions are called in the macro's returned expression don't get hijacked by functions of the same name inside the caller's environment. But this is exactly what happens here, the function f that was used was the one that was defined locally.
I would have thought I would have to use esc in order to use the f in scope at the point of call. But this is not so, why?
And in addition, I noticed that the the variable x inside the macro result is considered local, so a new gensymed variable name should have been generated for it, so as not to clash with the x in the macro call environment. But this did not happen either!
How am I to read the documentation to make any sense out the reason that esc need not be used here?
When I claim f is global and x is local, according to the docs, I do so because I see that x is used as a function argument. I understand x is not being written to nor declared local, and it certainly looks global, but those docs claim function arguments should be global too!
I know the usual part of hygiene where the gensymming of locals ensures that variables of the same name in the macro caller's context are not inadvertently plastered. However, the docs claim that for functions, the ones that are seen in the macro definition's context are protected from the caller using their own. This is the part that makes no sense to me, because my experiment shows otherwise.
This is a bug. It's an old issue of Julia 0.5 and earlier, and has been fixed in Julia 0.6. See for more information.

Can the substitute-and-expand model of Scheme macros be improved?

As far as I know, the pattern&template-based Scheme macro system works by first pattern matching a macro invocation, obtaining a substitution in case of success, applying the resulted substitution to the corresponding template to build up a (maybe) partially-expanded expression, and then continuously expanding the resulted expression. If what I describe is true (please correct me otherwise), then it seems to me this building-up and expanding-again model is not efficient. Why does the expansion need to be done like this? Is it possible to finish the expansion by a run down the template once and for all?
Keep in mind that macros can be handled define time for procedures and compile time for a whole program.
Also, a macro expansion might turn into another (or similar) macro form that needs expanding. Eg. you can make a macro that ends up as a cond expression which of course is a macro for nested if expressions in most Schemes.
Have you seen Alexpander? It evaluates a program (in one expression) and returns an equal program without macros.
The semantics of the macro system are specified in the way you describe. However, implementations are free to implement that specification any way they want; in particular, they could "inline" macro expansions ahead of time to speed the process of macro expansion.
I'm not aware of any Scheme implementations that do what you describe, and I would guess it's because macro expansion is not usually a big bottleneck in compilation.