Mercury: sending email from localhost - email

I configured my Mercury (on local PC with Windows 7 professional) step-by-step following, using as external server. I then sent a test email to my gmail from Mercury, and the Mercury core process window showed "Mon 01, 10:50:08: Job MG000001: from postmaster#localhost (local) .... to (non-local)-OK". But the Mercury SMTP client (relay version) window showed "Faild. Error FF servicing queue job." I saw this error message being repeated (Mercury tried to re-send the email).
I tried to gether more error information but the Mercury logs (XAMPP Control penal) was empty.
Can someone please help? Thanks.

I had the same problem as yours and I came out with this solution.
Follow the answer in this link:
No mail received in inbox with XAMPP 1.8.0, MercuryMail and mail()
And then go to
Mercury under MercuryS -> Connection Control -> Uncheck "Do not Permit SMTP relaying to non-local mail"
Hope it helps :)


exim Timing Out to Gmail

I have a Centos server with exim installed. I am trying to send en email from the command line like this:
exim -v
Subject: test email
this is a test
I have also tried:
echo 'test message' | mail -s Test1
as well as sending from a PHP script.
The result is the email times out. The logs indicate exim is timing out: [] Connection timed out
I believe iptables are correct. I have scanned the server from an external IP and ports 25, 265 and 587 are open. (Not sure 587 needs to be since this will be a send-only situation most likely.)
I have also telnet'd to port 25 successfully. (Most of the successful resolutions I have found involved port 25 being blocked. I don't think that is the case here. I have also called my provider and checked. They claim port 25 connections are not blocked.)
I would appreciate some ideas.
Thank you.

Postfix transport: deliver different domains via different relayhosts

Postfix version 2.11.0
What I'm trying to accomplish is to have mail destined for a particular domain to be relayed through SendGrid but all other outgoing mail to be sent from my local server directly. I have this configuration in /etc/postfix/transport: smtp:[]:587 smtp:[]:587
* :
My understanding from all the searches I've done and reading the Postfix docs is that this should work but if I send to any other domain, for example it's still getting relayed through SendGrid.
An example from /var/log/mail.log:
Oct 26 16:15:46 myhost postfix/smtp[25783]: A75F0C04F9: to=<>,[]:587, delay=11, delays=11/0.02/0.22/0.03, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as iTwf5zmCQQSgz_I6sVpSSA)
Is there some other configuration I'm missing?
Ok, now I see the error of my ways. In sasl_passwd I had this: USERNAME:PASSWD
But in transport I had this: smtp:[]:587
The difference is .net versus .com.
Changed it to .net and works!

Bugzilla - Email not working

I have installed Bugzilla-4.4 in my new Ubuntu Machine. When I submit a new bug, I got the email sent notification. But the sent email is not received by the recipients . I am using Sendmail mail configuration in Bugzilla. I have also tested "Test" mail configuration in which the mail is logged in bugzilla-4.4/data/mailer.testfile successfully. When I check my mail.log file I found the following:
(1001/1001), delay=3+15:58:59, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=47643784,, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection timed out with
I have no idea what to do.Is anything I missed out while Sendmail configuration? Any help!!
Try nc from command line:
nc 25
which should result in something like:
220 ESMTP Postfix
If not check for internet connection and/or router firewall rules.

Sendmail in GAE dev sever doesn't show the email body

While working locally on the dev server, GAE doesn't send any emails out. Unless running it with the following command: --enable_sendmail myapp
This would rely on a local sendmail to be setup.
I am using Ubuntu now for some time and I never came across something so difficult to setup.
I came across this solution and 5 other tutorials. The mail.log shows that the email was accepted and sent out, but google times out.
Jun 28 12:13:38 tp sm-mta[15964]: r5SAnXFV014925: to=<>, ctladdr=<kave#localhost.localdomain> (1000/1000), delay=00:24:05, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=210342,, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection timed out with
I would be happy to give up and rely on the log files. But the command line ouput doesn't show the email body:
INFO 2013-06-28 11:17:40,146] MailService.Send
Subject: Invitation to join xxx
Content-type: text/plain
Data length: 347
It is so frustrating. Any ideas please?
I have tried to run it with the VM arguments:
But I get this error message:
I ran into this same issue a couple weeks ago. I ended up adding the following VM arguments to eclipse when running the DevAppServer:
-Dmail.log_mail_level=WARNING -Dmail.log_mail_body=true

Can't relay mail server to SendGrid

I've gone through the SendGrid integration instructions for Exim (
However, any email I send now is not being sent. Its all stuck in the queue. I looked for the log file for a message I'm trying to send and this is what I get:
2011-10-12 19:49:14 cwd=/var/spool/exim 3 args: /usr/sbin/exim -Mc 1RE9U2-0007Qg-20
+++ 1RE9U2-0007Qg-20 has not completed +++
2011-10-12 19:49:14 1RE9U2-0007Qg-20 <= H=localhost [] P=esmtpa S=731 T="Test"
2011-10-12 19:49:14 1RE9U2-0007Qg-20 == R=send_via_sendgrid T=sendgrid_smtp defer (-53): retry time not reached for any host
I've had the support rebuild the exim db, but that hasn't helped. I'm thinking it has to do with the fact that its using the dovecot login instead of the sendgrid login which is added after it. How do I make it use the sendgrid login info? Thanks!!
If you aren't using your SG credentials you're going to run into authentification issues.
Try the following to make sure you are using the correct credentials: