Should a Scala API ideally throw exceptions or return a Try value? Is there an official guideline regarding this?
def doSomethingMayThrow(): A = ???
def doSomethingWontThrow(): Try[A] = ???
Never throw exceptions for recoverable errors.
Returning appropriate data structure representing a possible failure (a Future, a Try, an Either and so on) is always preferable than throwing exceptions in the wild. It will inform the caller about the possibility of a failure, and it will force them to manage it.
Exceptions should only be thrown for unrecoverable errors, such as hardware failures and similar.
Let's make an example:
def throwOnOdds(x: Int): Int =
if (x % 2 == 0) x / 2 else throw new Exception("foo")
val x = throwOnOdds(41) + 2 // compiles and explodes at runtime
now, let's make it better
def throwOnOdds(x: Int): Try[Int] =
if (x % 2 == 0) Success(x / 2) else Failure(new Exception("foo"))
val x = throwOnOdds(41) + 2 // doesn't compile
Not handling the failure leads to a compile-time error, which is way better than a runtime one. Here's how to handle it
throwOnOdds(41) match {
case Success(n) => // do something with n
case Failure(e) => // handle exception
See monadic datatypes. Using monadic datatypes is much more expressive and clear than throwing exceptions and would be the preferred way of declaratively handling all cases without unclear side effects.
The advantage of using a failure vs success and using map and flatMap to express the 'happy path' is that exceptions/failures become explicit in the chain.
Where you can tell if you call to doSomethingMayThrow might have a side effect (eg throwing an exception) it is very clear when you use a monadic datatype as a result.
It would help to look at a real world case. I'll use this as it is something i have worked on recently:
Consider a monadic future in a caching scenario - if the cache returns a result, you can process the result. If the cache does not return a result, then we can go to the actual service that we are trying to cache results from and we can express it very explicitly without any unclear implied side effects such as exception :
Here recoverWith is like flatMap on the error case (return a Future[Model] instead of the failure). recover is like map on the error case (return a model on the future instead of the failure). Then map takes whatever the resulting model is and processes it - all cases are clearly defined in the code so there is clarity of all cases and conditions in a single expression.
(userCacheActor ? GetUserModel(id="abc"))
.recoverWith(userServiceActor ? GetUserModel(id="abc"))
.recover(new ErrorModel(errorCode=100, body="service error")
.map(x: Response => createHttpResponseFromModel(x))
def createHttpResponseFromModel(x: Model) =>
x match {
case model: ErrorModel => ???
case model: UserModel => ???
Again, everything is expressively notated - what to do with the failure of the cache hit, what to do if the service can't respond in that scenario, what to do with the result model at the end of all of the processing in any case.
Often flatMap is talked about as the 'plumber' of the monad or 'plumber' of the happy path. flatMap allows you to take another Monad and return it. So you can 'try' multiple scenarios and write the happy path code collecting any errors at the end.
scala> Option("Something").flatMap(x => Option( x + " SomethingElse"))
.flatMap(x => None).getOrElse("encountered None somewhere")
res1: String = encountered None somewhere
scala> scala.util.Try("tried")
.flatMap(x => scala.util.Try( x + " triedSomethingElse"))
.flatMap(x => scala.util.Try{throw new Exception("Oops")})
.getOrElse("encountered exception")
res2: String = encountered exception
I am trying to understand the difference why someone will use Future.successful(Failure(ServiceException("error"))) rather than Future.failed(ex) in Scala.
ServiceException(ErrorTypes.Validation, "Value should not be more than 30")
It's hard to say why the author did what they did, I can guess a couple of reasons:
They are not aware that you can to return a failed future. This may happen because the signature of future doesn't convey the failure path explicitly in the type. When you see Future[A], you may think this computation must succeed in the future
They wanted to be explicit about failure. When I declare Future[Try[A]], I am forcing the caller to deal with the fact that can't directly access A, but have to "jump another hop" to get inside for A. Although this is delicate, as one can easily write:
val f: Future[Try[String]] = ??? => // stuff with string))
But perhaps the signature forces the caller to realize the possibility of failure. Although Try is pretty limiting in it's expressiveness as well, as it can only return a Throwable on the failure path. I find Future[Either[E, A]] to be more expressive in that regards, which allows you to build your own failure hierarchy and encode it in the type.
There is an ever lasting debate regarding unary functor IO types (Future[A]) vs bi-functor IO types (IO[E, A], i.e. ZIO). I am in favor of bi-functor and have been using it solely recently, and I find it to be really time-saving when I don't have to dig into the implementation to understand the possible failures of a computation.
I would like to add on top of the great answer by #YuvalItzchakov, that writing code as in your question complicates the code and makes it unnatural. For example, let's assume that this future normally an Int, something like:
val succeeded = true // or any other computation
val future = if(succeeded) {
} else {
Future.successful(Failure(new Exception("some failure text")))
Then first, the type of future is Future[Any], because Any is the lowest common root of Int and Failure, which is not convenient. But then, to map on it, you need to do: {
case i: Int =>
case Failure(ex) =>
} recover {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
println(s"recover ${ex.getMessage}")
Which feels weird to pattern match Int and Failure in the same match case. If you do want to pattern match Success and Failure, we had to do:
val succeeded = true // or any other computation
val future = if(succeeded) {
} else {
Future.successful(Failure(new Exception("some failure text")))
But that is already pretty clear as redundancy, right? No one will call Future.successful(Success(42)). So I think that it is pretty clear to use Future.failed(new Exception("some failure text")).
This might be a really dumb question but I am trying to understand the logic behind using #flatMap and not just #map in this method definition in Finatra's HttpClient definition:
def executeJson[T: Manifest](request: Request, expectedStatus: Status = Status.Ok): Future[T] = {
execute(request) flatMap { httpResponse =>
if (httpResponse.status != expectedStatus) {
Future.exception(new HttpClientException(httpResponse.status, httpResponse.contentString))
} else {
Future(parseMessageBody[T](httpResponse, mapper.reader[T]))
.transformException { e =>
new HttpClientException(httpResponse.status, s"${e.getClass.getName} - ${e.getMessage}")
Why create a new Future when I can just use #map and instead have something like:
execute(request) map { httpResponse =>
if (httpResponse.status != expectedStatus) {
throw new HttpClientException(httpResponse.status, httpResponse.contentString)
} else {
try {
FinatraObjectMapper.parseResponseBody[T](httpResponse, mapper.reader[T])
} catch {
case e => throw new HttpClientException(httpResponse.status, s"${e.getClass.getName} - ${e.getMessage}")
Would this be purely a stylistic difference and using Future.exception is just better style in this case, whereas throwing almost looks like a side-effect (in reality it's not, as it doesn't exit the context of a Future) or is there something more behind it, such as order of execution and such?
What's the difference between throwing within a Future vs returning a Future.exception?
From a theoretical point of view, if we take away the exceptions part (they cannot be reasoned about using category theory anyway), then those two operations are completely identical as long as your construct of choice (in your case Twitter Future) forms a valid monad.
I don't want to go into length over these concepts, so I'm just going to present the laws directly (using Scala Future):
// Functor identity law
Future(42).map(x => x) == Future(42)
// Monad left-identity law
val f = (x: Int) => Future(x)
Future(42).flatMap(f) == f(42)
// combining those two, since every Monad is also a Functor, we get:
Future(42).map(x => x) == Future(42).flatMap(x => Future(x))
// and if we now generalise identity into any function:
Future(42).map(x => x + 20) == Future(42).flatMap(x => Future(x + 20))
So yes, as you already hinted, those two approaches are identical.
However, there are three comments that I have on this, given that we are including exceptions into the mix:
Be careful - when it comes to throwing exceptions, Scala Future (probably Twitter too) violates the left-identity law on purpose, in order to trade it off for some extra safety.
def sneakyFuture = {
throw new Exception("boom!")
val f1 = Future(42).flatMap(_ => sneakyFuture)
// Future(Failure(java.lang.Exception: boom!))
val f2 = sneakyFuture
// Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: boom!
As #randbw mentioned, throwing exceptions is not idiomatic to FP and it violates principles such as purity of functions and referential transparency of values.
Scala and Twitter Future make it easy for you to just throw an exception - as long as it happens in a Future context, exception will not bubble up, but instead cause that Future to fail. However, that doesn't mean that literally throwing them around in your code should be permitted, because it ruins the structure of your programs (similarly to how GOTO statements do it, or break statements in loops, etc.).
Preferred practice is to always evaluate every code path into a value instead of throwing bombs around, which is why it's better to flatMap into a (failed) Future than to map into some code that throws a bomb.
Keep in mind referential transparency.
If you use map instead of flatMap and someone takes the code from the map and extracts it out into a function, then you're safer if this function returns a Future, otherwise someone might run it outside of Future context.
Future(42).map(x => {
// this should be done inside a Future
x + 1
This is fine. But after completely valid refactoring (which utilizes the rule of referential transparency), your codfe becomes this:
def f(x: Int) = {
// this should be done inside a Future
x + 1
Future(42).map(x => f(x))
And you will run into problems if someone calls f directly. It's much safer to wrap the code into a Future and flatMap on it.
Of course, you could argue that even when using flatMap someone could rip out the f from .flatMap(x => Future(f(x)), but it's not that likely. On the other hand, simply extracting the response processing logic into a separate function fits perfectly with the functional programming's idea of composing small functions into bigger ones, and it's likely to happen.
From my understanding of FP, exceptions are not thrown. This would be, as you said, a side-effect. Exceptions are instead values that are handled at some point in the execution of the program.
Cats (and i'm sure other libraries, too) employs this technique too (
Therefore, the flatMap call allows the exception to be contained within a satisfied Future here and handled at a later point in the program's execution where other exception value handling may also occur.
I'm trying to test the error handling in a script I'm writing. If the async function fetchBar fails I pattern match the failure case and then return a successful future containing the failed result.
val fetchedBar = Try(fooClient.fetchBar(params))
fetchedBar match {
case Success(bar) => foobar(bar)
case Failure(e) => Future.successful(FooResult(success = false))
However when I unit test this flow I'm having trouble testing the failure case. I have stubbed fetchBar to return a failed future as shown below.
val fetchedBar = Try(Future.failed(new Exception()))
But I noticed that fetchedBar returns a Success rather than a Failure. Why is that and how can I stub the fetchBar function to create a failed Try?
I think you're slightly mixing concepts - but that's not 100% your fault.
The thing is, Future in Scala is a bit non-orthogonal concept - that it is, it represents not only the notion of delayed execution, but also a notion of failure.
Because of this, in most cases it doesn't make much sense to wrap the Future into the Try, or vice versa - unless one wants to explicitly separate the notion of failure from the notion of asynchrony.
In other words, the following combinations are sort of weird, but still has their use:
Try[Future[_]] - future already captures failures. However, makes sense if you have a (bad-behaving) library method that normally returns a Future, but may throw on a "synchronous" path:
def futureReciprocal(i: Int): Float = {
val reciprocal = 1 / i // Division by zero is intentional
futureReciprocal(0) // throws
Try(futureReciprocal(0)) // Failure(DivisionByZero(...))
... but this is basically a workaround to fix poorly implemented function
Future[Try[_]] - sometimes useful to separate the "business" error (represented by Future.success(Failure(...))) from "infrastructure" failure (represented by Future.failed(...)). On a side - this is especially useful with akka-streams, which tend to treat failed futures as "fatal" to the stream.
In your case, what you want to do is to assert on the result of the future. To do so, you have at least two options, actually.
Block till the future is completed and check the outcome - this is usually done with scala.concurrent.Await:
// writing this without the compiler, might mix up namespaces a bit
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
val future = fooClient.fetchBar(...)
val futureResult: Try[_] = Await.result(future, 1.second)
futureResult match { case Success(_) => ??? ; case Failure(exc) => ???; }
Use some test framework that supports working with futures - e.g. scalatest:
class YourTest extends FlatSpec with ScalaFutures {
"fetchBar should return failed future" in {
val future: Future[XYZ] = fooClient.fetchBar(...)
// whenReady comes from the ScalaFutures trait
whenReady(future) { result => result shouldBe XYZ } // asserting on the successful future result
whenReady(future.failed) { exc => exc shoulBe a[RuntimeException] } // asserting on an exception in the failed future
I have the below block of code. My intent is to do some processing with the method params and return Future[Int] or fail the Future. I want to fail the Future if my argument to method inside the Future is of type None. I have the below code. I wonder if there is a much more concise and functional way to achieve the same.
def testoption(myFutOptInt: Future[Option[Int]]) = { { myOptInt =>
myOptInt match {
case None => throw new BadRequestException("Oh no.....") //Future.failed(BadRequestException(""))
case Some(myInt) => myInt + 45
} recoverWith {
case e:Exception => Future.failed(e)
I am not liking the part that I have to do a match, wondering if there is a way to do a map or something better and still achieve it. If I do getOrElse I guess I won't be able to write the business logic if the value is not None? So getOrElse is not possible either I think?
The other thing I do not like about this code is that I am throwing an exception and then I have to do recoverWith to fail the Future.
I can enhance the above code how?
If you need specifically BadRequestException, this is enough:
def testoption(myFutOptInt: Future[Option[Int]]) = {
case None => throw new BadRequestException("Oh no.....")
case Some(myInt) => myInt + 45
And if you don't care about particular error type, you can cut it even more:
def testoption(myFutOptInt: Future[Option[Int]]) = + 45)
This will give you java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get if there's no value
recoverWith is absolutely redundant b/c if an exception is thrown inside a map, whole operation results in a failed Future. This is true for most, if not all, Future methods.
For match, you can avoid it using opt.fold(throw ...)(...) or .map(...).getOrElse(throw ...), but I'd argue those options are less readable. I suggest just using pattern-matching function definition to reduce extra code
Given an Option, what is the idiomatic way to get its value or throw an exception trying?
def foo() : String = {
val x : Option[String] = ...
A throw "statement" is really an expression in Scala, and it has type Nothing, which is a subtype of every other type. This means you can just use plain old getOrElse:
def myGet[A](oa: Option[A]) = oa.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Can't."))
You really, really shouldn't be doing this, though.
(EDIT: this is not the best or most idiomatic way to do it. I wrote it when I was not familiar with Scala. I leave it here for an example of how not to do it. Nowadays I would do as #TravisBrown)
I think it really boils down to two things:
how sure are you that the value is there?
how do you want to react if it isn't?
If at that point in your code you expect the value to be there, and in the remote case that it isn't you want your program to fail fast, then I would only do a normal get and let Scala throw a NoSuchElementException if there was no value:
def foo() : String = {
val x : Option[String] = ...
If you want to handle the case differently (throw your own exception) I think a more elegant way would look like this:
def foo(): String = {
val x: Option[String] = None
x match {
case Some(value) => value
case None => throw new MyRuntimeException("blah")
And of course if you want to supply your own alternative value for the case that the Option is None you would just use getOrElse:
def foo(): String = {
val x: Option[String] = None
x.getOrElse("my alternative value")
I hope this will help you to understand how to represent errors (and generally effects) using types.
Error handling strategies in functional Scala
Use Option to return optional values. For example - fail to find entity in storage.
Use Option(possiblyNull) to avoid instances of Some(null).
Use Either[Error, T] to report expected failure. For example - email format is wrong, cannot parse a string to a number, etc.
Model your errors as ADTs (simply speaking kind of type hierarchies) to use it, for example, on the Left of the Either to represent more complex error scenarios.
Throw Exception only to signal unexpected and not-recoverable failures. Like missing config file.
Use Either.catchOnly or Try or Cats.IO (advanced) rather than a catch block for handling unexpected failures. Hint: You can still use ADT but extend them from throwables. More about Either vs Try.
Use Validated data-type from Cats lib to accumulate errors rather than fail-fast (Either), but prefer Either's on module-level to simplify the composition of the program (to have the same types). For example - form data validation, parsing errors accumulation.
Use mentioned types and don't optimize program preemptively - since most probably, bottle-necks would be in business logic, not in effect types.
Such an approach will simplify maintenance and updates of your code since you can reason about it without going to implementation specifics (aka local-reasoning). Also - reduce bugs - you cannot miss an error in the type. And compose the program easier (with help of map, flatMap and other combinators) - since it's simpler on type level, rather than with non-local exceptions and side-effects.
More about learning functional Scala.
But be aware that sometimes with this approach types could stack up and it could become harder to compose things. Given, for example: x: Future[Either[Error, Option[T]]] What you can do:
Use map and flatMap in combination with pattern-matching to compose different values of such types, for example:
x.faltMap { case Right(Some(v)) => anotherFuture(v); case Left(er) => ... }
If it doesn't help you can try to use MonadTransformers (don't be scared of the name, it's just wrappers around the effect types like Either and Future)
Also, an option is to simplify your errors ADT by extending them from the Throwable to unify it with Future, then it'll be Future[Option[T]]
And finally, in your case one option will be:
def foo() : Either[Error, String] = {
val x : Option[String] = ...
x match {
case Some(v) => Right(v)
case None => Left(Error(reason))
Just use the .get method.
def get[T](o:Option[T]) = o.get
It will throw a NoSuchElementException if o is an instance of None.
Basically, I would work with options like this:
def addPrint(oi:Option[Int]) =
to avoid your specific question.
Scala now support this operation on maps using getOrElse() method, see documentation here
As pointed out already, throwing an exception in Scala is an expression as well.
So you can do the following:
myMap.getOrElse(myKey, throw new MyCustomException("Custom Message HERE")