I'm trying to extract an integer from a JSON blob stored in a text field in amazon redshift. My query looks (roughly) like:
select json_extract_path_text(json_column, 'integer_field')::int from data;
However, I'm getting a strange error:
ERROR: Invalid digit, Value '1', Pos 0, Type: Integer
Why is '1' an invalid digit type? What is happening here?
It turns out (thanks to this StackOverflow question) that when there is no 'integer_field' in the JSON blob, the value returned is the empty string ''. For some reason, that is not supported by the cast to integer function. Weirdly enough, a non-empty string ' ' is just fine as input, so the following workaround solved the problem:
nullif(json_extract_path_text(json_column, 'integer_field'), ' ')::int
And now we know.
In my sqlalchemy ( sqlalchemy = "^1.4.36" ) query I have a clause:
.filter( some_model.some_field[2].in_(['item1', 'item2']) )
where some_field is jsonb and the value in some_field value in the db formatted like this:
note: some_field[2] is always digits-only double-quoted string, sometimes with leading zeroes and sometimes without them.
The query works fine for cases like this:
.filter( some_model.some_field[2].in_(['123', '345']) )
and fails when the values in the in_ clause have leading zeroes:
e.g. .filter( some_model.some_field[2].in_(['0123', '0345']) ) fails.
The error it gives:
cursor.execute(statement, parameters)\\npsycopg2.errors.InvalidTextRepresentation: invalid input syntax for type json\\nLINE 3: ...d_on) = 2 AND (app_cache.value_metadata -> 2) IN (\\'0123\\'\\n ^\\nDETAIL: Token \"0123\" is invalid.
Again, in the case of '123' (or any string of digits without leading zero) instead of '0123' the error is not thrown.
What is wrong with having leading zeroes for the strings in the list of in_ clause? Thanks.
UPDATE: basically, sqlachemy's IN_ assumes int input and fails accordingly. There must be some reasoning behind this behavior, can't tell what it is. I removed that filter fromm the query and did the filtering of the ouput in python code afterwards.
The problem here is that the values in the IN clause are being interpreted by PostgreSQL as JSON representations of integers, and an integer with a leading zero is not valid JSON.
The IN clause has a value of type jsonb on the left hand side. The values on the right hand side are not explicitly typed, so Postgres tries to find the best match that will allow them to be compared with a jsonb value. This type is jsonb, so Postgres attempts to cast the values to jsonb. This works for values without a leading zero, because digits in single quotes without leading zeroes are valid representations of integers in JSON:
test# select '123'::jsonb;
(1 row)
but it doesn't work for values with leading zeroes, because they are not valid JSON:
test# select '0123'::jsonb;
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
LINE 1: select '0123'::jsonb;
DETAIL: Token "0123" is invalid.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: 0123
Assuming that you expect some_field[2].in_(['123', '345']) and some_field[2].in_(['0123', '345']) to match ["something","something","123"] and ["something","something","123"] respectively, you can either serialise the values to JSON yourself:
some_field[2].in_([json.dumps(x) for x in ['0123', '345']])
or use the contained_by operator (<# in PostgreSQL), to test whether some_field[2] is present in the list of values:
some_field[2].contained_by(['0123', '345'])
or cast some_field[2] to text (that is, use the ->> operator) so that the values are compared as text, not JSON.
some_field[2].astext.in_(['0123', '345'])
How can I concatenate a string inside of a concatenated jsonb object in postgresql? In other words, I am using the JSONb concatenate operator as well as the text concatenate operator in the same query and running into trouble.
Or... if there is a totally different query I should be executing, I'd appreciate hearing suggestions. The goal is to update a row containing a jsonb column. We don't want to overwrite existing key value pairs in the jsonb column that are not provided in the query and we also want to update multiple rows at once.
My query:
update contacts as c set data = data || '{"geomatch": "MATCH","latitude":'||v.latitude||'}'
from (values (16247746,40.814140),
(16247748,20.890570)) as v(contact_id,latitude) where c.contact_id = v.contact_id
The Error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
LINE 85: update contacts as c set data = data || '{"geomatch": "MATCH...
DETAIL: The input string ended unexpectedly.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: {"geomatch": "MATCH","latitude":
SQL state: 22P02
Character: 4573
You might be looking for
SET data = data || ('{"geomatch": "MATCH","latitude":'||v.latitude||'}')::jsonb
-- ^^ jsonb ^^ text ^^ text
but that's not how one should build JSON objects - that v.latitude might not be a valid JSON literal, or even contain some injection like "", "otherKey": "oops". (Admittedly, in your example you control the values, and they're numbers so it might be fine, but it's still a bad practice). Instead, use jsonb_build_object:
SET data = data || jsonb_build_object('geomatch', 'MATCH', 'latitude', v.latitude)
There are two problems. The first is operator precedence preventing your concatenation of a jsonb object to what is read a text object. The second is that the concatenation of text pieces requires a cast to jsonb.
This should work:
update contacts as c
set data = data || ('{"geomatch": "MATCH","latitude":'||v.latitude||'}')::jsonb
from (values (16247746,40.814140),
(16247748,20.890570)) as v(contact_id,latitude)
where c.contact_id = v.contact_id
I'm using python 3.8 and psycopg2
I'm trying to insert a registry in the database.
I have a function that formats a query and send as result a list with 2 values, one is the query and the other the values.
I made a test and put a fixed value with the exact value of the result list query[1] and worked without error, but when I use the query[1] as values instead the value by itself I got this error:
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
At my log I have these values for the query list, result of my query construction function.
['INSERT INTO country (code, name, flag, update_time) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)', "('US', 'USA', 'https://example.com/flags/us.svg', 1596551810)"]
INSERT INTO country (code, name, flag, update_time) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)
('US', 'USA', 'https://example.com/flags/us.svg', 1596551810)
This is the code snipet
cursor = connection.cursor()
query_insert = query[0]
query_values = tuple(query[1])
I tried to put it as tuple, use parentheses, but error persists.
If I put the value of the query[1] at my code,as values, work well, so I suppose that the error is at the values part of the cursor.execute parameters.
Any help is welcome !
I have a table with a uuid column, and some of the rows are missing the data. I need to insert data into this uuid column. The data is entered manually, so we are suffixing with other column data to differentiate, but it gives me an error.
UPDATE schema.table
SET uuid_column = CONCAT ('f7949f56-8840-5afa-8c6d-3b0f6e7f93e9', '-', id_column)
WHERE id_column = '1234';
Error: [42804] ERROR: column "uuid_column" is of type uuid but expression is of type text
Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
Position: 45
I also tried
UPDATE schema.table
SET uuid_column = CONCAT ('f7949f56-8840-5afa-8c6d-3b0f6e7f93e9', '-', id_column)::uuid
WHERE id_column = '1234';
Error: [22P02] ERROR: invalid input syntax for uuid: "f7949f56-8840-5afa-8c6d-3b0f6e7f93e9-1234"
An UUID consists of 16 bytes, which you see displayed in hexadecimal notation.
You cannot have a UUID with fewer or more bytes.
I recommend using the type bytea if you really need to do such a thing.
I'm getting
"ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "NOS-Numbers" "
while running query
quantity numeric(15,3)
insert into report_data(quantity)
select case
when p.product= 'OUTRIGHT' then
when sum(convert_to_integer(p.qty,0)) > 0 then 'NOS-Numbers'
else to_number('')
else to_number('')
from product_details
please help to get this resolved.
You cannot store strings in a numeric colums, and storing display data is generally a bad idea. Use instead NULL for an unknown value, and convert this to a better displayable value when fetching. E.g.:
SELECT COALESCE(quantity, 'NOS-Numbers') FROM report_data;
will return 'NOS-Numbers' for NULL, and the value of quantity otherwise.