MongoDB integration with Solr - mongodb

I am beginner with mongodb and its integraiton with Solr. From different posts I got an idea about the integration steps. But need info on the below
I have the data in mongodb, for faster retrieval we are integrating it with Solr.
Solr indexes all mongodb entries. Is this indexing one time activity after integration or Do we need to periodically update Solr to index the entries which got inserted after the integration ?
If we need to periodically update solr, it becomes an extra overhead to maintain it in Solr as well along with mongodb. Best approaches on overcoming it.

As far as I know you do not have official(supported/complete) solution to integrate MongoDB and Solr, but let me give you some ideas/direction.
For me the best approach is when it is possible to modify the application and add to the persistence layer the fact that you have all writes operations done in MongoDB and Solr in the "same" time. Like that you can control exactly what you want to send to the Database and what you want to index for a full text operation. But as I said this means that you have to change your application code. (You will have anyway to change it to be able to query Solr when needed). And yes you have to index all the existing documents the first time
You can use a "connector" approach where MongoDB and Solr are kind of connected together, this could be done in various ways.
You can use for example the MongoDB Connector available here :
LucidWorks, the company behind Solr has also a connector for MongoDB, documented here : (I have not used it so cannot comment, but it is also an approach)
You point #2 is true, you have to manage two clusters and be sure the data are in sync, and sometimes pay the price of inconsistency between the Solr index and the document just updated in MongoDB... So you need to see if the best approach for your application is to use MongoDB alone or MongoDB with Solr (see comment below)
Just a small comment in addition to this answer:
You are talking about "faster retrieval", not sure it should be the reason, if you write correct queries with correct indexes in MongoDB you should be able to do it without Solr. If you requirement is really oriented towards the power of solr meaning: full text index (with all related features it makes sense)

How large is your data? MongoDB has a few good indexing mechanism of its own.
There is a powerful geo-api and for full text search there is So it would be ideal to identify if your need fits into MongoDB or you need to spill over to SOLR.
About the indexing part. How often if your data updated? If you can afford to have infrequent updates, then a batch job with once a day re-indexing may work for you. Ideally SOLR would work well for some form of master data.


MongoDB Document of Size 300kb taking 8-15s

I am using MongoDB Atlas Free Tier hosted on GCP. I have documents which have arrays containing 300kb data. A simple Get By ID query takes around 8-15 seconds. There are less than 50 records in the collection so probably indexing is not an issue. Also, the I have used my custom Ids, and not the built in ObjectIds in my collection. Is this much query time normal? If yes, what are some ways to address this issue as I need fast realtime analytics on Frontend. I already have Redis in mind, but is there any better way to address this?
Ensure your operations are not throttled.
Test performance with a different driver (another language), verify you are using most recent driver releases.
Test smaller documents to identify whether time is being expended on the server or over the network.
Test with mongo shell.
As for an answer, I highly recommend you not to deal with M0 Atlas tier. Or at least choose it wisely, don't choose US-based cluster if you thousand of miles away from States side. Don't understood me wrong. It's a good product. But it depends on your costs.
As for myself, I prefer to deal with MongoDB Community Edition version and deploy it on my VPS/VDS. Of course it doesn't provide you such good web-interface like you have seen in Atlas. And there is no support of Realms functional (stitch), but instead you could design it yourself. And also, every performance issue is depend on you.
As for me, I using MongoDB not for real-time data, but visual snapshots on front-end, and I have no problems with performance.
I mean if I have them, then I deal with them myself, via indexing,
increasing VPS CPU/RAM, optimizing queries and so on
Also, one more thing about your problem: «I have documents which have arrays containing 300kb data»
If you have an array field in your schema, and it stores lots of data, especially if it's embedded docs, are you sure that you are using right schema pattern?
You might wanna take a look at this articles at Mongo University about architecture patterns.
Probably it will be much better for you to have a different collection for embedded docs, and request them via aggregation.$lookup when they needed.

What are the right practices of using Apache Solr with MongoDB?

I am using Apache Solr 6.3.0 and MongoDB 3.4 for advance text search features. I have successfully, synced mongodb with solr cores using mongo-connector 2.5 and solr doc manager.
I want to know the right way and practices to use solr with mongo and I have some issues that I need help on:
1). Now that my data is available both in mongo database and also indexed and stored in Solr cores, should I now query Solr all the time ? Or should I query solr for text search only and perform rest of the queries on mongo ?
2). Is there some way I could perform powerful search directly on mongo database using the indexing done by Solr ?
3). I have some collections that contain deeply nested json data and MongoDb supports them well. Solr indexes and stores such data in flattened form.But, I want to maintain the original nested json format in query response. Is this something I can achieve with Solr ?
Other suggestions about good practices of using solr with mongoDb will be extremely helpful.
If it makes sense to just query Solr, do that. If it makes sense to query Solr for certain data, do that. It depends on your use case, but if any query can be answered with the data in Solr, it's perfectly fine to use that for everything. That'll probably allow a more efficient use of your caches.
No, not that I know of.
Not really. Solr isn't well suited for nested JSON (even if you have parent/child documents, it's something you'll have to manually handle in every situation and will require special casing all over).
In those situations you can use Solr for querying, get the ids back and then retrieve the actual documents from mongo with their JSON structure intact. In that case you can leave most fields as non-stored in Solr.

MongoDB with ElasticSearch

I'm looking for the right way so use ElasticSearch with MongoDB. I want to save several informations in MongoDB. Additionally i want to save a larger text with ElasticSearch to support complex fulltext-search.
My problem at the moment is:
I'm not sure what the best solution is for this. Most solutions i found to synchronize MongoDB with ElasticSearch are using "river" which is deprecated!
What is the best way to combine these two technologies?
Is it even the best way to save it in MongoDB and ElasticSearch?
I found multiple articles that explained, that ElasticSearch alone is not safe enough and that you have to use another DBMS.
Also under robustness on the mongoDB website I found this:
Unfortunately, Elasticsearch (and the components it's made of) does not currently handle OutOfMemory-errors very well.
So saving the data redundant is probably the best way.
Thanks in advance!
We are also working with both Elasticsearch and MongoDb. We started with a river and after having a lot of issues with it we got rid of it before becoming deprecated. The way we do it is: when saving data to mongo we create a message in a queue which notifies the search storage to do the insert/delete operation with the given data.
So basically we keep them in sync manually and there will always be a delay between mongo and elaticsearch. The good part is that if elasticsearch would fail, we have implemented an endpoint which reimports the data from mongo to ES. Also, the structure inside ES it's different from the one in mongo. Before, it was a lot more complicated to do this with the river. Imagine that we even had our own custom implementation.
Hope my answer helps at least a bit.

Full text search options for MongoDB setup

We are planning to store millions of documents in MongoDB and full text search is very much required. I read Elasticsearch and Solr are the best available solutions for full text search.
Is Elastic search is mature enough to be used for Mongodb full text search? We also be sharding the collections. Does Elasticsearch works with Sharded collections?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Elasticsearch or Solr?
Is MongoDB capable of doing full text search?
There are some search capabilities in MongoDB but it is not as feature-rich as search engines.
We use Mongo with Solr to make content searchable. We prefer Solr because
It is easy to configure and customize
It has large community (This is really helpful if you are working with opensource tools)
Since we didn't work with ES i could not say much about it. You can found some discussions about Solr vs ES on the links below.
Solr vs ES 1
Solr vs ES 2
Solr vs ES 3
I have a professional experience with both Solr/MySQL and ElasticSearch/MongoDB.
If you are going to query a lot your search engine, you already shard your MongoDB (I mean, if you want to shard too your search engine): you should use ElasticSearch, unless what you want to do can't be done with ElasticSearch. And you should use it even if you are not going to shard.
ElasticSearch is a new project on top of Lucene that brings the sharding mechanism, from someone who is used to distributed environments and search (Shay Bannon made Compass and worked for Gigaspaces, the datagrid editor).
ElasticSearch is as easy as MongoDB to shard, I think it is even simpler and the default works great for most cases.
I don't like Solr so much.
The query langage is not structured at all (but it's the case of plugins and Lucene, and I think you can use this unstructured query langage with ES too)
I don't think there is a proper Solr client. Solr java client sucks, and I hearh PHP guys also complaining, while ElasticSearch Java client is very nice, much more typesafe and offers async support (nice if you use Netty for exemple). With Solr, you will do a LOT of string concatenation.
Less easy to scale
Not so new project, I felt the technical dept it has. ElasticSearch is born from Compass, so I guess all the technical dept has been dropped to have a fresh new approach.
Concerning data importing, I have experience with both Solr DataImportHandler and ElasticSearch rivers (CouchDB and MongoDB). What I can tell you is:
Solr permits to do more things, but in a very unstructured XML way, and the documentation doesn't help you so much to understand what is really happing once you are out of the hello world and try to use some advanced features.
ElasticSearch approach is more simple and also limited but has out of the box support for some technologies while DataImportHandler seems more complex-SQL friendly
With my Solr project I had to use manual indexation for some documents, but it was mostly because of the impossibility to denormalize the needed data into a document (the Solr project uses MySQL).
There is also a new MongoDB connector for both Solr and ElasticSearch which I need to test asap :)
So in the end, I'll definitly choose ElasticSearch, because:
It now has a great community
Many people I know with experience with Solr like ElasticSearch
The client side is safer and structured, and provides async with Java Futures
Both can probably import data from MongoDB easily with the new connector
As far as I know, it permits to do almost everything Solr does (in my experience but I'm not a search engine expert)
It adds sharding out of the box
It adds percolation which can help to built realtime scalable applications (but you'll probably need an additional messaging technology)
The source code I read has nearly no technical dept compared to Solr (at least on the client side), and it seems easy to create plugins.
In terms of MongoDB natively, no it doesn't have full text search support. You can see that it is a popular feature request:
From what I know of the ES river plugin for MongoDB, it tails the oplog for it's functionality. Since a sharded setup would have multiple oplogs and there would be no way to easily alter that code to connect via a mongos.
Similarly for Solr, the examples I have seen usually involve similar behavior to the ES plugin. Some more solid info here:
I have not got any experience using one but others have made comparisons before, take a look here:
Solr vs. ElasticSearch
ElasticSearch, Sphinx, Lucene, Solr, Xapian. Which fits for which usage?
MongoDB can't do efficient full text search. You can do wildcard searches on fields, but i don't think these use indexes efficiently.
I would recommend using the river functionality of ElasticSearch to automatically push the documents from MongoDB to ElasticSearch.
elasticsearch-river-mongodb is a MongoDB to Elasticsearch river that when a document changes in MongoDB, ElasticSearch will monitoring the oplog and then automatically update its index.
This minimises the problem of keeping the two datastores in sync, as ElasticSearch is just monitoring the replication tables of Mongo.
Mongo is not at al good for fulltext search.
Obviously you need to index you fields for fast searching, and indexing fields containing BIG data (long long strings) will be failed in mongo. it has a limit of 1k for index, if you have content more thn 1k, it will be ignored by index and will not be displayed in your search results. obviously if you are trying to perform a full text search for your articles, mongo is not at al a good choice.
Currently, in MongoDB 2.4.6, there now IS a full-text search in MongoDB and it is more feature rich, then in previous versions. On are described the capabilities of the new functionality.
Worth mentioning:
tokenizes and stems the search term(s) during both the index creation and the text command execution. assigns a score to each document that
contains the search term in the indexed fields. The score determines the relevance of a document to a given search query.
However, in this answer (from September 2013) you can see, that mongo still warns from using this functionality in production. This functionality is still in beta stage.
Full text search become possible in product environment with Mongodb since the version 2.6 by creating text index on the required fields.
indexe text in mongodb

NoSQL (MongoDB) vs Lucene (or Solr) as your database [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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With the NoSQL movement growing based on document-based databases, I've looked at MongoDB lately. I have noticed a striking similarity with how to treat items as "Documents", just like Lucene does (and users of Solr).
So, the question: Why would you want to use NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, etc) over Lucene (or Solr) as your "database"?
What I am (and I am sure others are) looking for in an answer is some deep-dive comparisons of them. Let's skip over relational database discussions all together, as they serve a different purpose.
Lucene gives some serious advantages, such as powerful searching and weight systems. Not to mention facets in Solr (which Solr is being integrated into Lucene soon, yay!). You can use Lucene documents to store IDs, and access the documents as such just like MongoDB. Mix it with Solr, and you now get a WebService-based, load balanced solution.
You can even throw in a comparison of out-of-proc cache providers such as Velocity or MemCached when talking about similar data storing and scalability of MongoDB.
The restrictions around MongoDB reminds me of using MemCached, but I can use Microsoft's Velocity and have more grouping and list collection power over MongoDB (I think). Can't get any faster or scalable than caching data in memory. Even Lucene has a memory provider.
MongoDB (and others) do have some advantages, such as the ease of use of their API. New up a document, create an id, and store it. Done. Nice and easy.
This is a great question, something I have pondered over quite a bit. I will summarize my lessons learned:
You can easily use Lucene/Solr in lieu of MongoDB for pretty much all situations, but not vice versa. Grant Ingersoll's post sums it up here.
MongoDB etc. seem to serve a purpose where there is no requirement of searching and/or faceting. It appears to be a simpler and arguably easier transition for programmers detoxing from the RDBMS world. Unless one's used to it Lucene & Solr have a steeper learning curve.
There aren't many examples of using Lucene/Solr as a datastore, but Guardian has made some headway and summarize this in an excellent slide-deck, but they too are non-committal on totally jumping on Solr bandwagon and "investigating" combining Solr with CouchDB.
Finally, I will offer our experience, unfortunately cannot reveal much about the business-case. We work on the scale of several TB of data, a near real-time application. After investigating various combinations, decided to stick with Solr. No regrets thus far (6-months & counting) and see no reason to switch to some other.
Summary: if you do not have a search requirement, Mongo offers a simple & powerful approach. However if search is key to your offering, you are likely better off sticking to one tech (Solr/Lucene) and optimizing the heck out of it - fewer moving parts.
My 2 cents, hope that helped.
You can't partially update a document in solr. You have to re-post all of the fields in order to update a document.
And performance matters. If you do not commit, your change to solr does not take effect, if you commit every time, performance suffers.
There is no transaction in solr.
As solr has these disadvantages, some times NoSQL is a better choice.
UPDATE: Solr 4+ Started supporting commit and soft-commits. Refer to the latest document
We use MongoDB and Solr together and they perform well. You can find my blog post here where i described how we use this technologies together. Here's an excerpt:
[...] However we observe that query performance of Solr decreases when index
size increases. We realized that the best solution is to use both Solr
and Mongo DB together. Then, we integrate Solr with MongoDB by storing
contents into the MongoDB and creating index using Solr for full-text
search. We only store the unique id for each document in Solr index
and retrieve actual content from MongoDB after searching on Solr.
Getting documents from MongoDB is faster than Solr because there is no
analyzers, scoring etc. [...]
Also please note that some people have integrated Solr/Lucene into Mongo by having all indexes be stored in Solr and also monitoring oplog operations and cascading relevant updates into Solr.
With this hybrid approach you can really have the best of both worlds with capabilities such as full text search and fast reads with a reliable datastore that can also have blazing write speed.
It's a bit technical to setup but there are lots of oplog tailers that can integrate into solr. Check out what rangespan did in this article.
From my experience with both, Mongo is great for simple, straight-forward usage. The main Mongo disadvantage we've suffered is the poor performance on unanticipated queries (you cannot created mongo indexes for all the possible filter/sort combinations, you simple can't).
And here where Lucene/Solr prevails big time, especially with the FilterQuery caching, Performance is outstanding.
Since no one else mentioned it, let me add that MongoDB is schema-less, whereas Solr enforces a schema. So, if the fields of your documents are likely to change, that's one reason to choose MongoDB over Solr.
#mauricio-scheffer mentioned Solr 4 - for those interested in that, LucidWorks is describing Solr 4 as "the NoSQL Search Server" and there's a video at where they go into detail on the NoSQL(ish) features. (The -ish is for their version of schemaless actually being a dynamic schema.)
If you just want to store data using key-value format, Lucene is not recommended because its inverted index will waste too much disk spaces. And with the data saving in disk, its performance is much slower than NoSQL databases such as redis because redis save data in RAM. The most advantage for Lucene is it supports much of queries, so fuzzy queries can be supported.
MongoDB Atlas will have a lucene-based search engine soon. The big announcement was made at this week's MongoDB World 2019 conference. This is a great way to encourage more usage of their high revenue MongoDB Atlas product.
I was hoping to see it rolled into the MongoDB Enterprise version 4.2 but there's been no news of bringing it to their on-prem product line.
More info here:
The third party solutions, like a mongo op-log tail are attractive. Some thoughts or questions remain about whether the solutions could be tightly integrated, assuming a development/architecture perspective. I don't expect to see a tightly integrated solution for these features for a few reasons (somewhat speculative and subject to clarification and not up to date with development efforts):
mongo is c++, lucene/solr are java
maybe lucene could use some mongo libs
maybe mongo could rewrite some lucene algorithms, see also:
lucene supports various doc formats
mongo is focused on JSON (BSON)
lucene uses immutable documents
single field updates are an issue, if they are available
lucene indexes are immutable with complex merge ops
mongo queries are javascript
mongo has no text analyzers / tokenizers (AFAIK)
mongo doc sizes are limited, that might go against the grain for lucene
mongo aggregation ops may have no place in lucene
lucene has options to store fields across docs, but that's not the same thing
solr somehow provides aggregation/stats and SQL/graph queries