Where is the "System.Composition.TypedParts.dll"? - mef

I am trying to use the ContainerConfiguration type from the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). According to here, it lives in "System.Composition.TypedParts.dll" which is part of .NET Framework 4.5. But I cannot find it in Add Reference for a .NET 4.5 application.
Where can I find this DLL?

It turned out to be part of MEF 2, which needs to be installed with NuGet. It's not distributed with .NET Framework.


How to use EF Core 6.0 with an application that uses .Net Framework?

I have a situation where an application uses various component libraries. The libraries were based on .NetStandard2.0/2.1 and internally used EF Core 3.1. For various deployment and development reasons, we now want to target EF Core 6.0, which raises the following issues.
Net Core 3.1 support runs out in December 2022 so we need to move away from it.
The application uses Net Framework functionality and cannot move to Net Core.
EF Core 6.0 does not support NetStandard, only Net 6.
Changing the library that uses EF Core to target NET 6 means that components referencing it also need to reference Net 6.
Dependencies trickle down to the application that targets Net Framework and, as a result, the application no longer builds because Net Framework is not compatible Net 6.
How can the Net Framework application use the Net 6 assembly? Or, more specifically, how can a Net Framework application use libraries that internally use EF Core 6.0?
The interface between the application (Net Framework) and the one single touch point library component (Netstandard) is very well defined. Maybe Pinvoke could solve the problem? Or something simpler that I have overlooked?
Somewhat related question: NU1202 Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 6.0.3 is not compatible with netstandard2.1
Other than process to process communication between .NET Framework and .NET 6, this is not supported (for example via a Web API or similar)
As a short term solution, you can change your .Net Standard 2.0 EF Core libraries to be multi targeted to both .Net Standard 2.0 (which will reference EF Core 3.1) and .Net 6 (which will reference EF Core 6). This will let your .Net Core apps use EF Core 6, while allowing your .Net Framework apps to use the same dlls, but to be using EF Core 3.1. I realize that EF Core 3.1 support ends December 2022, but it will keep things moving.
Btw, has Microsoft even attempted to address the fact that a .Net Framework application cannot reference .Net 6, therefore it cannot use EF Core 6? This is a major issue for us, as we were sold the idea that .Net Standard could be shared between .Net Framework and .Net Core, but this has ceased to be the case since .Net Standard 2.1 was introduced, and now MS has pushed all new features, like EF Core, to .Net 6.

Can I use Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore in a standard .NetFramework solution in Visual Studio 2019?

Does Microsoft EntityFrameworkCore work with standard .Net Framework applications?
I read a couple posts which said it was possible to.
However, when attempting to install via NuGet Package Manager, I get the following error message:
Could not install package "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
5.0.0". You are trying to install this package into a project that targets ".NetFramework, Version=v4.7.2', but the package does not
contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible
with that framework.
Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is EntityFrameworkCore not intended for use with standard .NetFramework applications?
Sorry, I have to correct my answer, I was wrong. EF Core 3.1 can be used with .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.
EF Core 5.0 cannot be used with .NET Framework 4.7.2
see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-ca/ef/core/miscellaneous/platforms
I also tried it before and got the same error message described above

Can Entity Framework 6 be used in a .NET Standard project?

And if not, will it be? If so, when?
I haven't been able to find any clear official information on this, and the limited information I was able to find on Stack Overflow is a year or two old.
I was able to find official information saying EF 6.3 will be able to be used in a .NET Core project, but I couldn't find a release date for it, nor am I sure what the implications for use in a .NET Standard project are.
EF 6 supports .NET Standard 2.1, which is currently supported by .NET Core 3.0 or later - no .NET Framework version. EF 6 also supports .NET 4.0 and 4.5 or later.
Some clarification, since EntityFramework 6.3.0 .NET Standard 2.1 has been supported. However there is no .NET Framework version that supports .NET Standard 2.1. Comment from Microsoft:
NET Framework won't support .NET Standard 2.1 or later versions. For
more details, see the announcement of .NET Standard 2.1.
This means that a majority of all applications using EntityFramework 6.X won't be able to use the .NET Standard 2.1 project anyway.

Where is Entity Framework in Visual Studio 2017?

I've verified that Entity Framework 6 Tools is installed as suggested in other answers on this site, but ADO.NET Entity Data Model never shows up in the New Items/Data list. I've also tried installing the .NET CORE 2.0 SDK as other answers have suggested to no avail.
To be clear, I'm not creating a .NET CORE application, I'm just trying to make a class library based on .NET framework 4.6. I created the project via .NET Standard and selected Class Library (.NET Standard).
I just need to install EF so I can do a code first generation from my existing SQL Server DB.
Don't use .NET Standard, select a .NET Framework project type.
.NET Standard is an abstract "Core or Framework" option, as if the naming wasn't confusing enough.

Set .NET Framework version for ScriptComponentProject

Is it possible to set the .NET Framework version for a ScriptComponentProject?
Currently it defaults to .NET 4, but I want it to be .NET 4.6.1
I've looked on the documentation page for ScriptComponentProject (https://www.varigence.com/Documentation/Samples/Biml/Script+Component+Project), but without any luck.
Ah, I found the answer! You need to set the Target Framework Version in your script project:
And I think the available values are these:
Unspecified .NET Framework Version
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.0
.NET Framework 3.5
.NET Framework 4.0
.NET Framework 4.5
.NET Framework 4.5.1
.NET Framework 4.5.2
.NET Framework 4.6
.NET Framework 4.6.1
Which can be found here: https://www.varigence.com/Documentation/Api/Enum/ScriptProjectTargetFrameworkVersion
If you are using BIMLExpress 5.0.6xxx, you have probably faced the same issue.
I opened the generated .dtsx package and found that the TargetFrameworkVersion node placed inside of a separate PropertyGroup node. After I had moved it out to the first PropertyGroup of the same arrayElement node, then reopened my package in Visual Studio again, issue was gone! So you can write a script to move TargetFrameworkVersion node into the proper place for now.
Varigence support team told me that a public preview release is coming late next week which will include a fix for that (+also VS2017 support!).