Linker Error xcode 6 swift - swift

After I installing xcode6 I got some errors with parse.The project was working just fine in beta versions of xcode 6. I think i might be that is not compatible with xcode6. I think I have added all the frameworks properly

I experienced the same problem,
first, download the latest SDK version from
second, I noticed that when I run it NOT on the iPhone 6 simulator it works fine.

You're targeting the iOS Simulator, which the Parse framework does not seem to support. So:
Clean project.
Change the destination from iOS Simulator to iOS Device.
That's all you need to do.


ZXing Library running perfectly fine in iOS 4.3, generates errors in iOS 5

I have integrated the Zxing Library for QRCode Reader in one of my iPhone app.
It was running fine when I was using iOS 4.3 SDK.
But after I have installed iOS 5 SDK and Mac OS Lion on my Mac, it has started giving errors like
How can it be resolved?
I was going mad with that problem, but I found the solution!
Redownload the 1.7 version, replace all files, build, close xcode and rebuild the project! It should work :)

Errors running xcode 3.2.2 on Lion

Just installed xcode 3.2.2 (on Lion) so I can test my app for the iOS 3.0 and 3.2
Created a simple test app based on View application template.
Just trying to build it gives me the following error.
I doubt you can use XCode 3 with Lion, even I was using XCode 4 and had to update to 4.1 to run on Lion.
However if using XCode 3 is mandatory for you I found some post explaining how to do so but it seemed tricky. In his original post he clearly mentions the same problem as you're having.
You can (must? should?) use the latest version Xcode and still target the older iOS. I see that you're trying to do this presumably to use the simulator, but I'd strongly recommend testing on the actual devices with the older versions of iOS.

Problems running application compiled with XCode 3.2.4 and iOS SDK 4.1 on iOS 3.x

I recently ran into troubles building an app with latest iOS 4.1 SDK and running it on device with iOS 3.x. App works OK on 4.x devices and iPad, but crashes on devices running older 3.x iOS.
Problem appears to be in linker, since crashes are obviously caused by calls to 3rd party libraries used in the project. The linker (or even compiler) suspicion is supported by fact that when I build the app with older 3.1.3 SDK, it works as expected.
My Release configuration uses iOS 4.1 as Base SDK and iOS 3.0 as deployment target platform, compiled with LLVM GCC 4.2. I also tried GCC 4.2 compiler, but it didn't help too.
I've found that there's some bug in linker/compiler in this version of SDK, but none of proposed solutions worked for me.
I desperately need to resolve this issue, so any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks to everyone for any hint or advice.
Just to let you know that if you are using something like iAd framework, you need to add this framework as "weak dependency" in the Target Info Pop-Up :-)
If it's a librairie, could you list them ?
Good Luck !
I guess I am too late at answering this one. But still - If you have the 3.1.3 device with you, doing an in-system debugging by loading an app with a developer profile gives you what caused the crash. I faced a similar problem when my apps used to work fine on the 4.0+ devices but used to crash immediately upon startup when I tried it on 3.1.2 device. I compiled it with a developer profile and then did an in-system debugging. I found out that I was using a class UIPopoverController which was brought in with iOS 3.2 and hence used to fail for my 3.1.2. Putting in the necessary checks for this resolved my problem.
Hope that helps.

How to find iOS 4 only code in iPhone project

i have a iPhone Project with Base SDK 4.0 and Deployment Target set to 3.0 with XCode 3.2.3. Is there an "easy" way to find out whether i use iOS 4 only API calls in my Source Code. I'm aware that i could install an old XCode to run my project against an e.g. 3.1.3 Simulator, but i hope there is a simpler way for checking this.
Anybody has an idea?
Set the SDK to a 3.x SDK and recompile. If you have any new errors or warnings, it's probably a sign you have 4.0-specific code, and the errors will tell you where.

Simulate iPhone 3.0 with SDK 4.0

i have xcode 3.1.3 and xcode 3.2.1 installed
For sure now I use 3.2.1 with Sdk 4 to develop new apps.
But what if I like to test a App compiled with sdk 4 on a
simulated iphone that would just have 3.0??
As BaseSDk i use 4.0 and as target 3.0
In xcode 3.1.3 i could select a simulator down to 2.x but with sdk 4.0
i only have the option 4.0 iphone or 3.2 ipad
Example> i know iAd is not supported before 4.0 so I set the
framework to weak. But just to be sure all works fine I really
would like to test my app in a simulator that simulates an iphone with 3.0
The new simulator does not seem to be able to run the old simulator OSs (3.2 being the oldest it'll run). I tried moving them over from old SDK installs and several variations and "no go".
You can check that you aren't using methods defined in the new SDK, when you set the base SDK to 4.0 but set the Deployment to to 3.1.3, for example. For a blog post on how to do this see this blog post, and note my comment on an easier way to do the last two steps (no need to edit the project file as a text file).
inside the iphone sdk dmg file, there should be a folder called packages. in it, you'll find packages like iPhoneSDK3_0 and iPhoneSimulator3_0. Install them to be able to use them in xcode.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a device with 3.0 installed can't even run apps compiled with 3.2 or 4.0. Furthermore, Apple now only accepts iPhone apps (including updates of existing apps) linked against the 4.0 libraries, which won't run on OS version 3.0 devices.
So why do you want to test your app on a 3.0 device?
Try setting the architecture you want to build for in the Xcode project preferences and rebuilding.
If this doesn't work, completely uninstall Xcode and downgrade. You have to completely uninstall because your system must have updated the frameworks for 4.0.
Hope this helps