IPython Notebooks - highlight cells which are awaiting execution? - ipython

We are experimenting with iPython and so far are quite impressed. However, there is a slight irritation that if you modify code in an input cell and click elsewhere it can appear to have executed (there is output!) but it has not been return.
What would be really nice is if there was a way that cell background colour changed if it has not been executed (or executed since the last change). Has anyone tried to do this? I guess if you take this to the extreme you might also highlight cells which are out of order - where there is a risk it no longer 'makes sense' if run top to bottom.


Is there a way I can get a code block always visible while scrolling in VS Code?

That's all, sometimes I miss I could do that while working on different parts of a kinda long script or whatever... So I think it'd be nice if, as we can do in a spread sheet by fixing a row for example, we could quickly define certain part of the code we want always visible and then can scroll to any other part of the script while still being able to see such "fixed" lines of code as a reference, copy, etc.
It seemed to me that it could be an already existing feature, but I've been not able to find anything... not even an extension, but maybe someone here knows? Well, I hope it makes sense and thanks in advance!
How about spliting the editor?
Hard to guess for how large "sticky" portion of code you are actually aiming, but if it is just, say, function "signature line" or nesting header in general, you may try experimental "Editor sticky scroll" (editor.experimental.stickyScroll.enabled) feature that was just released in VSC v1.70:

New python interactive window cell does not indicate if it is still running

lately there was an update to the VSCode python interactive window. There are a few things that bother me since.. and maybe there is a setting to solve this?
Biggest problem: The collapsed cell does not indicate the status of execution anymore. Is it still running or finished?
So I have to expand the cell to see the current status.. checkmark at the bottom.
There is an option to expand the cell by default, but that would show ALL the code in the cell which is way to confusing for all day workflow.
I searched for an option to expand the cell but only show the first line of the code or something. But I can't find anything. Anyone can point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance!

Selecting lines of code in Pycharm is working strangely

Recently, I wrote a block of code, and tried to copy and paste some functions around the code. But when highlighting the block of code I am trying to select, it exhibits strange behaviour. The first picture is the faulty case, and the second picture is the normal case.
First of all, I can click anywhere on my script even though I dont have spaces there.. if that makes sense (sorry I cant explain it any other way). Second, when I drag my mouse up, it drags up for only that section. Looking at the faulty screen shot, if I were to copy that block, it would only copy the parts in blue... Normally when I drag my mouse up, it automatically highlights the whole line as seen in the normal picture. Also, notice the giant white line on the faulty highlighting compared to the normal highlighting. I am wondering how I can go back to my old normal highlighting...
I think I was able to reproduce the problem by enabling column selection mode.
Try going to Edit-->Column Selection Mode. Uncheck it. If this was the problem, perhaps it was a finger flub which performed a shortkey operation.

How to highlight current method body in Eclipse?

There is a nice feature called "show selected element only" in Eclipse. When it's turned on, clicking on a method in the outline pane will show just this method only in the editor, allowing to focus on this one only, especially useful in that you don't need to worry about scrolling hard and overshooting this method when there are many nested parenthesis inside.
But sometimes I would like to have a glance of more codes around here, so have to turn this off, then back, time and time again, which is quite inconvenient. So I wonder if there is a better mechanism?
I know a built-in feature called "range indicator" (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7049098/how-to-forbid-eclipse-to-highlight-current-method-class-in-the-margin) , but I always tend to overlook that because it's too thin.
One better solution I can imagine is using distinguished background color for currently investigated method body, and when move cursor to other methods, background highlight turn to them accordingly (works like the range indicator, but renders more obviously). In this way, both navigation flexibility and reading assistance are gained.
Is this solution possible?
Take a look at the Editbox plugin.
You might have to do a bit of tweaking to the colors to set it up. Here is a sample screenshot :
Is this what you wanted ?
Yes, with editbox and the following settings may suit your need.

why are my eclipse code error labels lagging

so when you make syntax errors, etc, eclipse will automatically put in an x button on the line number and then when you fix the error, that x button is supposed to disappear
normally, it should disappear right after the error is fixed, but in my case, it would disappear for up to 5 seconds after the error is fixed which is abnormal
anyone knows why this is the case?
The behavior your describe is not abnormal. Validation is expensive and if done completely in realtime would bog down your actions (like typing). Instead, validation tasks are queued and are typically executed during a pause in keyboard activity. If you type energetically, you will notice that the validation doesn't update for quite a while. The exact experience will also vary with the power of your computer.