How to auto fill form fills based on data from a table? - forms

I have a form which the data is being submitted to a table.
Using the column 'month_date_show' I would like to auto fill the form
if that date exist in the column in the table, since it will only be submit once a month.
If the date does exist in the table then the user will be able to edit those results, if it does not exist
then no need to auto fill the user will submit new results for that month.
Not sure if this is something that will have to use ajax or java script to make it happen.
Right now I hard coded the values in the form , but i would like to make it dynamic.
<cfquery datasource ="intranet" name="GetSummary">
SELECT * from cse_result_summary
<form method="post" name="myform" action="cse_execoffice_datepicker_test.cfm" onsubmit="return validateForm()">
<table >
<input type="text" id="dpMonthYear" NAME="month_date_show" value="9/2014" style="width:80px;" />
<img alt="Month/Year Picker" onclick="showCalendarControl('dpMonthYear');"
src="pictures/datepicker.gif" />
<table >
<td> Rising Star Award Winner:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="risingstar" size="50" class="get_branches_departments_displaynum" value="john"></td>
<td>Department Average:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="risingstar_ave" size="8" class="get_branches_departments_displaynum" value="5"></td>
<td> Rising Star Award Winner runner-up:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="risingstar_runner" size="50" class="get_branches_departments_displaynum" value="joe"></td>
<p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></p>

Well, if you are actually storing the month and year of the forms submitted, and assuming that the users are submitting form for the current month and current year (i.e. it is September 2014 now and the users would be submitting form for 09/2014 but not submitting form for any other form, ex. 08/2014), then at the time when a user gets to your page, you already know whether a new form is needed by searching against the database.
You can then populate the form accordingly.

It depends. If you don't care if the user refreshes the page, just submit the form onChange, run the query to select information for that date
SELECT winner, average, runup
FROM tablename
WHERE datecol = <cfqueryparam type=<whatevertypeappropriate> value="#val_name#">
In your form just have the value field value dynamically assigned.
<input type="text" name="winner" value="#queryname.winner#">
If you don't want them to have to resubmit the form, I think there'll have to be some kind of binding.


Issue finding elements using Selenium::Remote::Driver in Perl

As part of a test scrip I have to redirect to a 3rd party hosted payment page. However, when I try and find the input box elements it errors slightly differently depending on which call I try:
returns "Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with"
returns "SyntaxError: The expression is not a legal expression."
The source of the section I am searching is:
<td colspan="2"><div class="fieldSubHeader">Billing Address</div>
<td><div id="idAddress1_card" style="display:inline">Address 1</div>
<div id="idHouseNumberOrName_card" style="display:none">House Number/Name
<td><div class="fieldDiv" id="idDivAddress1_card">
<input type="text" class="inputField" id="card.billingAddress.houseNumberOrName" name="card.billingAddress.houseNumberOrName" value="" size="15" maxlength="40" />
Is it the . in the ID that is causing the issue?
(I have checked the computed CSS and it is not hidden!)
Many thanks
You are missing the closing ]. Replace:
Note that you might simplify it by switching directly to the find_element_by_id() method.

Two forms where the second reads the first form

I have two nearly identical forms on a page with two buttons, one for each form.
Now I want the second button to also read data from the fields of the first form and hide the fields of the second form or not have them. How can I do that?
the first form
<form:form id="excelform" commandName="tg35FormBackingModel" action="${createExcel}" method="post">
<td class="tg35-left"><spring:message code="tg35.fromDate" />
<em title="<spring:message code='tooltip.mandatory' />"
class="mandatory float-right">*</em>
<td><form:input path="fromDate" cssClass="dateInput" /> <form:errors
cssClass="ui-state-error ui-corner-all" path="fromDate" />

HTML form interleaves with <div> or <td> won't work

Does anybody experience the odd phenomenon: if an HTML form is divided into several parts by <div>'s or table <td>'s, then the <input type="submit" ... > button won't work -- nothing happens when clicking (no 'post' message is sent). If I take out all the <div>'s or table elements, the button works. Why is that? In my case, the form is inserted by Ajax. Could that be a cause of the problem? Thanks.
For example:
<div style="float:left">
<form action="/..." class="submitForm" method="post">
<div style="float:left">
<input type="submit" value="submit">
<form action="/..." class="submitForm" method="post">
<input ...>
<input type="submit" value="submit">
There is nothing odd about it.
The HTML is invalid. The code doesn't mean anything.
Then the browser attempts to recover from your error. The results are not what you want.
If you don't write real HTML, you shouldn't expect browsers to be able to handle it.
Elements must describe a tree. If you open an element, you must close it before you close any of its ancestors. provides a useful tool for performing basic automated QA on your HTML.

Make radio buttons mutually exclusive when not contained in the same form element?

I'm making a calendar where each day has a radio button that allows you to select it. I want users to only be able to select one day. The issue I'm having is I've made the calendar as a table so each <td> has the following:
Mon 18
<input type="radio" name="day" value="mon18" />
So as all the radio buttons aren't contained in one form element, the normal behaviour that makes the selection mutually exclusive isn't occurring. If I create 1 form element around all my mark up then the table will be contained in it, would this be semantically correct?
Is there a semantically correct solution to my problem? I guess I could do it with javascript and server side validation.
It is perfectly semantically correct to have the form enclosing your table, that's actually the only sensible way to build your radiobutton-based calendar with mutually exclusive selection!
The following code does validate:
<td><input type="radio" name="day" value="1"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="day" value="2"></td>

Text box with drop down suggestions

I currently have a databound dropdown list on my ASP.Net C# 2.0 website that has around 400 items in it. I want to replace it with something similar like the textbox in google search where you enter letter and only the entries starting with those letters pop up
what is a good way of implementing it? Are there controls that already exists that anybody can suggest?
One way to do this using HTML5 (for small datasets of course) is datalist:
<input list="users" name="users">
<datalist id="users">
<option value="Alice">
<option value="Bob">
<option value="Chuck">
<option value="Chris">
<option value="Duke">
<option value="Emily">
For larger datasets AJAX is a better way to go.
Take a look at
Also here is a tutorial for use with ASP.Net
check too
it has no dependencies and weights very little.
If these are known enrties, you can use JQuery, and on the OnUpdate event:
if it's a long list, make Ajax Request to your webserver, retrieve the best option
if it's a short list, you can load all the options to the page, and offer the optional texts without making a server request.
Checkout the JQuery library for implementations on how to display the suggestion.
There's an AutoComplete extender as past of the AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.NET. There are plenty of different options that you can set for client caching, delay interval. Just point it at a web service or page method and away you go.
function AddNames(text) {
if (document.myForm.insertText.value == "") {
document.getElementById("insertText").style.border = "1px solid red";
return false;
else {
var option = document.createElement("OPTION");
option.text = text.value;
option.value = text.value;
document.myForm.insertText.value = "";
document.getElementById("insertText").style.border = "1px solid green";
<form name="myForm">
<input type="text" name="insertText" id="insertText" /></td>
<select name="dropDown" id="dropDownList">
<input type="button" value="Insert" id="button" onclick="AddNames(insertText);" /></td>