Condition in Pick/PickBranch activities - workflow

I have a following scenario that I am trying to define in workflow foundation:
My workflow gets to a stage from which it can continue in 3 paths, each path has some conditions that must be satisfied before the path is taken. After each path is finished, a termination condition is checked, and if not terminated, the workflow gets back to the decision stage where the 3 paths are allowed.
I wanted to solve this with Pick activity, set up a branch with a trigger for each one (triggered by Receive), but I don't know how to add the conditions there (PickBranches have no conditions on them, just triggers).

You can implement your Custom Pick Activity to add new conditions.
namespace System.Activities.Statements
using System.Activities.DynamicUpdate;
using System.Activities.Validation;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Runtime.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Windows.Markup;
public sealed class Pick : NativeActivity
const string pickStateProperty = "System.Activities.Statements.Pick.PickState";
Collection<PickBranch> branches;
Variable<PickState> pickStateVariable;
Collection<Activity> branchBodies;
public Pick()
this.pickStateVariable = new Variable<PickState>();
protected override bool CanInduceIdle
return true;
public Collection<PickBranch> Branches
if (this.branches == null)
this.branches = new ValidatingCollection<PickBranch>
// disallow null values
OnAddValidationCallback = item =>
if (item == null)
throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("item");
return this.branches;
protected override void OnCreateDynamicUpdateMap(NativeActivityUpdateMapMetadata metadata, Activity originalActivity)
protected override void UpdateInstance(NativeActivityUpdateContext updateContext)
PickState pickState = updateContext.GetValue(this.pickStateVariable);
Fx.Assert(pickState != null, "Pick's Execute must have run by now.");
if (updateContext.IsCancellationRequested || pickState.TriggerCompletionBookmark == null)
// do not schedule newly added Branches once a Trigger has successfully completed.
CompletionCallback onBranchCompleteCallback = new CompletionCallback(OnBranchComplete);
foreach (PickBranchBody body in this.branchBodies)
if (updateContext.IsNewlyAdded(body))
updateContext.ScheduleActivity(body, onBranchCompleteCallback, null);
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
if (this.branchBodies == null)
this.branchBodies = new Collection<Activity>();
foreach (PickBranch branch in this.Branches)
if (branch.Trigger == null)
metadata.AddValidationError(new ValidationError(SR.PickBranchRequiresTrigger(branch.DisplayName), false, null, branch));
PickBranchBody pickBranchBody = new PickBranchBody
Action = branch.Action,
DisplayName = branch.DisplayName,
Trigger = branch.Trigger,
Variables = branch.Variables,
metadata.AddChild(pickBranchBody, origin: branch);
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
if (this.branchBodies.Count == 0)
PickState pickState = new PickState();
this.pickStateVariable.Set(context, pickState);
pickState.TriggerCompletionBookmark = context.CreateBookmark(new BookmarkCallback(OnTriggerComplete));
context.Properties.Add(pickStateProperty, pickState);
CompletionCallback onBranchCompleteCallback = new CompletionCallback(OnBranchComplete);
//schedule every branch to only run trigger
for (int i = this.branchBodies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
context.ScheduleActivity(this.branchBodies[i], onBranchCompleteCallback);
protected override void Cancel(NativeActivityContext context)
void OnBranchComplete(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance)
PickState pickState = this.pickStateVariable.Get(context);
ReadOnlyCollection<ActivityInstance> executingChildren = context.GetChildren();
switch (completedInstance.State)
case ActivityInstanceState.Closed:
pickState.HasBranchCompletedSuccessfully = true;
case ActivityInstanceState.Canceled:
case ActivityInstanceState.Faulted:
if (context.IsCancellationRequested)
if (executingChildren.Count == 0 && !pickState.HasBranchCompletedSuccessfully)
// All of the branches are complete and we haven't had a single
// one complete successfully and we've been asked to cancel.
//the last branch should always resume action bookmark if it's still there
if (executingChildren.Count == 1 && pickState.ExecuteActionBookmark != null)
ResumeExecutionActionBookmark(pickState, context);
void OnTriggerComplete(NativeActivityContext context, Bookmark bookmark, object state)
PickState pickState = this.pickStateVariable.Get(context);
string winningBranch = (string)state;
ReadOnlyCollection<ActivityInstance> children = context.GetChildren();
bool resumeAction = true;
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
ActivityInstance child = children[i];
if (child.Id != winningBranch)
resumeAction = false;
if (resumeAction)
ResumeExecutionActionBookmark(pickState, context);
void ResumeExecutionActionBookmark(PickState pickState, NativeActivityContext context)
Fx.Assert(pickState.ExecuteActionBookmark != null, "This should have been set by the branch.");
context.ResumeBookmark(pickState.ExecuteActionBookmark, null);
pickState.ExecuteActionBookmark = null;
internal class PickState
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public bool HasBranchCompletedSuccessfully
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public Bookmark TriggerCompletionBookmark
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public Bookmark ExecuteActionBookmark
class PickBranchBody : NativeActivity
public PickBranchBody()
protected override bool CanInduceIdle
return true;
public Collection<Variable> Variables
public Activity Trigger
public Activity Action
protected override void OnCreateDynamicUpdateMap(NativeActivityUpdateMapMetadata metadata, Activity originalActivity)
PickBranchBody originalBranchBody = (PickBranchBody)originalActivity;
if ((originalBranchBody.Action != null && metadata.GetMatch(this.Trigger) == originalBranchBody.Action) || (this.Action != null && metadata.GetMatch(this.Action) == originalBranchBody.Trigger))
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
Collection<Activity> children = null;
if (this.Trigger != null)
ActivityUtilities.Add(ref children, this.Trigger);
if (this.Action != null)
ActivityUtilities.Add(ref children, this.Action);
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
Fx.Assert(this.Trigger != null, "We validate that the trigger is not null in Pick.CacheMetadata");
context.ScheduleActivity(this.Trigger, new CompletionCallback(OnTriggerCompleted));
void OnTriggerCompleted(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance)
PickState pickState = (PickState)context.Properties.Find(pickStateProperty);
if (completedInstance.State == ActivityInstanceState.Closed && pickState.TriggerCompletionBookmark != null)
// We're the first trigger! We win!
context.ResumeBookmark(pickState.TriggerCompletionBookmark, context.ActivityInstanceId);
pickState.TriggerCompletionBookmark = null;
pickState.ExecuteActionBookmark = context.CreateBookmark(new BookmarkCallback(OnExecuteAction));
else if (!context.IsCancellationRequested)
// We didn't win, but we haven't been requested to cancel yet.
// We'll just create a bookmark to keep ourselves from completing.
// else
// {
// No need for an else since default cancelation will cover it!
// }
void OnExecuteAction(NativeActivityContext context, Bookmark bookmark, object state)
if (this.Action != null)


MVVM AsyncExecute causing lag

AsyncExecute method causing lag in my treeview application when I am expanding a branch.
Important parts of my TreeView
public DirectoryItemViewModel(string fullPath, DirectoryItemType type, long size)
this.ExpandCommand = new AsyncCommand(Expand, CanExecute);
this.FullPath = fullPath;
this.Type = type;
this.Size = size;
public bool CanExecute()
return !isBusy;
public IAsyncCommand ExpandCommand { get; set; }
private async Task Expand()
isBusy = true;
if (this.Type == DirectoryItemType.File)
List<Task<long>> tasks = new();
var children = DirectoryStructure.GetDirectoryContents(this.FullPath);
this.Children = new ObservableCollection<DirectoryItemViewModel>(
children.Select(content => new DirectoryItemViewModel(content.FullPath, content.Type, 0)));
//If I delete the remaining part of code in this method everything works fine,
in my idea it should output the folders without lag, and then start calculating their size in other threads, but it first lags for 1-2 sec, then output the content of the folder, and then start calculating.
foreach (var item in children)
if (item.Type == DirectoryItemType.Folder)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => GetDirectorySize(new DirectoryInfo(item.FullPath))));
var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
Children[i].Size = results[i];
isBusy = false;
My command Interface and class
public interface IAsyncCommand : ICommand
Task ExecuteAsync();
bool CanExecute();
public class AsyncCommand : IAsyncCommand
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;
private bool _isExecuting;
private readonly Func<Task> _execute;
private readonly Func<bool> _canExecute;
public AsyncCommand(
Func<Task> execute,
Func<bool> canExecute = null)
_execute = execute;
_canExecute = canExecute;
public bool CanExecute()
return !_isExecuting && (_canExecute?.Invoke() ?? true);
public async Task ExecuteAsync()
if (CanExecute())
_isExecuting = true;
await _execute();
_isExecuting = false;
public void RaiseCanExecuteChanged()
CanExecuteChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
bool ICommand.CanExecute(object parameter)
return CanExecute();
void ICommand.Execute(object parameter)
//I suppose that here is the problem cause IDE is hinting me that I am not awaiting here, but I don't know how to change it if it is.

Unity: Google Play Games crashes on login

I'm trying to save a variable using google play games cloud save. However it crashes when it signs in. I've definitely enabled it on the developer console. I never had this problem before I added the cloud save feature and it was just doing achievements and scoreboards. Also, when I'm not connected to the internet, it doesn't crash and locally saving the data works fine. Can any one help?
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using GooglePlayGames;
using GooglePlayGames.BasicApi;
using GooglePlayGames.BasicApi.SavedGame;
using System.Text;
public class playgamesscript : MonoBehaviour {
public static playgamesscript Instance { get; private set; }
const string SAVE_NAME = "Test";
bool isSaving;
textEdit textEditScript;
control controlScript;
bool isCloudDataLoaded;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
Instance = this;
textEditScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UIControl").GetComponent<textEdit>();
controlScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Control").GetComponent<control>();
if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(SAVE_NAME))
PlayerPrefs.SetString(SAVE_NAME, "0");
if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("IsFirstTime"))
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IsFirstTime", 1);
PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder().EnableSavedGames().Build();
if (control.signInAttempt == false)
void SignIn()
control.signInAttempt = true;
Social.localUser.Authenticate(success => { LoadData(); });
#region Saved Games
string GameDataToString()
return control.Highscore.ToString();
void StringToGameData(string cloudData, string localData)
if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IsFirstTime") == 1){
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IsFirstTime", 0);
if (int.Parse(cloudData) > int.Parse(localData)){
PlayerPrefs.SetString(SAVE_NAME, cloudData);
else if (int.Parse(localData) > int.Parse(cloudData))
control.Highscore = int.Parse(localData);
AddScoreToLoeaderBoard(textEdit.leaderboardStat, control.Highscore);
isCloudDataLoaded = true;
control.Highscore = int.Parse(cloudData);
isCloudDataLoaded = true;
void StringToGameData (string localData)
control.Highscore = int.Parse(localData);
void LoadData()
if (Social.localUser.authenticated)
isSaving = false;
((PlayGamesPlatform)Social.Active).SavedGame.OpenWithManualConflictResolution(SAVE_NAME, DataSource.ReadCacheOrNetwork, true, ResolveConflict, OnSavedGameOpened);
else {
private void LoadLocal()
public void SaveData()
if (!isCloudDataLoaded)
if (Social.localUser.authenticated)
isSaving = true;
((PlayGamesPlatform)Social.Active).SavedGame.OpenWithManualConflictResolution(SAVE_NAME, DataSource.ReadCacheOrNetwork, true, ResolveConflict, OnSavedGameOpened);
private void SaveLocal()
PlayerPrefs.SetString(SAVE_NAME, GameDataToString());
private void ResolveConflict(IConflictResolver resolver, ISavedGameMetadata original, byte[] originalData, ISavedGameMetadata unmerged, byte[] unmergedData)
if (originalData == null)
} else if (unmergedData == null)
} else
string originalStr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(originalData);
string unmergedStr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(unmergedData);
int originalNum = int.Parse(originalStr);
int unmergedNum = int.Parse(unmergedStr);
if (originalNum > unmergedNum)
} else if (unmergedNum> originalNum)
private void OnSavedGameOpened(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game)
if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success)
if (!isSaving)
} else
if (!isSaving)
private void LoadGame(ISavedGameMetadata game)
((PlayGamesPlatform)Social.Active).SavedGame.ReadBinaryData(game, OnSavedGameDataRead);
private void SaveGame(ISavedGameMetadata game)
string stringToSave = GameDataToString();
PlayerPrefs.SetString(SAVE_NAME, stringToSave);
byte[] dataToSave = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stringToSave);
SavedGameMetadataUpdate update = new SavedGameMetadataUpdate.Builder().Build();
((PlayGamesPlatform)Social.Active).SavedGame.CommitUpdate(game, update, dataToSave, OnSavedGameDataWritten);
private void OnSavedGameDataRead(SavedGameRequestStatus status, byte[] savedData)
if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success)
string cloudDataString;
if (savedData.Length == 0)
cloudDataString = "0";
} else
cloudDataString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(savedData);
string localDataString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(SAVE_NAME);
StringToGameData(cloudDataString, localDataString);
private void OnSavedGameDataWritten(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game)
#endregion /Saved Games
JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: can't call void on null object'

AutoCompleteTextField list does not always scroll to top?

The AutoCompleteTextField seems to work exactly as intended until I start backspacing in the TextField. I am not sure what the difference is, but if I type in something like "123 M" then I get values that start with "123 M". If I backspace and delete the M leaving "123 " in the field, the list changes, but it does not scroll to the top of the list.
I should note that everything works fine on the simulator and that I am experiencing this behavior when running a debug build on my iPhone.
EDIT: So this does not only seem to happen when backspacing. This image shows the results I have when typing in an address key by key. In any of the pictures where the list isn't viewable or is clipped, I am able to drag down on the list to get it to then display properly. I have not tried this on an Android device.
public class CodenameOneTest {
private Form current;
private Resources theme;
private WaitingClass w;
private String[] properties = {"1 MAIN STREET", "123 E MAIN STREET", "12 EASTER ROAD", "24 MAIN STREET"};
public void init(Object context) {
theme = UIManager.initFirstTheme("/theme");
// Enable Toolbar on all Forms by default
public void start() {
if(current != null) {;
Form form = new Form("AutoCompleteTextField");
form.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
final DefaultListModel<String> options = new DefaultListModel<>();
AutoCompleteTextField ac = new AutoCompleteTextField(options) {
protected boolean filter(String text) {
if(text.length() == 0) {
return false;
String[] l = searchLocations(text);
if(l == null || l.length == 0) {
return false;
for(String s : l) {
return true;
Container container = new Container(BoxLayout.y());
container.setScrollableY(true); // If you comment this out then the field works fine
form.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, container);;
String[] searchLocations(String text) {
try {
if(text.length() > 0) {
if(w != null) {
w = new WaitingClass();
String[] properties = getProperties(text);
if(Display.getInstance().isEdt()) {
else {;
return properties;
catch(Exception e) {
return null;
private String[] getProperties(String text) {
List<String> returnList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> propertyList = Arrays.asList(properties);
for(String property : propertyList) {
if(property.startsWith(text)) {
return returnList.toArray(new String[returnList.size()]);
class WaitingClass implements Runnable, ActionListener<ActionEvent> {
private boolean finishedWaiting;
public void run() {
while(!finishedWaiting) {
try {
catch(InterruptedException ex) {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
finishedWaiting = true;
public void stop() {
current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
if(current instanceof Dialog) {
current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
public void destroy() {
I used this code on an iPhone 4s:
public void start() {
if(current != null){;
Form hi = new Form("AutoComplete", new BorderLayout());
if(apiKey == null) {
hi.add(new SpanLabel("This demo requires a valid google API key to be set in the constant apiKey, "
+ "you can get this key for the webservice (not the native key) by following the instructions here: "
+ ""));
hi.getToolbar().addCommandToRightBar("Get Key", null, e -> Display.getInstance().execute(""));;
Container box = new Container(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < 30 ; iter++) {
hi.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, box);;
private AutoCompleteTextField createAutoComplete() {
final DefaultListModel<String> options = new DefaultListModel<>();
AutoCompleteTextField ac = new AutoCompleteTextField(options) {
protected boolean filter(String text) {
if(text.length() == 0) {
return false;
String[] l = searchLocations(text);
if(l == null || l.length == 0) {
return false;
for(String s : l) {
return true;
return ac;
String[] searchLocations(String text) {
try {
if(text.length() > 0) {
ConnectionRequest r = new ConnectionRequest();
r.addArgument("key", apiKey);
r.addArgument("input", text);
Map<String,Object> result = new JSONParser().parseJSON(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(r.getResponseData()), "UTF-8"));
String[] res = Result.fromContent(result).getAsStringArray("//description");
return res;
} catch(Exception err) {
return null;
I was able to create this issue but not the issue you describe.

How to make HybridWebView go back when device back button is pressed

I have a Xamarin.Forms app with a HybridWebView and a HybridWebViewRenderer in the Droid project.
I am trying to make the web view navigate back when the device's back button is pressed.
It looks pretty simple if I was just using a Xamarin.Forms WebView within my page. I would just do it like this...
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
return true;
But the HybridWebView does not have a GoBack() method.
In my Droid project, the only place where I have access to the WebView is in the HybridWebViewRenderer but I cannot listen for the OnBackButtonPressed event here.
Anyone know how I can make a HybridWebView navigate back when the device's back button is pressed?
Calling window.history.back(); from Javascript might be a dirty solution.
Also, calling the renderer's method from a PCL class should not be a problem.
The PCL class:
public class MyHybridWebView : HybridWebView
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> DoSomeNative;
public void CallNative()
DoSomeNative(this, EventArgs.Empty);
The renderer:
public class MyHybridWebViewRenderer : HybridWebViewRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<View> e)
if (e.OldElement != null || Element == null)
(e.NewElement as MyHybridWebView).DoSomeNative += (sender, args) =>
//Do something
//Don't forget to unsubscribe in Dispose
My solution that is working are as follows:
HybridWebView that extends the View:
I created 2 event listeners and 1 bool property.
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> GoBackOnNativeEventListener;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> CanGoBackOnNativeEventListener;
public bool _CanGoBack { get; set; }
public bool GoBack()
return true;
private void GoBackOnNative()
GoBackOnNativeEventListener(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public bool CanGoBack()
return _CanGoBack;
private void CanGoBackOnNative()
CanGoBackOnNativeEventListener(this, EventArgs.Empty);
In iOS render
public class WebViewRender : HybridWebViewRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs e)
if (Control != null && e.NewElement != null)
private void InitializeCommands(ClickableWebView element)
element.RefreshCommand = () =>
element.GoBackCommand = () =>
var ctrl = Control;
if (ctrl == null)
if (ctrl.CanGoBack)
element.CanGoBackFunction = () =>
var ctrl = Control;
if (ctrl == null)
return false;
return ctrl.CanGoBack;
element.CanGoForwardFunction = () =>
var ctrl = Control;
if (ctrl == null)
return false;
return ctrl.CanGoForward;
element.GoFrowardCommand = () =>
var ctrl = Control;
if (ctrl == null)
if (ctrl.CanGoForward)
On renderer I bind the listener:
e.NewElement.GoBackOnNativeEventListener += (sender, args) =>
e.NewElement.CanGoBackOnNativeEventListener += (sender, args) =>
_cangoback = Control.CanGoBack();
var hybridWebView = Element as HybridWebView;
hybridWebView._CanGoBack = _cangoback;
Finally on xaml.cs, on method OnBackButtonPressed(), I do like:
if (hybridWebView.CanGoBack())
return true;
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();

PropertyGrid Browsable not found for entity framework created property, how to find it?

Trying to remove or place items on a property grid by changing the Browsable attribute.
But unless browsable is set on object creation my code to change Browsable doesn't work. Now I can manually add browsable, but when I make a change to my entity (still developing project so lots of changes to entity) any additional attributes I add go away.
I attempted to set [Browsable(true)] two ways other ways: and
Both seem to actually set the Browsable correctly, but when I loop thru the Attributes in Property Descriptor it is not there (for me to change).
String fieldname = "browsable"; // I also edit "description"
PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(o.GetType())[propertyName];
object attrib = null;
AttributeCollection attribs = pd.Attributes;
foreach (Attribute a in attribs)
if (a.GetType() == attributeType)
attrib = a;
// The microsoft documentation leads one to believe the following line of code would find the desired attribute,
// negating the need for the more complete foreach statement above.
// However, it appears to find attribute even when it does not exist. Setting value for "found" attribute
// will result in random memory being changed, which results in very unpredictable behavior.
// attrib = pd.Attributes[t];
if (attrib != null)
// locate field that contains value
FieldInfo field = attrib.GetType().GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (field != null)
if (field.FieldType == value.GetType())
// set field to desired value
field.SetValue(attrib, value);
throw new Exception("Attribute (" + attributeType.Name + ") does not exist for Property(" + propertyName + ")");
So I keep getting the Exception that I throw if it doesn't find "browsable" - but only if not set in Model.Designer.cs first.
Below is what my Model.Designer.cs looks like.
/// <summary>
/// No Metadata Documentation available.
/// </summary>
[EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty=false, IsNullable=true)]
[Browsable(false)] // this works, but goes away if change my entity
public Nullable<global::System.TimeSpan> SignoutAfter
return _SignoutAfter;
_SignoutAfter = StructuralObject.SetValidValue(value);
private Nullable<global::System.TimeSpan> _SignoutAfter;
partial void OnSignoutAfterChanging(Nullable<global::System.TimeSpan> value);
partial void OnSignoutAfterChanged();
So I need a way to either 1. add browsable to entity when I edit them so it is always on perhaps editing the t4, but I don't even know where to begin with that or 2. Another way to add or remove (and edit) the properties (see I might edit the description based on some logic) or 3 find the hole in my code so I can find and edit browsable (description and displayname).
Update The second link above, , has a lot of what I need, I think. Adding a Attribute array variable to the class and some code to see if that is set seems to have the effect that I am looking for. But leaving this open to find a better answer.
partial class Client : ICustomTypeDescriptor
public Attribute[] SignOutAttributes; // added this
#region ICustomTypeDescriptor Members
... // see the link for the other code
public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties (Attribute[] attributes)
var propsColl = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (this, attributes, true);
var props = new List<PropertyDescriptor> ();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in propsColl)
String strUPPERCaseName = prop.Name.ToUpper (); // for my thick fingers
// make sure case values are upper case
switch (strUPPERCaseName)
if (SignOutAttributes != null)
props.Add(new CustomPropertyDescriptor(prop, SignOutAttributes));
props.Add (new CustomPropertyDescriptor (prop, new Attribute[]
new CategoryAttribute("Settings"),
new DisplayNameAttribute("Signout After"),
new BrowsableAttribute(true),
new ReadOnlyAttribute(false)
props.Add (prop);
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection (props.ToArray ());
In my code I can change the Attribute Array to have what Attribute values I want.
_client.SignOutAttributes = new Attribute[]
new CategoryAttribute ("My Category"),
new DisplayNameAttribute("Signout After"),
new BrowsableAttribute(true),
new ReadOnlyAttribute(false)
I'm not 100% happy with this. I have to write code for each Property.
Using ICustomTypeDescriptor is definitely the good solution when you want dynamic (set at runtime) properties. Here is generic ICustomTypeDescriptor utility class that I've been using for this sort of property grid hacking, it's pretty straightforward to use:
public sealed class DynamicTypeDescriptor: ICustomTypeDescriptor, INotifyPropertyChanged
private Type _type;
private AttributeCollection _attributes;
private TypeConverter _typeConverter;
private Dictionary<Type, object> _editors;
private EventDescriptor _defaultEvent;
private PropertyDescriptor _defaultProperty;
private EventDescriptorCollection _events;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private DynamicTypeDescriptor()
public DynamicTypeDescriptor(Type type)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
_type = type;
_typeConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(type);
_defaultEvent = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent(type);
_defaultProperty = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty(type);
_events = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(type);
List<PropertyDescriptor> normalProperties = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
OriginalProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(type);
foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in OriginalProperties)
if (!property.IsBrowsable)
Properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(normalProperties.ToArray());
_attributes = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(type);
_editors = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
object editor = TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(type, typeof(UITypeEditor));
if (editor != null)
_editors.Add(typeof(UITypeEditor), editor);
editor = TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(type, typeof(ComponentEditor));
if (editor != null)
_editors.Add(typeof(ComponentEditor), editor);
editor = TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(type, typeof(InstanceCreationEditor));
if (editor != null)
_editors.Add(typeof(InstanceCreationEditor), editor);
public T GetPropertyValue<T>(string name, T defaultValue)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in Properties)
if (pd.Name == name)
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(pd.GetValue(Component), typeof(T));
return defaultValue;
return defaultValue;
public void SetPropertyValue(string name, object value)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in Properties)
if (pd.Name == name)
pd.SetValue(Component, value);
internal void OnValueChanged(PropertyDescriptor prop)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop.Name));
internal static T GetAttribute<T>(AttributeCollection attributes) where T : Attribute
if (attributes == null)
return null;
foreach (Attribute att in attributes)
if (typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(att.GetType()))
return (T)att;
return null;
public sealed class DynamicProperty: PropertyDescriptor, INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly Type _type;
private readonly bool _hasDefaultValue;
private readonly object _defaultValue;
private readonly PropertyDescriptor _existing;
private readonly DynamicTypeDescriptor _descriptor;
private Dictionary<Type, object> _editors;
private bool? _readOnly;
private bool? _browsable;
private string _displayName;
private string _description;
private string _category;
private List<Attribute> _attributes = new List<Attribute>();
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
internal DynamicProperty(DynamicTypeDescriptor descriptor, Type type, object value, string name, Attribute[] attrs)
: base(name, attrs)
_descriptor = descriptor;
_type = type;
Value = value;
DefaultValueAttribute def = DynamicTypeDescriptor.GetAttribute<DefaultValueAttribute>(Attributes);
if (def == null)
_hasDefaultValue = false;
_hasDefaultValue = true;
_defaultValue = def.Value;
if (attrs != null)
foreach (Attribute att in attrs)
internal static Attribute[] GetAttributes(PropertyDescriptor existing)
List<Attribute> atts = new List<Attribute>();
foreach (Attribute a in existing.Attributes)
return atts.ToArray();
internal DynamicProperty(DynamicTypeDescriptor descriptor, PropertyDescriptor existing, object component)
: this(descriptor, existing.PropertyType, existing.GetValue(component), existing.Name, GetAttributes(existing))
_existing = existing;
public void RemoveAttributesOfType<T>() where T : Attribute
List<Attribute> remove = new List<Attribute>();
foreach (Attribute att in _attributes)
if (typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(att.GetType()))
foreach (Attribute att in remove)
public IList<Attribute> AttributesList
return _attributes;
public override AttributeCollection Attributes
return new AttributeCollection(_attributes.ToArray());
public object Value { get; set; }
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.CanResetValue(component);
return _hasDefaultValue;
public override Type ComponentType
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.ComponentType;
return typeof(object);
public override object GetValue(object component)
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.GetValue(component);
return Value;
public override string Category
if (_category != null)
return _category;
return base.Category;
public void SetCategory(string category)
_category = category;
public override string Description
if (_description != null)
return _description;
return base.Description;
public void SetDescription(string description)
_description = description;
public override string DisplayName
if (_displayName != null)
return _displayName;
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.DisplayName;
return base.DisplayName;
public void SetDisplayName(string displayName)
_displayName = displayName;
public override bool IsBrowsable
if (_browsable.HasValue)
return _browsable.Value;
return base.IsBrowsable;
public void SetBrowsable(bool browsable)
_browsable = browsable;
public override bool IsReadOnly
if (_readOnly.HasValue)
return _readOnly.Value;
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.IsReadOnly;
ReadOnlyAttribute att = DynamicTypeDescriptor.GetAttribute<ReadOnlyAttribute>(Attributes);
if (att == null)
return false;
return att.IsReadOnly;
public void SetIsReadOnly(bool readOnly)
_readOnly = readOnly;
public override Type PropertyType
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.PropertyType;
return _type;
public override void ResetValue(object component)
if (_existing != null)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Name));
if (CanResetValue(component))
Value = _defaultValue;
public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
if (_existing != null)
_existing.SetValue(component, value);
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Name));
Value = value;
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.ShouldSerializeValue(component);
return false;
public override object GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
if (editorBaseType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("editorBaseType");
if (_editors != null)
object type;
if ((_editors.TryGetValue(editorBaseType, out type)) && (type != null))
return type;
return base.GetEditor(editorBaseType);
public void SetEditor(Type editorBaseType, object obj)
if (editorBaseType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("editorBaseType");
if (_editors == null)
if (obj == null)
_editors = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
if (obj == null)
_editors[editorBaseType] = obj;
public PropertyDescriptor AddProperty(Type type, string name, object value, string displayName, string description, string category, bool hasDefaultValue, object defaultValue, bool readOnly)
return AddProperty(type, name, value, displayName, description, category, hasDefaultValue, defaultValue, readOnly, null);
public PropertyDescriptor AddProperty(
Type type,
string name,
object value,
string displayName,
string description,
string category,
bool hasDefaultValue,
object defaultValue,
bool readOnly,
Type uiTypeEditor)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
List<Attribute> atts = new List<Attribute>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName))
atts.Add(new DisplayNameAttribute(displayName));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
atts.Add(new DescriptionAttribute(description));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
atts.Add(new CategoryAttribute(category));
if (hasDefaultValue)
atts.Add(new DefaultValueAttribute(defaultValue));
if (uiTypeEditor != null)
atts.Add(new EditorAttribute(uiTypeEditor, typeof(UITypeEditor)));
if (readOnly)
atts.Add(new ReadOnlyAttribute(true));
DynamicProperty property = new DynamicProperty(this, type, value, name, atts.ToArray());
return property;
public void RemoveProperty(string name)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
List<PropertyDescriptor> remove = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in Properties)
if (pd.Name == name)
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in remove)
public void AddProperty(PropertyDescriptor property)
if (property == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("property");
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString() + " (" + Component + ")";
public PropertyDescriptorCollection OriginalProperties { get; private set; }
public PropertyDescriptorCollection Properties { get; private set; }
public DynamicTypeDescriptor FromComponent(object component)
if (component == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("component");
if (!_type.IsAssignableFrom(component.GetType()))
throw new ArgumentException(null, "component");
DynamicTypeDescriptor desc = new DynamicTypeDescriptor();
desc._type = _type;
desc.Component = component;
// shallow copy on purpose
desc._typeConverter = _typeConverter;
desc._editors = _editors;
desc._defaultEvent = _defaultEvent;
desc._defaultProperty = _defaultProperty;
desc._attributes = _attributes;
desc._events = _events;
desc.OriginalProperties = OriginalProperties;
// track values
List<PropertyDescriptor> properties = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in Properties)
DynamicProperty ap = new DynamicProperty(desc, pd, component);
desc.Properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(properties.ToArray());
return desc;
public object Component { get; private set; }
public string ClassName { get; set; }
public string ComponentName { get; set; }
AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes()
return _attributes;
string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName()
if (ClassName != null)
return ClassName;
if (Component != null)
return Component.GetType().Name;
if (_type != null)
return _type.Name;
return null;
string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName()
if (ComponentName != null)
return ComponentName;
return Component != null ? Component.ToString() : null;
TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter()
return _typeConverter;
EventDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent()
return _defaultEvent;
PropertyDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty()
return _defaultProperty;
object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
object editor;
if (_editors.TryGetValue(editorBaseType, out editor))
return editor;
return null;
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes)
return _events;
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents()
return _events;
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
return Properties;
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties()
return Properties;
object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd)
return Component;