How to extract curve control points from Rhino NURB file - plugins

I want to implement a Rhino plugin to extract location properties of NURB curves Control Points.
if you draw a curve or a solid shape like Sphere. you have some points to draw and also you have some Control Points.
to know more about NURB ad Control Points you can read this link

This Python code extracts the control points of selected curves and associates curves names to extracted control points.
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
from System.Drawing import Color
import Rhino as Rh
#Collecting the curves
obj = rs.GetObjects("Select curves",4)
#adding a Layer as a parent layer
for curve in obj:
if rs.IsCurve(curve):
#Creating new layers from objects name
LayerName = rs.ObjectName(curve)
points = rs.CurvePoints(curve)
if points:
for pt in points:
CtrlPoint = rs.AddPoint(pt)

In VS 2012 You should install the new Rhino Components . then you can retrieve the NURBS Properties like this :
Surface sr = obj_ref.Surface();
if (null == sr)
return Result.Failure;
NurbsSurface ns = sr.ToNurbsSurface();
if (null == ns)
return Result.Failure;
foreach (var point in ns.Points)
foreach (var knot in ns.KnotsU)
// do anything by KnotsU
foreach (var knot in ns.KnotsV)
// do anything by KnotsV


Mapbox Overlapping Circles

Does anyone know a way to make overlapping circles in mapbox show the same color and only have the border around the outer edge display?
I have this:
And I made this in photoshop for what I want:
While I don't think there is a way to style all the circles to show their group outline, you can achieve the effect you want by creating a union of all the circle geometries and applying your style to that. Unfortunately, Leaflet's class offers no way to access a circle's geometry beyond the center point, and to perform a union, you need the path of the circle itself. Fortunately, there is Leaflet Geodesy and its class, which produces circular polygons with a given radius and number of segments. Once you have these polygon representations of your circles, you can use turf.union to produce the outline you want.
Say you are starting with a layer of points called pointLayer (this can be a L.geoJson, L.mapbox.featureLayer, or any other class that inherits the .eachLayer method). You can then iterate over the features, creating a circular polygon for each of them and adding it to a temporary layer group, like this:
var circleLayer = L.layerGroup();
var radius = 5000
var opts = {
parts: 144
pointLayer.eachLayer(function(layer) {, radius, opts).addTo(circleLayer);
where radius is in meters and the parts option is the number of segments you want your polygons to have. Next, use the .getLayers method to get an array of all the layers in the temporary group, then iterate over that to create a union of all the features:
var circleUnion = unify(circleLayer.getLayers()).addTo(map);
function unify(polyList) {
for (var i = 0; i < polyList.length; ++i) {
if (i == 0) {
var unionTemp = polyList[i].toGeoJSON();
} else {
unionTemp = turf.union(unionTemp, polyList[i].toGeoJSON());
return L.geoJson(unionTemp, {style: unionStyle});
where unionStyle is whatever style you want to apply to your newly-combined circles. Here is an example fiddle showing all this with some random data:

How to get intersection area coordinates of two polygons on General Polygon Clipper(GPC)?

I'm using nutiteq library to draw polygons and getting the coordinates of the polygons with .getVertexList() command. Then I cast these coordinates to an array list . Then I cast these coordinates to another polygon list. GPC is calculating the intersection, union, XOR and difference areas integer values. Then I need to highlight the process area so I need processed areas coordinates but I can't get these coordinates directly from GPC.
The code I'm using for the area calculation is below. What should I do to get the coordinates of result polygon?. (I can't cast the coordinates directly by the way as you can see here...)
Thanks in advance.
public void IntersectionButton(View view) {
VectorElement selectedElement = mapView.getSelectedElement();
List<?> VisibleElements = selectedElement.getLayer().getVisibleElements();
ArrayList<Poly> polyList = new ArrayList<Poly>();
for (Object obj : VisibleElements) {
if (obj instanceof Polygon) {
Polygon poly = (Polygon) obj;
List<MapPos> geoList = poly.getVertexList();
Poly p = new PolyDefault();
for (MapPos pos : geoList) {
p.add(pos.x, pos.y);
PolyDefault result = (PolyDefault) Clip.intersection(polyList.get(0), polyList.get(1));
int area = (int) (((int) result.getArea()) * (0.57417));
The result polygon seems to have all the methods you need:
getNumPoints() to get number of outer polygon points.
getX(i) to get X of specific outer polygon point, and getY(i) for Y.
getNumInnerPoly() to get number of holes in the polygon
getInnerPoly(i) to get specific hole. You iterate through hole similar way like outer polygon
You can construct new Nutiteq Polygon from this data, create list of MapPos for outer and list of list of MapPos for inner polygons (holes). What are values of X and Y, do they need further processing, is another question what you can investigate.

How can I draw a polygon on intersection coordinates on Nutiteq?

Hey people this is going to be my first question so dont hit me too hard !
Before I have already added polygons but the intersection is a bit complicating.
with pre-defined i mean for example intersection coordinates of two other polygons. I'm calculating the area of the polygon intersection but i also want to highlight the area. Thanks
You would need two steps:
calculate intersection: polygon from 2 polygons. I would use JTS for it, you would need to provide data in JTS objects.
highlight the intersection on mapview (nutiteq for example). You can just add the resulting polygon as one geometry element into geometry layer, just as any other polygon. Use special styling to make it look different. You would need to convert JTS polygon to Nutiteq Polygon object to show it on map
ArrayList<MapPos> keslist = new ArrayList<MapPos>();
for (int i = 0; i < sonuc.getNumPoints(); i++) {
double lon = sonuc.getX(i);
double lat = sonuc.getY(i);
MapPos mPos = new MapPos(lon, lat);
PolygonStyle polygonStyle = PolygonStyle.builder().setColor(Color.GREEN).build();
StyleSet<PolygonStyle> polygonStyleSet = new StyleSet<PolygonStyle>(null);
polygonStyleSet.setZoomStyle(10, polygonStyle);
Polygon KesisimPol = new Polygon(keslist, new DefaultLabel("Kesişim"), polygonStyleSet, null);
GeometryLayer geomLayer = new GeometryLayer(mapView.getLayers().getBaseLayer().getProjection());
Here is my solution. I've tried it works. Right now I'm trying to add this new polygon to editable objects layer. Because I can't use the result polygon in another intersection process.
I hope this will help the others.

Why ploting data in ILNumerics produce the result that is not symmetry? (2D Plot)

I have ILNumerics code like this:
var scene = new ILScene();
ILColormap cm = new ILColormap(Colormaps.Hot);
ILArray<float> data = cm.Data;
data[":;0"] = ILMath.pow(data[":;0"], 3.0f);
cm.Data = data;
ILArray<float> contoh = ILMath.zeros<float>(15, 15);
contoh[7, 14] = 1;
new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: false){
new ILSurface(contoh){
Wireframe = { Color = Color.FromArgb(50, Color.LightGray)},
Colormap = new ILColormap(data),
Children = { new ILColorbar()}
ilPanel1.Scene = scene;
Roughly speak, I want to plot 2D model. In that matrix "contoh", I have one value that different with other neighbors. I want to plot that matrix become something like this figure:
But, there is that I got:
If we see the white area, it is not symmetry. Why this is happen? When I slightly rotate the model, we can see more clearly that even I have data in [14,7] position, the white area stretching until [13,6] but not to [13,8].
And for the last. Can anyone teach me how to make code that will generate a figure as like as Figure 1?
Both plots are different because they are of different type. The matlab one is an imagesc, the ILNumerics one is a surface. Imagesc plots will be available for ILNumerics with the next release.

How to find the 3D coordinates of a surface from the click location of the mouse on the ILNumerics surface plots?

Currently our system uses the ILNumerics 3D plot cube class with an ILNumerics surface component to display a 3D meshed surface. An aim for our system is to be able to interrogate individual points on the surface from a mouse click on the plot. We have the MouseClick event set up on our plot the problem is I am unsure on how to get the values for the particular point on the surface that has been clicked, could anyone help with this issue?
The conversion from 2D mouse coordinates to 3D 'model' coordinates is possible - under some limitations:
The conversion is not unambiguous. The mouse event only provides 2 dimensions: X and Y screen coordinates. In the 3D model there might be more than one point 'behind' this 2D screen point. Therefore, the best you can get is to compute a line in 3D, starting at the camera and ending in infinite depth.
While in theory it would be possible at least to try to find the crossing of the line with the 3D objects, ILNumerics currently does not. Even in the simple case of a surface it is easy to construct a 3D model which crosses the line at more than one point.
For a simplified situation a solution exists: If the Z coordinate in 3D does not matter, one can use common matrix conversions in order to acquire the X and Y coordinates in 3D and use these only. Let's say, your plot is a 2D line plot or a surface plot - but only watched from
'above' (i.e. The unrotated X-Y plane). The Z coordinate of the point clicked may not be of interest. Let's further assume, you have setup an ILScene scene in a common windows application with ILPanel:
private void ilPanel1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var scene = new ILScene() {
new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: true) {
new ILSurface(ILSpecialData.sincf(20,30))
scene.First<ILSurface>().MouseClick += (s,arg) => {
// we start at the mouse event target -> this will be the
// surface group node (the parent of "Fill" and "Wireframe")
var group = arg.Target.Parent;
if (group != null) {
// walk up to the next camera node
Matrix4 trans = group.Transform;
while (!(group is ILCamera) && group != null) {
group = group.Parent;
// collect all nodes on the path up
trans = group.Transform * trans;
if (group != null && (group is ILCamera)) {
// convert args.LocationF to world coords
// The Z coord is not provided by the mouse! -> choose arbitrary value
var pos = new Vector3(arg.LocationF.X * 2 - 1, arg.LocationF.Y * -2 + 1, 0);
// invert the matrix.
trans = Matrix4.Invert(trans);
// trans now converts from the world coord system (at the camera) to
// the local coord system in the 'target' group node (surface).
// In order to transform the mouse (viewport) position, we
// left multiply the transformation matrix.
pos = trans * pos;
// view result in the window title
Text = "Model Position: " + pos.ToString();
ilPanel1.Scene = scene;
What it does: it registers a MouseClick event handler on the surface group node. In the handler it accumulates the transformation matrices on the path from the clicked target (the surface group node) up to the next camera node the surface is a child of. While rendering, the (model) coordinates of the vertices are transformed by the local coordinate transformation matrix, hosted in every group node. All transformations are accumulated and so the vertex coordinates end up in the 'world coordinate' system, established by every camera. So rendering finds the 2D screen position from the 3D model vertex positions.
In order to find the 3D position from the 2D screen coordinates - one must go the other way around. In the example, we acquire the transformation matrices for every group node, multiply them all up and invert the resulting transformation matrix. This is needed, because such transforms naturally describe the conversion from the child node to the parent. Here, we need the other way around - hence the inversion is necessary.
This method gives the correct 3D coordinates at the mouse position. However, keep the limitations in mind! Here, we do not take into account any rotation of the plot cube (the plot cube must be left unrotated) and no projection transforms (plot cubes do use orthographic transform by default, which basically is a noop). In order to recognize those variables as well, you may extend the example accordingly.