MatLab Eps Print Webdings interpreter - matlab

So recently I decided to not use the standard markers that Matlab provides and use my own via: a set of fonts including Webdings or WingDings. I make a standard scatter plot, and plot the text (in wingdings), using the text command, over the locations of the markers.
When I save these plots as png files, they print perfectly. They also appear perfectly on my screen after plotting.
However when I save these plots as eps files, the webdings are turning into their original letters 'l' or 'w'. It also looks like it's plotting them in a Courier font, but my default is Helvetica.
I've read through this previous post, but my question differs in that he is looking to use Latex as the interpreter and to include fonts, whereas I don't want to use Latex as the interpreter. However, it seems like my default interpreter (not sure what that is), isn't doing the job when converting to EPS.

I figured it out....took me way too long.
Ghostscript / Postscript only export with a few fonts when you are exporting eps files.
This link was incredibly helpful.
I just switched from wingdings/webdings to ZapfDinbats...Practically the same thing...


exporting svg image from matlab surface plot

I need some to produce some publication-quality figures. I first export the figures from matlab in .svg format, and then I do some post-processing in inkscape. I am no problem with figures generated using plot or scatter, but when I export figures generated using surf (in view(2)), I run into problems. If I use plot or scatter, I am able to ungroup and process various parts like the title, axes, scattered points, lines, etc. in inkscape. For surf, however, matlab just exports one single figures with all various parts grouped into one single unit. I can't separate individual part, and when I zoom very close I can actually see the bitmap resolution for the axes and titles (if I use plot, the titles and axes have 'infinite' resolution when I zoom very close). I am fine with the surface plot having finite resolution, but I need to at least be able to process the axes and titles (which I currently cannot do). What should I do so that I can 'separate' the title and axes from the main plot, just like figures generated from plot and scatter?
I stumbled across this question, since I encountered the same problem.
As mentioned by #vindarmagnus, it is possible to use tikz and get rather nice results. However, tikz experiences problems with large data sets in my experience as present when using surf etc..
Solution, that worked for me:
Change the renderer to painters and the exported .svg file will retain its vectorgraphic properties when opened e.g. in inkscape:
I used to use Inkscape for my scientific publications as well, but I found that a lot of the time you can get better results with pgfplots in latex, together with the matlab2tikz matlabscript. There’s a ton of resources about this online, but here’s how my workflow would look adopted to your surf situation. I have macOSX with latex, matlab and matlab2tikz installed. Will work with little to no modifications on linux.
In Matlab:
Then I have the following bash-script (just a script in the same folder as the image, which is executed by mere double-click). (Needs to be chmod-ed as an executable for that).
cd ~/Desktop
rm *.eps
cat > plot.tex << EOF
\pgfplotsset{max space between ticks=50}
\pgfplotsset{scaled ticks = false}
\pgfplotsset{xticklabel style={/pgf/number format/fixed}}
\pgfplotsset{yticklabel style={/pgf/number format/fixed}}
pdflatex plot.tex
pdf2ps plot.pdf
Note that the row cd ~/Desktop above should be changed as to reflect which folder the script is supposed to be run from (a bit crappy, but needed since Finder doesn’t properly pass along the folder from a program is executed, afaik).
This yields high-quality images in eps or pdf or what you like, with a ton of settings for axes and ticks etc. And it all uses native latex fonts.
Recently I’ve begun to use patch() in matlab and then export it to tikz in the same manner as above, with great results. That’s another suggestion!
You can use also:

exporting figure to eps file

I am trying to export a figure which includes highlighting of regions - something like this: Highlight parts of matlab plot. Unfortunately, when I export the figures to .eps files the size is of the order of ~10 MB... Thus, when I include them in a tex file, the quality is severely degraded. As expected this problem seems to occur due to the use of the area function for the highlighting. Is there any workaround on this?
You have transparency in your plot which requires the renderer to be OpenGL which causes any EPS to not really be vector graphics but rather bitmaps coerced in some strange way. This is why the file size is much larger than what you would expect for vector graphics. If you open the resulting EPS file with an external editor (Illustrator, Inkscape, etc.) you will see what I am talking about. As a side-note, transparency isn't technically supported in EPS files.
Your options are really to
Save your figures as something else such as TIFF or PNG
You could try saving the figure as an EPS using export_fig from the file exchange but you will likely still have the same issue.
Turn off transparency, save to an EPS, and use Illustrator or an external program to change the transparency and try to save as an EPS file and see if you get better results.

Exporting figures as vector graphics in .pdf-format using HG2-Update and 'painters' renderer is not working properly

I'm using the still undocumented HG2-Update to create my MATLAB plots, because they just look that much nicer.
(Source: Yair Altman)
Actually, using the current version Release 2013b it works quite nicely and there are not much issues. Except one wants to export the figures as vector graphics (renderer: '-painters'), especially as pdf.
I use the commands:
There are rendering issues, the print does not contain the whole figure and some parts are cropped or non-default fonts are not recognized.
But I'd really like to stay with HG2 and I'd still like to use vector graphics. Is there any solution or workaround?
Exporting vector graphics using the yet not official HG2-Update is quite an issue. The .pdf-export is still totally screwed up.
What is working fine is the .svg-export, apart from that the boundary box is not set properly.
The long workaround would be:
Save the plot with '-dsvg' (print-command) or 'svg' (saveas-command) as vector graphic, open the file in the open source application Inkscape and save again as .pdf with the Export area is drawing checkmark set.
Quite complicated, so I found a way to do it via command-line directly from Matlab (Inkscape still required!):
filename = 'test';
inkscapepath = '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape.exe"';
%// save as .svg
%// open and save with "export-area-drawing" set via command line
system( [inkscapepath ' ' filename ...
'.svg --export-area-drawing --export-pdf=' filename '.pdf'])
It takes some time, but works without any known issues for now.
Additionally delete the svg-File afterwards:
delete([filename '.svg'])
I had the same problem and used the workaround from thewaywewalk. Now I discovered the MATLAB function "hgexport" works under HG2 (in R2014a).
An issue still was the paper size. I want to use the same size for all graphs with as little white frame as possible. Here you have to set two sizes:
The papersize is set with set(gcf,'PaperSize',[width height]) and the size of your chart is set through export styles. These are set in "Export Setup" or command line:
exp_style.Width = 'width';
exp_style.Height = 'height';
exp_style.Renderer = 'painters';
Now you can export your pdf:
PS: In HG2 you may also use Latex for tick labels:

Is it possible to get around MATLAB's limitation on font embedding in vector format files?

According to the MATLAB manual, when you save a figure using print or by choosing file|save, if you choose the painters renderer and save to PDF or EPS vector formats, all fonts get substituted. Is there a way to get around this limitation?
Whenever I output a figure, whether I use print or export_fig, the fonts get substituted, and so they no longer match the fonts in the document that I plan on putting the figure into. I would prefer to keep them in a vector format, because I use LaTeX and so I want to be able to use the same figures in my documents as in my beamer presentations and have them scale nicely without bloating the file size.
If I'm reading that link correctly, not all fonts get substituted. From 'Choosing a Printer Driver':
The table below lists the fonts supported by the MATLAB PostScript and Ghostscript drivers when generated with the Painters renderer (fully vectorized output). This same set of fonts is supported on both Windows and UNIX:
So, if you use one of the above fonts, the output vector-format figure should maintain the correct font. See for example:
list_fonts = listfonts
xlabel('this font is Helvetica','fontname','Helvetica','fontsize',24)
Which produces:
So, choose one of the fonts from the list above, and the font will be output correctly. Otherwise, change the font in your presentation to match one of the above fonts.
I also encountered this problem for many times, and I have an simple but effective way that never fails me (on Windows, need GSview).
1) save fig as PDF
2) save PDF as ps
3) open ps with GSview, then click "File->PS to EPS", specify a file name and done.
Hope this helps.

Add text to PDF

I've got an exported version of a MATLAB diagram, similar to the one below. The problem is, that there are no axis captions. It's not possible to export the file again from MATLAB. I need to edit the PDF programmatically and edit about 100 diagrams, all with the same axis positions.
Is there a clean and fast way to paste the Strings X and Y at the corresponding positions in the pdf based on a batch process?
Create a PDF file with the captions. Add that as a background with to the PDF files with pdftk.
if know how to use LaTeX, the pstool package can bring you far on this on, including replacing labels (or actually any text on an eps figure) with TeX symbolic expressions. Neat if you're already working in LaTeX.