Sails 10.x waterline: What attribute type to use for Mongo objectID - sails.js

sailsjs: I am trying to define a model. I would like to add a property vendorID. The type would be the monogdb objectID from the vendor collection.
Something like for a store model:
module.exports ={
attributes :{
vendorId : { type: <Monog ObjectId>}, <-- this would be a FK to the vendor Collection
storeName: {type: 'string'}
Waterline docu says:
The following attribute types are currently available:
So what do I pick?

You should look into SailsJS associations. With waterline you shouldn't need to deal directly with id types. Just create an attribute that points to another collection via the model or collection properties.
Here's a simple example from the Sails/Waterline docs.
//Pet.js - A Pet may only have a single user
module.exports = {
attributes: {
//User.js - A user may have multiple pets
module.exports = {
attributes: {
collection: 'pet',
via: 'owner'

The _id is created automatically for you by Waterline you don't have to do this.


Can database references in mongodb reference two databases?

I am using MongoDB via mongooose. Can database references reference two databases at the same time?
field_name: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'collectionA',// can I reference collectionA and collectionB too?
required: true,
See code above.
The field, field_name, can be an objectId from collectionA or collectionB. How can I reflect that in my mongoose schema?
I guess you are looking for mongoose dynamic reference via refPath.
const someSchema = new Schema({
field_name: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true,
refPath: 'onCollection'
onCollection: {
type: String,
required: true,
enum: ['collectionA', 'collectionB']
In this case, Instead of a hardcoded model name in ref, refPath means Mongoose
will look at the onCollection property to find the right model.
For example if we have this document:
field_name: some_id,
onCollection: 'collectionA'
Collection.find().populate('field_name') will populate the field from collectionA. And if the onCollection field was valued with collectionB, it would have populated it from collectionB.
This scenario only works if you want to reference one collection at a time, but the collection is dynamic.
If you need to reference both collections at the same time, there is no mongoose schema design to support array of references as far as I know.
You can just ignore ref in your schema, and pass in the value of ref when you want to populate:
path: 'field_name',
model: 'collectionA'
Then you can have multiple populates. Same applies for $lookup.

Mongodb for HL7-FHIR

Learning FHIR and trying to implement with MEAN stack which uses MongoDb as database, I would like to seek your help on my question.
When I get the POST request for a new resource docment, I will insert it into MongoDB. Since the MongoDB will add the _id (object id) to the resources as a unique id. When I retrieve the document, it will have the extra field _id. I think it will make the resources not compliance any more since the _id is not defined in the resources.
May I know how to handle this issue? Will this extra _id matter in the FHIR resource?
Best regards,
So, I'm also using MongoDB - along with mongoose - to implement FHIR in nodejs.
I've just added a field called id in the schema definition for mongoose like this
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import shortid from 'shortid';
class resource extends mongoose.Schema {
constructor(schema) {
// just added this to make MongoDB use shortid
_id: { type: String, default: shortid.generate },
id: { type: {} },
id_: { type: {} },
implicitRules: { type: String },
implicitRules_: { type: {} },
language: { type: String },
language_: { type: {} },
export default resource;
and then _id field takes its value from the id when create/update a resource
my code for upserting a patient resource
upsert(root, params, context, ast) {
const projection = this.getProjection(ast);
if (! { = shortid.generate();
} = 'Patient';
const upserted = model
.findByIdAndUpdate(,, {
new: true,
upsert: true,
select: projection
if (!upserted) {
throw new Error('Error upserting');
return upserted;
yes, the _id will not be conformant. You can't change it to 'id'?
Perhaps you can take a look at the Spark server, which also uses a MongoDB to store the resources. In the Spark.Store.Mongo namespace you will see some helper methods to convert a Mongo BSONdocument to a FHIR resource.

Mongoose product category design?

I would like to create an eCommerce type of database where I have products and categories for the products using Mongodb and Mongoose. I am thinking of having two collections, one for products and one for categories. After digging online, I think the category should be as such:
var categorySchema = {
_id: { type: String },
parent: {
type: String,
ref: 'Category'
ancestors: [{
type: String,
ref: 'Category'
I would like to be able to find all the products by category. For example "find all phones." However, the categories may be renamed, updated, etc. What is the best way to implement the product collection? In SQL, a product would contain a foreign key to a category.
A code sample of inserting and finding a document would be much appreciated!
Why not keep it simple and do something like the following?
var product_Schema = {
Then using projections you could easily return the products for a given key. For example:
if (!err) {console.log(data)}
Of course the correct schema design will be dependent on how you plan on querying/inserting/updating data, but with mongo keeping things simple usually pays off.

Does using dbref do anything more than just storing an `id`

My Mongoose schema:
// set up the schema
var CategorySubSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String },
_category_main : { type: String, ref: 'CategoryMain' }
And my controller code:
name :,
_category_main : req.body.category_main
}, function(err, data){
An entry in my db:
"_id": "54dd163434d78ae58f6b1a69",
"name": "Snacks",
"_category_main": "54dcf4a71dfecb4d86ddcb87",
"__v": 0
So I used an underscore, because I was following an example. Does this mean anything to the database or is it just convention for references?
Also, instead of passing the entire JSON object in the request - req.body.category_main, why not just pass and id and change my schema to this?:
var CategorySubSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String },
category_main_id : { type: String }
In short, Yes.
The below schema definition is an example of Manual references.
var CategorySubSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String },
category_main_id : { type: String }
you save the _id field of one document in another document as a
reference. Then your application can run a second query to return the
related data. These references are simple and sufficient for most use
In this case, we need to write explicit application code to fetch the referred document and resolve the reference. Since the driver that we use wouldn't know about the collection in which the referred document is present nor the database in which the referred document is present.
When you define the schema as below, this is an example of storing the details of the referred document .(Database references)
var CategorySubSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String },
_category_main : { type: String, ref: 'CategoryMain' }
They include the name of the collection, and in some cases the
database name, in addition to the value from the _id field.
These details allow various drivers to resolve the references by themselves, since the name of the collection and the database(optional) of the referred document would be contained in the document itself, rather than we writing explicit application code to resolve the references.
So I used an underscore, because I was following an example. Does this mean anything to the database or is it just convention for
Using underscore in the _id field is a valid naming convention, but mongoDb doesn't explicitly mention about the naming convention of other fields which are used to resolve references. You could just use any other field name as long as it conforms to this.

How to update a object in mongodb via mongoose?

I have mongoose schema as:
var Organization = new Schema({
name: String,
address: {
street : String,
city: String
}, { collection: 'organization' });
How do I update only street part of address for an organization via mongoose?
I can't find any docs that cover this simple case so I can see why you're having trouble. But it's as simple as using a $set with a key that uses dot notation to reference the embedded field:
{name: 'Koka'},
{$set: {'address.street': 'new street name'}},
Now you can update directly .
{name: 'Koka'},
{'address.street': 'new street name'},
Using Document set also, specified properties can be updated. With this approach, we can use "save" which validates the data also.
path : value
, path2 : {
path : value
Example: Update Product schema using Document set and save.
// Update the product
let productToUpdate = await Product.findById(;
if (!productToUpdate) {
throw new NotFoundError();
productToUpdate.set({title:"New Title"});
Note - This can be used to update the multiple and nested properties also.