Swift protocol and return types on global functions - swift

This is a followup to the question: Protocol func returning Self. The protocol is as follows:
protocol Copyable {
init(copy: Self)
func copy() -> Self
The following works fine but the copy() function is exactly the same for every implementation, namely
func copy() -> Self {
return self.dynamicType(copy: self)
In accordance to this http://nshipster.com/swift-default-protocol-implementations/ I tried a global func
func copy<T : Copyable>(makeCopy: T) -> T {
return makeCopy.dynamicType(copy: makeCopy)
However, when it's called in a class implementing a the below protocol
protocol Mutatable : Copyable {
func mutated() -> Self
class C : Mutatable {
var a = 0
required init(_ a: Int) {
self.a = a
required init(copy: C) {
a = copy.a
func mutated() -> Self {
let mutated = copy(self)
return mutated // error: 'C' is not convertible to 'Self'
I get the error as noted. When I type mutated autocomplete shows mutated as (C) and I have no idea what that means. I've also tried adding required to func mutated() but apparently required is only allowed for inits. Any way to get this to work?

This question has the same form as the copy one, and the same solution. Make mutation an initializer rather than a method.
protocol Copyable {
init(copy: Self)
protocol Mutatable : Copyable {
init(byMutating: Self)
class C : Mutatable {
var a = 0
required init(_ a: Int) {
self.a = a
required init(copy: C) {
a = copy.a
required convenience init(byMutating: C) {
self.init(copy: byMutating)
// These are purely for convenience
func copy<T : Copyable>(x: T) -> T {
return x.dynamicType(copy: x)
func mutated<T: Mutatable>(x: T) -> T {
return x.dynamicType(byMutating: x)
But to reiterate Mattt's point in the linked article, you can have a C(copy: x) syntax fairly conveniently, and you can have a copy(x) syntax pretty conveniently, and there is always x.dynamicType(copy: x). But you can't have a x.copy() syntax without some annoying work. You either have to duplicate func copy() -> Self { return copy(self) } in every class, or you have to create some concrete class that implements this method and C ultimately inherits from. This is currently a basic limitation of Swift. I agree with Mattt's diagnosis of possible solutions, and suspect that some kind of trait system, possibly along the lines of Scala's, will probably be added in the future.
It's worth focusing on Mattt's comment that "all of this highlights a significant tension between methods and functions in Swift." This is another way of saying that there are tensions between the object-oriented paradigm and the functional paradigm, and moving between them can create some disconnects. Languages try to paper-over that issue with various features, but there are important differences between objects with messages and properties, vs functions with data and combinators, and "getting the best of both worlds" can sometimes create some rough edges.
It's easy to forget, when comparing Swift to other languages, that there is a big difference between v0.9 and v2.11. Many things we take for granted in our favorite languages did not exist in their v1 either.
To your comment, you may be thinking that mutated is of type Self. But it's of type C, as your autocomplete indicates. As before, C is not the same as Self unless you can promise that there are no subclasses (C being either final or a struct). Swift types are resolved at compile-time, not runtime, unless you use dynamicType.
To be a little more specific, Swift looks at this line:
let mutated = copy(self)
It notes that copy is generic on the type of its parameter, and it must construct a version of copy at compile-time to call. There is no type Self. It's just a placeholder, and must be resolved at compile-time. The type of self in this lexical scope is C. So it constructs copy<C>. But if you subclassed C, this could be the wrong function (and in this case, would be). This is very closely related to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25549841/97337.
The fact that type autocomplete says (C) rather than C is a minor side-effect of how Swift functions and tuples work, and comes up pretty regularly, but I've yet to encounter a case where it really mattered. A Swift function like func f(x: Int, y:Int) does not actually have two parameters. It has one 2-tuple parameter of type (Int, Int). This fact is important to how the currying syntax works (see the Swift Programming Language for more on currying in Swift). So when you specialize copy, you specialized it with a 1-tuple of type (C). (Or possibly, the compiler is just trying to do that as one of various attempts, and that's just the one it reports on.) In Swift any value can be trivially exchanged for a 1-tuple of the same type. So the return of copy is actually the 1-tuple of C, written (C). I suspect that the Swift compiler will improve its messages over time to remove the extraneous parentheses, but that's why they show up sometimes.


Swift compile time dynamic type property

Is there any syntax can make this work? I need a property can determine its type in the compile time.
protocol P {}
struct A: P {
var onlyAHas: String
struct B: P {
var onlyBHas: String
var ins1: any P = A()
var ins2: any P = B()
ins1.onlyAHas = "a only"
ins2.onlyBHas = "b only"
Before getting to the solution, let's break down what any means, and while we're at it, we'll include some as well:
When you write:
var ins1: any P = A()
You are telling the compiler that you want to use ins1 as P. It's the protocol oriented equivalent of this OOP code:
class Base {
var baseProperty: String? = nil
class Concrete: Base {
var concreteProperty: String? = nil
let obj: Base = Concrete();
obj.baseProperty = "Some value" // <-- This is fine
obj.concreteProperty = "Some value" // <-- This is an error
This code tells the compiler that obj is a Base. You can assign it from a Concrete, but because that's a subclass of Base, but obj is still known locally as a Base not as a Concrete, so it can't access the properties of Concrete that weren't inherited from Base.
It's the same in your example. ins1 is known locally as a P not as an A, and P doesn't have an onlyAHas property.
You'd get similar behavior with some instead of any. There are a few differences between the two, but let's just talk about the main one:
some tells the compiler that it will be a type that it can resolve to one specific concrete type, but that it should enforce the abstraction to the protocol in source code. This allows it to generate more efficient code internally, because knowing the concrete type allows the compiler to call the concrete's implementation directly instead of going through its protocol witness table, which is the protocol-oriented analog of a "vtable" in OOP, so the effect is like in OOP when the compiler devirtualizes a method call because despite the syntax, it knows the actual concrete type. This avoids the runtime overhead of dynamic dispatch while still letting you use the abstraction of the existential type... well it's more like it requires you to use the abstraction of the existential type than lets you, because from a source code point of view, the abstraction is enforced.
any also enforces the abstraction, but it goes the other way in terms of the kind of optimizations the compiler can do. It says that the compiler must go through the protocol witness table, because, as the keyword suggests, its value could be any concrete type that conforms to the protocol, even if the compiler could determine that it's actually just one specific type locally. It also allows relaxation of some rules regarding using the protocol as a type when it has Self and associatedtype constraints.
But either way, you are telling the compiler that you want to use ins1 as a P and not as an A.
The solutions
There are a few solutions, actually:
The first is to downcast to the concrete type, as was suggested in comments by Joakim Danielson:
if var ins1 = ins1 as? A {
ins1.onlyAHas = "a only"
Downcasting is a code smell, but sometimes is actually the clearest or simplest solution. As long as it's contained locally, and doesn't become a wide-spread practice for using instances of type, P, it might be fine.
However, that example does have one problem: A is a value type, so the ins1 whose onlyAHas property is being set is a copy of the original ins1 you explicitly created. Having the same name confuses it slightly. If you only need the change to be in effect in the body of the if, that works just fine. If you need it to persist outside, you'd have to assign back to the original. Using the same name prevents that, so you'd need to use different names.
Execute concrete-specific code only at initialization
This only applies if the concrete type just configures some things for the protocol up-front, and thereafter protocol-only code can be used:
var ins1: any P = A(onlyAHas: "a only")
// From here on code can only do stuff with `ins1` that is defined in `P`
Or your could delegate the initialization to a function that internally knows the concrete type, but returns any P.
func makeA(_ s: String) -> any P
var a = A()
a.onlyAHas = s
return a
var ins1 = makeA("a only");
// From here on code can only do stuff with `ins1` that is defined in `P`
Declare protocol methods/computed properties that do the work.
This is the usual way to use protocols. Declaring a method in the protocol is similar to declaring a method in a base class. Implementing the method in a conforming concrete type is like overriding the method in a subclass. If you don't also provide a default implementation in a protocol extension, the protocol will enforce that conforming types implement the protocol - which is a big advantage over the OOP approach.
protocol P {
mutating func setString(_ s: String)
struct A: P
var onlyAHas: String
mutating func setString(_ s: String) {
onlyAHas = s
struct B: P
var onlyBHas: String
mutating func setString(_ s: String) {
onlyBHas = s
var ins1: any P = A()
var ins2: any P = B()
ins1.setString("a only") // <- Calls A's setString
ins2.setString("b only") // <- Calls B's setString
I'm doing this with a setString method, but you could certainly use a computed variable in the protocol to do the same thing, and that would be more "Swifty." I didn't do that just to emphasize the more general idea of putting functionality in the protocol, and not get hung up on the fact that the functionality in question happens to be setting a property.
If you don't need all conforming types to be able to set a String, one solution is to provide a do-nothing default implmentation in an extension on P:
protocol P {
mutating func setString(_ s: String)
extension P
mutating func setString(_ s: String) { /* do nothing */ }
// Same A and B definitions go here
struct C: P { }
var ins3: any P = C();
ins1.setString("a only") // <- Calls A's setString
ins2.setString("b only") // <- Calls B's setString
ins3.setString("c only") // <- Calls setString from extension of P
Most often though, setting/getting some concrete property is an implementation detail of doing some task that varies with the concrete type. So instead, you'd declare a method in the protocol to do that task:
protocol P
mutating func frobnicate()
struct A
var onlyAHas: String
mutating func frobnicate()
// Do some stuff
onlyAHas = "a only"
// Do some other stuff that uses onlyAHas
B would be defined similarly doing whatever is specific to it. If the stuff in comments is common code, you could break it down into prologue, main action, and epilogue.
protocol P
mutating func prepareToFrobnicate()
mutating func actuallyFrobnicate() -> String
mutating func finishFrobnication(result: String)
extension P
This method isn't in protocol, so this exact method will be called;
however, it calls methods that *are* in the protocol, we provide
default implementations, so if conforming types, don't implement them,
the versions in this extension are called, but if they do implement
them, their versions will be called.
mutating func frobnicate()
finishFrobnication(result: actuallyFrobnicate());
mutating func prepareToFrobnicate() {
// do stuff general stuff to prepare to frobnicate
mutating func actuallyFrobnicate() -> String {
return "" // just some default value
mutating func finishFrobnication(result: String) {
// define some default behavior
struct A
var onlyAHas: String
mutating func actuallyFrobnicate() -> String
// Maybe do some A-specific stuff
onlyAHas = "a only"
// Do some more A-specific stuff
return onlyAHas
struct B
var onlyBHas: String
mutating func actuallyFrobnicate() -> String {
"b only"
mutating func finishFrobnication(result: String)
// Maybe do some B-specific stuff
onlyBHas = result
// Do some more B-specific stuff
var ins1: any P = A()
var ins2: any P = B()
In this example, the frobnicate in the protocol extension is called, because it's defined only in the protocol extension.
For ins1, frobnicate then calls the extension's prepareToFrobnicate, because even though it's declared directly in the protocol, A doesn't implement that and a default implementation is provided in the extension.
Then it calls A's actuallyFrobnicate because it's defined directly in the protocol, and A does implement it, so the default implementation isn't used. As a result the onlyAHas property is set.
Then it passes the result from A's actuallyFrobnicate to the finishFrobnication in the extension, because it's defined directly in the protocol, but A doesn't implement it, and the extension provides a default implementation.
For ins2, frobnicate still calls the default prepareToFrobnicate, and then call's B's implementation of actuallyFrobnicate, but B's implementation doesn't set its onlyBHas property there. Instead, it just returns a string, which frobnicate passes to finishFrobnication, which calls B's implementation, because unlike A, B provides its own implementation, and that's where B sets it.
Using this approach, you can simultaneously standardize the general algorithm of a task like frobnicate, while allowing for dramatically different implementation behavior. Of course, in this case, both A and B just set a property in their respective concrete types, but they do it at different phases of the algorithm, and you can imagine adding other code, so that the two effects really would be very different.
The point of this approach is that when we call inst1.frobnicate(), it doesn't know or care about exactly what inst1 is doing internally do accomplish it. The fact that it internally sets the onlyAHas property in the concrete type is an implementation detail the calling code doesn't need to be concerned with.
Just use the concrete type
In your code example, you are creating and using ins1, and ins2 in the same context. So they could just as easily be defined like this:
var ins1 = A()
var ins2 = B()
ins1.onlyAHas = "a only" // <- This is fine because ins1 is an A
ins2.onlyBHas = "b only" // <- This is fine because ins2 is a B
If you have some function, munge that you want to do on both A and B, you can define it terms of the protocol.
func munge(_ p: any P)
// In here you can only use `p` as defined by the protocol, `P`
If munge needs to do things that depend on concrete-specific properties or methods, you can use one of the previously described approaches...
If you know for sure that you only will ever have a small number of concrete types conforming to P, which admittedly is sometimes impossible to really know, but occasionally you do, then you can just write specialized overloaded versions of munge for each concrete type:
func munge(_ a: A) {
// Do `A`-specific stuff with `a`
func munge(_ b: B) {
// Do `B`-specific stuff with `b`
This kind of regresses to older solutions to problems like this. When I say it's an old solution, I'm referring to the fact that even back when the C++ compiler was just a preprocessor that converted C++ source code to C source code which would then be compiled, didn't have templates, and standardization wasn't even on the horizon, it would let you overload functions. You can do that with Swift too, and it's a perfectly valid solution. Sometimes it's even the best solution. More often it leads to code duplication, but it's in your toolbox to use when it's appropriate.

Generic Type Casting compile check error [duplicate]

Why doesn't this Swift code compile?
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
let arr:[P] = [ S() ]
extension Array where Element : P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let result : [S] = arr.test()
The compiler says: "Type P does not conform to protocol P" (or, in later versions of Swift, "Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported.").
Why not? This feels like a hole in the language, somehow. I realize that the problem stems from declaring the array arr as an array of a protocol type, but is that an unreasonable thing to do? I thought protocols were there exactly to help supply structs with something like a type hierarchy?
Why don't protocols conform to themselves?
Allowing protocols to conform to themselves in the general case is unsound. The problem lies with static protocol requirements.
These include:
static methods and properties
Associated types (although these currently prevent the use of a protocol as an actual type)
We can access these requirements on a generic placeholder T where T : P – however we cannot access them on the protocol type itself, as there's no concrete conforming type to forward onto. Therefore we cannot allow T to be P.
Consider what would happen in the following example if we allowed the Array extension to be applicable to [P]:
protocol P {
struct S : P {}
struct S1 : P {}
extension Array where Element : P {
mutating func appendNew() {
// If Element is P, we cannot possibly construct a new instance of it, as you cannot
// construct an instance of a protocol.
var arr: [P] = [S(), S1()]
// error: Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported
We cannot possibly call appendNew() on a [P], because P (the Element) is not a concrete type and therefore cannot be instantiated. It must be called on an array with concrete-typed elements, where that type conforms to P.
It's a similar story with static method and property requirements:
protocol P {
static func foo()
static var bar: Int { get }
struct SomeGeneric<T : P> {
func baz() {
// If T is P, what's the value of bar? There isn't one – because there's no
// implementation of bar's getter defined on P itself.
T.foo() // If T is P, what method are we calling here?
// error: Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported
We cannot talk in terms of SomeGeneric<P>. We need concrete implementations of the static protocol requirements (notice how there are no implementations of foo() or bar defined in the above example). Although we can define implementations of these requirements in a P extension, these are defined only for the concrete types that conform to P – you still cannot call them on P itself.
Because of this, Swift just completely disallows us from using a protocol as a type that conforms to itself – because when that protocol has static requirements, it doesn't.
Instance protocol requirements aren't problematic, as you must call them on an actual instance that conforms to the protocol (and therefore must have implemented the requirements). So when calling a requirement on an instance typed as P, we can just forward that call onto the underlying concrete type's implementation of that requirement.
However making special exceptions for the rule in this case could lead to surprising inconsistencies in how protocols are treated by generic code. Although that being said, the situation isn't too dissimilar to associatedtype requirements – which (currently) prevent you from using a protocol as a type. Having a restriction that prevents you from using a protocol as a type that conforms to itself when it has static requirements could be an option for a future version of the language
Edit: And as explored below, this does look like what the Swift team are aiming for.
#objc protocols
And in fact, actually that's exactly how the language treats #objc protocols. When they don't have static requirements, they conform to themselves.
The following compiles just fine:
import Foundation
#objc protocol P {
func foo()
class C : P {
func foo() {
print("C's foo called!")
func baz<T : P>(_ t: T) {
let c: P = C()
baz requires that T conforms to P; but we can substitute in P for T because P doesn't have static requirements. If we add a static requirement to P, the example no longer compiles:
import Foundation
#objc protocol P {
static func bar()
func foo()
class C : P {
static func bar() {
print("C's bar called")
func foo() {
print("C's foo called!")
func baz<T : P>(_ t: T) {
let c: P = C()
baz(c) // error: Cannot invoke 'baz' with an argument list of type '(P)'
So one workaround to to this problem is to make your protocol #objc. Granted, this isn't an ideal workaround in many cases, as it forces your conforming types to be classes, as well as requiring the Obj-C runtime, therefore not making it viable on non-Apple platforms such as Linux.
But I suspect that this limitation is (one of) the primary reasons why the language already implements 'protocol without static requirements conforms to itself' for #objc protocols. Generic code written around them can be significantly simplified by the compiler.
Why? Because #objc protocol-typed values are effectively just class references whose requirements are dispatched using objc_msgSend. On the flip side, non-#objc protocol-typed values are more complicated, as they carry around both value and witness tables in order to both manage the memory of their (potentially indirectly stored) wrapped value and to determine what implementations to call for the different requirements, respectively.
Because of this simplified representation for #objc protocols, a value of such a protocol type P can share the same memory representation as a 'generic value' of type some generic placeholder T : P, presumably making it easy for the Swift team to allow the self-conformance. The same isn't true for non-#objc protocols however as such generic values don't currently carry value or protocol witness tables.
However this feature is intentional and is hopefully to be rolled out to non-#objc protocols, as confirmed by Swift team member Slava Pestov in the comments of SR-55 in response to your query about it (prompted by this question):
Matt Neuburg added a comment - 7 Sep 2017 1:33 PM
This does compile:
#objc protocol P {}
class C: P {}
func process<T: P>(item: T) -> T { return item }
func f(image: P) { let processed: P = process(item:image) }
Adding #objc makes it compile; removing it makes it not compile again.
Some of us over on Stack Overflow find this surprising and would like
to know whether that's deliberate or a buggy edge-case.
Slava Pestov added a comment - 7 Sep 2017 1:53 PM
It's deliberate – lifting this restriction is what this bug is about.
Like I said it's tricky and we don't have any concrete plans yet.
So hopefully it's something that language will one day support for non-#objc protocols as well.
But what current solutions are there for non-#objc protocols?
Implementing extensions with protocol constraints
In Swift 3.1, if you want an extension with a constraint that a given generic placeholder or associated type must be a given protocol type (not just a concrete type that conforms to that protocol) – you can simply define this with an == constraint.
For example, we could write your array extension as:
extension Array where Element == P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let arr: [P] = [S()]
let result: [S] = arr.test()
Of course, this now prevents us from calling it on an array with concrete type elements that conform to P. We could solve this by just defining an additional extension for when Element : P, and just forward onto the == P extension:
extension Array where Element : P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return (self as [P]).test()
let arr = [S()]
let result: [S] = arr.test()
However it's worth noting that this will perform an O(n) conversion of the array to a [P], as each element will have to be boxed in an existential container. If performance is an issue, you can simply solve this by re-implementing the extension method. This isn't an entirely satisfactory solution – hopefully a future version of the language will include a way to express a 'protocol type or conforms to protocol type' constraint.
Prior to Swift 3.1, the most general way of achieving this, as Rob shows in his answer, is to simply build a wrapper type for a [P], which you can then define your extension method(s) on.
Passing a protocol-typed instance to a constrained generic placeholder
Consider the following (contrived, but not uncommon) situation:
protocol P {
var bar: Int { get set }
func foo(str: String)
struct S : P {
var bar: Int
func foo(str: String) {/* ... */}
func takesConcreteP<T : P>(_ t: T) {/* ... */}
let p: P = S(bar: 5)
// error: Cannot invoke 'takesConcreteP' with an argument list of type '(P)'
We cannot pass p to takesConcreteP(_:), as we cannot currently substitute P for a generic placeholder T : P. Let's take a look at a couple of ways in which we can solve this problem.
1. Opening existentials
Rather than attempting to substitute P for T : P, what if we could dig into the underlying concrete type that the P typed value was wrapping and substitute that instead? Unfortunately, this requires a language feature called opening existentials, which currently isn't directly available to users.
However, Swift does implicitly open existentials (protocol-typed values) when accessing members on them (i.e it digs out the runtime type and makes it accessible in the form of a generic placeholder). We can exploit this fact in a protocol extension on P:
extension P {
func callTakesConcreteP/*<Self : P>*/(/*self: Self*/) {
Note the implicit generic Self placeholder that the extension method takes, which is used to type the implicit self parameter – this happens behind the scenes with all protocol extension members. When calling such a method on a protocol typed value P, Swift digs out the underlying concrete type, and uses this to satisfy the Self generic placeholder. This is why we're able to call takesConcreteP(_:) with self – we're satisfying T with Self.
This means that we can now say:
And takesConcreteP(_:) gets called with its generic placeholder T being satisfied by the underlying concrete type (in this case S). Note that this isn't "protocols conforming to themselves", as we're substituting a concrete type rather than P – try adding a static requirement to the protocol and seeing what happens when you call it from within takesConcreteP(_:).
If Swift continues to disallow protocols from conforming to themselves, the next best alternative would be implicitly opening existentials when attempting to pass them as arguments to parameters of generic type – effectively doing exactly what our protocol extension trampoline did, just without the boilerplate.
However note that opening existentials isn't a general solution to the problem of protocols not conforming to themselves. It doesn't deal with heterogenous collections of protocol-typed values, which may all have different underlying concrete types. For example, consider:
struct Q : P {
var bar: Int
func foo(str: String) {}
// The placeholder `T` must be satisfied by a single type
func takesConcreteArrayOfP<T : P>(_ t: [T]) {}
// ...but an array of `P` could have elements of different underlying concrete types.
let array: [P] = [S(bar: 1), Q(bar: 2)]
// So there's no sensible concrete type we can substitute for `T`.
For the same reasons, a function with multiple T parameters would also be problematic, as the parameters must take arguments of the same type – however if we have two P values, there's no way we can guarantee at compile time that they both have the same underlying concrete type.
In order to solve this problem, we can use a type eraser.
2. Build a type eraser
As Rob says, a type eraser, is the most general solution to the problem of protocols not conforming to themselves. They allow us to wrap a protocol-typed instance in a concrete type that conforms to that protocol, by forwarding the instance requirements to the underlying instance.
So, let's build a type erasing box that forwards P's instance requirements onto an underlying arbitrary instance that conforms to P:
struct AnyP : P {
private var base: P
init(_ base: P) {
self.base = base
var bar: Int {
get { return base.bar }
set { base.bar = newValue }
func foo(str: String) { base.foo(str: str) }
Now we can just talk in terms of AnyP instead of P:
let p = AnyP(S(bar: 5))
// example from #1...
let array = [AnyP(S(bar: 1)), AnyP(Q(bar: 2))]
Now, consider for a moment just why we had to build that box. As we discussed early, Swift needs a concrete type for cases where the protocol has static requirements. Consider if P had a static requirement – we would have needed to implement that in AnyP. But what should it have been implemented as? We're dealing with arbitrary instances that conform to P here – we don't know about how their underlying concrete types implement the static requirements, therefore we cannot meaningfully express this in AnyP.
Therefore, the solution in this case is only really useful in the case of instance protocol requirements. In the general case, we still cannot treat P as a concrete type that conforms to P.
EDIT: Eighteen more months of working w/ Swift, another major release (that provides a new diagnostic), and a comment from #AyBayBay makes me want to rewrite this answer. The new diagnostic is:
"Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported."
That actually makes this whole thing a lot clearer. This extension:
extension Array where Element : P {
doesn't apply when Element == P since P is not considered a concrete conformance of P. (The "put it in a box" solution below is still the most general solution.)
Old Answer:
It's yet another case of metatypes. Swift really wants you to get to a concrete type for most non-trivial things. [P] isn't a concrete type (you can't allocate a block of memory of known size for P). (I don't think that's actually true; you can absolutely create something of size P because it's done via indirection.) I don't think there's any evidence that this is a case of "shouldn't" work. This looks very much like one of their "doesn't work yet" cases. (Unfortunately it's almost impossible to get Apple to confirm the difference between those cases.) The fact that Array<P> can be a variable type (where Array cannot) indicates that they've already done some work in this direction, but Swift metatypes have lots of sharp edges and unimplemented cases. I don't think you're going to get a better "why" answer than that. "Because the compiler doesn't allow it." (Unsatisfying, I know. My whole Swift life…)
The solution is almost always to put things in a box. We build a type-eraser.
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
struct AnyPArray {
var array: [P]
init(_ array:[P]) { self.array = array }
extension AnyPArray {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let arr = AnyPArray([S()])
let result: [S] = arr.test()
When Swift allows you to do this directly (which I do expect eventually), it will likely just be by creating this box for you automatically. Recursive enums had exactly this history. You had to box them and it was incredibly annoying and restricting, and then finally the compiler added indirect to do the same thing more automatically.
If you extend CollectionType protocol instead of Array and constraint by protocol as a concrete type, you can rewrite the previous code as follows.
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
let arr:[P] = [ S() ]
extension CollectionType where Generator.Element == P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let result : [S] = arr.test()

Implementing protocol static method that takes and returns Self (in swift)

Given a protocol something along these lines:
protocol Thing {
static func *(lhs: Float, rhs: Self) -> Self
How is one expected to implement a box class?
class ThingBox<T: Thing>: Thing {
var thing: T
required init(thing: T) { self.thing = thing }
static func *(lhs: Float, rhs: Self) -> Self {
return Self(thing: lhs * rhs.thing)
The compiler complains that Self cannot be used in the method type, however the fact that ThingBox is subclassable means that using ThingBox<T> isn't appropriate.
Is it not possible to write this class without forcing it to be final?
Your * implementation has a few subtle problems. Here's the implementation you mean:
static func *(lhs: Float, rhs: ThingBox<T>) -> Self {
return self.init(thing: lhs * rhs.thing)
First, you can't use Self as a parameter type. You have to be explicit. Self means "the actual type" and if you could use that for a subclass, this would violate LSP. For example, say I have types Animal and Dog (with the obvious relationships). Say I wrote the function:
class Animal {
func f(_ a: Self) { ... }
with the meaning that Animal.f will take Animal, but Dog.f will only take Dog but will not take a Cat. So you would expect the following to be true:
dog.f(otherDog) // this works
dog.f(cat) // this fails
But that's breaks the rules of substitution. What if I write this:
let animal: Animal = Dog()
That should be legal, because Animal.f can take any Animal, but the implementation of Dog.f cannot take a cat. Type mismatch. Boom. So it's not legal. (This restriction does not exist for return types. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader. Try to create an example like the above for returning Self.)
The second error was just a syntax mistake. It's not Self(), it's self.init(). In a static method, self is the dynamic type (which is what you want), and Swift requires you to call init explicitly when used this way. That's just syntax, not a deep type issue like the other.
There's no way in Swift to inherit the thing you're talking about. If you want to overload, that's fine, but you have to be explicit about the types:
class OtherBox: ThingBox<Int> {
static func *(lhs: Float, rhs: OtherBox) -> Self {
return self.init(thing: lhs * rhs.thing)
This does exactly what you want, but it has to be added to each child; it won't inherit automatically with covariance. Swift doesn't have a strong covariance system to express it.
That said, when you start intermixing generics, protocols, and subclassing this way, you're going to run into many, many weird corner cases, both due to the math, and due to current Swift limitations. You should ask carefully if your actual code needs this much parameterization. Most cases I encounter of these kinds of questions are over-designed "in case we need it" and just simplifying your types and making things concrete is everything you need for solving the actual program you want to write. It's not that it wouldn't be nice to build incredibly generic algorithms built on higher-kinded types, but Swift just isn't the language for that today (and possibly never; there are a lot of costs to adding those features).

Swift: call generic function with Protocol instance [duplicate]

Why doesn't this Swift code compile?
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
let arr:[P] = [ S() ]
extension Array where Element : P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let result : [S] = arr.test()
The compiler says: "Type P does not conform to protocol P" (or, in later versions of Swift, "Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported.").
Why not? This feels like a hole in the language, somehow. I realize that the problem stems from declaring the array arr as an array of a protocol type, but is that an unreasonable thing to do? I thought protocols were there exactly to help supply structs with something like a type hierarchy?
Why don't protocols conform to themselves?
Allowing protocols to conform to themselves in the general case is unsound. The problem lies with static protocol requirements.
These include:
static methods and properties
Associated types (although these currently prevent the use of a protocol as an actual type)
We can access these requirements on a generic placeholder T where T : P – however we cannot access them on the protocol type itself, as there's no concrete conforming type to forward onto. Therefore we cannot allow T to be P.
Consider what would happen in the following example if we allowed the Array extension to be applicable to [P]:
protocol P {
struct S : P {}
struct S1 : P {}
extension Array where Element : P {
mutating func appendNew() {
// If Element is P, we cannot possibly construct a new instance of it, as you cannot
// construct an instance of a protocol.
var arr: [P] = [S(), S1()]
// error: Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported
We cannot possibly call appendNew() on a [P], because P (the Element) is not a concrete type and therefore cannot be instantiated. It must be called on an array with concrete-typed elements, where that type conforms to P.
It's a similar story with static method and property requirements:
protocol P {
static func foo()
static var bar: Int { get }
struct SomeGeneric<T : P> {
func baz() {
// If T is P, what's the value of bar? There isn't one – because there's no
// implementation of bar's getter defined on P itself.
T.foo() // If T is P, what method are we calling here?
// error: Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported
We cannot talk in terms of SomeGeneric<P>. We need concrete implementations of the static protocol requirements (notice how there are no implementations of foo() or bar defined in the above example). Although we can define implementations of these requirements in a P extension, these are defined only for the concrete types that conform to P – you still cannot call them on P itself.
Because of this, Swift just completely disallows us from using a protocol as a type that conforms to itself – because when that protocol has static requirements, it doesn't.
Instance protocol requirements aren't problematic, as you must call them on an actual instance that conforms to the protocol (and therefore must have implemented the requirements). So when calling a requirement on an instance typed as P, we can just forward that call onto the underlying concrete type's implementation of that requirement.
However making special exceptions for the rule in this case could lead to surprising inconsistencies in how protocols are treated by generic code. Although that being said, the situation isn't too dissimilar to associatedtype requirements – which (currently) prevent you from using a protocol as a type. Having a restriction that prevents you from using a protocol as a type that conforms to itself when it has static requirements could be an option for a future version of the language
Edit: And as explored below, this does look like what the Swift team are aiming for.
#objc protocols
And in fact, actually that's exactly how the language treats #objc protocols. When they don't have static requirements, they conform to themselves.
The following compiles just fine:
import Foundation
#objc protocol P {
func foo()
class C : P {
func foo() {
print("C's foo called!")
func baz<T : P>(_ t: T) {
let c: P = C()
baz requires that T conforms to P; but we can substitute in P for T because P doesn't have static requirements. If we add a static requirement to P, the example no longer compiles:
import Foundation
#objc protocol P {
static func bar()
func foo()
class C : P {
static func bar() {
print("C's bar called")
func foo() {
print("C's foo called!")
func baz<T : P>(_ t: T) {
let c: P = C()
baz(c) // error: Cannot invoke 'baz' with an argument list of type '(P)'
So one workaround to to this problem is to make your protocol #objc. Granted, this isn't an ideal workaround in many cases, as it forces your conforming types to be classes, as well as requiring the Obj-C runtime, therefore not making it viable on non-Apple platforms such as Linux.
But I suspect that this limitation is (one of) the primary reasons why the language already implements 'protocol without static requirements conforms to itself' for #objc protocols. Generic code written around them can be significantly simplified by the compiler.
Why? Because #objc protocol-typed values are effectively just class references whose requirements are dispatched using objc_msgSend. On the flip side, non-#objc protocol-typed values are more complicated, as they carry around both value and witness tables in order to both manage the memory of their (potentially indirectly stored) wrapped value and to determine what implementations to call for the different requirements, respectively.
Because of this simplified representation for #objc protocols, a value of such a protocol type P can share the same memory representation as a 'generic value' of type some generic placeholder T : P, presumably making it easy for the Swift team to allow the self-conformance. The same isn't true for non-#objc protocols however as such generic values don't currently carry value or protocol witness tables.
However this feature is intentional and is hopefully to be rolled out to non-#objc protocols, as confirmed by Swift team member Slava Pestov in the comments of SR-55 in response to your query about it (prompted by this question):
Matt Neuburg added a comment - 7 Sep 2017 1:33 PM
This does compile:
#objc protocol P {}
class C: P {}
func process<T: P>(item: T) -> T { return item }
func f(image: P) { let processed: P = process(item:image) }
Adding #objc makes it compile; removing it makes it not compile again.
Some of us over on Stack Overflow find this surprising and would like
to know whether that's deliberate or a buggy edge-case.
Slava Pestov added a comment - 7 Sep 2017 1:53 PM
It's deliberate – lifting this restriction is what this bug is about.
Like I said it's tricky and we don't have any concrete plans yet.
So hopefully it's something that language will one day support for non-#objc protocols as well.
But what current solutions are there for non-#objc protocols?
Implementing extensions with protocol constraints
In Swift 3.1, if you want an extension with a constraint that a given generic placeholder or associated type must be a given protocol type (not just a concrete type that conforms to that protocol) – you can simply define this with an == constraint.
For example, we could write your array extension as:
extension Array where Element == P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let arr: [P] = [S()]
let result: [S] = arr.test()
Of course, this now prevents us from calling it on an array with concrete type elements that conform to P. We could solve this by just defining an additional extension for when Element : P, and just forward onto the == P extension:
extension Array where Element : P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return (self as [P]).test()
let arr = [S()]
let result: [S] = arr.test()
However it's worth noting that this will perform an O(n) conversion of the array to a [P], as each element will have to be boxed in an existential container. If performance is an issue, you can simply solve this by re-implementing the extension method. This isn't an entirely satisfactory solution – hopefully a future version of the language will include a way to express a 'protocol type or conforms to protocol type' constraint.
Prior to Swift 3.1, the most general way of achieving this, as Rob shows in his answer, is to simply build a wrapper type for a [P], which you can then define your extension method(s) on.
Passing a protocol-typed instance to a constrained generic placeholder
Consider the following (contrived, but not uncommon) situation:
protocol P {
var bar: Int { get set }
func foo(str: String)
struct S : P {
var bar: Int
func foo(str: String) {/* ... */}
func takesConcreteP<T : P>(_ t: T) {/* ... */}
let p: P = S(bar: 5)
// error: Cannot invoke 'takesConcreteP' with an argument list of type '(P)'
We cannot pass p to takesConcreteP(_:), as we cannot currently substitute P for a generic placeholder T : P. Let's take a look at a couple of ways in which we can solve this problem.
1. Opening existentials
Rather than attempting to substitute P for T : P, what if we could dig into the underlying concrete type that the P typed value was wrapping and substitute that instead? Unfortunately, this requires a language feature called opening existentials, which currently isn't directly available to users.
However, Swift does implicitly open existentials (protocol-typed values) when accessing members on them (i.e it digs out the runtime type and makes it accessible in the form of a generic placeholder). We can exploit this fact in a protocol extension on P:
extension P {
func callTakesConcreteP/*<Self : P>*/(/*self: Self*/) {
Note the implicit generic Self placeholder that the extension method takes, which is used to type the implicit self parameter – this happens behind the scenes with all protocol extension members. When calling such a method on a protocol typed value P, Swift digs out the underlying concrete type, and uses this to satisfy the Self generic placeholder. This is why we're able to call takesConcreteP(_:) with self – we're satisfying T with Self.
This means that we can now say:
And takesConcreteP(_:) gets called with its generic placeholder T being satisfied by the underlying concrete type (in this case S). Note that this isn't "protocols conforming to themselves", as we're substituting a concrete type rather than P – try adding a static requirement to the protocol and seeing what happens when you call it from within takesConcreteP(_:).
If Swift continues to disallow protocols from conforming to themselves, the next best alternative would be implicitly opening existentials when attempting to pass them as arguments to parameters of generic type – effectively doing exactly what our protocol extension trampoline did, just without the boilerplate.
However note that opening existentials isn't a general solution to the problem of protocols not conforming to themselves. It doesn't deal with heterogenous collections of protocol-typed values, which may all have different underlying concrete types. For example, consider:
struct Q : P {
var bar: Int
func foo(str: String) {}
// The placeholder `T` must be satisfied by a single type
func takesConcreteArrayOfP<T : P>(_ t: [T]) {}
// ...but an array of `P` could have elements of different underlying concrete types.
let array: [P] = [S(bar: 1), Q(bar: 2)]
// So there's no sensible concrete type we can substitute for `T`.
For the same reasons, a function with multiple T parameters would also be problematic, as the parameters must take arguments of the same type – however if we have two P values, there's no way we can guarantee at compile time that they both have the same underlying concrete type.
In order to solve this problem, we can use a type eraser.
2. Build a type eraser
As Rob says, a type eraser, is the most general solution to the problem of protocols not conforming to themselves. They allow us to wrap a protocol-typed instance in a concrete type that conforms to that protocol, by forwarding the instance requirements to the underlying instance.
So, let's build a type erasing box that forwards P's instance requirements onto an underlying arbitrary instance that conforms to P:
struct AnyP : P {
private var base: P
init(_ base: P) {
self.base = base
var bar: Int {
get { return base.bar }
set { base.bar = newValue }
func foo(str: String) { base.foo(str: str) }
Now we can just talk in terms of AnyP instead of P:
let p = AnyP(S(bar: 5))
// example from #1...
let array = [AnyP(S(bar: 1)), AnyP(Q(bar: 2))]
Now, consider for a moment just why we had to build that box. As we discussed early, Swift needs a concrete type for cases where the protocol has static requirements. Consider if P had a static requirement – we would have needed to implement that in AnyP. But what should it have been implemented as? We're dealing with arbitrary instances that conform to P here – we don't know about how their underlying concrete types implement the static requirements, therefore we cannot meaningfully express this in AnyP.
Therefore, the solution in this case is only really useful in the case of instance protocol requirements. In the general case, we still cannot treat P as a concrete type that conforms to P.
EDIT: Eighteen more months of working w/ Swift, another major release (that provides a new diagnostic), and a comment from #AyBayBay makes me want to rewrite this answer. The new diagnostic is:
"Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported."
That actually makes this whole thing a lot clearer. This extension:
extension Array where Element : P {
doesn't apply when Element == P since P is not considered a concrete conformance of P. (The "put it in a box" solution below is still the most general solution.)
Old Answer:
It's yet another case of metatypes. Swift really wants you to get to a concrete type for most non-trivial things. [P] isn't a concrete type (you can't allocate a block of memory of known size for P). (I don't think that's actually true; you can absolutely create something of size P because it's done via indirection.) I don't think there's any evidence that this is a case of "shouldn't" work. This looks very much like one of their "doesn't work yet" cases. (Unfortunately it's almost impossible to get Apple to confirm the difference between those cases.) The fact that Array<P> can be a variable type (where Array cannot) indicates that they've already done some work in this direction, but Swift metatypes have lots of sharp edges and unimplemented cases. I don't think you're going to get a better "why" answer than that. "Because the compiler doesn't allow it." (Unsatisfying, I know. My whole Swift life…)
The solution is almost always to put things in a box. We build a type-eraser.
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
struct AnyPArray {
var array: [P]
init(_ array:[P]) { self.array = array }
extension AnyPArray {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let arr = AnyPArray([S()])
let result: [S] = arr.test()
When Swift allows you to do this directly (which I do expect eventually), it will likely just be by creating this box for you automatically. Recursive enums had exactly this history. You had to box them and it was incredibly annoying and restricting, and then finally the compiler added indirect to do the same thing more automatically.
If you extend CollectionType protocol instead of Array and constraint by protocol as a concrete type, you can rewrite the previous code as follows.
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
let arr:[P] = [ S() ]
extension CollectionType where Generator.Element == P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let result : [S] = arr.test()

JSONEncoder works for [String:String] fails for [String:Codable] [duplicate]

Why doesn't this Swift code compile?
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
let arr:[P] = [ S() ]
extension Array where Element : P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let result : [S] = arr.test()
The compiler says: "Type P does not conform to protocol P" (or, in later versions of Swift, "Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported.").
Why not? This feels like a hole in the language, somehow. I realize that the problem stems from declaring the array arr as an array of a protocol type, but is that an unreasonable thing to do? I thought protocols were there exactly to help supply structs with something like a type hierarchy?
Why don't protocols conform to themselves?
Allowing protocols to conform to themselves in the general case is unsound. The problem lies with static protocol requirements.
These include:
static methods and properties
Associated types (although these currently prevent the use of a protocol as an actual type)
We can access these requirements on a generic placeholder T where T : P – however we cannot access them on the protocol type itself, as there's no concrete conforming type to forward onto. Therefore we cannot allow T to be P.
Consider what would happen in the following example if we allowed the Array extension to be applicable to [P]:
protocol P {
struct S : P {}
struct S1 : P {}
extension Array where Element : P {
mutating func appendNew() {
// If Element is P, we cannot possibly construct a new instance of it, as you cannot
// construct an instance of a protocol.
var arr: [P] = [S(), S1()]
// error: Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported
We cannot possibly call appendNew() on a [P], because P (the Element) is not a concrete type and therefore cannot be instantiated. It must be called on an array with concrete-typed elements, where that type conforms to P.
It's a similar story with static method and property requirements:
protocol P {
static func foo()
static var bar: Int { get }
struct SomeGeneric<T : P> {
func baz() {
// If T is P, what's the value of bar? There isn't one – because there's no
// implementation of bar's getter defined on P itself.
T.foo() // If T is P, what method are we calling here?
// error: Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported
We cannot talk in terms of SomeGeneric<P>. We need concrete implementations of the static protocol requirements (notice how there are no implementations of foo() or bar defined in the above example). Although we can define implementations of these requirements in a P extension, these are defined only for the concrete types that conform to P – you still cannot call them on P itself.
Because of this, Swift just completely disallows us from using a protocol as a type that conforms to itself – because when that protocol has static requirements, it doesn't.
Instance protocol requirements aren't problematic, as you must call them on an actual instance that conforms to the protocol (and therefore must have implemented the requirements). So when calling a requirement on an instance typed as P, we can just forward that call onto the underlying concrete type's implementation of that requirement.
However making special exceptions for the rule in this case could lead to surprising inconsistencies in how protocols are treated by generic code. Although that being said, the situation isn't too dissimilar to associatedtype requirements – which (currently) prevent you from using a protocol as a type. Having a restriction that prevents you from using a protocol as a type that conforms to itself when it has static requirements could be an option for a future version of the language
Edit: And as explored below, this does look like what the Swift team are aiming for.
#objc protocols
And in fact, actually that's exactly how the language treats #objc protocols. When they don't have static requirements, they conform to themselves.
The following compiles just fine:
import Foundation
#objc protocol P {
func foo()
class C : P {
func foo() {
print("C's foo called!")
func baz<T : P>(_ t: T) {
let c: P = C()
baz requires that T conforms to P; but we can substitute in P for T because P doesn't have static requirements. If we add a static requirement to P, the example no longer compiles:
import Foundation
#objc protocol P {
static func bar()
func foo()
class C : P {
static func bar() {
print("C's bar called")
func foo() {
print("C's foo called!")
func baz<T : P>(_ t: T) {
let c: P = C()
baz(c) // error: Cannot invoke 'baz' with an argument list of type '(P)'
So one workaround to to this problem is to make your protocol #objc. Granted, this isn't an ideal workaround in many cases, as it forces your conforming types to be classes, as well as requiring the Obj-C runtime, therefore not making it viable on non-Apple platforms such as Linux.
But I suspect that this limitation is (one of) the primary reasons why the language already implements 'protocol without static requirements conforms to itself' for #objc protocols. Generic code written around them can be significantly simplified by the compiler.
Why? Because #objc protocol-typed values are effectively just class references whose requirements are dispatched using objc_msgSend. On the flip side, non-#objc protocol-typed values are more complicated, as they carry around both value and witness tables in order to both manage the memory of their (potentially indirectly stored) wrapped value and to determine what implementations to call for the different requirements, respectively.
Because of this simplified representation for #objc protocols, a value of such a protocol type P can share the same memory representation as a 'generic value' of type some generic placeholder T : P, presumably making it easy for the Swift team to allow the self-conformance. The same isn't true for non-#objc protocols however as such generic values don't currently carry value or protocol witness tables.
However this feature is intentional and is hopefully to be rolled out to non-#objc protocols, as confirmed by Swift team member Slava Pestov in the comments of SR-55 in response to your query about it (prompted by this question):
Matt Neuburg added a comment - 7 Sep 2017 1:33 PM
This does compile:
#objc protocol P {}
class C: P {}
func process<T: P>(item: T) -> T { return item }
func f(image: P) { let processed: P = process(item:image) }
Adding #objc makes it compile; removing it makes it not compile again.
Some of us over on Stack Overflow find this surprising and would like
to know whether that's deliberate or a buggy edge-case.
Slava Pestov added a comment - 7 Sep 2017 1:53 PM
It's deliberate – lifting this restriction is what this bug is about.
Like I said it's tricky and we don't have any concrete plans yet.
So hopefully it's something that language will one day support for non-#objc protocols as well.
But what current solutions are there for non-#objc protocols?
Implementing extensions with protocol constraints
In Swift 3.1, if you want an extension with a constraint that a given generic placeholder or associated type must be a given protocol type (not just a concrete type that conforms to that protocol) – you can simply define this with an == constraint.
For example, we could write your array extension as:
extension Array where Element == P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let arr: [P] = [S()]
let result: [S] = arr.test()
Of course, this now prevents us from calling it on an array with concrete type elements that conform to P. We could solve this by just defining an additional extension for when Element : P, and just forward onto the == P extension:
extension Array where Element : P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return (self as [P]).test()
let arr = [S()]
let result: [S] = arr.test()
However it's worth noting that this will perform an O(n) conversion of the array to a [P], as each element will have to be boxed in an existential container. If performance is an issue, you can simply solve this by re-implementing the extension method. This isn't an entirely satisfactory solution – hopefully a future version of the language will include a way to express a 'protocol type or conforms to protocol type' constraint.
Prior to Swift 3.1, the most general way of achieving this, as Rob shows in his answer, is to simply build a wrapper type for a [P], which you can then define your extension method(s) on.
Passing a protocol-typed instance to a constrained generic placeholder
Consider the following (contrived, but not uncommon) situation:
protocol P {
var bar: Int { get set }
func foo(str: String)
struct S : P {
var bar: Int
func foo(str: String) {/* ... */}
func takesConcreteP<T : P>(_ t: T) {/* ... */}
let p: P = S(bar: 5)
// error: Cannot invoke 'takesConcreteP' with an argument list of type '(P)'
We cannot pass p to takesConcreteP(_:), as we cannot currently substitute P for a generic placeholder T : P. Let's take a look at a couple of ways in which we can solve this problem.
1. Opening existentials
Rather than attempting to substitute P for T : P, what if we could dig into the underlying concrete type that the P typed value was wrapping and substitute that instead? Unfortunately, this requires a language feature called opening existentials, which currently isn't directly available to users.
However, Swift does implicitly open existentials (protocol-typed values) when accessing members on them (i.e it digs out the runtime type and makes it accessible in the form of a generic placeholder). We can exploit this fact in a protocol extension on P:
extension P {
func callTakesConcreteP/*<Self : P>*/(/*self: Self*/) {
Note the implicit generic Self placeholder that the extension method takes, which is used to type the implicit self parameter – this happens behind the scenes with all protocol extension members. When calling such a method on a protocol typed value P, Swift digs out the underlying concrete type, and uses this to satisfy the Self generic placeholder. This is why we're able to call takesConcreteP(_:) with self – we're satisfying T with Self.
This means that we can now say:
And takesConcreteP(_:) gets called with its generic placeholder T being satisfied by the underlying concrete type (in this case S). Note that this isn't "protocols conforming to themselves", as we're substituting a concrete type rather than P – try adding a static requirement to the protocol and seeing what happens when you call it from within takesConcreteP(_:).
If Swift continues to disallow protocols from conforming to themselves, the next best alternative would be implicitly opening existentials when attempting to pass them as arguments to parameters of generic type – effectively doing exactly what our protocol extension trampoline did, just without the boilerplate.
However note that opening existentials isn't a general solution to the problem of protocols not conforming to themselves. It doesn't deal with heterogenous collections of protocol-typed values, which may all have different underlying concrete types. For example, consider:
struct Q : P {
var bar: Int
func foo(str: String) {}
// The placeholder `T` must be satisfied by a single type
func takesConcreteArrayOfP<T : P>(_ t: [T]) {}
// ...but an array of `P` could have elements of different underlying concrete types.
let array: [P] = [S(bar: 1), Q(bar: 2)]
// So there's no sensible concrete type we can substitute for `T`.
For the same reasons, a function with multiple T parameters would also be problematic, as the parameters must take arguments of the same type – however if we have two P values, there's no way we can guarantee at compile time that they both have the same underlying concrete type.
In order to solve this problem, we can use a type eraser.
2. Build a type eraser
As Rob says, a type eraser, is the most general solution to the problem of protocols not conforming to themselves. They allow us to wrap a protocol-typed instance in a concrete type that conforms to that protocol, by forwarding the instance requirements to the underlying instance.
So, let's build a type erasing box that forwards P's instance requirements onto an underlying arbitrary instance that conforms to P:
struct AnyP : P {
private var base: P
init(_ base: P) {
self.base = base
var bar: Int {
get { return base.bar }
set { base.bar = newValue }
func foo(str: String) { base.foo(str: str) }
Now we can just talk in terms of AnyP instead of P:
let p = AnyP(S(bar: 5))
// example from #1...
let array = [AnyP(S(bar: 1)), AnyP(Q(bar: 2))]
Now, consider for a moment just why we had to build that box. As we discussed early, Swift needs a concrete type for cases where the protocol has static requirements. Consider if P had a static requirement – we would have needed to implement that in AnyP. But what should it have been implemented as? We're dealing with arbitrary instances that conform to P here – we don't know about how their underlying concrete types implement the static requirements, therefore we cannot meaningfully express this in AnyP.
Therefore, the solution in this case is only really useful in the case of instance protocol requirements. In the general case, we still cannot treat P as a concrete type that conforms to P.
EDIT: Eighteen more months of working w/ Swift, another major release (that provides a new diagnostic), and a comment from #AyBayBay makes me want to rewrite this answer. The new diagnostic is:
"Using 'P' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'P' is not supported."
That actually makes this whole thing a lot clearer. This extension:
extension Array where Element : P {
doesn't apply when Element == P since P is not considered a concrete conformance of P. (The "put it in a box" solution below is still the most general solution.)
Old Answer:
It's yet another case of metatypes. Swift really wants you to get to a concrete type for most non-trivial things. [P] isn't a concrete type (you can't allocate a block of memory of known size for P). (I don't think that's actually true; you can absolutely create something of size P because it's done via indirection.) I don't think there's any evidence that this is a case of "shouldn't" work. This looks very much like one of their "doesn't work yet" cases. (Unfortunately it's almost impossible to get Apple to confirm the difference between those cases.) The fact that Array<P> can be a variable type (where Array cannot) indicates that they've already done some work in this direction, but Swift metatypes have lots of sharp edges and unimplemented cases. I don't think you're going to get a better "why" answer than that. "Because the compiler doesn't allow it." (Unsatisfying, I know. My whole Swift life…)
The solution is almost always to put things in a box. We build a type-eraser.
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
struct AnyPArray {
var array: [P]
init(_ array:[P]) { self.array = array }
extension AnyPArray {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let arr = AnyPArray([S()])
let result: [S] = arr.test()
When Swift allows you to do this directly (which I do expect eventually), it will likely just be by creating this box for you automatically. Recursive enums had exactly this history. You had to box them and it was incredibly annoying and restricting, and then finally the compiler added indirect to do the same thing more automatically.
If you extend CollectionType protocol instead of Array and constraint by protocol as a concrete type, you can rewrite the previous code as follows.
protocol P { }
struct S: P { }
let arr:[P] = [ S() ]
extension CollectionType where Generator.Element == P {
func test<T>() -> [T] {
return []
let result : [S] = arr.test()