hitCallback is not working with Disconnect, Ghostery, etc - universal-analytics

I following code in my html:
Sign up
It is not working then Disconnect or similar plugin installed in Chrome or other browser. How to solve this issue?

I have used decoded version of Universal Analytics code and put calling hitCallback there:
<!-- Google Analytics -->
* Creates a temporary global ga object and loads analy tics.js.
* Paramenters o, a, and m are all used internally. They could have been declared using 'var',
* instead they are declared as parameters to save 4 bytes ('var ').
* #param {Window} i The global context object.
* #param {Document} s The DOM document object.
* #param {string} o Must be 'script'.
* #param {string} g URL of the analytics.js script. Inherits protocol from page.
* #param {string} r Global name of analytics object. Defaults to 'ga'.
* #param {DOMElement?} a Async script tag.
* #param {DOMElement?} m First script tag in document.
(function(window, document, strScript, url, variableName, scriptElement, firstScript) {
window['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = variableName; // Acts as a pointer to support renaming.
// Creates an initial ga() function. The queued commands will be executed once analytics.js loads.
window[variableName] = window[variableName] || function() {
(window[variableName].q = window[variableName].q || []).push(arguments);
// If user uses Disconnect, Ghostery, DoNotTrackMe or similar plugin we shoud make hitCallback to work
if(typeof arguments[2] == "object" && typeof arguments[2].hitCallback == "function") {
} else if (typeof arguments[5] == "object" && typeof arguments[5].hitCallback == "function") {
// Sets the time (as an integer) this tag was executed. Used for timing hits.
window[variableName].l = 1 * new Date();
// Insert the script tag asynchronously. Inserts above current tag to prevent blocking in
// addition to using the async attribute.
scriptElement = document.createElement(strScript),
firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName(strScript)[0];
scriptElement.async = 1;
scriptElement.src = url;
firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, firstScript)
})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-1', 'auto'); // Creates the tracker with default parameters.
ga('send', 'pageview'); // Sends a pageview hit.
<!-- End Google Analytics -->

The following article discusses this problem in detail:


Contentsliding is not stopping at sysfolder since TYPO3 v10 - How to solve?

The TSref entry for slide explains:
Up to Version 9 of TYPO3 the sliding stopped when reaching a folder.
Beginning with TYPO3 10 this is not longer the case. See
Ok, this variable is still 255 (formerly directly, now via constant PageRepository::DOKTYPE_RECYCLER).
What exactly should I see there that will help me? Or better, how to get content sliding still working like before?
You have to extend the ContentObjectRenderer class and overwrite the getSlidePids method with your own extension.
In the boot function of ext_localconf.php:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['Objects'][\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::class] = [
'className' => \YourVendor\YourExtensionKey\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::class
Then you have to create your own "Classes/ContentObject/ContentObjectRenderer.php" with:
* This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
* It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
* The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
namespace YourVendor\YourExtension\ContentObject;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Repository\PageRepository;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
class ContentObjectRenderer extends \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer
* Returns all parents of the given PID (Page UID) list
* #param string $pidList A list of page Content-Element PIDs (Page UIDs) / stdWrap
* #param array $pidConf stdWrap array for the list
* #return string A list of PIDs
* #internal
public function getSlidePids($pidList, $pidConf)
// todo: phpstan states that $pidConf always exists and is not nullable. At the moment, this is a false positive
// as null can be passed into this method via $pidConf. As soon as more strict types are used, this isset
// check must be replaced with a more appropriate check like empty or count.
$pidList = isset($pidConf) ? trim($this->stdWrap($pidList, $pidConf)) : trim($pidList);
if ($pidList === '') {
$pidList = 'this';
$tsfe = $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController();
$listArr = null;
if (trim($pidList)) {
$listArr = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', str_replace('this', (string)$tsfe->contentPid, $pidList));
$listArr = $this->checkPidArray($listArr);
$pidList = [];
if (is_array($listArr) && !empty($listArr)) {
foreach ($listArr as $uid) {
$page = $tsfe->sys_page->getPage($uid);
if($page['doktype'] == PageRepository::DOKTYPE_SYSFOLDER)
if (!$page['is_siteroot']) {
$pidList[] = $page['pid'];
return implode(',', $pidList);

Ag-Grid : Access to the row node/data in the browser's Developer Tools

When debugging my application with Chrome's Developer Tools I would like to be able to access the row node or the column on a given ag-cell.
I can do it if there is an Angular cellRenderer (using ng.getComponent($0) I can access my Angular component and the params). But is it possible with the default cellRenderer ?
I'd recommend a simple solution: use the cellClicked callback.
and in your component:
I've created a StackBlitz for your here.
This answer works only if you are using AgGrid within Angular.
I created a function (here in Typescript) that can be included in your app code.
You can then call-it from the Dev Tools:
select an element inside the AgGrid (which must be created using an Angular Component)
in the console, run getAgGridCellInfo($0) (as you would call ng.getComponent($0))
Code to be copied inside your app's code :
* For Dev tool's console, provides an easy access to a cell's Node and column.
* Just :
* * select an element inside the AgGrid (which must be created using an <ag-grid-angular> Angular Component)
* * in the console, run getAgGridCellInfo($0) (as you would call ng.getComponent($0))
* #param element HTMLElement ($0 usually)
* #return an object with some information on the row, column and cell
function getAgGridCellInfo(element: HTMLElement) {
if (!element) {
console.error('Call with $0 parameter, after selecting a DOM element inside an AgGrid');
function getInheritedAttribute(el: HTMLElement, attributeName: string) {
if (!el) {
throw new Error('Could not find attribute ' + attributeName + ' in parents of ' + element);
const elVal = el.getAttribute(attributeName);
return elVal != null ? elVal : getInheritedAttribute(el.parentElement, attributeName);
function getAgGridCompontent(el: HTMLElement) {
const comp = window['ng'].getComponent(el);
return comp && comp.constructor.name === 'AgGridAngular' ? comp : getAgGridCompontent(el.parentElement);
const rowId = getInheritedAttribute(element, 'row-id');
const colId = getInheritedAttribute(element, 'col-id');
const agGridComp = getAgGridCompontent(element);
const api: GridApi = agGridComp?.api;
const rowNode = api?.getRowNode(rowId);
const colDef = api?.getColumnDef(colId);
const value = colDef && rowNode && api.getValue(colId, rowNode);
return {
api: api,
rowId: rowId,
colId: colId,
rowNode: rowNode,
colDef: colDef,
value: value,
data: rowNode?.data
window['getAgGridCellInfo'] = getAgGridCellInfo;

Dynamics CRM 365 : Downloading a Word Document Template via a Button on the Ribbon

Currently users have to click the ellipses, word templates, and finally quote to download the word template.
To make it easier for our users we would like to have the document download when pressing the "print quote" button on the ribbon.
Is this possible? If so how would I go about doing this? I understand how to edit the ribbon using the ribbon workbench. I need to know how to download a word template using the ribbon.
If the solution is using the ribbon workbench, what command can I enter to get the word template to download?
When you click the templates flyout, it's dynamically populated through an invocation of /AppWebServices/DocumentTemplate.asmx, which returns the XML for the menu.
The flyout for Word Templates in the Incident home page grid looks like this:
<Menu Id="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.HomepageGrid.incident.WordTemplates.Menu">
<MenuSection Id="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.HomepageGrid.incident.WordTemplates.Menu.CreateTemplates" Title="Create Word Template" Sequence="10" DisplayMode="Menu16">
<Controls Id="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.HomepageGrid.incident.WordTemplates.Menu.CreateTemplates.Controls">
<Button Id="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.HomepageGrid.incident.WordTemplates.Menu.CreateTemplates.Controls.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" Command="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.WordTemplate.CreateWordTemplate.Grid" Sequence="10" ToolTipDescription="Create Word Template" Alt="Create Word Template" LabelText="Create Word Template" />
<MenuSection Id="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.HomepageGrid.incident.WordTemplates.Menu.WordTemplates" Title="Word Templates" Sequence="20" DisplayMode="Menu16">
<Controls Id="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.HomepageGrid.incident.WordTemplates.Menu.WordTemplates.Controls">
<Button Id="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.HomepageGrid.incident.WordTemplates.Menu.WordTemplates.Controls.9b77c5b0-1033-4741-a01c-afdbdb1c3f22" Command="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.WordTemplate.TemplatesMenu.Grid" Sequence="10" ToolTipDescription="Case Summary" Alt="Case Summary" LabelText="Case Summary" />
I don't have the means to try it out at the moment, but I'd try and "copy" the last <Button>:
<Button Id="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.HomepageGrid.incident.WordTemplates.Menu.WordTemplates.Controls.9b77c5b0-1033-4741-a01c-afdbdb1c3f22" Command="incident|NoRelationship|HomePageGrid|Mscrm.WordTemplate.TemplatesMenu.Grid" Sequence="10" ToolTipDescription="Case Summary" Alt="Case Summary" LabelText="Case Summary" />
It's possible to do this using only supported features of CRM (of course I'm sure it's also possible to do using unsupported javascript, but I don't have time currently to investigate this). The steps that you should take to achieve the functionality you want:
Create new process of type Action, bound to entity that you want to
create a template for (the reason why I suggest Action here, is that
it can be easily invoked using JavaScript and CRM WebAPI)
In this Action add single step - invoke an Action and choose
built-in action "SetWordTemplate"
Set Properties of this action - choose the template that you need
and dynamically set the target to current entity (using Dynamic
Values assistant) If you never used this action - it simply creates
a given word template and adds it as an annotation to your entity
Now you need to write logic inside your button (I'm assuming you
know how to add a button using Ribbon Workbench or whatever)
Call your action using WebAPI
Find annotation that was just created for your entity with the
attached document
Download the attachment (you can show some prompt for the user or
simply force the download the file, user will have to save it)
Delete the annotation
Maybe not a one-liner, but keeps you in the supported zone...
ExecuteWordMerge = function (wordtemplateid, entitytypecodeint, ids, templatetype, fieldforfilename, filenameoverride) {
try {
var funcpath = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/_grid/print/print_data.aspx";
if (typeof ids !== "object") {
var tids = ids;
ids = new Array();
var wordTemplateId = wordtemplateid;//"f1f7b994-543b-e711-8106-c4346bac2908" test data;
var currentEntityTypeCode = entitytypecodeint;//"10063" test data;
var templateType = (templatetype || 9940); //9940 is global and 9941 is personal
var fieldForFileName = (fieldforfilename || "");
var formdata = "exportType=MergeWordTemplate&selectedRecords=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(ids)) +
"&associatedentitytypecode=" + currentEntityTypeCode + "&TemplateId=" + wordTemplateId + "&TemplateType=" + templateType;
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("POST", funcpath, true);
req.responseType = "arraybuffer";
req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8");
req.setRequestHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8");
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState == 4) {/* complete */
req.onreadystatechange = null;
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status <= 299) {//200 range okay
var mimetype = (2 === 2) ? "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" : "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
var blob = new Blob([req.response], { type: mimetype });
var fileNameTemplate = req.getResponseHeader('content-disposition').split('filename=')[1].replace(/'/g, "");
var dloadurl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var filename = (fieldForFileName !== "" && Xrm.Page.getAttribute(fieldForFileName) !== null && Xrm.Page.getAttribute(fieldForFileName).getValue() !== "") ?
Xrm.Page.getAttribute(fieldForFileName).getValue() : fileNameTemplate;
filename = filenameoverride || filename;
//new code, prevent IE errors
if (navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, filename);
else if (window.navigator.msSaveBlob) { // for IE browser
window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.style = "display: none";
a.href = dloadurl;
a.download = filename;
//window.location = dloadurl;//we can use just this instead of creating an anchor but we don't get to the name the file
else {
Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("An Error occurred generating the word document, please contact support if the issue persists,code: " + this.status, "ERROR", "worderror");
catch (err) {
Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("An Error occurred generating the word document, please contact support if the issue persists. " + err.message, "ERROR", "worderror");
Just to simplify #TeamEASI.com answer a little here is what I did.
Add a button to the ribbon using XRMToolBox Ribbon Workbench 2016.
Create a JS web resource like the one bellow.
* Author: Matthew Hunt
* File: vsi_DownloadTemplate.js
* Date: 12/20/2017
* Project: CRM USA
* Description: DownloadTemplate() allows the user to download a document template
* via a button on the ribbon.
* #param entitytypecode: the type code of the entity. In the ribbon workbench set a
* CRM parameter with value PrimaryEntityTypeCode. ex: 1063
* #param templateid: the id for the template you want to download. I had to go to
* the database to find this and pass it as a string parameter in the ribbon workbench.
* For example:
* SELECT DocumentTemplateId, Name FROM dbo.DocumentTemplateBase WHERE Name Like '%Quote%';
* returns something like 4AB391A4-D247-E711-80D3-005056914EA2
* Unforunatly, anytime the template is updated, you'll probably have to get the new id.
* #param templatetype: the code for the template type. Pass this value in the ribbon
* workbench as a int param. ex: 9940 is a documenttemplate
* #param filename: the resulting name of the file that will be downloaded to the users
* computer. Pass this value in the ribbon workbench as a string param. ex: Quote.docx
function DownloadTemplate(entitytypecode, templateid, templatetype, filename){
// retrieve the entity id from the current page
var entityid = new Array();
// try and make a request for the document template
// clear the page of any previous errors
// the path that will be used to retrieve the word template
var funcpath = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/_grid/print/print_data.aspx";
// open the request to create the template
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("POST", funcpath, true);
req.responseType = "arraybuffer";
req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8");
req.setRequestHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8");
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// on completion, run the bellow function
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
// request complete
if (this.readyState == 4) {
req.onreadystatechange = null;
// check if we got back a 200 from the request
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status <= 299) {
// add the download url to an a tag and then click the a tag
// to download the document
var mimetype = (2 === 2) ? "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" : "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
var blob = new Blob([req.response], { type: mimetype });
var dloadurl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement("a");
// if ie, because ie sucks
if (navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, filename);
// else a browser that doesn't suck
} else {
a.style = "display: none";
a.href = dloadurl;
a.download = filename;
// compile the data to send with the request
var formdata = "exportType=MergeWordTemplate&selectedRecords=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(entityid)) +
"&associatedentitytypecode=" + entitytypecode + "&TemplateId=" + templateid + "&templatetype=" + templatetype;
// make the request to create the template
}catch (err) {
* PrintError() is a helper method to display any errors to the user.
function PrintError(msg){
Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("An Error occurred generating the word document, please contact support if the issue persists. " + msg, "ERROR", "docerror");
IE fix: .click() giving access denied in IE11
Create a command using XRMToolBox Ribbon Workbench 2016 with the following parameters to execute the JS when the button is clicked.
With the new version of CRM this javascript code, need to be amened to remove the unsupported API, as well some addtional changes to be able to work also with CHROME.
below my working version,
* Author: Matthew Hunt
* Changes: Philippe Guarino
* File: vsi_DownloadTemplate.js
* Date: 22/09/2021
* Project: CRM USA
* Description: DownloadTemplate() allows the user to download a document template
* via a button on the ribbon.
* #param entitytypecode: the type code of the entity. In the ribbon workbench set a
* CRM parameter with value PrimaryEntityTypeCode. ex: 1063
* #param templateid: the id for the template you want to download. I had to go to
* the database to find this and pass it as a string parameter in the ribbon workbench.
* For example:
* SELECT DocumentTemplateId, Name FROM dbo.DocumentTemplateBase WHERE Name Like '%Quote%';
* returns something like 4AB391A4-D247-E711-80D3-005056914EA2
* Unforunatly, anytime the template is updated, you'll probably have to get the new id.
* #param templatetype: the code for the template type. Pass this value in the ribbon
* workbench as a int param. ex: 9940 is a documenttemplate
* #param filename: the resulting name of the file that will be downloaded to the users
* computer. Pass this value in the ribbon workbench as a string param. ex: Quote.docx
function DownloadTemplate(entitytypecode, templateid, templatetype, filename, formContext)
// var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); // get formContext
// retrieve the entity id from the current page
var entityid = new Array();
// try and make a request for the document template
// clear the page of any previous errors
// the path that will be used to retrieve the word template
var globalContext = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext();
var funcpath = globalContext.getClientUrl() + "/_grid/print/print_data.aspx";;
// open the request to create the template
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("POST", funcpath, true);
req.responseType = "arraybuffer";
req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8");
req.setRequestHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8");
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// on completion, run the bellow function
req.onreadystatechange = function ()
// request complete
if (this.readyState == 4)
req.onreadystatechange = null;
// check if we got back a 200 from the request
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status <= 299)
// add the download url to an a tag and then click the a tag
// to download the document
var mimetype = (2 === 2) ? "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" : "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
var blob = new Blob([req.response],
type: mimetype
var dloadurl = (window.URL ? URL : webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement("a");
// if ie, because ie sucks
if (navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob)
navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, filename);
// else a browser that doesn't suck
a.style = "display: none";
a.href = dloadurl;
a.download = filename;
// compile the data to send with the request
var formdata = "exportType=MergeWordTemplate&selectedRecords=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(entityid)) +
"&associatedentitytypecode=" + entitytypecode + "&TemplateId=" + templateid + "&templatetype=" + templatetype;
// make the request to create the template
catch (err)
* PrintError() is a helper method to display any errors to the user.
function PrintError(msg)
Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("An Error occurred generating the word document, please contact support if the issue persists. " + msg, "ERROR", "docerror");
To get the entity code, run below query:
SELECT coalesce(OriginalLocalizedName,name) AS DisplayName, Name AS SchemaName, ObjectTypeCode
FROM EntityLogicalView
ORDER BY ObjectTypeCode
and for Template ID:
SELECT DocumentTemplateId, Name FROM dbo.DocumentTemplateBase

userfunc condition for detecting mobile device

Since TYPO3 7 the condition 'device' and 'useragent' are deprecated. No I'm looking for a userFunc to use as a condition for detecting mobile devices. My aim is to hide or to show some special pages on mobile devices.
I used the extension 'contexts_wurfl' for a while but I guess that there should be 'smaller solutions'.
Thanks for any help.
You can accomplish this with TypoScript using the PAGE Object.
The code below shows you how to execute your own code before executing something else (like the template engine/content rendering etcetera).
page.01 = USER_INT
page.01 {
userFunc = TYPO3\MyExt\Utility\MobileDeviceUtility->detectMobileDevice
And in code:
namespace TYPO3\MyExt\Utility;
class MobileDeviceUtility {
* Is Mobile Device
* #return boolean
static public function isMobileDevice() {
// calculates if the user agent is on a mobile device
return TRUE;
* Detect Mobile Device
* #param string $content
* #param array $conf
* #return void
static public function detectMobileDevice($content, array $conf = NULL) {
global $TSFE;
if (self::isMobileDevice()
&& (boolean) $TSFE->page['mycustom_device_checkbox']
) {
// do something
OR otherwise you should create your own condition [YourVendor\YourPackage\YourCondition = var1 = value1, var2 != value2, ...].
If you would like to avoid writing a custom user function the globalString function of Typo3 can still be used in the later versions of Typo3 to access the useragent and other information like this:
[globalString = IENV:HTTP_USER_AGENT = *<User-Agent>*]
# Statements here will only affect browsers with the useragent matching <User-Agent>
# Statements here will only affect browsers with the useragent not matching <User-Agent>
Detailed documentation for conditions using globalStringcan be found here.
A Full list of variables that can be used with the globalString function can be found here.
To execute different typoscript for mobile and stationary devices I found the following snippet to be working for Typo3 8.7 LTS and 9.5 LTS:
[globalString = IENV:HTTP_USER_AGENT = *Android*]||[globalString = IENV:HTTP_USER_AGENT = *iPhone*]||[globalString = IENV:HTTP_USER_AGENT = *Mobile*]||[globalString = IENV:HTTP_USER_AGENT = *Windows Phone*]
# Statements for mobile devices only
# Statements for stationary devices only

Pass parameter to GWT bootstrap .nocache.js script

Is there any way to pass parameters to the .nocache.js script file generated by GWT and evaluate them in the onModuleLoad function? Like so:
<script type="text/javascript" src="application/Application.nocache.js?appId=461333815262909"></script>
The host page URL should be completely separated from the GWT stuff working inside, so passing the appId parameter as a query parameter for the host page and accessing it with Window.Location.getParameter is not an option. I know that I could hide such parameters e.g. in hidden DIVs and then query them from the script, but if it's possible, I'd love to avoid any further dependency in the host page.
Instead of hiding information in hidden divs which could get messy, an easy way to pass arguments is via the HTML meta tags.
In the HTML page that calls the GWT script, add a meta tag as follows:
<meta name="appId" content="461333815262909">
Then, in your module's entry point, parse it as follows:
public void onModuleLoad() {
NodeList<Element> metas = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("meta");
for (int i=0; i<metas.getLength(); i++) {
MetaElement meta = (MetaElement) metas.getItem(i);
if ("appId".equals(meta.getName())) {
Window.alert("Module loaded with appId: " + meta.getContent());
Granted, it's not quite as simple as passing the argument in the src URL of the script tag but I believe it to be a bit cleaner than hiding divs in the document content and less error-prone than artificially re-parsing the script tag's source attribute.
No, but this article may be helpful in passing parameters from the server to the client-side script for evaluation on page load.
There appears to be no native support in GWT for that, but I came up with the following solution lately:
Assuming that your script always follows the naming convention "/<moduleName>.nocache.js", you can fetch all <script> elements from the host page and search for the one which references this in the src attribute. You can then pull the URL-encoded attributes from there.
Here's my sample implementation, meant to be called with GWT.getModuleName() as the first parameter.
* Fetches a parameter passed to the module's nocache script.
* #param moduleName the module's name.
* #param parameterName the name of the parameter to fetch.
* #return the value of the parameter, or <code>null</code> if it was not
* found.
public static native String getParameter( String moduleName, String parameterName ) /*-{
var search = "/" + moduleName + ".nocache.js";
var scripts = $doc.getElementsByTagName( "script" );
for( var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i ) {
if( scripts[ i ].src != null && scripts[ i ].src.indexOf( search ) != -1 ) {
var parameters = scripts[ i ].src.match(/\w+=\w+/g);
for( var j = 0; j < parameters.length; ++j ) {
var keyvalue = parameters[ j ].split( "=" );
if( keyvalue.length == 2 && keyvalue[ 0 ] == parameterName ) {
return unescape( keyvalue[ 1 ] );
return null;
Suggestions for improvement are welcome.