I am a Fresh developer of Android application,
can anyone please help that how i can install ADT 11.0.0 on Eclipse(Helios),
i tried my best at least two days to overcome on this issue,but this error is coming continually that conflicting dependency is present.
First Method:
I tried to put ADT 11.0.0 offline in eclipse but this is not affecting,means i just copy paste plugin and features folder of ADT 11.0.0 in eclipse(helios)..
I used this URL http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ to install ADT 11.0.0 online,
Here is screen shots,
![This is an error which i am facing through online installation.]
I shall be very thankful if anyone helps me..........
Thanking you,
#HelperAndFinder, you can directly download Eclipse ADT bundle, advantage is that:
With a single download, the Eclipse ADT bundle includes everything you need to begin developing apps:
Eclipse + ADT plugin
Android SDK Tools
Android Platform-tools
A version of the Android platform
A version of the Android system image for the emulator
Means you don't need to install ADT separately, just you need to download this bundle and your job done.
That is one way, other way is:
Update an Eclipse IDE for Android development, in which you are more
interested. Kindly look into this link to see step by step procedure:
Click here - This link provides step by step guidance on same.
And for exploring Android in detail with to the point then check out this link:
And to give you high level overview then
Eclipse is IDE which supports Android App Development through plugin or as Complete package which is the first way.
Androi SDK - A Software Development Kit that enables developers to create applications for the Android platform. The Android SDK includes sample projects with source code, development tools, an emulator, and required libraries to build Android applications. Applications are written using the Java programming language and run on Dalvik, a custom virtual machine designed for embedded use which runs on top of a Linuxkernel.
ADT - ADT (Android Developer Tools) is a plugin for Eclipse that helps you to develop Android applications quickly. ADT provides GUI access to many of the command line SDK tools as well as a UI design tool for rapid prototyping, designing, and building of your application's user interface means just drag and drop thing is there to come up with basic layout for your application like we did in swing, and AWT kind of application. It's more than that just explore it more...;)
I have developed an Eclipse project (a game based on libgdx). I have included LibGdx library, Facebook SDK and google-play-services_lib. My game uses facebook "share" function and AdMob ads.
After developing it, I made documentation for this project, and I included the link for downloading Eclipse+adt for my client. But when he had followed to this link, he was forced to download Android Studio, not Eclipse. And now I don't know how to import this project to Android Studio.
I tried to import, it was imported well with right project structure.But when I click "Run" button, there are many errors occurs. All third-party libraries are unknown for Android Studio, many classes are not found, etc. I don't know how to setup Android Studio for LibGdx and AdMob (google play services).
You need to include the 3rd party libraries as dependencies in your build.gradle file.
The process is explained very well in the documentation.
i downloaded ADT bundle for linux 64bit from developers android website
also downloaded adt plugin zip and installed developer tools form HELP --->> INSTALL NEW SOFTWARE.
but when i open eclipse from the folder it opens as eclipse juno (i.e.the splash screen) and not as Android Developer Tools.
can anyone tell me what is wrong or am i openeing it the wrong way?
and i am using fedora 20.
Not sure if I understand your question correctly but ADT is mainly context menus integration in Eclipse. If you are in the Java perspective you can see on the Window menu the options Android SDK Manager, Android Virtual Devices, etc. You also have a perspective to debug called DDMS. You can create new project with template Android Project (or import Android project from existing sources). If you right click in a project you also have and Android Tools context menu, etc.
I'm trying to set up Eclipse to develop for Android Wear by following this tutorial:
I've made it to the step where one creates the new Android Wear Project and selects "Blank Wear Activity". On my setup, there is no "Blank Wear Activity" in the Create Activity dialog. It appears Eclipse is not finding the template to add to the list here.
I've tried this with Eclipse Luna downloaded from Eclipse.org, with ADT then installed via Eclipse's "Install New Software..." menu. I've also tried it on the pre-configured Eclipse Juno you can download from developer.android.com that has ADT pre-installed.
I can use the Android SDK manager to pull down the Android 4.4W platform stuff as well as Android Support Library and Google Support. I can find the wearable-1.0.0.aar and unpack it. I can import that project and all seems well. But I never wind up with the "Blank Wear Activity" template as an option. I've tried with and without installing the L Preview SDK.
All of this is on Ubuntu 14.04.
Since the latest ADT (23.0.2), there isn't any wizard to create wear activity.
So you can try to download this Black Activity For Android Wear and start from there.
Hope this help.
The templates are provided by Android Studio, so you can't find it in SDK or your ADT.
You can find it in AndroidStudio/plugins/android/lib/templates/activities
Eclipse uses for its templates the folder <android-sdk-folder>/extras/templates/.
The language used is the same, but I don't know if they can works on Eclipse without changes.
I am currently using the Android developer Tools platform to develop android code, downloaded from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html. Now i want to develop Java servlets as well for my server side app and generate the WAR file. As i understand it, I can't use the ADT to develop servlets. Since i think it is basically an Eclipse IDE with the ADT plugin, can i simply install another plugin so that it supports servlet development? If yes, how do i do that exactly? Or do i need to install another eclipse? I am a complete newbie to Eclipse and Java, so please bear with me.
Install the Web Tools Platform. Be sure to find out which version of the Eclipse Platform you're already using first. http://wiki.eclipse.org/WTP_FAQ#How_do_I_install_WTP.3F
I cut my teeth so to speak with eclipse.
Learning Java and even programming mobile devices using Eclipse was a rewarding experince. My last and not so favorable encounter using this platform was Pulsar. But all references to it has disappeared in the new version of Eclipse called indigo. I just like to know if anyone still recommends eclipse when programming mobile device whether J2ME or any other device?
You can continue using Eclipse for developing mobile applications with Indigo release as well. Eclipse Pulsar was a packaging of several Eclipse projects for a providing an all in one download. Pulsar package is discontinued on the indigo release because it lacked the volunteers to support it. However all the projects that were part of the Pulsar are available on indigo release with their new versions.
For JavaME development you can install the eclipse MTJ (mobile tools of Java) using the eclipse update manager.
While Java ME is waning in popularity, Eclipse is now the platform of choice for developing for Android devices (see ADT). I believe Blackberry also has Eclipse-based tooling. What's left is iOS and Windows Phone. For iOS, I have heard some people using Eclipse CDT for development, but it's not a first-class experience due to lack of support from Apple. For Windows Phone, it's Dev Studio all the way.